Dane Wigington
“Pineapple Express to unleash a torrent of rain and snow on the western US” (AccuWeather). What happens when chemical ice nucleation cloud seeding operations are carried out over the “Pineapple Express”? How about this: “Winter Storm Warnings for 12 States As 48 Inches of Snow To Hit” (Newsweek). There’s more to the story, “February thaw: Mild air to surge across the US next week” (AccuWeather). So, what is now going to follow the record cold and record blizzards in places like the Texas Gulf Coast, New Orleans and Florida? “Record Warmth For Southern Cities” (Weather Nation). Chemical ice nucleation cloud seeding engineered winter events, followed by temperature whiplash record warmth, welcome to weather warfare.
Gulf Coast Chemical Snow Blizzard, 90 Second Alert
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10 Responses
David Meisel, et al
You're all correct, no good news here, this talk either, seldom is (until the end) then he pushes us gently back into 'the fray, and again mentions "our free will cannot be taken away" and we Must Stay Strong
When my upbringing caused me to 'be among judgmental Christians' in No. Illinois, there was resistance, rebellion.and relocation seeking another way. Tried any sort of 'other' yet always did miss Jesus, and inquire 'how he fit in ?' They let me down. Each of them had some truth yet left me cold and outside.
Then was found the updated revelation with Jesus at it's Center, in our Hearts. The Urantia Revelation was found in a comparative religion book named "Your Evolving Soul" by Byron Bellitsos. If I had known our souls could 'evolve' it would have saved me alot- of years and tears.
It fits so well. No copyright on the Urantia Book, no churches, clergy or middle men needed, just dedicate completely and use all the clues He taught us. He is our Father in Harvona and gives us eternal life, survival of death and something similar to the NDE, life review, where we 'get to see how we affected those around us, in our responses' Then after ten days of meeting and greeting those who passed before us, plug into our best level of the 7 Mansion World continuing to grow toward God.
There is no 'hell' and we go forward as long as we Choose to. The Best is that 'God Blame' was dealt with on page 56 called "God and Nature" Where it is made clear that He Created Everything and left stewardship to us. An inheritance we botched up real good in a short time.
So unless we alter Course, we crash and burn as so few of us 8B mortals have stopped acting numb, dumb and glum as half-truths and lies run rampant. Not intending to preach, yet am very pleased to share the Good News with you my fellow heads-up Travelers.
Find out what transpired in those missing twenty years for Jesus and enjoy knowing His real Birthday, All for Now Your Turn to Learn Anew
Arctic geoengineering experiment shut due to environmental impact
A US research non-profit called the Arctic Ice Project (AIP) is closing down its operations and has cancelled ongoing geoengineering experiments in the Arctic, citing environmental concerns and “potential risks to the Arctic food chain”.
The Silicon Valley-based organisation proposed the release of tiny silica particles over parts of the Arctic Ocean, which would in theory reflect sunlight from the surface and cool down melting ice.
Announcing the shutdown last week, AIP said test results – along with “skepticism towards geoengineering”, funding barriers and “resistance” to introducing new materials into the Arctic Ocean – had led it to end the project, which was conceived over a decade ago.
Ongoing experiments
More than 190 countries have signed a moratorium on new geoengineering experiments under the United Nations’ biodiversity convention, a decision that was reaffirmed at last year’s COP16 summit in Cali, Colombia.
However, dozens of new experiments have taken place in the last five years, according to German non-profit Geoengineering Monitor, including the use of methods that are currently covered by the international moratorium.
For example, Geoengineering Monitor recorded 27 ocean fertilization experiments (harvesting plankton in the ocean to increase photosynthesis and capture CO2) and 17 solar radiation management experiments (spraying sulphur particles into the atmosphere to reflect sunlight and cool down the planet).
What I see wrong in this article is GEOENGINEERING as been going on for many decades.
Many indigenous organizations, meanwhile, have called for a halt to these experiments. “Nature is not a laboratory; it is a living entity we are in relationship with,” said the IEN’s Pungowiyi, cautioning against “other forms of geoengineering that threaten our sacred spaces
Readers should carefully consider the questions in Dane's brief video. > Gulf Coast Chemical Snow Blizzard, 90 Second Alert <
There was more snowfall in New Orlenes and Gulf coast states last week, than in all of Minnesota. Think about that… I'm sure NOAA operatives and gag-ordered weather experts will remain completely clueless. Maybe we could invest in snow-shoe shopping malls in Texas and Florida…
President John F. Kennedy Speech – A Strategy of Peace
Commencement Address at American University, Washington, D.C., 10 June 1963 by President John F. Kennedy – delivered what many consider to be his most important speech, titled "A Strategy of Peace,"
This is an excerpt that is especially relevant today:
Listen to the speech or read the text of the speech.
Excerpts from the speech:
"Let us not be blind to our differences – but let us also direct attention to our common interests and to the means by which those differences can be resolved. And if we cannot end now our differences, at least we can help make the world safe for diversity. For, in the final analysis, our most basic common link is that we all inhabit this small planet. We all breathe the same air. We all cherish our children's future. And we are all mortal.
Let us reexamine our attitude toward the cold war, remembering that we are not engaged in a debate, seeking to pile up debating points. We are not here distributing blame or pointing the finger of judgment. We must deal with the world as it is, and not as it might have been had the history of the last 18 years been different.
We must, therefore, persevere in the search for peace in the hope that constructive changes within the Communist bloc might bring within reach solutions which now seem beyond us. We must conduct our affairs in such a way that it becomes in the Communists' interest to agree on a genuine peace.
Above all, while defending our own vital interests, nuclear powers must avert those confrontations which bring an adversary to a choice of either a humiliating retreat or a nuclear war. To adopt that kind of course in the nuclear age would be evidence only of the bankruptcy of our policy–or of a collective death-wish for the world.”
Seemingly lost during the national coverage of the LA wildfires was the ion – lithium battery fire at the Vistra plant. This is one of the largest battery storage facilities in the world. It is located in Moss Landing in northern California.
It happened in mid January and burned for seven days according to reports. Angie Roeder lives on a 5 acre farm 8 miles from the facility. She said that shortly after, she had headaches and shortness of breath. She also had a metallic taste in her mouth
In addition, some of her neighbors complained of sore throats and rashes. How could these ailments be related to the fire? After all, the Department of Envirornmental Protection Agency, [EPA,] conducted a test. They found no evidence of fluoride, hydrogen or particulate matter. They concluded that there was no danger to human health. Well that must have been comforting!
That did little to comfort Angie Roader. She said that "they weren't testing for all of the chemicals there were being released from the batteries."
It's understandable how a fire at an ion – lithium battery storage facility draws attention from those who live nearby. People see the danger to their daily lives and react. What is sad is that a daily attack in the skies above seems to draw little concern because it is not as dramatic.
A tip to avoid some alleged boohooboob issues:
Select duck duck go – enter geoengineeringwatch.org in the search box – select Dane's site – you should now have available the full site and radio broadcast without adverts, interruptions, and alleged censorship. n.b. Also sign up to Dane's newsletter as a back–up, but only when you are on his site via duck – and be careful which e-mail provider you use…
Meanwhile from the BBC:
I am in respite care c £1000 per week and rather basic, after a series of operations… No one now to feed and give water to the few wild birds in my small back yard… The unseasional storms have been awful and yet more are "promised"… I can only weep for the wild ones…
Geoff Hanham
DAMN !!!!!! No good news this week.
I posted on YouTube, but they may be shadow-banning me. LA is going to be the site of the 2028 Olympics, in precisely the place that the fires took place. Newsom's L.A. 2.0 will reconstruct 40,000 acres under his "Marshall Plan." The area will provide for the millions who will be visiting for the Olympics.
As Dane would say…
Good luck with that.
What a coincidence… and I'll bet once the olympics are over- (if we even make it to 2028) the lodging and site for the olympic village athletes will then be converted to housing for a 15 min. city design.. How convenient.