Dane Wigington
“Deadly ‘super fog’ threatens Super Bowl Sunday in New Orleans” (MSN). “Historic Showdown at the Superdome: Will Super Fog Steal the Spotlight?” (SciTechDaily). “Thick Fog Smothers Deep South” (The Weather Channel). What’s in the fog? What’s in the rain? What’s going on in our skies? The latest installment of Global Alert News is below.
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17 Responses
Thanks Dane many are just closing their eyes to things. Others have other problems eg financial, health, etc and therefore are insular in their own world. Others have first handedly experienced the corruption in the world but this makes them more aware I was bought up with some caring ones who were fully aware of certain things that went on in this world.
Hopefully now that RFK, Jr. is confirmed as Secretary of Health and Human Services, we can appeal to him to expose and stop what is the worst atrocity in history — “Owning The Weather 2025.” This sinister agenda has been in the works for decades.
Responding to Inspire’s reply to Momma Bear on February 11, here in Western Massachusetts we experience much the same weird weather patterns. Brutally freezing cold temperatures with ice everywhere, planes flying over at night, low, and during the sky is obliterated by the opaque chemical curtain created by jets flying at much higher altitudes, in formation, sometimes four at a time, spewing their trails of chemicals that within a half hour completely block the sky. So, though the lower flying planes that come over 20 minutes to a half hour later can surely be heard because they are so low, oddly, it is impossible to actually see what they look like.
Overnight we had a weird storm that left about 3″ of heavy, wet snow very difficult to move and clear away. The humidity, according to the National Weather Service, is now at 97% while the house, though chilly, has become oddly damp. The temperature today was in the 40s however tomorrow, it is”predicted” to go down to 9 degrees, with rain, sleet, and wind in the mix. When we do see clear blue sky the way we remember it once-upon-a-time, it is never for long before the planes start crossing the sky with their deadly grids.
All day long, and planes go over constantly, and at odd hours during the night and very early morning hours.
Our governor here in Massachusetts has been carrying out her “climate combat” program implementing experiments with Raytheon and others on her advisory board. It is true that while states like Tennessee passed legislation banning weather modification, the bills have not been enforced by the governor.
Our recourse now seems to be to write RFK, Jr. petitioning him to expose geoengineering and “climate combat” as the holocaust of our time.
Secretary Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. can be reached by mail at the following address:
The U.S. Department of Health & Human Services
Hubert H. Humphrey Building
200 Independence Avenue, S.W.
Washington, D.C. 20201
By telephone: 1-877-696-6775
There is also an email contact form at the Health & Human Services website at hhs.gov and choose contact from the dropdown menu.
Thank you Sally for providing this contact info.
I’ll get right on it – no excuses now, we finally have someone who will listen.
Thank you Sally.
I’m in Missouri and have been working 2 jobs, 7 days a week in order to pay bills. One is driving at a rental car job at the airport for a year and 3 months. Being outdoors, it’s easy to see the skies and experience a witches brew of inhalents– not just jet fuel and auto exhaust, but everything I see they are spraying over KC. As I write, I’m partly crippled at home for 6 days, so-far. NEVER have I felt pain like this, haven’t been to a doctor since I was a child! As an herbalist and natural healer, I’m always pretty healthy and strong at 62 years old. At the ER they said my bones are demineralized and the lower spinal nerves are compressed sending fake pain signals down one leg. I pray the evil ones in charge of these hideous crimes will be apprehended and prosecuted for treason.
Thanks, Sally for passing along contact info for Sec RFK. I will get on it, now!
A couple weeks back I had some house guests’
One said man could not effect the climate.
The other said the E in the sky was contrails.
It really bothered Me
Denial at it’s best.
The people with 60 K vehicles deny it.
Everyone on the city bus knows @ it, cuz they have to wait 4 the bus in this crap.
I had to look at a graph of temperatures for February 2025 in St. Paul, MN. Indeed, the temps are extremely low compared to average February temps in St. Paul. The days start with below zero temps. From my own observations traveling through southern MN and Iowa, not a lot of snow. Yesterday, there was a very consistent, regional dusting of windswept snow. The freeway remained dry.
Apparently, the biggest bang for the buck, of lying sky operations, is as Mr Vonharnish says in his Feb 12 response- electronic control- also witnessed in many of Dane’s videos (graphic satellite imaging displays what the human eye doesn’t capture). Also, it appears that the ice nucleation process is spread to a maximum area with the least amount of moisture necessary to make low altitude temperatures drop. Both electronic cotrol and chemical aerosol dispersions affect temperatures, moisture, and of course wind!
I am sharing information from geoengineeringwatch.org all over Facebook. We must be force multipliers in getting this atrocity out. In one particular post, someone posted about Florida’s pending legislation and her support of it. As per usual, many so-called “aviation experts” flood the post with same false narratives from the same script. The truth is gaining traction and people are starting to wake up. That’s what keeps me going with spreading the truth. I hope all those actively participating in geoengineering operations will be perp walked straight to a nuremberg trial. Time will tell.
I you took the time to read the study I linked in my previous post, you’re in the less than 2% group of persons who actually follow posted links.
The study is about weather observation and sophisticated methods of data analyses. The study is complete bullshit. If these geniuses simply walked outside and looked at the sky, they’d know all they need to know about “weather”. You know? The weather their pals over at NOAA know all about…
‘Cloud cover’ issues continue to receive notice, as these ‘cloud cover’ streaks have become more and more obvious. I’ve been amazed for at least 20 years that to public remains blind. The dead and dying forests, lack of insect life, declining bird and small animal populations, continues to be ignored.
It’s -26 below zero outside as I write this. Yesterday night it was -29 below zero. “Clear” skies for nearly a week.
If you think ‘cloud cover’ is the only hazard, think again. Atmospheric temperatures and moisture are electronically controlled, and have been for decades. These systems are MUCH more widespread and damaging than the use of geoengineering chemicals. HAARP is only one of many such devices. Look at the tops of water towers in your area. See the multi-antenna? Most are NOT communications devices. We are all being electronically assassinated, whilst the fools in charge pomp around in an electromagnetic daze. Read this: >>>
Bias Correcting NOAA’s High-Resolution Rapid Refresh (HRRR) Wind Resource Data for Grid Integration Applications [Slides]
DOI:https://doi.org/10.2172/2479268 >>> November 26, 2024 >>>
You can paint lipstick on Armageddon, but it’s still Armageddon.
We’re having a polar vortex here that looks like it’s going to last for three weeks straight. We usually get a chinook or two to warm things up but not this time. The weather office says it’s the coldest February in 50 years!
We got clobbered in Eastern TN a couple of days ago. Yes, that TN that passed a bill prohibiting solar radiation management. Passing a bill is not the same as enforcing a bill.
Also, I was watching the golf tournament on TV in Scottdale, Arizona on Saturday. The cameras are behind the golfers when they tee off. So, you get a panoramic view of the skyline ahead.
The broadcast started out with much crisscrossing otherwise cloudless skies. 2 hours later, the streaks were gone only to be replaced by a milky off white haze.
Without Dane and geoengineeringwatch.org, I most likely never would have noticed anything weird. It is healthy to remember where we were at before someone helped wake us up.
Hello Dane,
Word on the street is that funding for chemtrail spraying has dried-up since the DOGE has cut any funding for any programs or projects from the USAID bank account(s).
I have not seen any trails in the sky from East to West for the last couple of days. I’m wondering if this is so??
The day here in eastern Oregon started out differently. My daily routine is to have my coffee and then step outside to see what’s up in the sky. Today no dispersions, a somewhat blue sky clear and frightfully cold. I was pleased not to see any planes flying over on my dog walk but I could hear them, three to be exact. My joy didn’t last long as later in the day, around 3 o’clock, the expanding lines were back full force. So no, the funding is still in place but they might be budgeting.
Do you remember the “Rules for Climate Scientists” posted recently in the comments? Judging from our observations of the relentlessly absurd behavior by the members of the “Climate Science Community” – we speculate that the following are their insider rules. We believe that these rules are instilled into all Climate Science graduates from Academia – and are rigidly adhered to for a “splendid” lifetime “career” in the field of Climate Science.
Rules for all Climate Scientists – This is part of our mandatory “Climate Science Official Narrative” – to be relentlessly supported. Violate these rules at your own peril !
Here is one more rule.
Rule # 17 – Censorship. A very useful tool to protect the purity of our pristine Climate Science narrative. There are many Climate Change deniers and “tin foil hat Conspiracy Theorists” who wish to utterly destroy True Science in many realms – especially in the realm of Climate Science. Fortunately, the mainstream media relentlessly censors, deletes, removes any and all such misinformation – and substitutes a proper narrative featuring our exalted Climate Science colleges.
The notion that “free speech” should be tolerated or even allowed to exist brings about the total demise of the Real Truth in public discourse. And the disgusting argument that “free speech” is somehow “protected” by some old parchment document – like the totally obsolete Constitution of the United Stated of America – hand written blither – is somehow relevant in today’s technological world. Such tattered documents are relegated to the dustbin of history.
As highly educated, professional, and profoundly obedient to the Empire – Climate Scientists – we must avoid “deranged conspiracy theories” and never doubt the absolute correctness and purity of our carefully researched Climate Science narrative. Any attack on this narrative by “conspiracy theories” may jeopardize our reputations, our careers, access to the mainstream media, juicy government grants, our lavish under-the-table perks, and our paychecks and pensions.
The sun shown thru a break in the aerosol injected skies and within minutes the chemical fake snow melted except for the areas in the shade or packed due to tracks. I could not believe the intensity of the sun, I had experienced another time in the fall after a rain a piece of plywood leaning against my house was emitting steam with such intensity at first glance I thought my house to be on fire. The chemical deception of winter is Criminal as is man’s intervention with the atmosphere. As hot as the sun was on my face ,we are all soon going to be held accountable for the actions of those of Empires .
Everyone contact Trump! Time to wake him up! We have to stop this corruption now. As bug pharma gets exposed so will the chemicals they have done on us for years. Enough is enough! Time to shut them down and the funding and the public needs to see how much is put into this by our tax dollars. Its sick and Im gonna fight hard to make sure this stops by the time I leave this lifetime. We stopped and exposed breast implants(FDA lied to us) and we will expose this as well! We win in the end! With god this is possible! Remember were stronger when we come together to foght for the greater good! We got this! We have all the proof we need to fight this in court!
Dear Momma Bear . . .
I totally agree with every word that you said. I have been saying that as well, that we need Trump to be woken up at this atrocity. I have been upset about the sky being sprayed for about 14 years now, but I have NEVER felt this upset by it as I am right now. Back in the day I alerted others, but in NC, they did not spray every single day and night. Our trees were still green and we had tons of bugs and bees outside.
So it was hard to point out the spraying to neighbors and friends. But now, they are spraying even more than ever and changing our weather from high 60s one day to 30 degrees the next day, with pouring cold rain coming for the next couple of days.
I agree with you…. ENOUGH is ENOUGH already. This has to stop now. People definitely need to pool together in every single state across America. There have been others who said that the USAID was causing this and using taxpayers money to pay for it, and that they have not seen any spraying, but rather blue skies. I was extremely happy reading that and waited to see if that was true. SAD to say, It is NOT True. In fact, they have been spraying here in NC constantly as I can hear their planes in the wee hours of the night. And then the next day, if the sun is out, they spray like mad to cover it until our entire sky is completely white. How others do not see it is beyond reason. These white stripes are so large and they are criss crossed everywhere. I must say that I was happy to read your post because you are determined to do something about it too. I know the truth is starting to come out, but it is taking a very long time to have any impact on them being able to stop it. Some days I actually cry when I look up at the sky, I have to keep lights on in my house because once they block the sun, it gets dark inside. And then I have to turn my heat up because the warmth of the sun is gone. I’m furious and I wish many others felt that same exact way so we could all do something about it. God gave us this earth to enjoy and take care of and we are responsible for how we take care of it. God bless you Momma Bear. And as always, God Bless Dane for this platform.