Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, November 23, 2024, #485


Dane Wigington

"Bomb cyclone pummels Northern California with heavy snow and record rain, knocks out power for hundreds of thousands in Seattle" (PBS). "Atmospheric river dumps snow and record rain on California" (BBC). "Whiteout Traffic Nightmare In Northern California" (The Weather Channel). Wild weather headlines just in time for the holidays, exactly what the controllers and the climate engineers seek to create. The resulting difficult holiday travel instills an even deeper impression on populations. Is global conflict the next card to be played as geoengineering operations and biosphere collapse become impossible to hide? The latest installment of Global Alert News is below.

All are needed in the critical battle to wake populations to what is coming, we must make every day count. Share credible data from a credible source, make your voice heard.

Must view, THE DIMMING, our most comprehensive climate engineering documentary:​

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35 Responses to Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, November 23, 2024, #485

  1. Julia C Hollingsworth says:

    All I can add is that throughout history, when MAN gets involved with the natural events of nature and the earth, HE screws it up. 
    Many examples, one of which is when the government felt the Elk population in an area was being over hunted by their natural predator, wolves. They removed all the wolves by slaughter & felt pleased for a few years until famine and disease began to kill the herds. In the end they had to re-introduce the wolf population. You see it was natures way of removing over population and diseased win those not strong enough to  survive or to thrive. As I said when governments & man interfere with nature they ALWAYS make a mess of it. So this geo engineering will be just another example in years to come. I fear, however, they may not be able to correct this one. Unless this is their Master Plan to become ultimate rulers. If so, pray to Jesus Christ that we become wise sooner than later, open our Eyes and stop this before our Earth is destroyed and we wind up barely surviving in a desolate earth, without flowers and trees wishing we had had the strength and nerve to stop it before it happened. 

    • Daniel says:

      I first started noticing the chemtrails against our previously vivid, deep blue skies in fall 2013. I noticed these silk-like spider webs falling from the sky as well when they were spraying heavily one day. I recall as a child in the 90s how we had deep blue skies and puffy white clouds here in Georgia. Now even on clear days the sky is extremely light blue with a haze across it. I've noticed recently that the day before it rains, they will spray heavily, ans this makes me think they have complete control of the weather now and without this phenomenon it won't even rain. I really wish Jesus would destroy these people and create everything new and fresh. People have grown cold, the weather and skies are artificial, and the world is a mess in general.

  2. Vic says:

    God bless Dane, Happy Thanksgiving. Keep calling these  climate criminals out.

  3. Joe says:


    Why Thanksgiving Is Also a National Native Day of Mourning

    It’s important to know that for many Native Americans, Thanksgiving is a day of mourning and protest since it commemorates the arrival of settlers in North America and the centuries of oppression and genocide that followed.

    Organized by the United American Indians of New England in 1970, the fourth Thursday in November (Thanksgiving) is recognized as the National Day of Mourning for Native Americans and their allies.

    Many people gather at Cole's Hill in Plymouth for an organized rally and day of mourning on Thanksgiving. Here’s what they have to say about this choice to mourn:

    “Thanksgiving day is a reminder of the genocide of millions of Native people, the theft of Native lands, and the relentless assault on Native culture. Participants in National Day of Mourning honor Native ancestors and the struggles of Native peoples to survive today. It is a day of remembrance and spiritual connection as well as a protest of the racism and oppression which Native Americans continue to experience.”




    The History of Thanksgiving from the Native American Perspective

  4. Gerry says:

    Not sure why the scientists can't figure out why it's so hot! Hmmm.

  5. Mary Hollowell says:

    John Lewis at the San Diego Convention Center

    Dane Wigington at the San Diego Convention Center


  6. Jonathan says:


    I have been following this website as many of you here have, for a good while. We have seen things come and go, sometimes bad and sometimes good. RFK, Jr. may well be a most welcome voice for positive change. This is not to put the political class on a pedestal. Yet let us give him and the team of which he is a part, a chance to make good on their promises. I shall hold RFK, Jr. to his word, "We are going to stop this crime."

    One thing I will take exception with is what I am sensing more and more lately, a sense of despair and hopelessness. Friends, this is not productive. 

    At the end of the day, our Creator, Tunkasila (Grandfather)/Wakan Tanka (The Great, Mysterious Creator Spirit) in the Lakota traditions, or whatever other name you use, is in control. True, true, mankind has dominion and the exercise of free will to live in a good way, what the Lakota call the Red Road, a life in harmony and balance with the Creator and all created by his hand. 

    Our outreach efforts to others about geoengineering; our care for the precious people, plants and animals (many of them so very innocent) within our sphere of influence; our support of Dane and his great work; are but a few examples of constructive things we can do. For those not yet engaged in such things, this is a positive way to direct our energy and time and is more helpful than wringing one's hands in despair.

    Help previously not seen may come from places and sources unexpected. Believe! Have faith!

    Yes, we face many challenges. And yet, we were born to live and be in effect God's eyes and ears, hands and feet during just such a time as this. 

    So be encouraged, as you look the storm in the eye.


  7. doomsday clock at 90 seconds to midnight but “Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists” resorts to issuing this denial

  8. Joe says:

    COP29: Rich Countries Shirk Climate Duties, But They Are Not Above the Law


    BAKU, Azerbaijan, November 23, 2024 —

    The 29th UN Climate Conference (COP29) concluded today, with an atrociously inadequate new climate finance goal of $300 billion, after wealthy nations refused to pay up in line with their legal obligations to provide sufficient climate finance to the Global South—say experts at the Center for International Environmental Law (CIEL). COP29 delivered a watered-down outcome on financial commitments, and ignored the call for climate accountability, marking yet another missed opportunity for decisive action on the climate crisis.

    Developing countries had demanded at least 1.3 trillion per year in climate finance for mitigation, adaptation, and loss and damage—just a fraction of what is spent each year by rich countries on fossil fuel subsidies and war.

    Wealthy countries failed to meet their legal obligations to provide their share in debt-free public finance, phase out fossil fuels without dangerous loopholes or distractions like carbon markets, and uphold human rights and civic space.

     “COP29 was a dumpster fire. Except it’s not trash that’s burning— it’s our planet. And developed countries are holding both the matches and the firehose. Their refusal to pay up for climate action and harm, or to phase out fossil fuels, in line with their legal obligations,  denies Global South countries their due and puts a livable future at risk,” said Nikki Reisch, CIEL’s Director of Climate & Energy Program. “Big polluters are to blame for this insulting outcome. For decades, they have diluted their legal obligations and blocked climate negotiations from tackling the climate crisis with the urgency, ambition, and equity needed. By allowing carbon removal offsets into the climate regime and fossil fuel lobbyists into these negotiations, they’ve blown loopholes through ambition and let the fox into the henhouse. The same rich countries that will not pony up resources to ensure a global transition away from fossil fuels are propping up the fossil fuel industry with trillions of dollars in subsidies and investments in new projects.”

    COP29: Rich Countries Shirk Climate Duties, But They Are Not Above the Law – Center for International Environmental Law


    • Earth Angel says:

      And STILL, the biggest and most INSULTING polluters are NOT mentioned by Ms. Nikki Reisch of CIEL: The military's of the industrial world with their extremely destructive, immoral and wasteful war practices AND the criminal geoengineering of our Earth's most precious and delicate atmosphere. She seems to be more concerned with the carbon credits payola plan schemes (cha-ching!! $$$$$$$$$$) than naming and halting the root sources of these problems.

    • Joe says:

      Thanks Earth Angel– it seems like I and the rest of us have been protesting wars our whole life.   Native Americans were here 1st if they were more respected for their way of doing things this whole nation would be alot better.  I grew up during Vietnam war and protested it as early as 1965 w my father.  I was called a communist and told to move back to China.  This is way before the huge protests in the streets.  

  9. Elaine says:

    Thank you Dane for sounding the alarm over and over again.

    Sometimes it feels so hopeless but we never give up…while walking the last week, both David and I have noticed with all the rain here in Southern Oregon yet not one worm has been seen by either of us when in the past they covered the roads and it was hard not to step on them as there were so many.

    No foaming gutters either…like we had in the summer pour downs though few they were.  It's these little things that we notice every day while outside and wonder if others do, very sad.

  10. Thearus Olson says:

    Engineers know that a "loss", is energy that escapes the system they are designing.  In the case of energy conversion that occurs in multiple stages for all electric vehicles, this "loss" is heat–which amplifies the very problem all this electrification is intended to solve.  Loss is that deviation from 100% efficiency.  Conversion of electrical energy is 10 to 20 percent less than 100% efficient, even with the best semiconductor and magnetic inductor technology.  The analogy goes something like this:  Instead of switching to EV technology, how about we stick with conventional carbon fuels, with the added twist of pouring 10 to 20 percent of this fuel on the ground and lighting it on fire.  It's one of the most boneheaded ideas there is, unless the real intent is malevolent.

    Nature, over billions of years has evolved a mechanism to maintain planetary energy balance.  It is insane to think the people on this planet can come up with something better.  What they have gotten real good at is screwing up an extraordinary display of nature's creation. Imagine being on a spacecraft hurling through the galaxy and lighting a huge fire within that spacecraft that has no escape pods.  Not real bright.

    • Lance says:

      The EV "solution" has as many "problems", a lot of them hidden from public understanding. Oh, but wait! Humanity can look up to AGI to come up with "solutions", right? What if the "solution" is the elimination of human beings that are causing the "problems"? Ruh Roh!  

    • brent says:

      Yeah I mentioned Muscattos interview with Rogain.

      Told her that the moon landining was BS and senior Muscatto Is smart enough to know that. She hasn't talked to me in weeks

      Sound like a couple cats Dane mentions on this site.

      They Know

      And they r lying


  11. James Kostran says:


    Gov. Kathy Hochul of New York is saying we need to plant 23 million trees by 2033.  What is that going to do?  Thee si no way that could happen, right?  There is not enough land to support that/

  12. Stan Sylvester says:

    As Dane  read from Mark Twain's "The War Prayer," this section of scripture came to my mind:

    Psalm 120: 5 – 7 "Woe is me that I sojourn in Meshech, that I dwell in the tents of Kedar. My soul hath long had dwelling with him that   hateth peace. I am for peace, but when I speak, they are for war."

    Ah yes, way back then there were war mongers  who  hated peace. Fast forwarding to today, those that hate peace gather support by programming, excuse me, by alerting us to potential enemies. As a result, the fervent prayers for war  are alive and well in the pulpits and pews of today's major denominations. 

    "The war  is not meant to be won, it is meant to be continuous." George Orwell. 

    Indeed it is.

  13. Ben Billings says:

    Nuclear Detonations ! – Consent ! – Push Back ! – Victory !

    Who Makes the Rules?
    Who Makes the Laws?
    Who Makes the Mandates?

    Are these “Rules”, “Laws”, and “Mandates” – simply dumped on us without our knowledge or consent? –

    And are we expected to bow down and just obey? You decide.

    We found an old document written on some parchment paper – written long ago – stored in a musty archive.

    “Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their Just Powers from the Consent of the Governed.” From The Declaration of Independence – 1776

    Are there lots of big things done to us by those in charge – the Power Structure – done without our knowledge or consent?

    And are these big things hiding in plain sight?

    Can we look?  Can we See?

    Suppose there is in plain sight – a herd of Elephants in the Sky above our heads – could we see them?
    For instance  –  do you know? – and you probably don’t know – that  3 atomic devices were detonated – which means blown up! –  exploded! – in New Mexico?  Yup!

    Project Trinity was the code name of the first detonation of an atomic device. It was conducted by the United States Army on July 16,1945, as part of the Manhattan Project – a massive secret project to invent an atomic device headquartered in Los Alamos, New Mexico.

    The test was conducted above ground in the Jornada del Muerto desert about 35 miles southeast of Socorro, New Mexico.
    Project Gnome -1961 – an atomic device was detonated 1299 feet underground in a salt deposit near Carlsbad, New Mexico – near present day WIPP – Waste Isolation Pilot Project.

    Project Gasbuggy -1967 –  An atomic device was detonated over 4000 feet deep in the bowels of Mother Earth – 21 miles southwest of Dulce, New Mexico – Think Dulce and the Archaleta Mesa – D-u-M-b-S  – Conspiracy Theory?
    Let us go back in the time machine to the State of Colorado in the 1970s.

    Do you know? – and you probably don't know – that 2 atomic devices were detonated in the State of Colorado – both of them underground in deep shale formations to liberate “Natural Gas”.

    Of course by this time the Atomic Device Boys knew jolly well that any “liberated” Natural Gas would be too radioactive to utilize.

    Project Rulison – 1969 – 8 miles from the town of Parachute, Colorado
    An atomic device was detonated over 8000 feet deep in our Earth Mother.

    Project Rio Blanco -1973 – 36 miles northwest of Rifle, Colorado –
    three atomic devices were stacked on top of each other and detonated – around 6,000 feet deep – again in our Earth Mother.

    Promoter of these detonations – Edward Teller – “Father of Hydrogen B-0-m-b” – was then perched at the University of Colorado in Boulder.

    Would you like him living next door – blowing up hydrogen b-0-m-b-s in your neighborhood just for fun of it? Dark. Very Dark.

    In 1970, I was living in Denver, Colorado  – and was part of a small group of about 8 young idealistic men and women – Environmental Action of Colorado – and by 1973 we had done a number of interesting projects.

    We did not take a “shine” to the plans of the Nucke Boys – with Edward Teller at the lead – for many more proposed atomic device detonations in Colorado. Maybe 40,000 more?

    And it was very clear to us by 1973 – that the Nucke Device Boys would never stop voluntarily – they had to be stopped – and by golly we were going to stop them. Talk about optimism!

    After all by 1973 the Nucke Boys all over the world had detonated over 2,000 atomic devices.

    We knew that the odds were against us. Tiny little “us” against the United States Military/Industrial Complex – the most powerful military machine in the recorded history of the planet.

    It was to become a classic scene from the Christian Bible –

    Little “David” with a rock and sling – against a giant named Goliath.

    We figured that the odds of success were 100 or maybe1000 to 1 against us. We – being young and foolish – were fine with that – bring it on! We just didn't know any better.

    The strategy was clear – Colorado had (still has?) a citizen Initiative process where the citizens – regular folks – could amend the Constitution of the State of Colorado –  thus bypassing the state legislature – heavy duty if we could pull it off.   

    But it required us to gather well over 100,000 signatures on official petitions to place the proposed amendment on the ballot for the next election – let the people decide – Consent – Yes or No. Consent.  Have we talked about that before?
    So we formed a sub-group – People for Rational Energy Sources – PRES

    The signature campaign was successful with a small army of people helping to collect over 100,000 signatures. Lots of support. Our proposed amendment was Number 10 – the last one on the ballot.

    Preparations were set for the next election.

    The Information Battle was on – Tools – No computers – No Internet – Phone monopoly by AT&T – long distance phone calling was wildly expensive.
    Tools – Paper – Printing Press – Flyers  – No UPS, No FedEx  – only the US Postal Service – Word of Mouth – and a relatively sympathetic press – The Rocky Mountain News and the Denver Post – much controversy and flailing about!

    And we used the most revolutionary tool of the day –  a tool that helped revolutions around the world – the Xerox machine. Mass communications at the push of a button. Plus, of course, the long traditional printing press.

    With the Information Battle still raging on – election day arrived – votes cast – votes counted – high anticipation –  the results were announced  – the word came out – by a huge margin – Proposition 10 passed – we won! The Colorado State Constitution was now amended – no more atomic devices blowing up in Colorado.    

    Edward Teller and his evil cronies immediately ran off to California. Good Riddance.

    Looking back 52 years to 1973 – odds 1,000 to 1 against “us” – 8 little “Davids” plus a small army of helpers – vs – a massive army of Goliaths – and you know what? – We Beat Them All!

    Getting back to my original question – Who makes the rules, laws, mandates – Do we have any say in the matter? Do we consent? Do you consent?

    Other monstrous things done to us – the global population – for at least 75 years. There really are Elephants in the Sky – just look up – join the Sky Watchers – don't worry – you will figure it out if you simply look up and check out

    Quotes from Margaret Meade – a well known anthropologist in the 1960s and 1970s:         

    “Never ever depend on governments or institutions to solve any major problems. All social change comes from the passion of individuals.”

    “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.”

    Our sayings:
    If the people will lead – the leaders will eventually follow.
    This is a do-it-yourself life.

    • Earth Angel says:

      Wow, Thank you for sharing your small group's successful efforts to clean up Colorado and boot out the nucke kooks in the 70's. That is some GREAT WORK you can be REALLY proud of. If just 8 of you working together could accomplish that feat; it should serve to really inspire ALL of US WORLDWIDE who are working steadfastly to halt the criminal actions of those hijacking and destroying Mother Earth's life support systems via climate engineering. It MUST be done. It CAN be done. Thank you for this information. So PROUD of what you were able to do for us back then. What an amazing story!

  14. Gary Morrow says:

    I'm sorry I left out a line from Sky Pilot. The stench of death drifts up to the skies follows With tears in their eyes. 

  15. Gary Morrow says:

    Thanks, Dane for mentioning the War Prayer by Mark Twain. The following is a Vietnam War era song by Eric Burdon and the Animals. Sky pilot means chaplain 

    He blesses the the boys as they 

    stand in line

    The smell of gun grease and the 

    bayonets they shine 

    He's here to help them

    all that  he  can 

    To make them feel wanted 

    He's a good holy man 

    Sky pilot. Sky pilot 

    How high can you fly?

    You'll never never  never 

    reach the sky

    He smiles at the young soldiers 

    tells them it's alright 

    He knows of their fear 

    in the forthcoming fight 

    Soon there'll be blood

    and many will die 

    Mothers and fathers back home 

    they will cry 

    Sky pilot Sky pilot 

    How high can you fly?

    You'll never never never 

    reach the sky

    He mumbles a prayer and it ends 

    with a smile 

    The order is given 

    They move down the line 

    But he's still behind 

    and he'll meditate 

    But it won't stop the bleeding 

    or ease the hate 

    As the young men move out 

    into the battle zone 

    He feels good, with God

    you're never alone 

    He feels tired and he lays 

    on  his bed

    Hopes the men will find courage 

    in the words that he said 

    Sky pilot Sky pilot 

    How high can you fly? 

    You'll never never never 

    reach the sky 

    You're soldiers of God 

    You must understand 

    The fate of your country 

    is in your young hands 

    May God give you strength 

    Do your job real well 

    If it all was worth it 

    Only time will tell 

    In the morning they return 

    with tears in their eyes 

    A soldier so ill 

    looks at the sky pilot 

    Remembers the words

    Thou shall not kill 

    Sky pilot Sky pilot 

    You'll never reach the sky 

  16. Gary Morrow says:

    Thanks, Ben for posting this. Most people don't have a clue about the imminent danger that we face. The bellicose bozos in the White House, the Pentagon and the Kremlin have brought us to the eve of destruction. 

  17. John Frehse says:

    Good day Dane, can this be real not one reply from one of your best.  We do hope that you will keep up the fight. We spread the info to sll we see, even when they dont want to know.

    • Marilyn says:

      I look forward to listening to Dane's report every week.  Every day I see something in the environment, or hear and see comments, and think of how he is so correct.  I've been listening to Dane for many years.  I, for one, appreciate Dane's reports more and more everyday.

  18. Ben Billings says:

    We revisit the following commencement address by President Kennedy.

    Commencement Address at American University, Washington, D.C., 10 June 1963 by President John F. Kennedy – speaking about peace. – Listen to the speech or read the text of the speech.

    Excerpts from the speech:

    “Let us reexamine our attitude toward the Soviet Union. It is discouraging to think that their leaders may actually believe what their propagandists write. It is discouraging to read a recent authoritative Soviet text on Military Strategy and find, on page after page, wholly baseless and incredible claims–such as the allegation that "American imperialist circles are preparing to unleash different types of wars . . . that there is a very real threat of a preventive war being unleashed by American imperialists against the Soviet Union . . . [and that] the political aims of the American imperialists are to enslave economically and politically the European and other capitalist countries . . . [and] to achieve world domination . . . by means of aggressive wars."

    Editor’s note: The soviets were correct in concept but 60 years premature for a possible World War 3.

    “Today, should total war ever break out again – no matter how – our two countries would become the primary targets. It is an ironic but accurate fact that the two strongest powers are the two in the most danger of devastation. All we have built, all we have worked for, would be destroyed in the first 24 hours.”

    “Above all, while defending our own vital interests, nuclear powers must avert those confrontations which bring an adversary to a choice of either a humiliating retreat or a nuclear war. To adopt that kind of course in the nuclear age would be evidence only of the bankruptcy of our policy- or of a collective death-wish for the world."

    Scott Ritter – November 23, 2024

    “We are closer today than we have been – Ever – in the history of the nuclear era – since nuclear weapons were used in Hiroshima and Nagasaki – we are closer today than ever for nuclear weapons to be used again. We are literally at the threshold of a nuclear war. This isn’t hyperbole – I’m not here to scare you – I don’t give a damn what you think – you’re gonna die unless we do something to stop it. This is on full friken automatic. Russia has lowered its threshold for the use of nuclear weapons including conditions it knows that NATO and the United States have already met.”

    Editor’s note: What now?


    • Geoff Hanham says:

      What now Dane?

      I do not know but have a growing sense of dread…

      Folks, search your instincts, read your dreams, talk to the tribal elders of the First Peoples; remember the folk 'myths' of all your myriad ancestors; observe the behaviour of the Wild Ones… Above all what is in your heart…  Above all, do something! No matter how small, but use your skills and abilities to do what you can …

      My old profession was analysis:  I was and still am a highly rational person – but without a sound natural instinct you can loose the "Ding an sich" – 'The thing in itself"  in the obsessive  constituent parts of the proverbial elephant being examined by the blind men…

      People should remember the Milgram Experiments of the 1960s – whilst the "Swinging Sixties" and "Flower Power" flourished, highly intelligent and averagely decent young folk could be taught to murder with the flick of a switch by an "Authority figure"  When you have normally conditioned military (many are abnormally conditioned) told to obey the most  insane  and obscene commands by highly damaged/deranged/fanatical "super-authority" (alleged) psychopaths…

      In all things "Seek the Light" 

      Above all seek Love… But this will come at great and sometimes terrible cost…

      Geoff Hanham


      When the news (of JFK's murder) broke in England, nearly all the television shops (in Bristol at least) had a TV in the shop window and the door open so people could hear as well – many were filled by passers by and with 'cuppas' or coffee being provided… Most were crying or silently weeping with the older men ashen-faced… 

      Somehow, behind the obvious, instinctively  we understood what had been lost… 

      When Bobby Kennedy was murdered (along with  many others), most of us were not surprised…

      The murder of hope is also the death of Life…



    • Mary Hollowell says:

      According to posted federal regulations, the Peace Corps ironically uses the FBI [2nd sentence from bottom] to check that applicants are not involved in “the intelligence community” [section 305.6].  A large percentage of the American population is engaged in domestic spying, so the PC applicant pool has dwindled substantially.


    • Mary Hollowell says:

      The Iroquois used to force their prisoners to run a gauntlet. How do you run a medical gauntlet in the year 2025? – Peace Corps invitee Mary Hollowell aged 60 pursuing “clearance” from the PC Office of Medical Services which still recommends a COVID-19 vaccine



  19. Sunshine says:

    Ty Mr wigington….for all your hard work!

    Mathematically, speaking, how much longer do we have? Please? Before complete biosphere collapse?

    My friends and I around the world have been warning about this for years. What?

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