Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, September 14, 2024, #475


Dane Wigington

"The Weather Gods Who Want Us to Believe They Can Make Rain on Demand" (from Mother Jones News). "Amazon rainforest drier than Sahara as drought hits Brazil" (from the Daily Express US). "Great Barrier Reef already been dealt its death blow" (from RNZ News). Man's interference with nature has done irreparable damage, how much longer can civilization survive without a functional planet? The latest installment of Global Alert News is below.

All are needed in the critical battle to wake populations to what is coming, we must make every day count. Share credible data from a credible source, make your voice heard.

Must view, THE DIMMING, our most comprehensive climate engineering documentary:​

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16 Responses to Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, September 14, 2024, #475

  1. `Eden Lost to Insanity says:

    Over 140 fires are now raging out of control along the border between Russia and Ukraine. Nature is just as much a casualty of war as humans are, but no one seems to actually give a sh*t! There are probably ten times more species of wildlife killed in wars than humans, and nobody comes in later to rebuild their habitats. Nor does anyone send in medics to help save those injured during battles. Nature has always been collateral damage to human aggression and no matter what anyone tells you. It is our obsession with war that is the root cause for everything leading up to inevitable extinction. Geoengineering itself was born of the second World War and even if weather had never been turned into a weapon, we would still be facing extinction. Because humanity knows how to do only one thing right, and that is to annihilate each other until there are no survivors. It's what I call the "Self-Implosion" equation and likely to be what every civilization cannot escape as it leads them directly to the "Great Filter". Aggression always equals assured mutual destruction; no matter what universe of creation sparks you into existence.

  2. Jason B says:

    The Arizona monsoon has produced little to no rain. We had extreme humidity this summer and like clockwork all summer the storm clouds would build between 11:30am and 1:30 pm. They moved very slow and produced very little to no rain in central and western AZ. All the storms seemed to fall apart rapidly after sunset. No storms at all this summer came up from the southwest Yuma gulf of California region. 

  3. Robert says:

    Hello to all here that are turning the course of mankind towards the truth in bringing the geoengineering debacle to an end, my deepest respect to all. I haven't commented in a while, but I never miss Dane's weekly alert no matter how harrowing it is, and will continue listening til the world goes silent. I want you to know Dane that what you are doing and your sacrifice to expose these sub-humans and their sick agendas does not go unappreciated, thank you  brother. 

    And as to the cognitive decline I witness in myself and others, my heart is broken. I hear people say all the time now that they are experiencing C.R.S. (Can't Remember Sh-t), and when I bring up the reason why, I find people that have written me off are leaning in more to my conversation. 

    So hold fast, stay true to yourself and face the storm head on. I too believe that the controllers are getting more desperate and can't keep their malevolence hidden much longer. What cards they throw down now will truly be horrific, they are desperate to keep control. 

    Again Dane, thank you for your dedication in this battle and for your unwavering love for us and the planet, I will always be there for you.

  4. watcher says:

    Last week i went to my family gathering in Stewartstown NH.175 mi from my Jaffrey NH area. Basically traveling the whole length of NH bottom 42 deg. to top 45 deg parallel . As i previously mentioned before, Southern NH is experiencing lot’s of tree death and decay. It has been 5 years since i made this trip. The hardwood trees are mostly of a northern variety. White black and yellow, Birch, Maple, Poplar, a sprinkling of  Red Oak and lots of wild Apple trees, These are experiencing lower branch and crown dying  loss. They are not very healthy as in previous years before back at least 60 years ago. This I expected since 5 years ago when i stumbled upon the knowledge of Chemtrails which i witnessed back then. The big difference is the lack of the wonderful scents that Spruce varieties, Balsam Fir, Tamarack and White Cedar that are all very aromatic coniferous trees. This was starkly evident. Usually in the past You could smell this wonderful scent in a vehicle even with windows rolled up when you reached the White Mountains all the way northward for at least 60 miles to Canada. When outdoors the scent was undeniably delightful and noticed by anyone in the region. This time visiting in the region i could not smell any of these wonderful scents even while walking among them in thickly treed areas of these conifers. Immediately i reelected on Dane and His witnessing the lack of forest scent in His Northwest area. The conifers are still green at the top but the bottom limbs are beginning to die on the way up. The woodland swamp grasses are very yellow as opposed to their normal light green. The Ferns are not nearly as fragrant as they normally are in the fall. Mushrooms are barely noticeable. The water table is low and the lack of rain is evident. Wild trout are not as plentiful and the water is no longer as crystal clear and is following suit of the water in southern NH’s  lack of clear water. Other than farming and at least a 200 year old history pulp logging there is very little industry that would cause pollution in this region. While on this trip i witnessed the same degree of chemtrails and milky skies as in my southern NH area. So ! i pointed them out to family and friends and explained the Geoengineering process. Surprisingly, they were very receptive without any denial. One cousin with satellite computer access was already aware of the practice backed me up. Most of people there do not use access or use computers and rely on main stream media, North country folks mostly live and work among nature and seriously pay attention to it. That is really why they were receptive to my information more-so than my southern neighbors. Hopefully the seeds of Geoengineering knowledge will be fostered and considered by more residents who are not yet informed. It was still a wonderful trip to my native roots but sadly, i witnessed what is deteriorating and collapsing there in this wonderful rural region as well.

  5. Gary Morrow says:

    Hello Eden. I just want to make a comment on a statement that you made last week. You asked when was the last time that the news covered hurricane force winds at a military base. You said that you can not recall any instances since 1948. In 1992 Category 5 Hurricane Andrew struck Homestead AFB in Florida and destroyed or damaged more than 1750 buildings. More recently Hurricane Michael, also a Category 5 caused severe damage to Tyndall AFB near Panama City Florida. Both of these stories were extensively covered by the media. 

  6. Stuart says:

    Just the latest Engineered Low Pressure System streaking across California tonight. A report in the SF Gate today quoted NWS spokesman as saying high altitude barometric pressure in the storm perhaps lowest ever recorded in Sept.  More like a January event.

    Geoengineers turned blazing hot summer into winter in 4 days.

  7. Stan Sylvester says:

    Asking someone to pass the butter at the dinner table could  take on new meaning in the future. Bill Gates has once again done his small part to combat the carbon footprint all of us are leaving.

    Bill has joined forces with a start up company, Savor, that will supply an animal free synthetic butter substitute. The butter will come from a thermochemical process that builds fat molecules that creates chains of carbon dioxide, hydrogen and oxygen. 

     Bill explained that "the idea of switching to lab made fats and oils may seem strange at first. But the potential to significantly reduce our carbon footprint is immense." I wasn't excited at first, but after hearing that, maybe I'll jump aboard and do my part!

    Well, but  what will it taste like? With you the consumer in mind, Savor chief executive Kathleen Alexander added that "So far we've had informal taste panels with tens of people. We expect to perform a more formal panel as part of commercialized and scale up efforts." Well that's good to know!

    By avoiding methane spouting livestock, this synthetic butter is expected to be produced at 3 times lower the carbon footprint that livestock would be ejecting.

    We're not here to debate whether synthetic butter may or may not make a big impact in combating a warming planet. Regardless, you and I can continue to expose the elephant in the sky, solar radiation management. That does make a big impact!

  8. Geoff Hanham says:

    This Sunday morning

    Just a few moments ago

    I heard

    Then saw

    Small ragged straggling flock of wild geese

    Flying Northwards…


    So long ago

    With the Love of my heart

    Arms around each other


    Watching thousands drift Southwards

    Towards us

    Along the dawn beauty that once was

    Our Somerset of the shining waters

    Music and joy of the Autumn homeward myriad

    In our ears

    Hearts and souls…

    Somehow also


    Of ancient peat hearths



    Geoff Hanham







    • Jonathan says:

      Beautiful, Geoff.

      You and I write similar poetry- freestyle.

      Thank you brother for sharing.

      You are sensitive to Life for sure.


  9. EHF says:

    Thanks Dane Steeple do not fathom 200 HAARP locations worldwide spraying nanotechnology now inside of US to be activated by AI You will feel pain torture of nanotechnology take nano silver may help Denver Airport Ark 2b activated  Dimming going on for years we are poisoned inside and out NE AZ is a freak show of distraction stupidity BrainAttacks

  10. Ben Billings says:

    Observations of the Biosphere, Taos, New Mexico and Vicinity – 2016 & 2017
    Now in 2024 – way worse – especially with the heat and UV from the sun scorching everything , plus the profound lack of rainfall – and the noticeable decline in cognitive ability of the general population – this affects everyone – no one & nothing is spared.

    1.  Rainfall – Year 2016 & 2017 we have experienced a great lack of rainfall. The soil moisture from the meager winter snow is somehow adequate until the end of March. The summer monsoons follow a rigid pattern. Many jets spray heavily prior to the arrival of promising looking rain clouds, and over the clouds when they arrive. The well formed cumulus clouds dissolve into a white featureless blob. We only get a 20 second burst of heavy rainfall, then the rain suddenly stops, and just a fine mist of very small droplets continue for an hour or so. This has happened to almost all summer rain. Climate engineering/weather warfare at its worst.

    2. We see the “capping” of the rain bearing well defined cumulus clouds forming in the west. The cumulus clouds rise in the sky until they contact the white lacy sprayed aerosols, then “mush out” into a featureless white haze, killing the upward convection, and stopping the rain. This is called “capping”.

    3. Where is the winter snow?  Even 10 years ago, we would experience several snow storms of 2 feet or more. Now we get a number of 1 to 4 inch “snows”, very unlike natural snows. The snow is “puffy” and vanishes in less than 4 hours of direct sunlight with very little melt water.  Apparently sublimation.

    4. We do not eat the snow or melt water from the snow, to do so results in aluminum poisoning, as validated by hair analysis. Same goes with rainwater. Animals seem to be less affected by the contaminated water. Hmmm.

    5. Twenty years ago, garden plants would grow rapidly from March through May, then slow down over the summer months. Now they grow slowly from March through November. Since my garden soil is thoroughly re-mineralized, according to soil tests and balanced soil mineral amendments, the plants are still wildly delicious and energizing. If this eventually fails, I am screwed.

    6. Where are the insects?  Five years ago, there were clouds of insects buzzing over the wildflowers and flowering plants. Now I see about a 95% reduction in the number of insects over such plants. Over the summer, I saw only 1 bumble bee. They are packed with aluminum and dying off in great numbers. Where are the bug splatters on the windshield, or insects pasted to the grille and radiator?

    7. Five years ago there were many hummingbirds, sparrows, night hawks, piñon jays, rufus-sided towhees, hoot owls, hawks and a few bluebirds and woodpeckers. These populations are greatly diminished. The crows and ravens are still around.

    8. I collect some seeds for later planting. The lettuce plants are self-pollinating and the percent germination is excellent. The orach, however, though it produces abundant seeds, the germination is abysmal. It used to be excellent.

    9. On September 15, 2017  the lowest night time temperature so far was 48 deg/F. Many trees in this are already turning color. In the years and decades past, this would not happen until after several heavy frosts, later in the year.

    10. Even with cool air temperatures, the sun feels very hot and burning on exposed skin. We need to cover up and wear wide brimmed hats to keep from getting sunburned. The nose, sticking out a little too far, gets fried. Closed up vehicles become furnace-like in minutes.

    11. On “clear” days, the visibility is 50-80 miles, on spray days one-half that.

    12. On spray days, here is the constant roar of jet aircraft overhead, with as many as 100 overflights per 24 hour period. The blue sky becomes a featureless white thin overcast. We hear overhead jets about 1 or two per hour at night from 9 pm to 4 am. On non-spray days we hear maybe one jet every 2 hours or so, and rarely any at night. The night flying jets are loud and flying low. Ten or fifteen minutes after they pass over, I smell something in the air similar to the smell of wood ash.

    13. Fifteen years ago, the sky here was almost always a deep blue, with well formed cumulus clouds. Now we have LA smog, and capped-off cumulus clouds that disassemble into a dirty thin overcast.

    14. Ten years ago most alternative medical practitioners in the area were half-starved with few clients. Now they are booked and making money hand over fist. The AMA medical doctors are so over-booked that some are refusing new patients. The general population is obese, pallid, and sickly, especially people 70 years and older, who spend their days watching TV, going to doctor appointments, and standing in the pill line at Walgreens. There are some young, shapely and vigorous exceptions to this – a refreshing sight.

    15. Over the summer, the younger deciduous trees in town are fully leafed out, the leaves a very dark green, akin to the dark green used on solar water heater collectors to maximize solar uptake. Could it be that the trees are producing extra chlorophyll to protect the leaf tissues from the greatly increased UV? These are mostly the Siberian Elms that are very robust and grow most anywhere and everywhere, except in the arid semi-desert, and they will grow in places that receive additional water, but will not reproduce via seeds. The older trees in town are showing signs of stress with reduced foliage and dead branches in the crowns.

    16. It appears that few people other than growers for the farmer’s Market, have vegetable gardens. A few of the growers at the farmers report some difficulties growing their vegetables, mostly with insects like cabbage moths, aphids, and squash bugs. When I gingerly brought up the subject of soil minerals, all but three did the instant shutdown and did not want to hear about it. I have done soil tests in a number of locations in the area, and the amount of essential soil minerals is extremely low or non-existent, except for Calcium and to a lesser extent, Sulfur.

    17. Wood surfaces exposed to the sun must be sanded and recoated with stain/ varnish/lacquer every two years. Polyurethane/Verithane gets fried by the sun and peels off in one year.  Plastics exposed to the sun rapidly become brittle and crack/break, with the notable exception of UV protected shade cloth, which lasts for five or more years.

    18. In most of Northern and Central New Mexico from June through August 2017, the vegetation was a velvety lush green, even with below normal rainfall.

    Ice nucleation is the spraying of endothermic chemicals from jet aircraft to lower the temperature of moisture in the atmosphere. This is done as part of climate engineering over vast areas of the US and other countries to artificially cool the air near the surface of the ground and to “drop out” rain as desired.

    One of the geoengineering patents (3940059 – February 24, 1976) for ice nucleation to “clear fog” calls for a “hygroscopic solution composed of urea and ammonium nitrate in water and spraying said solution into the fog cloud to be treated.” Both these substances are used in conventional agriculture as a high nitrogen fertilizer to stimulate plant growth. Could it be that the velvety green of the vegetation in this low rainfall environment was at least in part due to the stimulation of the vegetation by the spraying of these substances as a part of the climate engineering ice nucleation process?

    19. I have two water cisterns, one sealed containing well water from the 650 ft public well, and a second that captures roof water. This second cistern collects water, also very fine clay particles blown up from the clay adobe on to the roof, plus the material from the atmosphere, mostly particulates, sprayed from the jets overhead. When I drain and clean out this cistern there is a grey muck on the floor of the cistern. Could it be that that the nano-sized aluminum oxide particles sprayed as “chemtrails” gradually attach themselves to the clay particles and drop to the floor of the cistern? 

    Without the clay particles, the nano-sized aluminum oxide particles remain suspended in the water, giving it a clouded appearance. If the muck was only adobe, I would suspect that its color would be light brown, the color of the adobe soil. When I dry the muck in a plastic container it is a dull grey in color. Could adobe clay be used as a filter medium for nano-particulates?

    20. Clean automobile windshields, exposed to rain acquire a grayish crud layer after the windshield dries. Is this crud layer actually nano-particulates sprayed into the atmosphere then washed out by the rain and deposited on the windshield?

    21. Even on the coldest early mornings with temperatures below 20 deg/F, no frost on the automobile windshields.

    22. A near neighbor , age 80, on the morning after heavy spraying, finds his eyes “stuck shut” and “can’t even spit” We jokingly proposed to calibrate his “stuck shut” eyes on a scale of 1 to 10 – to measure the amount of spraying that took place the night before.

    23. No precipitation for 5 months, no snow, no winter. Too many condensation nucelii in the atmosphere due to the incessant nano-particulate spraying of our atmosphere. Trees are dying, zero soil moisture. Gardening now more challenging than ever..


  11. Jeanette Schuler says:

    Dane, it just occurred to me…maybe weather control over the Amazon to keep rain from pommeling the soy, gmo crops growing there. 

  12. Jonathan says:

    I went back to the local Nursery that has agreed to carry geoengineering watch materials and leave them at the front checkout counter. I keep a small stack of cards at their checkout counter and replace as needed. 

    Quick paw print update. The meat department of a local supermarket several times a week gives me all their trimmings from when they have cut steaks. I use these to help supplement the food I put out for some of the four-legged carnivores in this area. To help them out further. The dog who hid a broken leg and eight puppies… We fostered the puppies for about a month and they asked us to bring them back today. One of them has already been adopted out this afternoon. We adopted one of them ourselves this afternoon. Six more to go. And we adopted the mother. Currently we have three rescue dogs now… Recent trip to ECU To leave Geo watch materials. 

    Bridge To focus on doing as much good as they can, however, they are led, day by day, regardless of what the global predator class does.



  13. Randwulf says:

    Where goes the ozone layer….so goes the Great Barrier Reef.  And all other life.  We are being COOKED by unfiltered UV and INFRARED.

  14. Jonathan says:

    As for the possibility of the power structure, play much bigger cards, e.g.  nuclear war, I don't lose a minute's sleep over it. I shall continue doing the very best that I can, until I am called from my post. And that will be in the hands of the Creator, and I have no control over that. So therefore, I shall endeavor to persevere and to move forward each day boldly doing the very best that I can, being led by the spirit of our Creator, and I am grateful to join with all of you in this community around the world in this Great work, at this time in human history.

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