Dane Wigington
"New Orleans has seen more snow than Alaska's biggest city so far this winter" (FOX Weather). The FOX report continues with this, "The Big Easy has also received more snowfall since the start of meteorological winter than many cold weather cities across the country, including Philadelphia and New York." But even more alarming than that, while there were blizzard warnings in New Orleans, there were above freezing temperatures with rain, not just in regions of Alaska, but also in Greenland, Iceland and Siberia. Welcome to the world of climate engineering. The latest installment of Global Alert News is below.
All are needed in the critical battle to wake populations to what is coming, we must make every day count. Share credible data from a credible source, make your voice heard.
Due to numerous requests to air The Dimming documentary on an independent platform from Youtube in the event that Youtube shuts us down, we have launched a slightly upgraded version of The Dimming on the Rumble platform (Dane Wiginton channel). Please subscribe and follow this channel as a backup to GeoengineeringWatch.org videos https://rumble.com/c/DaneWigington.
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21 Responses
I’m sorry but on what planet is she living?
“the FBI runs on facts; it runs on truth"-Sen. Amy Klobucher1/30/25
I am finding many people are MOST interested in the GeoWatch materials I keep in my patient treatment rooms.
Thank you, Dane
This kinda stuff also I hope
Chrissy from Texas remarked yesterday – 30th Jan – that her State has experienced not much more than completely "cloudy days all month". Her description of the skies where she lives in Texas is pretty much accurate also for the skies and cloud cover here on the South Coast of NSW Australia. However, this has not just been the case for January 2025 – it goes back at least a few months – back to November 2024. Every morning has grey skies, lower than normal summer temps (summer now in Australia) and rarely any rain – drought conditions are upon us. The air seems 'toxic' to me and my sinuses and phlem accumulation in my respiratory system is struggling to cope with the toxic air outside. Climate and weather manipulation are happening in the skies over Australia.
The Doomsday Clock Explained: What the Time Change Means for Humanity
The Doomsday Clock, a symbolic measure of humanity's proximity to catastrophic destruction, has been set at 89 seconds to midnight—the closest it has ever been, symbolizing humanity's shortest margin from potential catastrophe since the clock's creation.
The decision, announced by the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists on January 28, reflects escalating global threats, including nuclear tensions, climate change, infectious diseases, and unregulated advancements in artificial intelligence.
Geoengiering : Dividends
= Poison, air, soil and water
Oil and gas exploration & consumption : Dividends
= Poison, air, soil and water
Landfill, oceanic dumping of waste : Dividends
= Poison, air, soil and water
Mining for elements and coal : Dividends
= Poison, air, soil and water
Manufacturing needless convenience items : Dividends
= Poison, air, soil and water
Chemical soups in farming and food processing : Dividends
= Poison, air, soil and water
Petro based and chemical medicines : Dividends
= Poison, air, soil and water
Introducing aboriginal people into modernity : Dividends
= Poison, air, soil and water
Warfare conventional, chemical and nuclear : Dividends
=Death poison, air, soil and water
Poison, air, soil and water : Dividends
= Illness and death to life terrestrial and oceanic.
Illness and death to life terrestrial and oceanic : Dividends
Yes. The "weather" is certainly being manipulated. I've been aware of geoengineering operations for over 20 years, and the "experiments" have only increased in size, complexity, and cumulative environmental damage. Mr Wigington (and many others) have repeatedly pointed this out for decades I appreciate their efforts.
The obviousness of chemical traces across our skies remains unanswered and ultimately deadly. Yet no one can *see* the unseen electromagnetic nightmares which monitor, steer, and enhance cloud dispersion and moisture densities…
Perhaps citizens could turn off the NOISE of television, radio, and other choices of acoustic mayhem, and take in a few hours of electromagnetic background noise. If you think your ears are ringing or you are just experiencing tinnitus, think again… If you are able…
Texas has been socked in with clouds all month, very very little sunshine. I think I've only seen a couple sunrises and sunsets all month. The weather will predict sun for a couple days then it just stays thick and overcast but very very little rain. I flew to Rio and found the same thing over there. A week of vacation with only a glimpse of sunshine.
Anyone else find it interesting that LA had ZERO rain for 9 months, and then all of sudden after this massive fire "event" they are all of a sudden getting hit with rain?
This is very typical of most of the major fires in California in the last 8-10 years . . . these massive fires are almost always followed by heavy rains. Flood the burn scar, cause mudslides . . . Maximum Damage while everyone is tuned in and watching. Anyone remember the Thomas Fire and the town of Montecito from just a coupole years ago?
Its like flying a second plane into a building while everyone watches the first one burn. If you pay attention you'll notice these events are very often delivered as 1-2 punches for maximum psychological effect. I mean if you're gonna spend the resources to create a catastrophe, why not maximize the damage and destruction being televised live?
Mario, you hit it correctly, there is a pattern. We burned in late 2017 and had a Persistently Present Hi P dome preventing rain to reach us for seven years. When I mentioned it, even when it was on the television report I was shut-down then, although Dane taught me that already.
The power and water were shut down 10 minutes after we arrived, up in the Foothill Canyon, the fires were not fought, no fixed wing or chopper could handle the eighty mile winds. (Super Santa Ana) to reach us.
The fire almost took Ventura and lasted for five weeks. It was among, or the biggest then. Sprayed for years without rinsing. It was the 'experiment' Now it's perfect to fit right in to the diabolical
.All for now, gives me chills, I like coming here sharing. When I found Dane #124 when my eldest daughter was told, she never talked to me again. Too hard to hear that !! You know what is meant. I feel sad so many won't hear the 'storm coming, already Here' A Shame indeed
This is Public Domain UK and to my mind rather interesting:
When storms are named in advance…
**nb the word "centre" is correct and is common UL usage!
Meanwhile (!)
(storm Herminia!)
But I am but a simple old bloke trying to recover from major surgery and thus easily befuddled…
Geoff Hanham
I wrote the following email to my Michigan Federal Representative, Lisa McClain, yesterday:
Lisa, Thanks for the response to my email. This issue is progressing in the house of Michigan State Representatives. I do not believe this is a Federal Bill. It needs to be introduced as a Federal Bill because the State sponsored bill does not carry enough weight, My name is Thomas Ciolli and I'm the person who is responsible for starting the process of getting this State bill sponsored. I Met with my State Rep, Josh Schriver, some time ago and started the process of exposing this completely illegal activity and he co-sponsored the bill. I'm also the one who connected his office with Dane Wiggington, the lead researcher of geoengineeringwatch.org who helped them draft the bill similar to the one Tennessee passed. I'm also the one who dropped off the geoengineering information packets to your Lake Orion office on 2 occasions, and also the one who has been trying to connect with your environmentalist Eva but continue to receive no response to my emails to her.
This is the greatest environmental threat we face short of nuclear cataclysm. We need your help in this battle to stop this activity before there is nothing left to salvage. I watch this activity raging in our skies every day. Perhaps you don't realize the gravity of these weather warfare operations. This technology was used to enhance, steer and park Hurricane Helene where it dumped 6 months of rain in 24 hours. You can watch this unfold on satellite imagery. It was also used in California to enhance the fires by turning LA into a blow torch, this was NOT a natural disaster. And now it's being used to create artificial winter storms in the deep south using moisture from the record warm Gulf of Mexico. I could go on and on but you get the picture. I would urge you to take an hour out of your day to listen to the latest Global Alert News for an update on the state of our natural world, you will be shocked to the core on what the US Military is engaged in.
This activity needs to end now or nothing else will matter. I will provide you a link to the update and recommend you visit geoengineeringwatch.org for more information. This website is the most visited and comprehensive on the subject of geoengineering/climate engineering.
I would also like to meet with you and Eva so we can coordinate a strategy to move forward in this all important battle to save the planet from what's coming if this does not end soon. This may sound like science fiction and perhaps you may think I'm a little wacky but I assure you this is as real as it gets. Just so you know who you're talking to, I have a bachelor's of science degree with a double major in Engineering and worked with scientists, engineers and technicians for 36 years in industry. I know what I am talking about when it comes to science, technology and evaluating data and coming to sound conclusions..
Please help us move this forward. You are the Federal Representative I voted for and I am confident you will get a job done based on your past performance on other issues. I read your updates every week, thanks for all you've done for your constituents. Hope to chat with you soon.
Kind regards,
Thomas Ciolli
I have been trying to get a meeting with her regarding Climate Engineering for over 2 years. She responded to a reply I sent her to the update she sends out on a weekly basis. Apparently she is familiar with the Climate Engineering Bill that is on the floor of the State Senate. I need as many people as I can get to call her Lake Orion office and inquire if she is investigating this activity. The number is 586-697-9300. We need someone in the federal House of Reps to submit a Federal bill to halt this activity. Dane I also forwarded this email to you. If I do manage to schedule a meeting with her Dane would you be interested to join us vai phone ? I keep you up to date on what is happening in Michigan.
Thank your your persistent efforts on legislation in the State of Michigan to ban geoengineering. What I have experienced on my efforts in the past on nuclear issues – opposing the construction of nuclear power plants & the production of nuclear weapons – is that the lack of effective logistics can bring an activist down to a neutral state.
What I found back in the 1970’s and 1980’s on my road to economic starvation and despair – was to pause and clearly write down on paper my logistical needs in the clearest words possible – more detail the better – nothing filtered out because it is too big or “impossible”. Given to the Universe- or what I prefer to call “The Infinite Intelligence of the Universe that Permeates Every Atom in the Universe” – my logistical needs were always abundantly met – in profoundly unexpected ways – but not on my schedule. Clarity – very specific communication – open mindedness – gratitude, adaption. “If it is worth getting – it is worth asking for.” In our mega-abundant and profoundly wasteful society – one can live handsomely off the “exhaust” of society.
Wonderful news Thomas. You are much appreciated for what you are and have been doing.
All politicians from NC so far, Fed and State, remain completely silent on this issue- cowards.
Hello Thomas Ciolli. Yes. The alleged anti-geoengineering "Bill" in Tennessee includes no enforcement provision. Thus the "Bill" is certifiably ineffective…
Similar bills have been proposed in Kentucky, Arizona, North Dakota, Utah,Wyoming, Florida, Oklahoma, Texas, Pennsylvania, and Ohio. The Ohio bill is one of very few which contain actual penalty for violations. Please review the pages offered at "Americans for a Clean Atmosphere" for further information. Thank you for your efforts.
Clearing the Lens – beliefs – preconceptions – ideology – bias – perceptions – desire for a “Feely Good” outcome
Having been deeply involved for the past 15 years in the effort to expose and halt the blatantly obvious Climate Intervention crimes going on in our Skies – I observe the following:
People who occasionally visit GeoEngineeringWatch.org sometime come away with the impression that on that website they assert – “The only cause of Global Warming is the ongoing Climate Interventions, Solar Radiation Management, “Chemtrails” , etc. – that we see in the Sky”
The lead researcher on that site – Dane Wigington – in many of his posts – and in most of his 494 consecutive weekly broadcasts – “Global Alert News – relentlessly repeats the following:
“ It is not all one thing – there are many causes of Global Warming – like the global pumping of 100 million tons of CO2 into the atmosphere every day by normal human activity. But having said that – “the Global Climate Interventions Programs mentioned above are the SINGLE BIGGEST factor causing Global Warming. Again – “ Not the Only Factor – but the biggest single factor!”
Dane Wigington further states: “Anything that alters the energy balance of the planet is a form of Geoengineering – like – but not limited to – the deforestation of the Amazon.”
He refers to the Climate Intervention activities as “The Elephant in the Sky” – hiding in plain sight – visible to those whose eyes are not “glued wide-shut”.
The ultimate message from the GeoWatch website is – not only – that the ongoing Climate Engineering programs are slowly resulting in Global Omnicide – the death of all life on the planet – but also – that this reality is profoundly and relentlessly denied and ignored by the “Climate Science Community”, mainstream media, academia, the political, medical, legal, educational establishments – and by those in a position of power and authority – whose responsibility it is to protect the health, safety, and welfare of their respective human populations.
So that is it from my perspective. What do you think? Your views and opinions – regardless of what they they may be – are welcome here and honored in these discussions. Have at it.
Can you do your own research – and come to your own conclusions? After all – “This is a do-it-yourself life”.
Proverbs 4:16
"For they cannot sleep unless they do evil, and they are robbed of sleep unless they make someone stumble."
This verse tells us alot about the thinking patterns of those who are behind the attack on the earth's remaining life support systems. We often refer to them today as a sociopath.
Their life is all about to getting one over on someone or some group. Early on a sociopath growing up can inflict harm on immediate family members and relatives. As they get older, more spheres of influence are available. Their schools and then their workplaces become at risk.
To inflict more harm, the visionary sociopath then chases positions of power. Examples would be positions in government, military, politics, religious institutions and yes, the medical fields. I guess the more people that they can make stumble, the better their sleep is.
Proverbs 4:18
"But the path of the righteous is like the light of dawn that shines brighter and brighter until the full day."
We are not spinning our wheels each day that we recommit ourselves to this fight to end the toxic spraying of our skies. Each day we have a greater impact than the day before just like the light of dawn that shines brighter and brighter until the full day.
Blessed are they that do hunger and thirst after righteousness for they shall be filled.
Matthew 5 6
Interesting coincidental that I was also monitoring the mid and upper latitudes, also noticing Greenland and Alaska with temps above freezing, while there was a Blizzard Warning in Southern Louisiana and Texas in the Gulf of Mexico/America (whatever it's called now). It was so blatantly obvious to anyone that has paid attention to weather and/or a novice observer of meteorology.
I will take a look at the Vice segment (which I already downloaded in case it gets scrubbed off) when I have an opportunity. I foresee another video edit critique in my near future that I will post, about Vice, if their veracity was off the mark in any way. Not to stereotype . . . but having studied Geoengineering going on 6+ years now, for whatever reason, I noticed that Right wing identifying individuals, politicians, and independent news outlets are more receptive to looking at the facts and evidence as it pertains to weather modification. The theory I've formulated was that the Left typically gets marginalized and are typically of the minority class. Therefore, they don't want to swim anymore against the current (if you will) than they've already had to. It is really tragic, because the political polarization has existed for as long as I've been alive to experience it. So, instead of listening to reason, facts, and evidence, they instantly block out anything that is controversial to avoid any further marginalization. I've bounced this off of a few people, and they tended to agree that it's a valid theory. I'm sure there are other considerations, however, that was the first thing that popped into my head. However, I know people from both sides of the aisle that know about Geoengineering, since my introduction of it to them, and are sharing it far and wide, as have I.
You tried Vice, and they twisted it into a long segment refuting it, but with what evidence? Vice knows how long their leash is, and are all too willing to boot lick for another paycheck working for, yet another, consolidated mainstream media conglomerate owned by Disney CEO Bob Iger, whose annual salary is $44.9 million a year, with a market capitalization/valuation of $231 billion dollars now. You went up against Goliath. I applaud your tenacity in trying just the same!
UK Weather…
Go to the BBC and research the recent "super storm" that has just afflicted the UK – you will be surprised (or not) – the jer stream behaviour and isobar charts from Thursday 23rd and Friday 24th speak for themselves… As does the damage…
Geoff Hanham
Do you remember the “Rules for Climate Scientists” posted recently in the comments? Judging from our observations of the relentlessly absurd behavior by the members of the “Climate Science Community” – we speculate that the following are their insider rules. We believe that these rules are instilled into all Climate Science graduates from Academia – and are rigidly adhered to for a “splendid” lifetime “career” in the field of Climate Science.
Rules for all Climate Scientists – This is part of our mandatory “Climate Science Official Narrative” – to be relentlessly supported. Violate these rules at your own peril !
Here is one more rule.
Rule #16 – Ridicule. A powerful tool that we must use carefully but forcefully. It is profoundly effective against nay-sayers and ‘conspiracy theorists” – or anyone – who challenges or even questions our pristine Climate Science narrative.
For example – consider the random individual – uneducated about Climate Science – who views some dis-information website or looks up in the sky and sees normal jet contrails – just water vapor and ice crystals – and loudly and publicly acclaim that such harmless dispersions are toxic elements being sprayed as part of some alleged “weather warfare” program. Here we need to “heap it on” with unrelenting ridicule – whatever it tales – invent insults as needed – and this individual will shamefully shut up.
With critical but educated individuals – outside our immaculate realm of “Climate Science” – we use ridicule with more focus. We attack their credentials, field of expertise, their employment – savagely critique their published works, produce volumes of accusatory comments on any internet platform on which they appear – and shame them into total submission. It works every time.
For a member of the “Climate Science” community who deviates even slightly or even profoundly from our official narrative – we must instantly use peer pressure – familiar to all of us from birth to adulthood – to bring this individual into line. Any dissent within our ranks can not be tolerated. If massive peer pressure fails – then very severe measures will be taken – none of which can be publicly disclosed.
As highly educated, professional, and profoundly obedient Climate Scientists – we must chastise anyone who challenges in any way our official narrative. We never doubt the correctness and purity of our carefully researched Climate Science narrative. Any attack on our pristine narrative by nay-sayers and “conspiracy theorists” may jeopardize our reputations, careers, government grants, under-the-table perks, paychecks, and pensions.