Dane Wigington
Chemical winter, "Microplastics: Unexpected Ice Makers in the Sky" (from ZME Science). "Startling New Research Reveals That Microplastics Could Be Changing Earth’s Climate" (from SciTechDaily). Do climate engineering patents call for polymer nanoparticles to be dispersed into our skies? The short answer is yes. The latest installment of Global Alert News is below.
All are needed in the critical battle to wake populations to what is coming, we must make every day count. Share credible data from a credible source, make your voice heard.
Must view, THE DIMMING, our most comprehensive climate engineering documentary:
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35 Responses
California Wildfires: Role of Undisclosed Atmospheric Manipulation and Geoengineering
The efforts by the destroyers of the natural world to correct the multpicity of destructive "problems" created by 3 past human industrial revolutions by bringing about a 4th industrial revolution to attempt to create "solutions" that create more "problems" is insanity.
State of Play: The Legacy of Uranium Mining on U.S. Tribal Lands
When the uranium market price plummeted after the Chernobyl accident in 1986, U.S. uranium mining corporations stopped operations and frequently abandoned their former claims. From 1944 to 1986, mining companies extracted 30 million tons of uranium ore from the Navajo Nation to produce nuclear weapons and fuel nuclear reactors. Today, there are at least 523 abandoned uranium mines and four abandoned uranium mills on or near the Navajo Nation. The Havasupai Tribe lives near one of the few active uranium mines left in the Southwestern region, the Pinyon Plain Mine (formerly known as the Canyon Mine) located on the Grand Canyon’s South Rim. The mine is located near the Havasupai’s traditional spiritual site, Red Butte, and uses aquifers that flow into the tribe’s sole water source in Havasu Canyon. The Lakota tribal territory hosts over 3,200 uranium mines, many of which await cleanup. Many of the mines in Lakota territory are located in the Black Hills, an area considered sacred to the Lakota, Cheyenne, Kiowa, and Arapaho tribes. The Lakota tribal nations have been fighting against mining in the Black Hills since gold was discovered there in the 1870s.
Across tribal lands, contamination from historic uranium mining continues to exacerbate inequities and pollute natural resources. For example, on the Pine Ridge Lakota reservation in South Dakota, studies revealed that abandoned uranium mine runoff caused elevated levels of uranium in local water reservoirs and the Cheyenne River, which crosses through two nearby Lakota reservations. Residents on the Pine Ridge Reservation depend on these bodies of water, as a third of homes lack access to piped water or sewer systems. This lack of infrastructure, coupled with a lack of access to grocery stores with bottled water, leads to widespread community use of uranium-contaminated water from local waterways. Lack of access to healthcare compounds the issues of uranium contamination and infrastructure inequity. Due to these compounding factors, the Pine Ridge Reservation currently has the lowest life expectancy in the U.S. While modern uranium mining can be performed safely and sustainably, communities across the U.S. share the long-lasting harmful effects of historic uranium mining conducted with few environmental safeguards.
State of Play: The Legacy of Uranium Mining on U.S. Tribal Lands | Good Energy Collective
Temps here in SoCal approx 3 degrees below normal for month of November. Engineered Winter successfully deployed across the area.
Heavy Aircraft Spraying Ops yesterday as Geoengineers create "Cirrus Clouds".
Biden wants 100 bil for Disaster Relief. Geoengineerd Disasters in many cases.
Well, the bomb cyclone hasn't had much of an effect on western Oregon where I live in Douglas County.. Highest wind speed on a personal weather station that I looked at last night was 27 with a gust to 35.mph. Rainfall was light. A few power outages reported. Certainly not anywhere near as bad as they were forecasting. Cyclone moved north well off the west coast. Areas in western WA did experience higher winds though which blew down some trees and caused power outages.Rainfall amounts nowhere near what was forecast either. The news hype over this was just that, hype! .
Read a weather report saying the cyclone forming off the PNW is a once in a decade occurance. Bull! In 1962 a severe cyclone hit the PNW causing major damage. I know because I lived here and lived through it! So tire of the lies being told by the media!
A so-called "Pineapple Express" came into the Pacific Northwest in December of 1964 causing major flooding of many rivers when I was 10 years old. We lived 2 miles from the South Umpqua River. It rose out of its banks and flooded the area where we lived. Caused a lot of damage in many places. Today this weather event is now called an "atmospheric river". I don't think the technology to move the rivers of water in air existed in 1964, but I could be wrong. Today, however, the technology to do this does exist. The mainstream media does everything possible to make it appear that weather events like this are "natural" which makes orchestrated events "plausibly deniable". There are, of course, those stand to capitalize on these weather events, be they natural or unnatural. Capitalists who created the capitalist ecosystem have always done this! Any of you know who came up with this so-called "Free Enterprise" economic system?
Excuse me, but the ability to steer the rivers of water in the atmosphere DID exist before 1964! I forgot about that Nicola Tesla understood how to do this in the late 1800 early 1900! Silly me!
Woke up early to check on the progress of the "bomb cyclone" that is predicted to cause some major weather related problems for the PNW. Watched a video by a well-respected non-mainstream forecaster last night. He was very concerned to say the least. High winds and inches of rain starting later today where I'm located in Oregon. Up to 20 inches of rain possible along the northern CA, OR, and WA coasts and n a short amount of time. Major interruptions of transportation systems that deliver products and services possible. Power outages of course. If that happens here I've no way to post info because the WiFi will not be working. Oh well.
I'm a conspiracy theorist, my pronouns are "I told you so".
A couple of years ago I bought a Soeks Geiger counter, Russian made. It was smaller than my American made one and I've heard Russian ones are more sensitive. I let it run for about a week and confirmed about .15 to about .18 microsieverts as a background level my other American made Geiger counter came up with too.
Kind of high but the white mtns in az are a downwind site from Utah many years ago. I set the alarm at .5 ms as recommended.
I had it in my office one day and the alarm went off. I watched as the screen turned yellow then red as the radiation level went to around 2.4 ms (microsieverts) in about 10 mins. Across the street was a fire station and I ran overthere with the meter and showed them. I asked if I could compare the readings to their meter to check if this was for real or a glitch and they said they didn't have one. Wow I thought and ran home and fired up my American made one, but it wasn't picking up what I was seeing which was waning back to normal background levels.
Months later I was at home and the alarm started going off again as before. I turned on my other meter and nothing. The Soeks meter kept climbing way past 2.4 ms and went all the way to 40.2 ms over about 10 mins time. I was inside so it had to be gamma radiation. I turned the meter off and on but to no avail.
The meter started to go down slowly and the whole episode took about 20 min.
At that level of radiation in 24 hrs would be very unhealthy for everything living including me/you/ etc.
Gee how fun…not
That's very scary Chris. I have wished I had a Geiger counter but not sure where to purchase a reliable one from since I know nothing about that area of expertise in radiation study. Thank you for the report on what you are measuring where you live. If you have suggestions for brands that are good and where to get them from please post back for us. I would like to try taking measurements here where I live. Our lips are chapped almost always now and have been for several years. I'll bet we have sky high measurements over north Georgia and the southeast too. On chemically induced winter; we had high temps Tuesday and yesterday in the 60-70 F range that went to mid- low 30's last night and tonight calling for blustery wind chills in the 20 degree range for tonight, windy and chilly tomorrow but somewhat subsiding by the weekend and back into the 60's by midweek next week. Welcome to engineered winter weather whiplash. Dane called it a dozen or more years ago. Just who the hell can accept this as a natural weather pattern and how does anything adjust physically to this insanity?! Oh boy, Here we go again…
Glad I live in a "blue hole" in southern Arizona. They still spray us with God knows what but mostly clear days, and on days that they spray it usually blows away. On the occasional bad days it turns into the typical gray soupy overcast. Small price to pay for an old surfer living away from the ocean. I'm lovin' it though as I'm pretty much retired from surfing because my orthopedic surgeons at Tucson Ortho told me the next procedure might be a joint replacement. Yikes.
A so-called "bomb cyclone" is to hit the Pacific Northwest on Tuesday the 19th. Current predicted barometric pressure is to drop to CAT 2 level as it moves WNW but its not to come ashore (they say!). High winds and torrential rain forecast. Lived through the Columbus Day cyclone that hit OR/WA in 1962. I was 7 years old (now 70+). Wind blew me and my brother off the back porch! Caused major power outages, washed out bridges and roads, caused major land and rock slides, and some deaths. It took many months to recover from the damage it caused. Hanging on until its time to go, whenever that is!
More logging is proposed to help curb wildfires in the US Pacific Northwest
"U.S. officials would allow increased logging on federal lands across the Pacific Northwest in the name of fighting wildfires and boosting rural economies under proposed changes to a sweeping forest management plan that’s been in place for three decades."
In other words, what remains of the old growth timber will soon be logged off, especially in areas where the "explosive" fires burned through them, along with the homes of many, some of whom died in these fires, especially in CA. What trees that grew up naturally in clear-cut areas and the genetically modified trees that have grown up in areas where they were planted over the last 30, 40, 50 plus years will continue to be cut-down as well. Some of the trees that burned up in the Caldor FIre some years ago now have been logged off. A new mill was constructed in Nevada to process these logs near the intersection of Hwy 50 and 395 about a year ago. As the climate continues to heat up in the U.S. southwest people will move north to escape the heat. Many already have moved. Many in the sub-tropical regions south of the U.S. border have been trying to escape the extreme heat there, but the U.S. is constructing a wall on the southwest border to attempt to keep them out. Creating "Fortress America" as the Pentagon stated would happen!
Something truly hideous about chemical ice nucleation: wild birds feet frozen upon their perches in the hedgerows – even ducks and geese. on the ground…
This morning, a female sparrow with a broken leg and wing in a frozen ice blob trying to feed from some food spilt from the bird table on the frozen ground frantically trying to lift her remaining undamaged leg to stop it freezing also but falling over all the time… She is now indoors – I am trying to help her but…
I have lived too long – seen to much – but I live whilst I can for these little ones and our ancient 'rescued' parrot….
More and more I am lost for words…
Both Gill and I were senior analysts in our different (but related) fields when young, before moving into management – I can only say – and please forgive me folks: data is only of use if it leads to action… Misery is everywhere. Destruction is everywhere. Evil is everywhere. My old West Country Celtic grandmama once told me that I would live to witness both the "Great division" and the "Great standing up" before the End … My beloved wife "Stood up" all her life" – I can only follow…
Thank you Dane from my heart, for not just "Standing up" – but "Standing tall"…
Geoff Hanham
Hello, Geoff, thank you so very much for helping the innocent creatures that do not deserve any of this, my heart absolutely bleeds for all of them. My deepest thanks to you and all other individuals that are marching forward in this fight in spite of it all, team effort.
At 12:05 into the presentation: "We can't live without an environment." True. >>> The majority of the civilian public seem to believe their televisions and phone screens ARE the environment.
I concluded decades ago that the human species either does not *belong* on planet Earth, or has mutated to the extent where we have become completely alien to life itself. Thank you Dane for your efforts at informing the situation.
IEEE Strategic Plan 2020-2025: The IEEE Strategic Plan is a vital part of the ongoing evolution of IEEE. The Plan provides a clear picture of IEEE as an organization, the goals our community is pursuing, and the initiatives that will move IEEE forward in the coming years.
Will the real geoengineers please stand up!
The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers is one of the world's largest "professional" organizations, and has presided over the rapacious exploitation of humanity (via electromagnetic induction/hypnosis) and has embraced the ongoing destruction of Earth's environment (See agenda hurricane Helen) since inception.
The use of NEXRAD, SBX radar, HAARP-like installation, satellite surveillance, and the complete inundation of civil environments via electromagnetic broadcast, has reduced insect, bird, and wildlife populations to near extinction. We are next…
Enjoy the nephropathy, autoimmune dysfunction, and obnoxious ringing in your ears. It's great for portfolio profits…
To make this as simple as possible to understand their "plan" is based on the "human way of thinking" which is the foundation of all humanities problems to begin with! One cannot build a house on a foundation of sand for when the storm comes it will collapse! And it will!
My ears have been ringing for many years. Started right after businesses started selling wireless cell phones. Ringing in the ears is but one of many "symptoms" that are related to exposure to all the EMF radiation we're immersed in. Here's just some from a long list of these symptoms:
Abdominal pain
Altered sugar metabolism
Behavioural disorders (e.g. attention deficit disorder, ADD)
Brain-degenerative diseases (e.g. Alzheimers)
Burning skin
Calcium efflux, at the near level, as false sensation
Cancerous afflictions: leukemia, brain tumours
Cardiac: palpitations, arythmia, pain or pressure in the chest, low or high blood pressure, slow or fast heart rate, shortness of breath
Chronic exhaustion
Concentration problems
Dermatological: skin rash, itching, burning, facial flushing****
Deteriorating fillings****
Deteriorating vision
NYC officials have said that October was the driest month on record. As a result, the five boroughs of NYC had 229 brush fires from 10/29 to 11/12. Concrete jungles are apparently not immune from the results of record breaking droughts. You know it's serious when outdoor grilling is currently banned in NYC during football season.
It took about 100 firefighters to battle a two acre fire in Prospect Park. Morgan Monaco, president of the Prospect Park Alliance blamed the drought on climate change. There was no mention of solar radiation management.
Undaunted and already looking to the future, Morgan says that replanting in the park will begin next spring. However, she warns that it will take several planting seasons to replace a lot of the plant material that was lost. She must believe that the soil currently is healthy and not saturated with nanoparticles from the toxic spraying above.
According to local business owner Randall Rodriguez, smoke is a problem. "There's been a lot of smoke for a few days already. It's a little hard to breathe… if you stay for a few minutes, it will affect you, your eyes, your nose."
No, living in a concrete jungle does not keep you from the danger of what is referred to as climate change. People that live in the five boroughs of NYC need to look up and become aware of climate manipulation. If not, the future prospects of places like Prospect Park are not very good.
Geoengineering is more than just being able to manipulate and control the weather. Geoengineering involves technologies to attempt to replace and takeover earth's natural systems. This involves creating technologies to do so. Many patented technologies are involved. Some technologies are hidden from public knowledge. International electronic and electrical engineers are at the leading edge of these efforts. I'll stop here because I need to get a cup of coffee!
JFK said, “World peace, like community peace, does not require that each man love his neighbor– it requires only that they live together in mutual tolerance, submitting their disputes to a just and peaceful settlement.”
Jesus said, "You have heard that is was said, 'You shall love your neighbor and hate your enemy.' But I say to you, Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, so that you may be sons of your Father who is in heaven; for he makes his sun rise on the evil and on the good, and sends rain on the just and the unjust. For if you love those who love you, what reward have you? Do not even the tax collectors do the same? And if you salute only your brethren, what more are you doing than others? Do not even the Gentiles do the same? You therefore, must be perfect, as your heavenly Father is perfect." (Matthew chapter 5, 43 thru 48, RSV, 1952)
Where I live in the coastal north sea area close to the Scottish Border (an 'uneasy' area for a West-Countryman!) we had over four weeks of sunless days caused by very low gray unclassifiable blanketing cloud… The air had a strange 'burnt' smell and you could taste 'metal' on your tongue, a constant runny nose, and if you were out too long you acquired a slightly sore throat and stinging in your eyes… This ended a couple of days ago in the morning to reveal an searing over-bright sky that required aviation-grade sunglasses indoors in rooms facing the sun… a few hours later the 'trails' arrived and a haze (probably at 20,000 to 30000 ft – but it was difficult to be certain… North north sea coasts used to have very variable but constant (if you see what I mean) weather with cold coastal sea mist (haar) a notable feature, even in summer – but now the weather is all over the proverbial auction… North Somerset weather was likewise predictable and if you liked that sort of thing (we did!) was like a constant month of April to varying degrees – sunshine and showers for most of the year, the most beautiful coastal sunsets and with dawns that could take your breath away… And a very fertile land still in the early 1980s, for the most part, teeming with wildlife… And then…
I can but faintlly echo you Dane by quoting part of an old Dylan Thomas poem: "… do not go gently into that 'good night' – but rage, rage against the dying of the light…
Of all the dozens of 'rescued' wild saplings that my wife and soul-friend tried to save, only three now survive, part sheltered by a lovely wild rowan tree, that this year was a glory, laden with red-orange berries – that eventually fell to the ground as there were no blackbirds or throstles to eat them, not a single bank vole nor even a russet wood mouse… Once, in a beautiful garden that she wilded, a small family of bank voles would come and take hazel cobs from her fingers whilst we sat under an ancient coppiced tree that new centuries upon centuries – (perhaps millennia, as it was the solitary remnant of an ancient grove) of warming Somerset sunshine and sweet tasting rain that had brought Life to the land of our hearts…
I say again: "…do not go gently into that good night – but rage Rage Rage against the dying of the Light!"
Thank you Dane for your 'candle'…
Geoff Hanham
The in depth technical details of patented weather/ climate modification re the desiccation and heat trapping are valuable to know when talking to people. The coal fly ash tropospheric dispersions are making the sky so filthy in east central Alberta, and we are getting heavy thick cover now for days at a time that drops solar panel amperage to near zero, coupled with the tiniest drops of moisture and eventually tiny ice shards that make it feel much colder than you would think from the thermometer. This is of course accompanied by the strong winds the climate engineers are so fond of. Our night time temperatures are generally 20 degrees F above normal here. And daytime heating is unreal on the occasional sunny day as is the UV. I don’t know why more people don’t notice it and want to talk about it. I have noticed coffee drinkers to be generally more oblivious on average. Plus there is all the subliminal messaging on television.
More bad news from Canada is Bill C293 the Pandemic Preparedness and Prevention ACT which hands Canadian sovereignty over to a “coordinater” working for the Global Controllers ie the money printers.
You leave out an important part of this. HAARP facilities! There are at least 10 of them in permanent strategic locations on earth. They are part of an integrated global system used to monitor and manipulate the weather. By the way, I'm a coffee drinker.
The chemtrails picture looks just like it always does here in our Salinas, California sky. I don't know what to do about it. v
Pls get the awareness raising materials, left side of home page. I find the QR code cards most helpful, initially, followed by flyers or even booklets if the cards are well received.
Commencement Address at American University, Washington, D.C., 10 June 1963 by President John F. Kennedy – speaking about peace.
https://www.jfklibrary.org/archives/other-resources/john-f-kennedy-speeches/american-university-19630610 – Listen to the speech or read the text of the speech.
Excerpts from the speech:
“First: Let us examine our attitude toward peace itself. Too many of us think it is impossible. Too many think it unreal. But that is a dangerous, defeatist belief. It leads to the conclusion that war is inevitable–that mankind is doomed–that we are gripped by forces we cannot control.”
“Let us focus instead on a more practical, more attainable peace — based not on a sudden revolution in human nature but on a gradual evolution in human institutions….. For peace is a process–a way of solving problems.”
“World peace, like community peace, does not require that each man love his neighbor– it requires only that they live together in mutual tolerance, submitting their disputes to a just and peaceful settlement.”
"Second: Let us reexamine our attitude toward the Soviet Union.”
“Third: Let us reexamine our attitude toward the cold war…”
“Our military forces are committed to peace and disciplined in self- restraint.”
“Chairman Khrushchev, Prime Minister Macmillan, and I have agreed that high-level discussions will shortly begin in Moscow looking toward early agreement on a comprehensive test ban treaty.”
“I now declare that the United States does not propose to conduct nuclear tests in the atmosphere so long as other states do not do so.”
“Finally, my fellow Americans, let us examine our attitude toward peace and freedom here at home.”
Editor’s comments:
– Was this the first and the last President of the United States to advocate for peace? – And now in mid-November 2024 do we see quite the opposite?
– Was this speech one of the many nails in President Kennedy’s coffin?
– Who are the present and past “enemies” of the US empire? Russia, China, Iran, North Korea, Lebanon, Yemen, Syria, Iraq, the upcoming BRICS organization, Nicaragua, Guatemala, North and South Vietnam, Venezuela, – Cuba, Haiti, Puerto Rico and Spain (weather warfare) – and we the American population – just to name a few.
– What about the 800 plus US military installations around the world – spreading peace and democracy? Really?
Hardliners on both sides of the Cold War, terrified that peace might break out went to make sure that it would not happen. We all know what happened to JFK. His successor Lyndon Johnson famously said during the 1964 Presidential election campaign that we are not about to send American boys nine or ten thousand miles away from home to do a job that Asian boys ought to be doing for themselves. The Gulf of Tonkin incident was fabricated in August 1964, and within three months after the election U.S. Marines landed in Vietnam and the rest as they say is history. As for Khruschev, he was deposed in October 1964 and lived out the rest of his life in obscurity.
As for J.F.K, all his forerunners, and all that are, and have been after "White man speaks with forked tongue". Remember the so called PEACE TREATIES these elites made with the real natives of this land, then turned around and slaughtered them.
So they carry out their evil agenda, and we do not dare resist them. That my dear friends is their definition of peace.
Yes I feel for Nature, contaminated water, plants, etc. that Nature needs for food & water.
I understand, Therese. Long ago, a traveler walking down a road asked an older man on the side of the road how to reach. Mount Olympus. He was told to make every step point in that direction. The older man turned out to be Socrates.
Just take each day as it comes and do whatever the Creator's spirit leads you to do, both to reach out to others and also to help the living creatures including plants within your sphere of influence.
Ditto: Therese anyone who loves the natural world, anyone with a few years under their belt , surely notices the decline of our natural surroundings and our brethren creature counterparts. Any of us with heart and respect for life who has any 3 of the 5 scenes working ; surely must feel the pain in what we are witnessing. Truly these are sorrowful things in our times we are living.