Dane Wigington
“Winter Weather Warnings for 13 States” (from Newsweek). Are geoengineering operations a part of this equation? “No amount of research or small-scale testing can ever demonstrate what would happen if these dangerous technologies (geoengineering) were unleashed on a planetary scale”, a quote from the Center for International Environmental Law. Too late, the damage that has already been done can’t be undone in any time frame that matters. The “CIEL” organization continues with this statement, “There is nothing in the history of humanity to suggest that we could fairly and responsibly govern an undertaking like geoengineering that would need to be sustained over hundreds of years”. Question, does the suggestion of such a timeframe have any relevance when the collapse of industrialized militarized civilization is already unfolding by the day? The latest installment of Global Alert News is below.
All are needed in the critical battle to wake populations to what is coming, we must make every day count. Share credible data from a credible source, make your voice heard.
Must view, THE DIMMING, our most comprehensive climate engineering documentary:
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22 Responses
Here in Florida – loads of spraying everyday. This is LEGAL. These companies (like who?) have to have a license (from who??) and then have to submit a spray plan form 10 days from spray date (which has a BIG $10,000 penalty (boo hoo) if they don't, which they don't. Florida senate bill 56 2025 mentions temperature changing, dimming the sun and weather changing, but looks as if focusing on the fine rather than just stopping the whole spraying. No wonder I can't find an air conditioner filter under a 5 MERV rating anymore. Someone knows something. Sure – a better filter but your system works harder. Change a MERV 3 every month and you are good.
Following considerable snowfall the past two weeks, here in the Western Massachusetts Berkshires, over the past several days we have been under a dense opaque gray curtain of sci-fi creepy weather. Unusually loud jets persistently fly over low but because of the curtain they're not visible. Rain on top of 12"+ of snow.
Tonight three jets went over within minutes of each other followed by sudden extremely high winds that knocked out power for a little while.
God will not be mocked.
We have very little snow on the ground from Monday night, but today we have rain, WHY is the snow still on the ground ?
Called out a bunch of bird watchers with their binoculars picking out fine details,but somehow oblivious to the particularly bad sprayed aerosol mess in progress over their heads. Their spokesperson disagreed,but did catch her tracking one spewing it's filth overhead after I moved on….
While taking a ride in the mid western part of NH. this week, I went by lots of roadside hardwood stands. Now due to all the trees being leafless, the naked trees were extremely exposed against a snowy white backdrop. What I saw were the sickest specimens of oak maple and black birch. They were sick with moss fungus from the bottom to the smallest new growth tops. literally starting to rot as they are standing. Far more evident than last year and 98% more than my earlier years of noticing moss fungus on trees. Like i mentioned before In my early Youth 70+ years ago I was taught to use moss as an indicator of true north direction to navigate into and out of the woodlands. This method is no longer anything valid or useful because the sickly light green flaky moss grows all around the trees, invading the cambium layer. This moss is not smooth or as healthy darker green as in my early woodland experiences. Lots of dead broken limbs large and tiny are strewn all about indicating rapidly dying trees year after. Saplings die shortly before they are 3 feet tall. These days no longer are there groves of duff covered forest floor to walk into with any comfort, Now there is a tangled mess of tree debris making walking thru pathless forest a real chore. Man made paths need to be cleared weekly from newly fallen sickly tree debris. Besides the disappearance of wild fruits, nuts, small game and insects, especially honey bees This sickly forest scenario turns my eyes into a weeping state when i remember, earlier times. As i contemplate and witness it's demise, truly a sad state am i in; knowing it is a deliberate maniacal plot against mankind, animals and all of nature. “Dwaknigǫhęˀǫh” Cayuga I am in sorrow and in mourning.
Ever Watchful, I mourn with you as I close in on my 70th. Know that I was deeply touched by your response to my post in last week's GAN- my weekly Sunday morning worship period. Even wrote it down! Yes, I am a fringe dweller. "From the land of Lakes & Loons (state bird), I'm anguished by the global ruins."
A midst life's inflated to do list and cravings, my most joyful time has been overcoming the urge just to live the cozy life inside (-7 below this morning!) whether cold contacts with the young (students) to spread the flames of awareness, or feeding the birds outside (soon to follow at sunrise) or stepping out of my truck to approach other drivers (which has been too lacking), life is a gift when walking on the Great Path. Blessings to you for your keen observations as you help others to join in Dane's call- SET MY PLANET FREE!!! Hope this cheers you a bit.
Some people think they are stronger than the Creator.
In Job chapter 38 verse 19, the LORD asks
Where is the way where light dwelleth? and as for darkness, where is the place thereof?
By believing they can manipulate the climate by dimming the sun with aerosols, have they relly understood everything? Aren't the consequences disastrous?
Job chapter 38, verse 33,34
33(LORD asks) Knowest thou the ordinances of heaven? canst thou set the dominion thereof in the earth?
34 Canst thou lift up thy voice to the clouds, that abundance of waters may cover thee?
Climate engineers think they can answer "yes"…
We can see the catastrophic results. However, we can remain hopeful and put our trust in our Creator.
Lee russel and j rogan have been quoting you verbatim 4 @ a year or so.
So they know u and are following you.
They r scared 2 lose their platforms.
Plain n simple
On Sunday (12/7/2024) the sun came up in the morning and the temperature rocketed up to 50F by noon. At 2PM yet another fog bank rolled in from the south like a dust storm from the sky. The cloud descended onto the hilltops and poured into the valley. The temperature dropped to freezing. A friend was visiting. I asked him, "Does this look natural?"
"Fog banks have been rolling around forever," he said dismissively.
We are both locals, and I never saw a fog bank like that until a few years ago. If Wikipedia said that farts look like smoke, no one would believe you if you told them their ass was on fire. This is DARPAville, a little university town on the eastern edge of the Columbia Basin where the only thing that matters to anyone is getting their next grant proposal funded and building a retirement account.
Over the next five days the weather did not change. At all. The temperature was 29F plus or minus two degrees 95% of the time. It briefly went to 32.5F in the middle of the day a couple times, but every day the frost in places exposed to the sky melted from the heat radiating down through the hilltop clouds under the inversion. I could feel the heat from the sky even at night. There was no wind, no snow, no sun.
Under the trees and in shady places columnar stalagmites of ice grew out of the wet mud like mushrooms, each one topped with a small stick or piece of organic material acting as a seed. By the end of the week there was a canopy of litter suspended 1 to 1.5 inches above the ground. The mud never froze. Hoarfrost covered the trees on the hill 50 feet above me because they were in the clouds all day, but trees around me had no visible frost.
On Friday night it got a little colder, and by 3:30AM we reached a low for the whole week of 25F. Three hours later the temperature was 36F and climbing, a high for the week. This was the warm side of the storm, and the temperature climbed into the 40's before a cold mist began to descend. The temperature dropped and the mist turned to rain. I waited for it to turn to snow, but it never did. Periodically the rain would stop and it would bounce back up above 36F. It did not freeze overnight.
On Sunday the sun came out in late morning and I was blinded by it like a prisoner being released from a dungeon. I tried to enjoy the spring-like weather as they instruct us to on The Weather Channel, but I wasn't feeling it.
Forever chemicals tainting food supply, destroying American farmers
A growing number of farmers are finding forever chemical contamination
48 of 50 states spread potentially contaminated fertilizer sludge
Dairy farmer euthanized 80% of cows, $1.5 million in debt
Forever chemicals have become so ubiquitous that the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) says 97% of Americans now have detectable levels of PFAS in their blood. The USGS says at least 45% of our drinking water has one or more type of PFAS.
But how did forever chemicals end up on valuable American farmland?
The answer lies in a type of fertilizer, made from treated human sewage, called biosolids, or more colloquially, “sludge,” and a system that spreads it directly on their land.
I saw this last night on News Nation news. I hope people read the whole article. We all have pfas in our blood .
Forever chemicals tainting food supply, destroying American farmers
I just saw a video on rivers in Canada turning red by a geologist. He thinks it is the iron in the permafrost and other minerals causing chemical reactions and turning the waters toxic.
Thanks Dane and God bless. We've just had a storm with power cuts etc abd it's cold and rainy here.
It's not Cyanobacteria that’s turning our pond water red on the farm/ranch Jo. We believe it is being caused by dangerous levels of UV-C and with the help of the local University Biology Department’s Lab students, we are running tests to determine if the sun is killing microorganisms near the surface. Then as they sink to the bottom, they break down and create the red hue that grows ever darker as the process continues unabated. There’s definitely a lack of oxygen but that happens only after the red color spreads throughout, and water temperatures appear to be in the normal range for this time of the year. The red waters are now being discovered in Canada, the southern tip of New Zealand and fringes of Antarctica. Where the largest ozone holes have been documented.
We know that the sun is becoming more deadly with each passing day. Because the rates of cancer on the reservations are beginning to skyrocket nearly 10,000 times more than what the numbers were just three years ago. One in fifty people were diagnosed then and now it is closer to one in three! That increase must be a baseline for what’s happening around the world, but few even look deep enough to discover the truth concerning the real (undocumented) numbers.
The most insane of all is that Elon Musk is now able to become so wealthy and so powerful that humanity will suffer the likes of which has never been seen before on planet Earth. He can now destroy the ozone layers in their entirety with his thousands upon thousands of StarLink and Military satellites being launched virtually weekly from both Florida and Texas. With no legal agency having the authority to stop him, he will be given executive powers to go forward with a scheduled 3,000 launches in the next 18 months! All of which is easily achievable because he is constructing numerous launch facilities on remote islands around the world as we speak.
Thank you as always Dane for strong. As always I send positive energy your way.
Here are a few ways I have tried to plant a seed of interest about Geoengineering,to people I meet.
Many people comment "can you believe this weather?" my response "yes,I can…have you heard of geoengineering?". If I don't get the common avoidance blank look,I try and point out a few visual observations;multiple jets leaving spray trails,the silver haze all around,ect. Then suggesting they view the "The Dimming",or just visit this sight. I don't hammer the subject,just try to raise interest and move on.
Also there are info boards in my area,and maybe yours,at Forest Service trail heads and bathrooms,that are great places to staple up the fliers on geoengineering. They tend to be taken down fairly quickly ,but can catch attention of a few still.
At this point "The truth is not hidden from the people,the people are hiding from the truth".
jfk tried to tell us
Chemtrails in NW Arkansas, especially near Mt, Home, extending up to Springfield, MO have been extremely heavy in the past 40 days. Lots of tree DIE off, over and above natural cycles. Many trusted friends have witnessed small bags fall from the sky and explode like a bag of white flour. Before any sceptics start with the " conspiracy theory " label, a made up term by Traitor john brennan, of CIA fame,……there is video proof of one hitting and a white powdery substance. Not any fake AI video either.
Uh – oh. The U.K. just ordered 5 million vaccine shots for the H5N1 bird flu. This is in preparation for a possible global pandemic. This was announced by the U.K. Health Security Agency. This agency has raised the possibility of a pandemic from near zero at the beginning of the year to one in ten to a real scary one in three chance.
Dr. Angeliki Melidou is a principal expert in respiratory viruses at the European Center for Disease Prevention and Control. She said that "we cannot exclude the possibility of H5N1 triggering a human pandemic. It has many opportunities to adapt as it expands its host range, so vigilance is crucial."
So, in conclusion, the experts are warning us about a possible global pandemic. Governments are buying vaccines in preparation for a possible global pandemic. Like I said, uh – oh.
Thank you Dane for your tireless efforts. My travel during Thanksgiving took me across the state of Tennessee. Geoengineering has not stopped in fact I see even more fake looking clouds, almost comical how sick these scenes look and nobody notices.
The "Guts" of Tennessee serve as a precursor to what all states should be doing. We knew that their brave action would be difficult. If not impossible, to enforce because they are surrounded by other states who refuse to take the legitimate action that benefs their citizens rather than their own agendas. The clouds you witnessed seem likely to have been a slap in the face to brave Tennessee. Hopefully that slap will backfire if Kennedy gets the opportunity and exercises the follow-through to help stop this crime as he has indicated he would do. God help the new administration to act upon the promises of morality that it has professed.
Just as you said in your broadcast today, Dane. Climate Engineering is starting to be forced to the surface, and I mentioned this last year. When I used the term “Projection”, I was basically explaining a technique used by narcissists who are paranoid about being caught doing something wrong and in desperation they project their crime on someone else. To shift everyone’s attention away from them and create suspicion that others are responsible for exactly what they are guilty of doing themselves.
Like for instance, our own government saying that other countries are likely responsible for the weather warfare taking place in our skies. They use the Wilderness of Mirrors (the “lens” as you say Dane) to reflect their geoengineering operations onto other governments and militaries. Then claim that they will do some detective work to figure out who is stealing one country’s rain and replacing it with a manufactured drought. Or even… who could possibly be manipulating atmospheric rivers or hurricanes to devastate populations and destroy crops, while invoking societal chaos with every other type of severe weather event that they have the technology to create with the atmospheric weapons in the covert arsenal at their disposal.
I have just one reply to all of that. There is only one military on planet Earth that made the bold claim all those years ago to own the weather by 2025, and perfect technologies that use climate-based weapons to be a force multiplier, allowing them to gain the advantage over any other military or rogue government that they deem as a threat to national security.
I guess the entire world, including the American people themselves, are a threat to national security. Especially when they are finally beginning to see the (not so invisible anymore) elephant in the sky. They are now in desperation mode as all fingers from around the world are beginning to point in their direction. Including a growing majority of those within the global scientific community (currently employed meteorologists and climatologists excluded for obvious reasons). The tide is slowly beginning to turn as those who are not on the government “hush money” payroll system are speaking out more and more against geoengineering and calling for it to be banned globally.
The Bay Area was the very wors
t that I have seen. I saw 3 planes dropping chem trails all at once. There is a heavy haze as far as I can see. I just want you to know that I see it and I know you are telling the truth. My sister lives in Chico on a Cattle Ranch, she says she sees nothing. I see the planes every morning but my pictures are not very good. I hope that President Trump will put a stop to this. Thank you for not giving up.
Patty R
Richmond Ca.
March 22, 2022 – The United States imports more petroleum products than crude oil from Russia
“The United States has imported a relatively small share of crude oil from Russia, but U.S. imports of petroleum products from Russia—namely, unfinished oils and fuel oil—is a larger share. “
According to the eia.gov website, the total petroleum imports from Russia in 2021 was 675 thousand barrels per day.
“U.S. refineries use imported unfinished oils and fuel oil as a supplement to crude oil in the refining process.”
Editors note: Crude oil deposits worldwide are wildly different from one another – with huge variations is viscosity ( thickness), sulfur content, and the presence other hydrocarbons and contaminants in the crude oil.
Refineries require a very uniform feedstock (input) for the refining process and blend several crude oils from different geographical locations to meet their specifications.
Russia is one of the three largest crude oil producers in the world, after the United States and Saudi Arabia. European countries—which have not banned Russian energy imports— generally import more of Russia’s crude oil and petroleum products than the United States.”
“In 2021, imports from Russia accounted for 8% of all U.S. petroleum products, which includes the 3% share of crude oil imports and the 20% share of petroleum product imports. More than half of U.S. total petroleum imports from Russia in 2021 were unfinished oils. A substantial share of the unfinished oils from Russia are classified as Mazut-100 fuel oil, or M-100. M-100 is largely consumed as a supplementary refinery input and has qualities similar to a heavier, relatively high-sulfur crude oil.”
Editor’s note: The emphasis here is on the Mazut M-100 fuel oil which can be blended with the light crude oil – produced by fracking in the US – to produce a heavier crude oil blend – needed by the oil refineries along the Gulf coast and elsewhere to produce diesel fuel.
Keep in mind that the railroads and the trucking industry – that bring goods to your retail stores in the U.S. – all rely on diesel fuel. Without diesel fuel – the U.S. becomes another Haiti. What would be the impact on U.S. refineries if Russia succeeded in cutting off all Mazut M-100 crude oil from itself and other West Asia sources?
In past decades – Venezuela provided this “heavy sour” crude oil – for blending purposes – to U.S. refineries. But the installed White House occupant Trump term #1 – unable to overthrow the Venezuelan government – cut off this source of “heavy sour” crude oil to U.S. refineries.
On March 8, 2022, President Biden announced a ban on U.S. imports of petroleum, coal, and natural gas (Executive Order 14068 of March 11, 2022) from Russia in response to Russia’s further invasion into Ukraine. The ban includes crude oil and petroleum products.
Editor’s note: Does this dictatorial ultimatum mean anything to multinational oil companies?
“Some US oil refineries can process Mazut M100 into diesel:
Semberina US Refinery: Can refine Mazut fuel according
to specifications.” (Semberina SP Z.O.O. is a European oil company
founded inWarszawa, Poland).
Waste oil refinery plants: Can process Mazut into diesel if it's in a liquid state
Pyrolysis distillation plants: Can process Mazut into diesel if it's in a solid or soil state.”
“Mazut is a heavy, low-quality fuel oil that's rich in oil components. It's
mainly manufactured in Russia, Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, and Turkmenistan.
In the US and Western Europe, Mazut is often blended or broken down into diesel.”
Editor’s Note: Russia sells significant amounts of petroleum products to India. Since India “owns” these purchased products – it is free to re-sell them to whomever they desire – including U.S. oil refineries. Are there many ways to circumvent U.S. Sanctions”?
“As of January 1, 2024, there were 132 operable petroleum refineries in the United States. The largest concentration of refineries is along the Gulf Coast. The three states with the most refineries are Texas, Louisiana, and California.” How many of these refineries produce diesel fuel?
Final Editor’s Note: Regardless of the “Enemies” needed by the Empire – with bullets, bombs, death, and destruction on the battlefield – profitable commerce between the combatants goes on. After all – there are huge profits to be made in manufacturing and selling war material – and commodities such as petroleum products – to all sides. All political rhetoric and pronouncements aside – as the saying from the 1960s goes: “Money talks and bullsh*t walks.”