Dane Wigington
“The secret escapes of billionaires: from bunkers to secure compounds” (MSN). “Why the U.S. has been home to Earth’s most unusually cold air this year” (The Washington Post). “Weather whiplash expected for millions across US with some places seeing 90-degree temperature swing” (FOX Weather). Are the billionaires about to stage their escape from unfolding collapse? Where does that leave the rest of us? The latest installment of Global Alert News is below.
All are needed in the critical battle to wake populations to what is coming, we must make every day count. Share credible data from a credible source, make your voice heard.
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4 Responses
Thank you again Dane for all you do.
I hear you when you express the lack of courage of people in the system not coming forward with damming information about the geoengineering projects. Sadly, I believe there are very few who are brave enough to face the dark reality we all face. The majority are still looking for a savior to rescue us.
I enjoy your rants, they are inspiring.
I think there are people that would be whistle blowers, but realize the ignorance of the masses, and are not suicidal in divulging to the sheep, and unprotected from the wolves.
I know I have mentioned it before, but it is very redolent to our situation, give “The Jones Plantation” movie a watch. It is a spot on characterization of the psychological hurdle we are facing.
You are blessed to have a supportive family ate your side. Mine think me to be a “conspiracy theorist” (I love them just the same). To me if you care for some one, you tell them the truth, no matter how painful it is.
My answer for the worlds problems is :
Know yourself
love yourself
“be the change you want to see”
As Dane has shown us, not all the world is suffering from bitter cold. Victorians in Australia have been warned about more devasting wildfires due to temperatures over 100 degrees. These temperatures have been accompanied by high winds.
Last week, 58-year-old Damian Ferrari described what his day was like while trying to protect his farm machinery, motorbikes and about 20 sheep. “I lost the whole lot, there’s not a fence or blade of grass that’s not burnt.”
He went on to say that “it came massively quick, it turned just from daylight to dark in 15 minutes, and a big, [expletive deleted] ball of red came out of it.”
With the help of a neighbor, he was able to save his house. In a heartrending scene, 2 dead kangaroos were seen in front of his paddock, unable to escape the inferno.
On site to give expert analysis was Emergency Services Minister Jaclyn Symes. “It’s fair to say the fire is not yet under control.”
I would also say it’s fair to say places like Victoria need to know what else is not under control. That would be the ongoing solar radiation management, the tampering of the earth’s remaining life support systems.
RFK Jr. & Health and Human Services (HHS) – Radical Transparency – Part 2
The above link is to the speech that RFK Jr. recently gave to the current employees of the US government Health and Human Services (HHS) Agency – upon his appointment by President Trump – as Head Administrator (Secretary) of HHS.
Here are some additional snippets from that speech:
Health Problems: “6 of 10 (60%) of adults have at least one chronic disease, and 4 in 10 (40%) have two or more – The U.S. has the highest age-standardized cancer incident rate among 204 countries – asthma and auto-immune diseases are far more common in the U.S. than in any other part of the world – autism now affects one in every 36 kids – 18% of teens suffer from fatty liver disease & nearly 38% are diabetic or pre-diabetic – and more than 40% are overweight or obese – the sperm counts and testosterone counts are down at least 50% in American boys – and our girls are reaching puberty six years earlier than in historical generations. Over 3.4 million American children are taking medications for AED and AEHD – and yet the numbers continue to rise.“
“Americans are very very sick – We are the sickest nation on Earth with the greatest chronic disease burden in the world or in the history of the world. During COVID – we had in this country 60% of the COVID deaths. We have only 4.2% of the world’s population… The CDC says that is because we are the sickest people in the world. The average American who died from Covid had 3.8 chronic diseases – so were they dying from COVID – or were they dying from chronic disease?”
Editor’s Note: Sick people are totally self-absorbed, self-oriented. They have to be. They are literally fighting for basic survival here in the physical plane. When it comes to any sort of activism, inquiry, or concern for anything that goes beyond themselves – they are utterly neutralized. And that is exactly where the evil criminal cabal that controls the “System” wants them. Docile, controlled, bribed, and completely dependent on the “System” – “Big Brother”.
And when it comes to internal medicine – the sick ones go to the hospital or to a clinic – not for a though examination to determine the root cause of their malady – but as “patients” – to get a prescription for some patented toxic pharmaceutical concoction that only masks their current symptoms – worsening their overall medical condition. And then there is “self medication”.
Self medication: Mind and mood altering substances – with alcohol and tobacco leading the charge – since both are “legal” and are now readily available everywhere. And then there is host of other mind and mood altering substances – all of which degrade one’s health – and some of which are rapidly and profoundly deadly – such as fentanyl. These substances provide the user temporary relief from severe body pain, a fleeting feeling of euphoria and well being, stress relief, escape from harsh realities, social acceptance by belonging to a particular group, escape from the uselessness of their boring lives – and yield to the unending and slavish feeding of multiple addictions – addictions that always want more, more, more. You know what I talking about and can add to this list.
Thirty years ago , I worked as a volunteer street EMT in a small Colorado town – and also was employed at the local hospital Emergency Room (ER). With trauma – I witnessed a zillion ways that people can destroy their bodies – and had to deal with it on the spot. With internal medicine – we treated an unending parade of sick people – most of whom adamantly refused to make necessary dietary and lifestyle changes – and were incapable of the daunting task of overcoming their multiple addictions. They were unwilling to take full responsibility for their health and well being. Could it be that the “herd” is “culling” itself?
In conclusion – I don’t thing the above is fixable. Normally – these sick people will eventually “pass on” – with the hope that future generations will make better health choices – and choose vibrant health and well being. Too late – that opportunity ain’t gonna happen. Biosphere collapse is upon us – and unless we all make an immediate and radical course correction – its bye, bye, bye. The reality of the situation is not this bad. – it is way worse.
So onward through the fog – with most global populations – instead of looking up at the sky – are staring at their little electronic “screen” devices glued to their noses.
Secretary Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. can be reached by mail at the following address:
The U.S. Department of Health & Human Services Hubert H. Humphrey Building 200 Independence Avenue, S.W. Washington, D.C. 20201
By telephone: 1-877-696-6775
There is also an email contact form at the Health & Human Services website at hhs.gov and choose contact from the dropdown menu.
Europe’s new artificial intelligence-powered weather forecasting model, the Artificial Intelligence Forecasting System (AIFS), became operational on Tuesday, February 25, 2025. This model, developed by the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF), is up to 20% more accurate than conventional methods and can provide reliable forecasts up to 15 days ahead. (read on the web via AI)