Search Results for: arctic ice

A Day in the Life: 4/17-18/14


A Day in the Life: 4/15-16/14


The REAL Truth Behind Bundy Ranch Land-Grab in Nevada



Connections behind the tense situation in Clark County, Nevada regarding the aggressive seizure of cattle from Cliven Bundy, a private rancher who used public land for grazing purposes appears to have a direct pathway beyond Senator Majority Leader Harry Reid; involving the Obama administration and international projects directed under Agenda 21 initiatives.

Climate Change: It’s Even Worse Than We Thought


Five years ago, the last report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change painted a gloomy picture of our planet’s future. As climate scientists gather evidence for the next report, due in 2014, Michael Le Page gives seven reasons why things are looking even grimmer

Toeing the Line for Big Oil and the Geoengineers


by Dane Wigington How does the power structure keep people from uniting in a common cause? Divide and conquer. This strategy has in many ways been applied against the anti-geoengineering community.

On Climate Impasse: Appetite and Substitutes


By Subhankar Banerjee, Climate Story Tellers | Op-Ed

Oso is a small rural community along the North Fork of the Stillaguamish River. It’s in the State of Washington, where I live. As of Wednesday morning, the death toll in the tragic mudslide in Oso has reached 24, and is expected to rise, with another 176 people still missing, although some may have been double–counted. It’s being called “one of the deadliest [mudslides] in recent U.S. history.” The near–record rainfall this month has been attributed as the likely cause of the mudslide. Although Washington residents are used to rain, this recent deluge seems like an extreme weather event.

California: A Geoengineered Dust Bowl


Paul Adams, J.D.
Activist Post

Since November of 2013, the beginning of the rainfall season, California residents have experienced heavy geoengineering and chemtrail activity almost every day, which has transformed the Golden State, normally an agricultural miracle, into an arid dust bowl.

Activist Articles Collection: March 13, 2014


“Double Catastrophe Scenario” Document Paints Bleak Picture


By Dane Wigington Earth is spiraling toward total meltdown and even now the false "debate" of global warming rages on. Both sides of this argument largely fail to recognize, let alone consider the single greatest factor affecting the climate at this time, global geoengineering/weather modification.

Thoughts on Nucleated Winter Assault 2013-14


by Nancy Levant

The autumn of 2013 brought an extraordinary, season-long sky show of geoengineering, chemtrailing, blocked sunlight, and deadly particulate rains and flurries. I’m surprised they didn’t sell tickets. Equally extraordinary was sky-witnessing the raining of silvery threads, some in yard-long strands that glistened the grass, trees and bushes….the ones children and animals so enjoy. Following these extravaganzas came the “Polar Vortex” winter storms named for mythological deities and creatures, and mythological they were.

Silence before the Storm

Here’s an analogy to describe the precarious situation we’re in. When heat is added to water at boiling point (100°C or 212°F), vapor will appear at the surface, while bubbles of gas are formed throughout the water, but the water’s temperature will not rise. All added energy is absorbed in the water, transforming it from a liquid to a gas. This is illustrated by the image below, adapted from

Articles by Keith Lampe


Expect “Hairless Seals” This Spring


Northern Pinnipeds Unusual Mortality Event Fact Sheet, NOAA, Feb. 2014: Beginning mid-July 2011, elevated numbers of sick or dead seals with skin lesions started being discovered in the Arctic and Bering Strait regions of Alaska. […]



What is the true state of the Earth's climate system?
By Dane Wigington

Now is the time when legitimate investigation and diligent discernment are most needed in the quest for truth.In years past, the government, main stream media, special interest groups, and others, had a definite agenda behind the message of "global warming". Without disclosing the whole truth, and certainly without any disclosure of the ongoing climate engineering, the global power structure and their minions sought to implement various forms of control and taxation over society, using the climate issue as the premise. Now, all the media does is hype up one engineered "winter storm" after another, what has changed? Is the world really getting colder?

The Weather Channel Comedy Hour: Sponsored By US Department of Weather Propaganda


Warming or cooling?. That depends on whether or not facts matter.


2013 was the 37th consecutive year of above average global temps, and among the tenth warmest years ever recorded all of which have occurred since 2000. The all our climate engineering assault can confuse people with the large scale short term toxic “cool downs”, but these lethal programs are only fueling the fire overall.


Climate Engineering, A Toxic Deception


The Toxic Assault On Planet Earth Continues To Be Ramped Up

Climate Engineering Weather Warfare, and the Collapse of Civilization


Planet Earth is under an all out weather warfare assault.

In this video, Dane Wigington gives another presentation in Northern California on the harmful effects of Geoengineering, declaring that there is virtually NO NATURAL WEATHER due to the massive global climate engineering.

Stratospheric Aerosol Geoengineering affirmed from personal experience


Between the years of 2000 and 2003 I was employed by a private government contractor called Brookhaven National Laboratories in Upton, New York. While there I learned of a Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider or RHIC buried in the Earth, forming a one-mile-in-diameter circular ring containing collision detection points. At these collision detection points sampling of positively and negatively charged ions is performed every quarter of a mile. During the time I worked at BNL as a Unix systems administrator my job was to work on one of the collision detection points referred to as “Aerosol.”

Why Is There A Drought In California?


 Do you know why we have had such severe weather throughout the U.S. in the past few years? Consider this: Since World War II the U.S. government has been using the entire population of this country as guinea pigs. Weather update January 12 2014

Share Weather update January 12 2014.

The Ultimate Weapon of Mass Destruction: “Owning the Weather” for Military Use


Author’s Introductory Note
Environmental modification techniques (ENMOD) for military use constitute, in the present context of global warfare, the ultimate weapon of mass destruction.

Engineered “Cool Down” Is Short Lived


The temperature map below shows degrees “ABOVE NORMAL” for this Saturday. Almost the entire country is above normal , much of it 15 and even 20 degrees ABOVE NORMAL. Of course on any given day the climate engineers can change predictions, plans, alter forecasts and the reality on the ground, so any forecast maps are subject to change.

ABC Completely Omits Climate Engineering Facts


When I agreed to do an interview about geoengineering with ABC weatherman Chris Edwards (former military meteorologist), I was fully expecting a disinformation “hit piece”. My decision to press on with the interview was because I felt that such obvious spin and coverup would clearly expose the agenda of ABC and Mr. Edwards to quell ever increasing public awareness of global climate engineering. (geoengineering)

Was there a complete lack of journalistic integrity in the interview linked below? I will leave that up to the reader to decide.

Geoengineering, Falsified Data, And Global Warming


Finally some acknowledgment of the data falsification which has helped to hide the true state of the climate. Many have been convinced that data is being cheated to the upside, however, an objective examination of this notion clearly shows the opposite is true.

Mass Methane Release Accelerating


Mass methane release appears to be picking up speed by the day in the Arctic as well as countless other locations around the globe.

In Reference to the Recent Article in the Guardian “BBC Coverage Climate Report IPCC Skeptics”


Don’t Believe UV Radiation Levels are “Off the Charts”?


Massive UV Levels Are Not So Easy To Hide. (Even if the disinfo agents lie about the facts)

Full Spectrum Dominance: Weaponising The Weather


The US military is striving to achieve what it calls ‘full spectrum dominance’ of the planet by controlling the weather. But it is not just the US that is involved in climate modification, China and Russia are too. Thanks to people like researcher Dane Wigington, however, we are getting to know a good deal about the massive US programme and how the very essentials needed to sustain life on Earth are being recklessly destroyed.

Who Killed the Arizona Firefighters


We did.