The short answer to the title of this article is yes, the government is preparing and has been for a very long time. How serious is the situation getting? The video below should fill in some blanks. I have much respect for the woman that made this video, Kafka Winston. She has consistently done her best to sound the alarm in spite of having to deal with the attacks that come from speaking truth to power. The walls are closing in rapidly, it is imperative that all of us do everything we can to effectively wake up those around us by passing on credible data. Sharing the video that Kafka Winston has put together is a good start.
Dane Wigington
10 Responses
I agree with Dane, we should Not just roll over and die! All life is energy, so whose is to say what our spiritual energy can accomplish I believe on a collective level we could move mountains!
What about the Clean Free Energy being used down in the underground cities? That could be a game- changer!
This looks like it is being done deliberately by those who stand to gain! So do we really want to just give into that? Is it Mind-Control that gives you that defeatist attitude Are you just going to tell your children,that you are Too Weak, and can't think out-side of the box?!
I agree with Dane, Giving-up is NOT an Option!
Pretty much everything carried on this page is approximately accurate in forecasting impending demise for all of us. It is therefore important that as we die we should do so in a fairly relaxed, accepting way particularly if there are kids around. The US government will probably not issue free suicide pills, since some corporation somewhere needs to make a buck out of it. The best environment for dying will probably be a natural one preferably on fairly high ground enabling you to lean back and look out across the view. You may be fairly hungry so by the time this event comes around it will have been useful if you have developed some fairly competent meditation skills. Supplicatory prayers aren't likely to be very helpful. The universe is not compassionate but you can be to others who aren't handling the event too well.. Don't precipitate your death, just take it as it comes. If the above approach does not appeal then right now stop being a consumer and prevail on as many other as you can to do the same. It probably won't make much difference but we might just be lucky.
Hello John, I would push for a very different approach to what we face, lets now go silently into the night. No matter how dark the horizon, none of us will ever know what we would have yet been able to accomplish unless we do everything in our power for the common good. Giving up is not an option, who can say what we can yet accomplish if we all unite and pull together.
Let it all collapse already, from what I see around me the zombies will never wake up and critical mass won't be reached. A friend of mine said the sun is too strong they may as well continue spraying, I was left speechless.
Spot on Irene. I posted this same mind set last month exactly as you have described from your friend. Even if all this spraying comes fully out of the closet I said 1/2 the country will say keep spraying and the other 1/2 will say stop spraying us. Because yes you are right, they are zombies and I am NOT name calling I am as serious as I have ever been.
Some insist OH "it is only CON-trails", some look up and say OH, "it will go away" and then the rest look up and say, "what are you talking about?" seeing nothing? Oh yea, and then our "officials" say they will get back to you and go silent. In acceptance??
I'm afraid I agree with you, let it all go collapse already geez. Knock 'em off schedule maybe if nothing else, because all our so called leaders will NEVER stand for we the people so what is the dam point of any of our efforts? Good place to get this collapse going is STOP VOTING FOR LIARS!!!!!!!!!!! ALL parties are this, none are saving America or any life on earth. Be a great site to see if ALL polling places were empty on election(s) day(s). Great video BTW Dane!
All I'm doing now with this awareness thing, is making the zombies feel stupid and laughing at them. "You bought that property for what?Ha ha, their spraying it with poison, great view of the chemical poison trails aye?" Stuff like that.
I posted on my neighborhood website about the helicopters going right over my house 2 miles from downtown Dallas and Flying low every night for 5 days straight same time of night about 1-2 weeks ago
I can attest to these unmarked choppers raiding San Diego. They do a low swipe both over my house and me anywhere in the city from two to three times per day. No joke, come hang out with me and you'll see. They get my lovely birds each time.
Would love to see a Youtube video of what you'er talking about
Hello Jeff, I cover the collapse issue in the attached link.
If there was a way to know when all the psychos run to their underground bunkers then we would have a better idea when. Heard Putin hasn't been seen for 3 days. Suppose he's already hunkering down? So this is why we can't find ammo ,even 22 shells for plinking.