Dane Wigington
“Fire and floods: the rise of climate whiplash” (Financial Times). “L.A.’s ‘off the charts’ dryness keeps risk of new fires high. Rain is desperately needed” (LA Times). “Weather whiplash: “Winter storm systems to sweep across East this weekend ahead of massive arctic outbreak” (FOX Weather). “Trump inauguration moves indoors due to record cold” (The Washington Post), welcome to chemical ice nucleation cloud seeding winter weather warfare. From precipitation blocking engineered atmospheric high pressure zones to chemical ice nucleation cloud seeding, covert climate disruption operations are wreaking havoc around the world. The latest installment of Global Alert News is below.
All are needed in the critical battle to wake populations to what is coming, we must make every day count. Share credible data from a credible source, make your voice heard.
Due to numerous requests to air The Dimming documentary on an independent platform from Youtube in the event that Youtube shuts us down, we have launched a slightly upgraded version of The Dimming on the Rumble platform (Dane Wiginton channel). Please subscribe and follow this channel as a backup to GeoengineeringWatch.org videos https://rumble.com/c/DaneWigington.
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18 Responses
Recently my husband and I received Certified Mail regarding our property being in a High Hazard Zone for fire as well as the Wildland- Urban Interface.
We shared our thoughts in this letter and sent it off to :
Haven't heard a word back yet…
I am writing you because my wife and I just received a letter from the Oregon Department of Forestry stating that our property has been identified to be within both a High Hazard Zone and the Wildland Urban Interface.
We realize as landowners, who have lived through 2 very close wildfires fires that were started by lightning, that we have to take personal responsibility of maintaining and protecting the structures.
Reference: Sykes Creek Fire 1987 and the Garner Creek/Graves Creek Complex fires (specifically Pleasant Creek fire) 2018
We take this responsibility seriously and as a matter of fact, while the 2018 fire was burning a couple of miles north of us, we met and spoke with the Amity Fire Department chief who stopped with his team to inspect our property. He stated that we had done an excellent job with securing our structures from any potential fire hazard. We offered our property as they walked around as a staging ground for their equipment and/or personal vehicles. We also offered this to our neighbors who parked their vehicles in our open space (some of which were filled with possessions). We also offered them to store tools etc in our shop.
We know that as individuals, we can only do so much to protect our belongings, ourselves and those who fight our fires. However, as agents for our government, there is much more that you can do to help in this effort.
The Geo-engineering program that has been going on in our skies for the last 75 years must be fully exposed and stopped. It has become painfully obvious to anyone who looks up, the filth in our skies being sprayed down on us, the whole planet. It is no wonder why our forests do not thrive as they once did and are now dying becoming a tinder box for burning. We cannot deny or refute that these events have become more horrific and costly the last few years. We see firsthand now events like Palisades Fire happening now in California and others that have already occurred such Hurricane Helene and the disaster prone area that covers several states, taking lives/homes, damaging infrastructures and businesses which in the case of Helene is only in the rear view mirror now. We go from one disaster to another, caused by weather events and/or modification.
In closing, I urge…no I’m begging you, please, please take the time to watch the documentary that has now been viewed at least 25 million times, The Dimming which can be found on Dane Wigington’s site, Geoengineeringwatch.org. It can also be found on Youtube depending on your search engine.
The below states have already taken action with bills.
Tennessee, Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Kentucky, Iowa, Kansas, Louisiana, Michigan, Massachusetts, Missouri, Montana, New Hampshire, Nevada, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Texas, West Virginia, Wisconsin and Wyoming.
Please, summon up the courage to join the fight, it’s a fight none of us can afford to lose.
If you would like more information regarding Geo-engineering, please contact Dane Wigington at geoengineeringwatch.org
Mailing Address:
Dane Wigington
P.O. Box 9
Bella Vista, CA 96008
Email Contact:
The skies are filled with no sympathy
They steal the light from our lives
The air so thick to hard to breathe
Mother Earth weeps as we can only grieve
How did we ever fail
Spare me all the lies
We let them do this to our skies
We will pay the price as all dies
Yes geoengineering needs to stop. There are many connecting dots– that need to stop.
Trump targets Alaska's oil and other resources as environmentalists gear up for a fight | AP News
The order, signed on Trump’s first day in office Monday, is consistent with a wish list submitted by Alaska Republican Gov. Mike Dunleavy shortly after Trump’s election. It seeks, among other things, to open to oil and gas drilling an area of the pristine Arctic National Wildlife Refuge considered sacred to the Indigenous Gwich’in, undo limits imposed by the Biden administration on drilling activity in the National Petroleum Reserve-Alaska on the North Slope and reverse restrictions on logging and road-building in a temperate rainforest that provides habitat for wolves, bears and salmon.
Being awake, aware, seeing, experiencing, observing, alert, cognizant, sharing, since 2006. Just getting worse every day.
Everything is being compromised affected reduced tainted ruined – organic apples, produce, cukes, pine needles, balsam, black spruce, hemlock, jack pine, saliva, the deer, us.
dysfunctional, political drama distractions deceptions diversions tactics, and the sick twisted using of people for the drama. Covid, J6, the bidens, faucis, trump dramas, and so on. Faulderoy Tarnation Rubbish.
Trump Executive orders, J6ers, Peace, Russia, and Other Promises, RFK and weather warfare crime, its all smoke and mirrors. Doesn't matter. Its political drama distractions deceptions diversions tactics, Faulderoy Tarnation Rubbish.
If weather warfare, weather modification, Geochems, barium, aluminum, graphene, polluting, poison, the loot, pillage plunder rape destroy keeps on, we can't breath, sleep, live clean, healthy, grow buy get eat good clean agri food, then does not matter what else goes on. Heading into a Wasteland.
Trump Executive order to ramp up loot, pillage plunder rape destroy Alaska while cities in Russia being attacked getman nato tanks roll in
God Help Us. All There Is Is God. Being awake, aware, seeing, experiencing, observing, alert, cognizant, sharing, since 2006. Just getting worse every day.
God Help Us. All There Is Is God.
From the northern great lakes Superior being ruined poisoned by mining
Sorry for the rant
God Bless Dane and All.
Now is the time to contact president Trump to stop this!!!
I agree we need many of us to do that! Lets do this! I see them spraying today in Prescott! Not much freedom above our heads!
I think perhaps most important is that RFJ, Jr. gets his chance to make good on his promise to "stop this crime," re: geoengineering.
Could you please ask Trump and RFK Jr to cancel the contracts that spray us? Tomorrow would be great!
TRUTH among the current chaos is SO hard to find. There are many sources I once trusted that have faded,and now only a few remain, like DANE! THX for all you do, sir.
Earth and the American Dream can be watched commercial free here:
Earth And The American Dream (1992) : Bill Couturié : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive
Dear Anita,
Thank you for sharing the download of "Earth And The American Dream" as I just finished watching it.
I have proceeded to share it with others by email and by text. It is a must see and a confirmation on how our once beautiful earth has been destroyed by mankind a little at a time.
It is also sad how humankind developed into their self-centeredness with every decade due to modern conveniences and the want for more and more.
The part that was the hardest to watch was the disregard for nature and for the animals that are pure and helpless.
Our Creator, God, is a patient God. If watching this video brings a tear to your eyes then I can imagine how our Father God must also shed tears.
Thank you again for your comment.
Blessings to you!
Yes, Anita thanks for providing this link. The Internet Archive is a real treasure trove. I use it every day and I recommend it to everyone. I not only rewatched Earth and the American Dream, but downloaded it too.
Uh – oh. On Friday, the state of Georgia stopped all in state poultry sales. The reason? One case of the bird flu was confirmed in Georgia's Elrod County. The poultry industry is not a small industry in Georgia. It is numero uno.
Moving fast before this turns into a you know what, local officials have quarantined poultry operations within a 6.2 mile radius of the Elrod County poultry operation for at least two weeks.
Joining in as part of the solution, federal officials granted $590 million to help speed up the process for a H5N1 mRNA vaccine for the bird flu. This vaccine would also work for other types of influenza. What a versatile vaccine that would be!
The mRNA vaccine should be familiar to all of us. It is what was developed to combat Covid – 19. Yes, that "warp speed" vaccine. The $590 million is not to be confused with the $176 million awarded to Moderna in July to get the ball rolling on the bird flu vaccine.
U.S. Health and Human Services Secretary Xavier Baccara had this to say: " Avian flu outbreaks have proven to be particularly unpredictable and dangerous to humans in the past. Accelerating the development of a new vaccine will allow us to stay ahead and insure that Americans have the tools to stay safe." Yes, it's always about safety. Like I said, uh – oh.
"Those who would give essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty or safety." Benjamin Franklin
Soil Minerals, Human Cognitive Ability, and a Good Day at the Dental Clinic
Good health and high cognitive ability begins with the oral micro-biome – the mouth. This requires sufficient mineral rich saliva and functional teeth with no decay.
Tooth decay is the biggest disease on the planet by far – affecting billions of people worldwide. What does this have to do with regenerative agriculture? Answer: Everything!
Perhaps an explanation is in order: An examination of soil minerals is the key. Try to groc the following:
William Albrecht – PhD – over a 50 year career at the University of Missouri Field Experiment Station – uncovered a number of Nature’s secrets regarding the human invention of annual agriculture – which the world population relies on for daily sustenance.
Albrecht discovered that there a number of key minerals – needed in specific quantities and in correct proportions in relation to one another – when applied to crop soils – create an “ideal soil” for our highly human-selected and manipulated annual crops. We are not talking about undisturbed Nature in the wild.
These minerals – needed in various quantities – as determined by routine soil tests – are:
Potassium (K+), Magnesium (Mg++), Calcium (Ca++). Sodium (Na+), Iron (Fe+), Manganese (Mn+), Zinc (Zn+), and Copper (Cu+) – All with a positive charge and referred to as Cations.
Also Phosphorus (P-), Sulfur (S-), and Boron (B-) which carry a negative charge and are therefore called Anions.
There are also many other elements needed in the mix in vastly smaller quantities – called “Trace Minerals” – very important in the soil – but a topic saved for a later discussion.
When these minerals are present in our annual gardens/crops– in the proper quantity per the soil test – in living and well-aerated soil – we then have fully re-mineralized soil that will grow outstanding plants.
Do these minerals feed the plants directly? NO – they feed the billions of microscopic and visible life forms in the soil.
The plants then absorb the above mentioned minerals – provided by the billions of life forms in the soil. It gets better than that. Plants are really smart – they will pick and choose the exact amount of minerals needed for optimal growth – assuming that the needed minerals are present in the soil. Way smarter than us humanoids as we munch down on Twinkies and Ding Dongs.
In summary – The plants need the same minerals (in their proper quantities) to be nutrient dense – as the soil needs these same minerals (in their proper quantities) to be totally alive. Wow! Nature simply repeats itself – why “reinvent the wheel”? Nature’s miracles at work!
It gets even better than this – hang on to your hats! And we are closing in on tooth decay and the dreaded dentist.
So we humanoids eat these “nutrient dense” vegetables with their full range of needed minerals – what happens?
It turns out that the human organism needs for optimal health the same minerals (in their proper quantities) as does the soil – and also the plants that grow on that soil. The soil, plants and humans need the same minerals (in their proper quantities) to be healthy. Nature repeats itself.
Sounds great – but there is a catch! The minerals that came through the soil and the plants to reside in the human organism – have been altered from their original mineral form as mined from the earth’s crust. And here is where the story gets rather wooey-gooie.
These minerals are clearly different from their original form as mined from the earth. Are they physically, chemically, electrically, spiritually, different? Chelated? Bound into new compounds? I do not have the answers – but they are different – I can feel it in my body – in my spirit. You figure it out – do some research – trust your own personal experience!
And the science establishment fumbles around for “answers” – finally concluding that minerals found in vegetables are “bio-available” to the human body.
How about a healthy oral cavity (mouth)? Part of the answer depends on saliva (spit). The minerals in saliva (plus other magic ingredients?) maintain and restore the teeth – assuming that the mouth is not acidic- but very close to neutral – not acidic or basic -with a pH of approximately 7.0. But a lack of proper minerals in the saliva – well – it is sort of goodbye teeth or a rough day in the dental chair. And where do the minerals come from? From the soil and the veggies that grow in that soil.
So we add minerals to our very alive organic soil – grow plants in that soil – eat the “nutrient dense” veggies and our whole body benefits including our teeth. And with a healthy body – we humanoids become high functioning adults – with high cognitive ability.
In Regenerative Agriculture – all roads lead back to soil minerals.
Geo engineers are like the pathological liar that has spun an elaborate story that requires a building of lie upon lie in order to keep the deception going to its listeners. The liar cant stop lying as he himself is trapped in his own lies and even to the point of believing them himself until the inevitable day when he has to face reality and the illusion and story falls apart.
It's the story of The Emperor's New Clothes except opposite. Rather than claiming they can see what isn't there, masses of people are claiming they can't see what is there. Finally some others, I'm beginning to believe, really cannot see it as in Genesis 19:11.
The Seven Principles of Public Life – The Nolan Principles – by Lord Michael Patrick Nolan
Published May 31, 1995
The Seven Principles of Public Life (also known as the Nolan Principles) apply to anyone who works as a public office-holder. This includes all those who are elected or appointed to public office, nationally and locally, and all people appointed to work in the Civil Service, local government, the police, courts and probation services, non-departmental public bodies (NDPBs), and in the health, education, social and care services.
All public office-holders are both servants of the public and stewards of public resources. The principles also apply to all those in other sectors delivering public services.
1.1 Selflessness
Holders of public office should act solely in terms of the public interest.
1.2 Integrity
Holders of public office must avoid placing themselves under any obligation to people or organizations that might try inappropriately to influence them in their work. They should not act or take decisions in order to gain financial or other material benefits for themselves, their family, or their friends. They must declare and resolve any interests and relationships.
1.3 Objectivity
Holders of public office must act and take decisions impartially, fairly and on merit, using the best evidence and without discrimination or bias.
1.4 Accountability
Holders of public office are accountable to the public for their decisions and actions and must submit themselves to the scrutiny necessary to ensure this.
1.5 Openness
Holders of public office should act and take decisions in an open and transparent manner. Information should not be withheld from the public unless there are clear and lawful reasons for so doing.
1.6 Honesty
Holders of public office should be truthful.
1.7 Leadership
Holders of public office should exhibit these principles in their own behavior and treat others with respect. They should actively promote and robustly support the principles and challenge poor behavior wherever it occurs.
Editor’s note:
Lord Michael Patrick Nolan (10 September 1928 – 22 January 2007) was a judge in the United Kingdom, and from 1994 until 1997 was the first chairman of the Committee on Standards in Public Life.
One must wonder what planet that Lord Michael Patrick Nolan was on when he published these “Seven Principles of Public Life”. Certainly not this one.
This is everyday! Allday! When will people wake up?