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Climate Engineering And Cryosphere Collapse


Dane Wigington

Global climate engineering programs are mathematically the single greatest assault against nature ever launched by the human race. Incredibly, the majority of global populations still remain oblivious to the ongoing blatant climate engineering atrocities occurring overhead day after day. This willful blindness of the masses is largely due to the total betrayal of the truth by the vast majority of the science community and all of mainstream media, both of whom are heavily invested in covering up the crimes of their paymasters. How badly damaged is our once thriving biosphere? We are past the point of no return in regard to the once thriving planet we have known. Below is a quote from a powerful and moving recent article by Dr. Glen Barry which accurately outlines the reality we collectively face.

Miraculous nature is being murdered. Everywhere we look inequitable over-consumption is devastating the natural ecosystems that sustain a living Earth. Together we yield to ecological truth – personally embracing a global ecology ethic, and demanding others do so as well – or we all needlessly die at each others’ throats as the global ecological system collapses and being ends.

A primary sign of biosphere collapse is clearly evident by the rapidly imploding cryosphere.  Arctic sea ice continues to advance further into record low levels. Though official agencies like NASA will never admit to the ongoing climate engineering crimes, they are beginning to acknowledge that the excessive cloud cover over the Arctic in recent years (solar radiation management) is exacerbating the overall warming, not mitigating it. Other studies also confirm the overall planetary warming is being fueled by "contrails" (which are in reality solar radiation management sprayed particulate trails). The 30 second video below fully illustrates the shocking loss of Arctic sea ice.

Not only is the Arctic sea ice at a record low level, but now the ice on the opposite end of the Earth, Antarctica, is also rapidly retreating to record low levels as well. This is a fact that the US corporate media is not covering. The 2 minute video below elaborates on the rapidly accelerating loss of Antarctic sea ice.

Antarctic sea ice extent has been the last vestige of denial for those who still desperately cling to the "global warming is a hoax" fossil fuel industry false narrative. To dogmatically cling to this false narrative is also to toe the line for the power structure, big oil, and the climate engineers. The poles are not the only part of the cryosphere that is imploding, the Himalayan glaciers are disappearing at blinding speed. The 8 minute video below is a recent update from the Himalayas.

Our planet is already free-falling into a runaway warming scenario, global climate engineering is further fueling this scenario. The graph below illustrates the rapid increase of warmer days being recorded on our planet.


Though official sources have never admitted to the undeniable global climate engineering assault, as already stated, these same sources do admit that "contrails" are worsening the overall warming of the planet, not mitigating it. The latest scheduled weather for the US is shown in the NOAA map below. Though the Western US temperatures are scheduled to be near normal (due to vast flows of incoming moisture from the Pacific that is being saturated with chemical ice nucleating agents by the geoengineers), the rest of the country is heading for yet more heat waves following a very brief chemically engineered cool-down in some locations that are utilized to manipulate the perception of the US population.


Global climate engineering programs not only worsening the overall warming of the biosphere, but also destroying the ozone layer, derailing the hydrological cycle, and contaminating the entire planet due to the highly toxic heavy metal and chemical fallout


Where do we go from here? How can we stand against the power structure that currently controls the fate of the world in which we live? The single greatest leap we could collectively make in the right direction is by fully exposing the climate engineering issue to the masses. If we can expose the geoengineering assault, populations around the globe would unite in a common cause. If we can expose it, we can stop it. Those, that are still clinging to the insanely false "global warming is a hoax" narrative, are doing great harm to credibility of the overall anti-geoengineering community, and thus to the cause itself. The planet is accelerating into total meltdown. Climate engineering is making an already horrific anthropogenic warming scenario far worse overall. Those who truly claim to be committed to the fight to stop climate engineering have an obligation to objectively examine frontline facts and film footage. Sadly, even some major "independent" news sites are pushing the "global warming is a hoax" false narrative. Pushing this patently false narrative is exactly what climate engineering/industrial complex wants, and is extremely harmful to the cause of exposing and halting the ongoing weather warfare assault. Why? If we are to have any chance of stopping the climate engineering insanity, if we are to have any chance of convincing the climate science community to start telling the truth about the climate engineering assault, the anti-climate engineering community must stand on frontline facts and not on ridiculously false ideological dogma. Investigate, and make your voice heard, time is not on our side.

May be freely reprinted, so long as the text is unaltered, all hyperlinks are left intact, and credit for the article is prominently given to and the article’s author with a hyperlink back to the original story.

Hurricane Matthew, The Latest Example Of Global Weather Warfare Desperation


Dane Wigington

Hurricane Matthew is about to decimate specific populations that are already struggling to survive. Is this storm being manipulated by the weather/climate modification programs? Though countless anthropogenic factors have contributed to the rapid warming of our planet, there is no question that global climate engineering/weather warfare is a reality and making an already horrific climate scenario far worse. What agendas might the power structure be carrying out by manipulating and/or exacerbating climate chaos over specific regions and during critical windows of time? Is mass distraction from US/NATO fueled Middle East and European mahem one of the objectives being provided by the climate engineers and hurricane "Matthew"? All available data indecates the geoengineers have been actively suppressing cyclones in the Atlantic basin for at least a decade. Why has "Matthew" been at minumum allowed to strengthen? Was the unexpected 90 degree northward turn of this storm a natural occurance? Or was this course alteration the result of geoengineering, ionosphere heaters, and atmospheric aerosol spraying? What other objectives might also be in the balance? There has been an over 11 year hurricane drought in the US regarding major hurricane landfalls and that drought persists. Though many sources tried to claim that Hurricane "Hermine" ended the anomalous hurricane drought for the US, this is not true, as "Hermine" was barely a category 1 hurricane, and even then only for an extremely short period just prior to landfall. "Hermine" DID NOT end the major hurricane landfall drought in the US. How can the US be spared the record major hurricane impacts that are pounding so many locations in other parts of the world? Because the largest military in the world (the US military) is at the head of massive climate intervention programs that are nothing short of weather warfare. Though some might claim that cyclone suppression for the us (that, again,  has gone on for over 11 years) is beneficial (and therefore should be embraced), this very suppression contributes to even more overall heat buildup in the climate system and thus eventually even more hurricanes of even greater strength. This must also be considered, ALL forms of climate engineering involve the use of highly toxic materials that quickly descend through the breathable air column and are, therefore, inhaled and absorbed by all life forms. 


Geoengineering/solar radiation management programs are highly visible in skies all over the world. Photo credit: Dirk Poole

Again, about hurricane "Matthew", why is it being allowed to strengthen (or possibly even being aumented by the weather makers)  when the climate engineers have patented hurricane suppression technology to suppress this storm? There are likely many agendas being carried out with "Matthew"(including providing a timely distraction from the US push toward WWlll), but as already stated, cyclones provide cooling and ocean mixing for our rapidly warming planet. So long as the weather makers can steer this highly destructive cyclone over regions and populations that are not of interest or concern to the US military powers (or over regions where the destruction might even provide opportunities for US military occupations to be carried out under the pretext of "humanitarian aid"), then the cyclones are allowed to spin up and strengthen. The "moisture pump" effect of this cyclone as it is steered northward (while possibly being prevented from making a landfall on the US east coast and thus the military ports based there) will also provide some temporary cooling for the record warm oceans and for the East Coast. But at what cost does the hurricane manipulatioin come in regard to the planet as a whole? As Matthew approaches the US, the bombardment of aerosol spraying occurring over the storm will likely increase dramatically. The climate engineers will likely try to weaken the storm to create the largest expanse of aerosolized sun blocking cloud canopy possible (SRM operations), and, again, possibly to keep the storm from actually making landfall on the US east coast. This being said, in the end, we can't know the full agenda of those behind the levers of power and thus we cannot say with certainty how they will attempt to manipulate this storm in the coming days.


Hurricane Matthew has gone through very anomalous phases where it almost appears to be a twin cyclone on radar images as the core was divided.


"Matthew" has even transitioned through phases where there were actually 3 major zones of convection.


The forecast map above shows the original projected path of Hurricane Matthew.


Hurricane Matthew's new projected path as of 10/3/16, a near 90 degree northerly turn from the original projected path.


The photo above was taken on 10-2-16 near the Haitian capital of Port-au-Prince (photo: AFP)

Haiti is a country of immense struggle and crisis, much of it fueled and excacerbated by outside influences. The Haitian people already have good reason to feel angst and anger toward western powers, how much more anger would they feel if they knew about the ongoing climate engineering/weather warfare operations? How many countries around the globe have had to endure engineered climate catastrophes which then led to military occupation under the pretext of "humanitarian aid"? When countries do not cooperate with the agenda of the western power structure, are they then made the victims of weather warfare?  

The planet's climate system is aggressively being used as a weapon of war, conquest, and control. As power structure becomes more desperate (due to unfolding global scenarios), they will likely become rapidly more aggressive with weather warfare operations. The global geoengineering/weather warfare assault is the greatest and most immediate threat to life on Earth short of nuclear cataclysm. All are needed to help with the most critical battle to expose and halt the ongoing climate engineering insanity, make your voice heard.

May be freely reprinted, so long as the text is unaltered, all hyperlinks are left intact, and credit for the article is prominently given to and the article’s author with a hyperlink back to the original story.

Snowstorms And Raging Wildfires In The Same Region On The Same Day, Welcome To Geoengineering


Dane Wigington

The Climate engineers are increasingly desperate to hide the accelerating planetary meltdown with short term chemically nucleated cool-downs. Engineered cool-downs have been a major component of the climate engineering assault for many decades. The chemical cool-downs create the headlines the power structure needs to continue the population's confusion and division in regard to the true state of the climate. Yellowstone National Park is the latest example of chemically ice nucleated deception. 


The photo above was taken in Yellowstone National Park on Monday, September 12, 2016. Photo credit: Devon Hannan

The Yellowstone event is not unique, a chemically nucleated "snowstorm" in South Dakota that occurred on October 4th of 2013 killed up to 100,000 cattle. This event occured while it was 85 degrees and raining in Chicago and 89 degrees with rain in Kansas City.Other anamolous cool-down chemically nucleated events in South America may have been responsible for the death of up to 200,000 alpacas.​ 

On Monday, September 12th, 2016 (the same day that the snowstorm photo above was taken), the south entrance to Yellowstone park was closed due to an ongoing out of control wildfire (as shown in the photo below).


Again, this wildfire was raging on the same day (and at the same time), that other parts of Yellowstone Park were experiencing a summer snowstorm​.

Liquid precipitation can be chemically converted to frozen precipitation under a variety of conditions when there is enough moisture present and a large enough geoengineering operation deployed. The Chinese openly announced the fact that they were chemically nucleating snowstorms until they did a billion dollars worth of damage to Beijing.


Radar map multi-hour loops can be revealing in regard to chemical ice nucleation process. Migrating bands of precipitation can often be seen "flashing out" to frozen precipitation with no elevation change on the topography below the storm/precipitation.

Do US temperature maps for September 12, 2016, indicate conditions are present that would facilitate such a summer snowstorm? NO.


The map above is for Monday, September 12, 2016, the same day as the snowstorm in Yellowstone. 

 Above normal temperatures are, again, returning to the Yellowstone region and are predicted to peak by Sunday, September 18th, 2016.


The very rapid rebound of high temperatures is a glaring red flag as to the engineered nature of the Yellowstone "summer snowstorm". Weather "whiplash" is becoming the norm.

As previously mentioned, the engineered cool-downs are a means of confusing and dividing the population as to the true state of the global climate. Though climate engineering can create the temporary toxic cool-downs, they come at the cost of an even worse overall warming. How warm is our planet? This is not about Al Gore and carbon credit scams, it is about reality. July 2016 was the 15th consecutive month of all time record high temperature months. August, 2016, just broke the record again. Records are being shattered in spite of wide spread UNDER REPORTING of official high temperatures.

The animation above clearly shows the trend of rapidly rising temperatures on planet Earth. Geoengineering, and its endless list of negative consequences, is making an already dire global climate scenario worse overall, not better.

Does the long term forecast call for "cooler than normal" temperatures for the US (including Alaska)?  Again, the answer is NO.


The rapidly increasing orange and red zones (all reflecting above normal and far above normal temperatures) on US "departure from normal temperature" forecast maps should be extremely alarming to all of us.

Are global land and temperatures cooling? NO


The planet may well be in a runaway greenhouse event already with climate engineering helping to fuel the overall fire.

The biosphere was in a cooling phase until the start of the industrial revolution. The two level periods of temperatures in the historical graph below were due to the climate forcing effect of aerosols loading/saturation of the atmosphere.


The toxic tug of war between increasing greenhouse gases and atmospheric aerosols (with geoengineering adding to the aerosol loading since the mid 1940s) is wreaking havoc on the climate system.

On a longer timescale, the impact of anthropogenic activity (which includes geoengineering) can clearly be seen.


The long term cooling trend on the planet turned to an abrupt climate shift toward extremely rapid heating.

On an even longer scale, the total disruption of Earth's normal and natural cyclical pattern is shockingly visible


On a time scale of this duration, the heating up of our planet appears as a straight up vertical trajectory at the far right of the graph.

Arctic sea ice is one of the most measurable and visible harbingers of our rapidly changing planet. Headlines of Arctic ice expansion are patently false as are headlines of global glacier expansion. Though Arctic sea ice is imploding, the use of chemical ice nucleation is being heavily utilized in the desperate attempt to keep the headline from full public veiw for as long as possible. The Greenland ice sheet is also rapidly melting. To deny the unfoding planetary meltdown is simply to toe the line for big oil and the geoengineers, public ignorance and denial of the front line reality is what they want. The climate engineers have used climate modification as a weapon of war, nothing less. In their attempt to manipulate the planet's life support systems for their own agendas, the overall warming has been accelerated due to the endless list of climate engineering consequences. The 30 second video below illistrates the melt rate of Arctic sea ice.

From ozone layer destruction, to devastating drought, to fueling wildfires, geoengineering/weather warfare programs are wreaking havoc around the globe. Though the US military has just admitted on the record (again) that the disintagrating climate is a massive national security risk, what they won't admit to is that they (and the global geoengineering programs they are a part of) are a huge factor further forcing the disintagration to begin with. Climate engineering is nothing short of a covert weapon to control populations at the expense of the entire web of life. If we are to salvage what is left of the planet's life support systems, the climate engineering insanity must be exposed and halted. Help us in this most critical battle, make your voice heard.

May be freely reprinted, so long as the text is unaltered, all hyperlinks are left intact, and credit for the article is prominently given to and the article’s author with a hyperlink back to the original story.

Rapidly Increasing Awareness Of The Climate Engineering Crimes Is Panicking Corporate Media


Dane Wigington

The recent rash of mainstream media propaganda pushback against the rapidly rising global climate engineering awareness is a glaring red flag which proves that we are indeed gaining ground in this all important battle. Those who work for the mainstream media organizations of mass deception should at this point be considered as accessories to the geoengineering/weather warfare crimes of omnicide when they willingly participate in the cover-up of these crimes. "Scientists" like Dr. David Keith, and Dr. Ken Caldeira have been (and still are) leading the effort to deceive the public with yet another major disinformation pushback from the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation. These two individuals should not only be considered accessories to the criminal climate engineering cover-up, but should also be considered primary instigators of this cover-up.

Dr. Caldeira and Dr. Keith were both contributors to a recent disinformation "study" designed to deceive the population and intimidate others in academia from speaking out about the climate engineering crimes. Caldeira's employer, Carnegie "Science", was the supporting institution for this "study" (orchestrated survey). The Carnegie group has long since admitted on the record that geoengineering would not only "make the skies whiter", but it would actually "turn them white". So how is it that this power structure institution, Carnegie "Science", (with defense industry contracts) now tries to completely marginalize the very issue they have issued reports about? They deny the very reality of the solar radiation management effect in our skies which mountains of data prove is an ongoing reality. The CBC Canadian corporate news empire has added their voice to the cover-up effort, again with Dr. Keith at the helm of the deception. Once the Canadian billboard in the photo below came to Dr. Keith's attention (the billboard's link leads directly to, Keith apparently made sure there would be a corporate media pushback to blatantly lie about the billboard's meaning and message.  78

Banff National Park, Hwy 1, Alberta, Canada. Billboard photo credit: Jason and Lorna Hardy 80

Banff National Park, Hwy 1, Alberta, Canada. Billboard photo credit: Jamie Allen-Miller

‎For the record, David Keith's entire career is centered around the "solar geoengineering" issue which is exactly what the Canadian billboard was in fact about. With this in mind, let's consider the following quotes made about the billboard by Dr. Keith (in the CBC disinformation article).

"I think it's stunning and frightening because it is complete lunacy"

And this:

"A lot of people just believe things that normal science doesn't believe at all"

Watch this video and again consider Dr. Keith's quotes about geoengineering shown above. Bill Gates has even contributed to Dr. David Keith's and Dr. Ken Caldeira's efforts in the geoengineering field. If, after examining the CBC disinformation article, you feel the CBC author, Kyle Bakx, has been criminally deceptive, let him know what you think about his blatantly false and deceptive "reporting" by contacting Kyle Bakx directly. About Dr. David Keith and Dr. Ken Caldeira, if you are not OK with the part they are playing in the ongoing criminal climate engineering cover-up, tell them yourself (their contact links were given earlier in this article and are shown again at the bottom of this post). Communications should be done in a non threatening manner, though we can and should still point out to these individuals that once the public wakes up to the lethal deception, populations will undoubtedly hold those that participated in the criminal climate engineering cover-up legally and morally accountable. When messaging these individuals by email, it is important to openly cc as many other credible people as possible. Doing so further assists with the effort to expose those that are participating in the disinformation, and thus helps  to hold them accountable for their actions.

Climate Engineering Cover-Up Continues In The US

Redding, California, has been and will continue to be an epicenter for the effort to expose the ongoing climate engineering crimes. Shasta Dam (the second largest in the country) is located just north of Redding and the Sacramento River (a primary source of the State's water) flows through Redding. Lab tests prove that the Sacramento River and tributaries are being contaminated by the toxic heavy metal and chemical climate engineering fallout (starting with aluminum). The fight to expose the climate engineering issue in Shasta County has been long and arduous, but not in vain. As more and more in the Redding area have awakened to the climate engineer atrocities, Northern California's primary newspaper (The Record Searchlight) has displayed rapidly increasingly tyrannical behavior. In a blatant effort to sensationalize headlines of total deception, the Searchlight avoids the use of hard science terms and instead focuses on launching personal attacks in order to distract from the real issue of the illegal covert climate engineering assault. The local page photo of the latest Record Searchlight disinformation and personal attack publication is below. This travesty of "journalism" was published on 8-19-16.


Recent Record Searchlight headline on cover of the local section of the newspaper

Why does it matter to even bother exposing this completely immoral propaganda publication for what they are? Because the anti-geoengineering legal action from LASG may concentrate in this region. By continuing to shine the light on the Searchlight's unethical conduct, once the climate engineering issue can no longer be hidden the citizens of Northern California will then fully realize the part the Record Searchlight staff played in hiding critical information from Shasta County citizens. This will assist us with the legal effort to fully expose the climate engineering assault and with reaching a critical mass of awareness on the issue. The corporate media owned Record Searchlight "newspaper" has not only completely blacked out any coverage of numerous past major community climate engineering awareness events in Redding, but is at the same time giving front page coverage of any and every disinformation propaganda that attempts to falsely marginalize the critical climate engineering issue.

The editor for the Record Searchlight is Silas Lyons. Below is a message from Mr. Lyons after he was confronted with the Searchlight's blackout of a major community climate engineering awareness gathering with over 1000 in attendance.

Mr. Wigington,

Thanks for your note. The Record Searchlight certainly has no monopoly on the public receiving information, and you've used the Internet, events and other channels pretty effectively from what I can tell. Because scientists and government agencies are actively exploring geoengineering — SRM, etc. — it may be that the reality will someday catch up with your claims. I expect our newspaper will carry many stories about the subject, as the idea of using technology to cool the planet in the future is a debate with enormous potential consequences and grave ethical questions. But your claims about present-day conspiracies to poison the planet are not rooted in that reality. We continue to believe it's our journalistic responsibility not to lend coverage and — by extension — credence to thoroughly debunked conspiracy theories. 

Our position on this is consistent. As I told another correspondent, I recognize that by declining to participate in coverage we are fueling claims that there's a vast conspiracy and we are co-conspirators with our military, public servants and the entire body of mainstream science. I can't help that, as that is the very nature of conspiracy theories — and what makes them so elegantly self-perpetuating.

Best regards,


My response to Mr. Lyons:

Mr. Lyons, I would have expected a more plausible response from you than that which you put together, but I will say it is revealing. Have I ever stated there was a "conspiracy to poison the planet"? (stated in Searchlight article) No, that is just more spin from you and your publication which is what we have all come to expect. What I have always stated is that all available evidence indicates geoengineering is a reality, not just a "proposal". Our "claims" are "rooted" in countless lab tests done at state certified labs. Our "claims" are grounded in actual film footage of military tankers spraying at altitude with nozzles fully visible. Then there are the historical government documents, recent congressional documents calling for the global governance of geoengineering, , etc, the list goes on. The highly toxic heavy metal contamination is beyond dispute as already stated (proven by dozens of lab tests in Shasta County alone). The very dangerous UV radiation levels are also beyond dispute as metering proves. The ongoing spraying of our skies is beyond dispute as film footage proves. You have a moral and ethical responsibility to the community you claim to represent, Silas. You have repeatedly and willfully failed to uphold that responsibility. Did I ever claim there was a "vast conspiracy" that kept you from doing your job, no. Let me be clear, I simply believe you lack the moral fortitude to carry out your job, Mr. Lyons. You are entitled to your denial of the climate engineering reality, I grant you that, but there is absolutely no excuse for you to black out any coverage whatsoever of a major community event with about 1000 in attendance. A community event that featured testimony from our top local neurologist, from numerous former government scientists, from former military personnel, former defense industry technicians, A CEO from one of the worlds largest environmental and engineering consulting firms, etc. The public is rapidly waking up to the fact that media representatives like yourself are in fact not doing their jobs. Rather, in many cases (like this one) editors like you are going out of their way to omit stories that citizens have a right to hear about. The climate engineering/geoengineering reality cannot be hidden in plain sight much longer, the decimation related to these programs is becoming too great. Once the public is fully aware (especially in the North State), I believe they will want you to do some serious explaining, Silas. In the meantime, we will post communications like this so that everything is out in the open as I am sure you would want it to be. Again, Silas, to set the record straight, I have never said and don't believe there is a conspiracy linked to your decision to blackout this major community event, I simply believe you lack courage and are primarily focused on the protection of your paycheck and pension. Again, there is no rational justification for the editor of the primary local newspaper blacking out any and all coverage of a major community event with 1000 in attendance, local city officials in attendance, local physicians speaking along with testimony from former government scientists, a CEO a global environmental and engineering consulting firm with 10,000 employees, former defense industry personnel, former military personnel, etc. The citizens are waking up, Silas, and I can only imagine they will not be happy once they have a clear picture of reality and those that have done their best to hide it.
Dane WIgington

Who is the real Silas Lyons? How does he contribute to the greater good? The 1 minute video below is very revealing. In it Mr. Lyons displays his approach to dealing with ALS (a disease related to aluminum contamination and exposure), and the California drought (a direct result of climate engineering).

Searchlight editor, Silas Lyons, has exercised incredibly unethical behavior as "media" representative on which Northern California citizens depend.

More stellar examples of the Record Searchlight's completely unethical behavior have been displayed from the Searchlight's managing editor, Carole Ferguson.


Record Searchlight's managing editor, Carole Ferguson

After receiving a valid press release about a climate engineering/geoengineering/solar radiation management study, Ms. Feguson gave the following response.

A news release about a study by a chemtrail believer in a questionable journal posted to the PR Newswire does not add up to Reuters covering geoengineering.

And none of it matches sound scientific principles or even passes Occam’s Razor, which is why we don’t cover it. 

Carole Ferguson
Managing editorRecord Searchlight
1101 Twin View Blvd. • Redding, CA 96003
530-225-8232 • Fax – 530-225-8236

After the Searchlight's recent publication of the disinformation/personal attack article shown earlier, Robert Wegman, an attorney from the LASG team, sent the following letter to Searchlight managing editor, Carole Ferguson.

Dear Ms. Ferguson:

I am one of the attorneys with the Legal Alliance to Stop Geoeingeering ("LASG").  I just spoke with Jessica Skropanic who referred me to you.  Jessica confirmed that your paper received the rebuttal piece written by Dane Wigington concerning the article your paper ran on August 19, 2016 by Damon Arthur entitled "Contrail or Chemtrail."

That editorial piece mentioned Dane Wigington by name and, frankly, parts of the article were patently false.  Dane and, if necessary, the LASG should have an opportunity to respond to the unsupportable assertions made in the article.  Moreover, we welcome the opportunity to discuss this matter openly with your staff.  Our only goal is only to bring awareness to this dire issue and to hopefully stop it.  I run a very busy practice as do all the other attorneys.  We have all felt impelled to rally around this cause for the sake of our children. It's no more complicated than that.  

To say what is happening in our skies is destructive to the earth's ecology is a gross understatement.  Unless geoengineering immediately ceases, we will experience cataclysmic effects (including mass extinction) of biblical proportions. I think your readers would be quite interested to know about the clandestine work its government is doing to its unwitting subjects. Publishing articles filled with misinformation (disinformation) only serves to further lull the populace into complacency.  It is no coincidence that California is experiencing the worst drought in history, while Texas and Louisiana have experienced historical flooding.  It is also no coincidence that wild fires are burning faster and hotter than ever before.  They are nearly uncontrollable.  Dry vegetation and fire fueled by aluminum oxide will have that effect.    

The LASG and Dane understand New York Times v. Sullivan gives the media nearly carte blanche to publish whatever it wishes, but Dane should be afforded the opportunity to have his voice heard and to set the record straight.  We trust you agree. That is, after all, the very essence of editorializing. 

I kindly ask you to advise whether Dane's piece will be published and when.  Should you need to discuss this matter with me, my contact information is included below. 

Best regards,

Robert L. Wegman, Esquire


Ms. Ferguson's reply:


Thanks for your interest in the letter sent by Dane Wigington.

We will not be publishing it. It will not clear our fact checking efforts.

We do not agree with your movement’s claims that the government is engaged in a plan to alter the weather using airplane exhaust.

Yes, there are studies on the effects of contrails on how they reflect sunlight back into space and thus may provide a cooling effect. Temperatures rose slightly after all planes were landed after the 9/11 terrorist attacks.

And we acknowledge that climate change caused by too many fossil fuels – including jet fuel — is causing the more severe weather patterns such as drought and flooding.

But we follow real science and find that nearly all of Mr. Wigington’s claims to be false. It is against our policy to publish letters full of falsehoods.

Mr. Wigington had his chance to discuss his concerns when our reporter called him. But for the most part he didn’t say much and directed our reporter to a statement posted on

I see where you suggest we can talk with Mr. Wigington about this further. Over the years, he and many others who follow him have discussed their beliefs at length with us. Another sit-down session would be futile for all sides.

The "letter to the editor" reply which I submitted in rebuttle to the Searchlight's disinformation/personal attack article (and which Ms. Ferguson flatly refused to print) was in complete conformity to the Searchlight's submission requirements. The refused submission is below.

Searchlight Blatantly Omits Facts On Critical Climate Engineering Issue

The Record Searchlight continues to demonstrate an unfortunate disregard for factual reporting. An article in the Friday edition of the paper (8-19-16) by Damon Arthur titled "Contrail or Chemtrail" is a glaring case in point. The "science study" (in reality an informal survey) which was the entire basis of the Searchlight post (clearly directed at me) is very deceptive. First, the Searchlight (and the propaganda report they published)  chose to sensationalize with completely unscientific terms like "chemtrails" and thus they completely omit hard science terms that would have lead readers to real facts and data. Terms like "solar radiation management" (SRM), "stratospheric aerosol injection" (SAI), and "cloud albedo enhancement" (CAE). Instead of objectively reporting the science terms that relate to the subject of global climate engineering, the Searchlight falsely infers that this issue in question is about "a conspiracy to poison the planet".  Mr. Arthur,  since you have directed your hit piece toward me, can you now show your readers when and where I have ever, even once, recited such a statement? The "study" in question actually solicited 450 scientists, not 77 as the Searchlight (and the "study") falsely reported. Of that 450, nearly 84% were unwilling to even participate in the study. Why not? Could it be due to the fact that there is an illegal Federal gag order on ALL National Weather Service and ALL NOAA employees?  Why is there a gag order? Why wasn't this illegal gag order reported by the Searchlight or the "study"? This means that of the total number of scientists surveyed, only slightly over 16% were even willing to respond. Why was this crucial fact also completely omitted? Next, the Searchlight repeatedly quotes the head of a disinformation website as if he is some sort of authority. The primary function of this individual and his site is to falsely discredit anyone who says anything negative about the actions of our government. Do the opinions of such an individual really belong in a "science study"? The Searchlight article author  then falsely reports on the citizen attendance at a 2014 Shasta County Supervisors meeting on geoengineering by stating "dozens of people attended". In fact, at the peak of the supervisors meeting, there were estimated to be 500 people at the supervisors chambers. The supervisors admitted on film (posted at that the attendance was the largest in the facilities history. "A few dozen", Damon? Continuing,  Damon Arthur did not bother to mention anything about the 750 page US Senate document that proves conclusively the US government has been heavily involved with international climate engineering programs for decades. Mr. Arthur further failed to mention that the head of the CIA, John Brennan, just spoke in front of the Council on Foreign Relations about geoengineering. There are also extensive historical presidential reports, military documents, and 160 geoengineering patents, (all posted at Finally, Damon and the Searchlight continue to completely omit any mention of the fact that a team of US attorneys (Legal Alliance To Stop Geoengineering) has started legal proceedings to expose climate engineering along with the agencies and officials that are helping to hide it by failing to disclose a proven and dangerous heavy metal contamination from the public. How would Mr. Arthur know about all this information? Because he telephoned me days before the Searchlight hit piece and I informed him of virtually every verifiable fact stated above, none of which Mr. Arthur bothered to report. The bottom line is this, the Record Searchlight has not honestly and objectively reported the facts. 

Dane Wigington

A follow-up reply was then sent to Ms. Ferguson by the LASG legal team:

Double click to enlarge and read




The Searchlight's managing editor reply is below:


We stand by our decision and our story.

The point of this example of corporate media tyranny is this, honorless individuals will continue to lie, falsely report, or completely omit whatever they want until the population as a whole takes a stand for truth and justice. The power structure could not continue to carry out their crimes if not for the complete and total obedience of the mainstream media machine of mass deception. How do we effectively push back? We start by taking the time to send articulate but direct (and non-threatening) messages to every individual that is participating in the criminal cover-up, whether actively or passively. Let them know that we know who they are, that we are not OK with their criminal behavior, and that once the crimes in question are fully exposed, we, society, will hold them legally and morally accountable. I am supplying some key email contacts for criminal propaganda perpetrators below for a starting point. Make your voice heard, forward the contacts to others so that they can continue and build the wave.

Dr. David Keith: (click open the link to access email address)

Dr. Ken Caldeira: (click open the link to access email address)

Record Searchlight editor, Silas Lyons:

Record Searchlight managing editor, Carole Ferguson:

Record Searchlight journalist, Damon Arthur:

CBC "reporter", Kyle Bakx:

Ken Caldeira, David Keith, And Carnegie “Science”, The Face Of The Criminal Climate Engineering Cover-up


Dane Wigington

The power structure's propaganda machine has been put into high gear in a last ditch desperate attempt to hide the ongoing geoengineering planetary omnicide till the last possible moment. Geoengineer Ken Caldeira and Carnegie "Science" have teamed up on a "peer reviewed "study/survey" to "prove" "chemtrails" are not real.


The key image in the science diagram above is the jet spraying "reflective particles" shown in the upper left. Though ocean iron fertilization is also a catastrophic form of geoengineering that is ongoing, the other images (space mirrors and artificial trees) are completely implausible and meant to distract from the reality of the actual geoengineering programs.

The science terms for what is occurring in our skies were of course completely avoided by Caldeira and Carnegie "Science" as such terms would lead people to hard science data and that was of course NOT the goal of the "study/survey". This "peer reviewed" study claims that the vast majority of scientists agreed "chemtrails" were not real (again, the scientists were not asked about the geoengineering/climate modification subject). So, in addition to the inaccurate terms in the "survey", did the vast majority of scientists surveyed really confirm that "chemtrails" were not real? NO, here are the real numbers from the "survey", 475 scientists were solicited for this survey, only 78 responded, that is only just over 16%. Why didn't the rest of the scientists excuse themselves from the survey? Keep reading and find out. When the climate engineering crimes are fully exposed to populations around the globe (once and for all), a complete overturning of our paradigm will commence and those in power know it. The ongoing weather warfare that has been carried out for over 70 years has equally and irreparably harmed every person on the planet along with the entire web of life. The 2 minute video below shows up-close from directly behind a jet aircraft what is inarguably atmospheric spraying occurring. This is only one shocking example, there are countless others.

The power structure and the criminals who serve them are completely committed to hiding the geoengineering/solar radiation management/climate intervention programs from the public for as long as possible. The effort to bring the climate engineering insanity to light is gaining ground rapidly. This has caused the global controllers to push back with a pathetic piece of total propaganda that does not in any objective way, shape, or form, address the mountain of material facts which conclusively confirm that global climate engineering has long since been deployed. The propaganda "study" in question (which attempts to dispute the geoengineering reality based on the "opinions" of selected academicians) has been republished and reposted by numerous corporate controlled "media" sources that are clearly tasked with serving the global power structure. Who is a primary face that we can place on the machine of criminal deception regarding the ongoing illegal geoengineering assault? Internationally recognized geoengineer Ken Caldeira has been playing a central role in the ongoing public propaganda and deception for a very long time (along with geoengineer David Keith). Caldeira and Keith are clearly heavily committed to the effort to hiding the ongoing climate engineering assault by any means possible. Caldeira has long since teamed up with Carnegie "Science" which has known connections to the defense industry. A look into Caldeira's past government defense department employment is shocking and revealing. In the damning 2 minute video below you can hear Caldeira describe in his own words what he worked on while employed by the US government.

Internationally known geoengineer Dr. David Keith is in the same business as Caldeira, public deception. The 5 minute video below (which features Dr. David Keith, Ken Caldeira, and Obama science advisor, John Holdren), is very revealing and especially damning for geoengineer, Dr. David Keith.

Dr. David Keith was also very effectively exposed by Stephen Colbert in this next 6 minute video.

Caldeira's "report" of the "survey" he spearheaded  is so full of omissions and completely skewed information that it is difficult to find a starting point with setting the record straight.

Click the link below to go directly to the LASG website


So what is the bottom line with the Caldeira/Carnegie "study"? The unspun truth is this, there were no relevant facts in Caldeira's purely propaganda piece, none. Only the opinions of selective individuals that have no choice but to repeat the official government narrative of climate engineering denial. To do otherwise would lead to the loss of their careers or worse. The Caldeira/Carnegie "science study" has completely omitted mountains of relevant data (some of which has already been cited), but the "study" in question has also not made any reference to the on the record testimony of numerous experts who have stated conclusively that global climate engineering is an absolute real and ongoing reality. These expert testimonies include former US government scientists, union of concerned scientist members, former pilots, former defense industry technicians, and physicians

Caldeira's final statement from the "study" is below, does anyone see a single fact cited in Caldeira's rant?

“Despite the persistence of erroneous theories about atmospheric chemical spraying programs, until now there were no peer-reviewed academic studies showing that what some people think are ‘chemtrails’ are just ordinary contrails, which are becoming more abundant as air travel expands. Also, it is possible that climate change is causing contrails to persist for longer periods than they used to.” Caldeira said. “I felt it was important to definitively show what real experts in contrails and aerosols think. We might not convince die-hard believers that their beloved secret spraying program is just a paranoid fantasy, but hopefully their friends will accept the facts.” 

Caldiera states above "it is possible that climate change is causing 'contrails' to persist for longer periods than ye used to". Lets examine this statement. For "condensation trails" to increase and last longer there MUST BE more relative humidity in the atmosphere, but is this the case? The global RH graph below could not be more clear, atmospheric RH has been going down for over 60 years.


Atmospheric RH began to drop in direct correlation with the initial deployment of climate engineering programs in the mid to late 1940's. The climate engineering materials are dessicants and create an overall drying effect on the atmosphere. The global dimming effect of SRM programs further dries out the atmosphere overall (though record deluges will continue to increase as the planet rapidly warms and/or due to climate engineering/weather warfare). Again, Mr. Caldeira, when atmospheric RH is dropping radically, why would "condensation trails" increase radically?

If you think Ken Caldeira  and David Keith should be exposed to the public at large for their part in the criminal climate engineering cover-up, tell them so yourself and share their contacts and this post with others so they can do the same (Keith's and Caldeira's contacts are hyperlinked to their names above).  Such communications should be done in a professional, articulate, and peaceful manner. Attaching credible informational links to any communications sent is also important. Anyone and everyone that is actively or passively participating in the criminal cover-up of the global climate engineering assault should be publicly exposed in the same manner.

It is rationally incomprehensible that we now live in a global society in which so many in academia are in one way or another muzzled, or outright lying in an apparent attempt to secure their paychecks and pensions. Climate engineering is obviously, undeniably, and verifiably occurring in skies all over the globe. The creation of "Weather Made To Order" has been openly discussed by scientists since the 1950s. The public is finally starting to look up and thankfully beginning to re-activate their sense of reason and logic. The climate engineering/weather warfare assault cannot be hidden in plain sight for much longer. Once fully exposed populations around the globe will unite in a shockwave of anger and outrage at what their governments have done to them (and to the planet's life support systems as a whole). This anger and outrage from global populations will certainly extend to all those in academia and the media who have made themselves accessories to the climate engineering crimes by actively or passively participating in the ongoing cover-up. Make your voice heard, we must all do our part in the most critical effort to expose the truth, our time is running out.

May be freely reprinted, so long as the text is unaltered, all hyperlinks are left intact, and credit for the article is prominently given to and the article’s author with a hyperlink back to the original story.

Weird Frakin’ Shtako – Climate Engineering aka Chemtrails


Source: Weird Frakin' Shtako

In this episode we chat with Dane Wigington; the man leading the charge against atmospheric spraying, and climate engineering.  We go over the supporting evidence, and what it means for our blue marble: Earth.

Some links mentioned:


Climate Engineering And Climate Reality


Dane Wigington

Those in power are using every tool at their disposal to marginalize the dire issue of climate engineering. The mainstream media puppets (the power structure controls) are being used as a tool to try and marginalize any that dare to speak of climate engineering. How do we win this game of chess? By standing on credible conclusions built on verifiable facts


Geoengineered skies in Phoenix, AZ. Photo credit: Josh Schultz 

What harms our efforts to credibly and effectively expose climate engineering? False conclusions based on false headlines put out by those who either don't have any understanding of current front-line realities, or who don't care because they are pursuing other agendas. 

Below are a few of the completely false narratives recently pushed by some who claim to be against climate engineering, but who are actually harming the effort by destroying credibility. Why are some helping the geoengineers to sell geoengineering? The criminal cabal that is completely committed to hiding climate engineering is also just as committed to hiding the climate disintegration. Below each completely false narrative are the verifiable front-line facts. The bottom line is this, the planet is warming at an astounding pace, climate engineering can create short term toxic cool-downs at the cost of a worsened overall warming.

False: "Global warming stopped 20 years ago"

Global Warming "Hiatus" Never Happened

Global Warming "Pause" Never Happened

Much-Touted Global Warming Pause Never Happened

False: "The planet has been cooling for the last 6 or 7 years"

Global Warming Is Accelerating

Permafrost Meltdown Raises Risk Of Runaway Global Warming

The Point Of No Return: Climate Change Nightmares Are Already Here

False: "Arctic ice is expanding "

Arctic Sea Ice Extent Breaks Record Low For Winter

Another Record Low For Arctic Sea Ice Maximum Winter Extent

Arctic Sea Ice Growth Stunted Again

False: "Polar bear populations are up 500%"

Polar Bear Population Declining Due To Rising Temperatures

Polar Bear Populations Crashing Due To Melting Ice

Polar Bears Losing Weight As Arctic Sea Ice Melts

Polar Bears Far From 'Strong And Healthy'

False: "Ice is growing in Greenland"

Scientists: Greenland Ice Sheet Is Melting Freakishly Early

Summer-Like Temperatures Smash Ice Melt Records For Greenland

Heat Wave In Greenland Triggers Record Early Ice Melt

False: "Antarctic ice cap is expanding"

Stable Antarctic Ice Is Suddenly Melting Fast

Melting Antarctic Ice Sheet Is Heading Towards Irreversible Collapse

Antarctic Ice Is Melting So Fast The Whole Continent May Be At Risk By 2100

Scientists Are Watching In Horror As Antarctic Ice Collapses

False: "Ice is always increasing and melting" (implying that the rapid ice melt is not from anthropogenic activity)

Human Activity Melting Glaciers

Human Activities Linked To Warming And Loss Of Ice

Arctic Melting Linked To Human Causes, Long-Term Review Finds

False: "snow in the Caribbean" (implying this proves global cooling and not a result of climate engineering and chemical ice nucleation patented processes)

Record Global Temperatures Are Shocking

Scientists Warn Of Perilous Climate Shift

Former Global High Temperature Records 'Blown Away"

False: "The sun is the only thing that effects the weather"

How Do We Know Humans Are The Major Cause Of Global Warming? (Union of Concerned Scientists)

Empirical Evidence That Humans Are Causing Global Warming

97% Of Experts Agree On Human Caused Global Warming

False: "The increasing speed of the pole shift has nothing to do with global warming/human activity" (which includes geoengineering/climate engineering)


Earth Is Tipping Because Of Climate Change

Climate Change Is Moving North Pole

Melting Ice Sheets Changing The Way Earth Wobbles On Its Axis

False: "Sea levels are not rising"

Sea Level Rise From Ocean Warming Underestimated, Scientists Say

Scientists Predict Huge Sea Level Rise Even If We Limit Climate Change

Oceans Will Rise Much More Than Predicted

Sea Level Rise Will Be Worse and Come Sooner

How Far Sea Levels Could Rise


Photo credit: Bald Eagle Bluff/CC BY-SA 2.0

The most recent and most comprehensive study yet done on the cause of the current warming shows a "90-100% agreement" that it is anthropogenic (human caused, which again, includes geoengineering). But what about the 30,000 scientists that said global warming isn't so? Easily debunked, as is every bit of the "global warming is a hoax" military industrial complex false narrative. What about the Paris climate conference, didn't some of the scientists there dispute global warming? A handful did, every one of them connected to the military/industrial/hydrocarbon complex. In fact, there is a long list of professional disinformation actors doing their best to cloud the truth about the unfolding planetary meltdown. What are the odds of the current warming not being a natural cycle and not anthropogenic in nature? New studies conclude with 99.999% certainty that the current warming is due to human activity (which of course includes climate engineering). For those who wish to remain in denial about the true state of the climate and the biosphere, articles with opposing viewpoints can always be found. For those that want reality, honest investigation must be carried out.  The internationally award winning documentary film "Chasing Ice" contains front-line film footage that ends all confusion and argument for any that are truly doing objective investigation. Those that truly care about effectively fighting to expose and halt climate engineering must make the time to check their facts. The planet is spiraling into total meltdown and global climate engineering is helping to fuel the overall fire while simultaneously contaminating the the entire planet. The shocking short term chemically nucleated cool-downs (like the recent snow in the Caribbean) are absolutely the result of climate engineering and chemical ice nucleation. Pretending or claiming such engineered events are "normal" or "natural" only harms the critical effort to expose and halt climate engineering.  To recite the false conclusions already listed is simply toeing the line for big oil and the geoengineers.

How bad is the unfolding reality that we will all face? 

The Stark Realities Of Baked-In Catastrophes

In a civilization gone mad with delusions of grandeur, we’re left with tatters of human sociability held together by rancid mythologies.

Despite human fossil fuel burning recently reported to be “flat”, CO2 levels have been on a tear for the last six months, reaching new worrying levels which have some wondering whether permafrost melt may be contributing to the unusually high spike if no decline happens soon. The giant holes in Siberia serve as an ominous sign. Considering that the current El Niño is contributing only 10% to what we are now seeing, runaway global warming may be accelerating worldwide. But don’t worry, Warren Buffett says climate change is no more of a problem than the Y2K bug and will be profitable through increased premiums and inflation.

Ever dire studies continue to reaffirm worst case scenarios, making clear to anyone paying attention that Earth in the next century will be unrecognizable from its current state. Basic planetary geography and atmospheric conditions will be altered through warming oceans and rising sea levels which are now increasing faster than at any time in the past 2800 years. On average, sea levels were between 50 and 82 feet higher the last time CO2 levels were at 400ppm. Glaciologist Jason Box expects ice melt from the West Antarctic to become the biggest contributor to sea level rise in the coming decades due to a feedback loop not in the climate models. CO2 levels have been increasing around 3ppm per year, a twentyfold increase since pre-industrial times when the highest recorded increase was 0.15 ppm per year. We’ve long since passed the tipping point of melting Arctic summer sea ice; 300-350 ppm of CO2 was the threshold for many parts of the climate. These changes are irreversible on a timescale of human civilizations. Even if all human industrial activity magically ceased today, the footprint man has already left will be felt for eons.

In our warming world, the hydrologic cycle is changing and creating extreme weather; crop-destroying droughts and floods are becoming more frequent. The Jet Stream is transforming into something different, becoming wavier with higher ridges and troughs prone to stagnating in the same region. As global temperatures rise over time, hotter air will be trapped under these layers of high pressure from a mangled Jet Stream, cooking everything to death. Rising winter temperatures are beginning to destroy the “winter chill”needed for many fruit and nut trees to properly blossom and produce maximally. Climate change is also disrupting flower pollination and pushing fish toward North/South poles, robbing poorer countries at Equator of crucial food resources. In a new study, marine scientists are surprised to find a disturbing trend in the increasing numbers of a specific type of phytoplankton, coccolithophores, which have been “typically more abundant during Earth’s warm interglacial and high CO2 periods.”

Homo sapiens have only been on the planet for the equivalent of a few seconds in geologic time but have managed to overwhelm and foul up all of earth’s natural processes and interdependencies, leaving a distinct layer in the sedimentary record. There is nothing modern humans do that is truly sustainable. Here are a few glaring examples:

Relying on machines for answers to the existential problems of a species run amok with planet-destroying tools and weaponry is rather ironic and tragic. We’re locked-up inside a complexity trap of our own making. The human propensity for tool-building coupled with our discovery of fossil fuels has created a set of living arrangements in which we are now enslaved to those machines and tools. The globalized capitalist economy externalizes its destruction and atrocities, keeping the masses in a state of ignorance and denial. Our corporate overlords are not conscientious citizens, but mindless organizations whose sole purpose is to grow profits no matter the external damage done to society and the environment. Between the economic oil hitmen who ensure that profits flow smoothly and GOP politicians who openly espouse their science illiteracy, a hospitable climate for future humans seems remote. Hopeful delusions have given way to the stark reality of our predicament as scholars like Noam Chomsky who originally started his career fighting for a modicum of social justice have now set the bar at just the chance of human survival. Despite the best efforts of scientists, environmentalists, and activists, the wealthy countries most able to do something won’t “get it” until famine, disease, and war come to their country. All is being left for the almighty ‘free market’ to sort out at the same time that climate change, a conflict multiplier, ramps up.

Ideology, preconception, and desired beliefs do not help with the effort to expose the truth and end confusion. Such traits only add to the difficulty of gaining desperately needed credibility and bridge building with the climate science and environmental communities (that have so far been unwilling to join the ranks of the anti-geoengineering movement). If we are to have any chance of prevailing in the fight to expose and halt climate engineering, reality must be faced on all sides of the fence. The Global Warming communities must face and acknowledge climate engineering (and the planetary cataclysm it is contributing to). The anti-geoengineering community needs to face and acknowledge the rapidly unfolding planetary meltdown (made far worse by climate engineering). Only when both sides fully open their eyes, can the needed critical mass of climate engineering awareness be reached. Those that truly care about this most critical battle will take the time to do real investigation and then stand on hard facts. False headlines and completely incorrect ideological rants from any source must be recognized for what they are, wrong. We must all make our voices heard while we can, exposing and halting climate engineering is the great imperative of our time.  

May be freely reprinted, so long as the text is unaltered, all hyperlinks are left intact, and credit for the article is prominently given to and the article’s author with a hyperlink back to the original story.

Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, March 5, 2016


The darkening horizon is fueling ever more desperate denial in populations around the globe. The majority of the masses are clinging tenaciously to a reality that was never sustainable and is rapidly unraveling. If one chose to accept the stated goal of climate engineering/solar radiation management at face value, to save the planet, what a profound paradox we are left with. Killing the planet to save it. Not only is climate engineering completely derailing and contaminating virtually all of Earth's life support systems, but the three primary forms of "renewable" energy (solar, wind, and hydro), which are needed now more than ever, are also being completely hampered by the overall impacts of climate engineering. "Global stilling" and "global dimming" are a direct result of the atmospheric aerosols related to the geoengineering programs (though the "science" community will not admit to geoengineering and thus blames "global stilling" exclusively on climate change which is patently false). In summary, global geoengineering is causing an overall reduction in wind, sun, and rain. Again, the key word is overall reduction. As the planet continues to warm at an unprecedented rate, the pressure in the climate system will continue to build. This will cause ever more extreme weather events under any scenario. A massive carbon monoxide release along the North American West Coast has been downplayed by "official agencies" as expected. MIT noted extremely anomalous atmospheric heating directly above the record Japanese quake . Could the globe's ionosphere heater installations be a factor in the carbon monoxide release? The fishing industry along the West Coast continues to collapse along with the rest of the biosphere. Were do we go from here? Will we accept the power structure programming that we have no say in what is unfolding? Or will we stand up and make the fight for the greater good out top priority? It is up to us to stand together and make our voices heard. The latest installment of Global Alert News is below.
Dane Wigington

Climate Engineering Denial And Deception, Holding Mainstream Media Accountable


Dane Wigington

Should we consider it acceptable for mainstream media news anchors and their "chief meteorologists" to completely ignore and marginalize the legitimate and verifiable concerns of the public that they claim to represent? Should we just stand silently by while media and meteorological "professionals" (that the community depends on) willfully blackout critical issues (that relate directly to public health and welfare) without doing a shred of honest or legitimate investigation? The short answer is no, we cannot, we must not accept such a betrayal of the public's trust. In Northern California, KRCR is an ABC affiliate that covers the North State. The chain of short messages below are my attempt to hold the ABC news anchor for KRCR (and their chief meteorologist) accountable by simply asking them to address the public's concerns in a town hall setting. This effort has been ongoing. The ABC news anchor finally gives a very unprofessional and completely inadequate response. A 40 year veteran Aerospace Avionics Engineer then directly addresses the ABC news anchor with his own letter which fully supports the reality of global geoengineering and our efforts to expose the ongoing atmospheric aerosol crimes.

1st Request

Hello Mr. Kruger and Mr. Mangas, 
As I am sure you are aware, the rapidly growing public concerns over the issue of climate engineering continues to accelerate. As meteorological and media representatives for the North State (through KRCR), it is my hope that you will agree to accept this formal invitation to attend a locally staged public forum (in a town hall setting) in order to address the public's questions and concerns about what we see constantly occurring in our skies. The lingering expanding jet aircraft trails often haze out the entire skyline (which is the stated goal of "solar radiation management" programs). If (as the KRCR chief meteorologist) Mr. Kruger believes climate engineering is not in fact going on, the public would like to know on what facts and information such a conclusion is based. I, and many others, hope you will accept this sincere invitation to address our concerns as our local weather and media representatives. If so, we would coordinate a date, time, and location for the meeting that would be acceptable to your schedules. 
Dane Wigington

Verifiable facts sent for consideration:

Federal "gag order" on all NWS and NOAA employees

Links to numerous film footage clips of jet aircraft spraying

New Science Study Examines Methods To Gain Public Acceptance Of Climate Engineering

New Science Study Comes Closer To Disclosing The Catastrophic Health And Environmental Consequences Of Climate Engineering

Massive Senate Document On National And Global Weather Modification

Historical presidential report documenting ongoing and expanding climate engineering programs

Extensive list of climate engineering patents

Solar radiation management governance initiative

2nd Request

Hello Mr. Kruger and Mr. Mangas, I hope you would be kind enough to issue a response to the request sent last week. As mentioned in the former message, public concerns about climate engineering are escalating rapidly, it would seem appropriate for the chief meteorologist that represents our region to at least be willing to address the public's concerns in a town hall setting.

Thank you for your consideration to this second request. 

Dane Wigington

3rd Request

Hello Mr. Kruger and Mr. Mangas, we are all still hoping you will be willing to answer questions from the public to address our concerns about what is happening in our skies. The photo attached was captured today from the NASA worldview site, what could cause such a cloud formation? This is one of the many questions we would like to have addressed at a town hall meeting at a date, time, and location, that would suite your schedule. Again, as the local chief meteorologist that represents our region, we hope you will be willing to address our questions and concerns.

Dane Wigington

What could cause an alarming cloud formation like what is shown below? And on such a vast scale?


4th Request

Hello again Mr. Kruger and Mr. Mangas, still hoping to have the courtesy of a response regarding the communities requests to have their questions and concerns about climate engineering addressed in a public town hall setting. Below is a satellite photo taken today over Northern California. It reveals an atmosphere that is completely saturated with aerosols which look more like blowing smoke on the radar image as opposed to natural cumulous or cirrus clouds. Smoke is of course a particulate, climate engineering/solar radiation management patents and programs expressly call for saturating the atmosphere with light scattering particulates dispersed from jet aircraft. If (as our chief meteorologist) Mr. Kruger feels our concerns are unfounded, and that we should not believe what we can see with our own eyes, we would be very interested in hearing on what basis of facts he comes to such a conclusion.

Dane Wigington


First response from KRCR ABC news anchor Mike Mangas

On Feb 18, 2016, at 6:20 PM, Mike Mangas wrote:

Hello Dane-

I apologize for not responding to your emails. I didn't see them – to be absolutely honest, I blocked them some time ago.

Going into the geoengineering debate, I tried to keep an open mind. I listened to you, to your followers, showed up at the seminar you had in the David Marr auditorium, and did online research. I'm not a scientist, and don't pretend to be, but of the things I could confirm, I have found lies, mistruths, conspiracy theories of all sorts (and not just geoengineering. That forum had a cornucopia of conspiracy theories. Who shot Kennedy, what really happened on 9-11, did we really go to the moon, etc.)

Reading things like we the media are being paid off by the government to keep things quiet, or to believe humans are capable of intentionally altering the environment on a global scale, for nefarious purposes, or that such an alleged massive operation could be done in complete secrecy, and talking with people in the airline industry whom I have known for years,  whose opinions I respect, who literally laugh at geoengineering conspiracies, led me months ago to come to the conclusion that… I don't believe it. I do believe geoengineering is being discussed, but not anywhere near being implemented, and certainly not on such a grand scale.

Everyone is free to believe what they want to believe, and as I've said before, I admire your passion, but I'm done with this, and have been for months.

I just don't want to spend any more time on it.

Clearly, I have no interest in being involved in any sort of town hall meeting, nor in covering any such event. (I speak for myself only in that regard.)

I will not respond to any further correspondence, unless it's a subject other than geoengineering.


Mike Mangas

KRCR News Channel 7

(530) 722-6423


My 1st email in response to ABC news anchor Mike Mangas and ABC "chief Meteorologist Mike Kruger

Mr, Mangas, with all due respect, do you really believe your response would hold up in any reasonable forum with a reasonable community of concerned citizens? Which clearly neither you nor Mr. Kruger have the courage to face? You baselessly claim all is "conspiracy" and yet make no acknowledgment of the mountain of climate engineering data to the contrary, including links I sent to you and Mr. Kruger. These links even contain the full text to 750 page US senate report and an 80 page US presidential report, both proving beyond doubt that global climate modification has been going on since the late 1940s. Did you really do any investigation at all, Mike? Or do you just rely on the opinions of "people whom you respect"? How about the federal "gag order" on all National Weather Service and NOAA employees? Any explanation for that? Are we to expect government scientists to speak out in spite of a federal "Gag Order"? It is unfortunate that those whom the community relies on for their news are not even willing to address legitimate and extremely dire community concerns about solid science issues like stratospheric aerosol geoengineering and solar radiation management. Unfortunately you have made the decision to distract from the science by plucking out  a meaningless passing statement or two from the MC at the event. Clearly you have done your best to unjustly slander a major community event with 1000 in attendance and many experts including former military and former government scientists. 

Anyway, Mr. Mangas, thank you for making clear your unwillingness to address critical and legitimate community concerns on verifiable science issues like climate engineering/geoengineering/solar radiation management. Your comments are now on the record (I can only assume Mr. Kruger is taking the same position). As the climate engineering issue becomes impossible to hide, I can only imagine the community will justifiably feel extremely betrayed by those in media who have done their best to hide and/or marginalize issues of such dire gravity. The issue of global geoengineering will soon enough be exposed and acknowledged as the climate system disintegrates, wait and see. At that time, individuals like you and Mr. Kruger (and other local media representatives) will have a great deal of explaining to do for the citizens you claim to represent, but instead have chosen to blatantly betray.

Dane Wigington

My 2nd email to ABC news anchor Mike Mangas and ABC "chief meteorologist" Mike Kruger

Hello Mr. Mangas and Mr. Kruger, just an FYI, it seems the State of Rhode Island is waking up and acknowledging the geoengineering reality.

FYI, Rhode Island legislation draft to stop geoengineering, February 11, 2016

Rhode Island Legislation To Stop Climate Engineering

Below is a letter just sent to you, Mr. Mangas, from an Aerospace Avionics Engineer. Though this extremely qualified expert has asked me not to publish his identity for the time being (as he is still involved in research on the subject at hand), you are well aware of who he is Mike as I have already seen your response to this individual in an email you sent in reply to the letter below. This most recent expert testimony is on top of all the other experts that have already testified in Shasta County about the reality of climate engineering and the dire threat it poses.

The letter below is from an Aerospace Avionics Engineer. It was sent to ABC's Mike Mangas (and forwarded to me) in response to the ABC news anchor's blatant refusal to honestly investigate or objectively report on the critical geoengineeering issue.

Hello Mike,

I just read your response to Dane about not covering any more GeoEngineering stories.

That may be difficult to avoid. 

I am an Aerospace Avionics Engineer of over 40 years, with considerable work experience at our NASA Ames/Dryden Flight Research Center at Edwards – working specifically on a high altitude research aircraft designed to study the Ozone layer.  It was a part of the ERAST projects sponsored by NASA, the company I worked for was Aurora Flight Sciences.

During my work at NASA the folks at JPL figured out how to use the 4th bit in a data stream from an orbiting satellite – and ended up finding the Ozone hole in Antartica.

What failed to reach the public,  is that the Ozone layer is usually only about a quarter of an inch thick!   Another missed item was that Ozone can't be created without Oxygen and Ultraviolet light – above the Atmospheric layers – so it can't form on the dark side of the planet.  This causes holes to form.  Ozone holes are normal – to a point, that point is about where we are now; the Ozone layer is pretty much gone – we know this with the excessive UVB radiation, and the CERES satellite data.

This was 1994, and 1995 – at this time was the big R-12 refrigerant conundrum – this is what the Chemistry Engineers were telling us, and that the Chloromethane molecule was responsible for all the holes in the ozone layer.

I only had 1 simple question: "how does a heavier than air molecule reach tropopause?"
No-one answered.

The next NASA project was the Barium release by satellite.  Lots of data was gathered, and most people involved with the project thought they were doing real science for a good cause.  Not so.  It was government sponsored research data for the solar radiation management programs.

Since that time I have spent significant time and energy researching the CERES data, which was one of the first satellites measuring the "Energy Balance" for planet Earth – I am not using the public data, I have been granted access to the actual data (or so I'm told) that has not been scrubbed.  After 2 years of studying this data, I still can't really determine what is going on.  I am familiar with the scanning micro-bolometer that is the sensor aboard the satellite, but putting that data together in an easily understood video presentation has proved to be a major computer task.

I don't like conspiracy theories.  I want facts.  I want data that speaks for itself, no matter who reads it.

My first comparison of data gathered from 2000-2005 to data from 2010-2015 was very alarming.  So alarming that I figured I made a mistake.  I am taking more time to cover every line of program and every bit of data before any publication is made.  There is 58.6 gigabytes of data. 

Before I received the CERES data, I had to promise the Langley Center that they would receive copies of my papers before they go public.  That bothered me at the time.  Could be just an accuracy check.

I have emailed Dane on several occasions about my current research and his, and on each occasion Dane has had verifiable data to corroborate his claims.  I don't see anything but an intense desire Dane has but to try and recover what we have left on this planet – before it is gone forever.  Personally I admire Dane – it would be far easier for him if he just didn't care.

But he does, and so do I.  This is intensely painful at times, especially when I hold my grandkids. 

Here is a quote I learned many years ago "There is a bar to all understanding, it is contempt prior to investigation."  

In my research I have to maintain an open mind – otherwise I introduce bias into the overall equation by ignoring or discounting certain data.  It is critical I have error-free results, no exceptions.  The stakes are way too high for all of us.

Mike, thanks for reading this – and I hope it doesn't piss you off!  That, is NOT my goal – we need to have good news coverage – accurate, unbiased, and without fear.

We all need YOU, Mike, when I get finished with this project I'd like your opinion – and help.

A final note for this message, can Mr. Kruger, yourself, or the "airline industry" friends (who's opinion you stated you base your conclusions on) confirm (with verifiable facts) that the trails in the photos below are just "normal commercial traffic" trails, and not climate engineering/geoengineering/solar radiation management? Populations are waking up, the climate engineering insanity cannot be hidden in plain sight for much longer no matter how much deception and denial we are fed from the media and meteorological communities.  How will the public react once they know the degree to which they have been lied to about such a dire issue? 

Dane Wigington

Lebanon, Tennessee1:6:16Warren Grace

Photo credit: Warren Grace

The effort to expose the global geoengineering assault requires that we each do everything we can to expose those who are helping to hide the ongoing climate engineering crimes. Make your voice heard in this most critical battle.

May be freely reprinted, so long as the text is unaltered, all hyperlinks are left intact, and credit for the article is prominently given to and the article’s author with a hyperlink back to the original story.

Stockholm Syndrome, An American Epidemic


The American population is the last potentially counterbalancing force against a global power structure that is pushing the planet and all life toward mathematically certain near term total global extinction. If we stay on this course, our planet will not support life much longer. In spite of the obvious and rationally undeniable tyranny that is verifiably present at all levels of our government, the majority of the US population still enthusiastically embrace the false narrative of American exceptionalism. Our own government and our own military have routinely conducted lethal biological experiments on our own populations over many decades. The Pentagon has also routinely poisoned our own soldiers for decades. From Agent Orange to radioactive depleted uranium ammunition, there is virtually no sense of morality shown by those who run our country, even toward our own military brothers and sisters. Ongoing in the skies above our heads is the greatest and most lethal atrocity of all, global climate engineering. Geoengineering/weather warfare programs are rapidly destroying the planet's climate and life support systems in addition to completely contaminating the entire biosphere. No living organism is spared from this undeniable assault. Every breath we take is laden with highly toxic heavy metals and chemicals that are a part of the climate engineering nightmare (elements verified in US patents and lab tests from the field). Yet, in spite of all that has just been outlined, the majority of the US population continue to embrace and defend the very power structure that is literally killing them. There is a name for the psychological condition in which populations actually embrace and defend their oppressors, the condition is called "Stockholm Syndrome". The short video below outlines this perplexing condition. Our sincere gratitude to Co Creation Productions, Inc, for producing this video.

Though "Stockholm Syndrome" is a factor in countries and populations around the globe, it is truly an epidemic in America. The masses must be awakened from their well programmed condition of apathy and denial if we are to have any chance of turning the tide in time. The fight for the greater good is a responsibility that must be born by us all, make your voice heard in the critical battle to expose the complete criminality of those in power. Time is not on our side.

New Science Study Comes Closer To Disclosing The Catastrophic Health And Environmental Consequences Of Climate Engineering


Dane Wigington

The walls of the power structure are beginning to buckle, those that have served the power brokers are beginning to respond to their own instinct of self survival. The University of Michigan Department of  Environmental Health Sciences has just published a Science study, "Assessing The Direct Occupational And Public Health Impacts Of Solar Radiation Management With Stratospheric Aerosols" (excerpts from this study later in this article).

Climate engineering is weather warfare, nothing less. The highly toxic materials being used in the ongoing atmospheric aerosol spraying programs all settle down through the air column, this makes geoengineering a form of biological warfare as well. Unimaginable and irreparable decimation is being inflicted on the biosphere and the entire web of life by the ongoing climate modification SRM programs. How long can the insanity in our skies continue without the consequences to the Earth and the human race becoming total? Geoengineering programs are wreaking havoc on the planet from every direction, including being the primary driver of the ever increasing record droughts and forest fires.

Click photo to enlarge

 Šiauliai, Lithuania. Photo credit: Zenonas Mockus

It must be understood that no peer reviewed science publications that openly admit to the ongoing geoengineering programs will be allowed by the power structure controlled institutions. The tentacles of this control are vast beyond true comprehension, penetrating and permeating every imaginable organization. This being said, many within these organizations (that have gone along with the insanity so far in order to safeguard their own financial interests) are beginning to realize they are also going to go down with the ship. Some are now whispering the truth in the shadows. The excerpts below are from the study in question that was just published on January 19, 2016.

Although much is being done to unravel the scientific and technical challenges around geoengineering, there have been few efforts to characterize the potential human health impacts of geoengineering, particularly with regards to SRM approaches involving stratospheric aerosols.

This paper explores this information gap. Using available evidence, we describe the potential direct occupational and public health impacts of exposures to aerosols likely to be used for SRM, including environmental sulfates, black carbon, metallic aluminum, and aluminum oxide aerosols. We speculate on possible health impacts of exposure to one promising SRM material, barium titanate, using knowledge of similar nano materials.

Our analysis suggests that adverse public health impacts may reasonably be expected from SRM via deployment of stratospheric aerosols.

This paper will focus on SRM via stratospheric aerosol injection, and will describe potential direct human health impacts. We explore three knowledge gaps: 1) human exposures, 2) human health impacts, and 3) exposure limits. SRM may be expected to result in ecosystem damage and resulting human health effects through indirect mechanisms such as damage to, or contamination of, agricultural products and wildlife.

Sulfates and nanoparticles currently favored for SRM include sulfur dioxide, hydrogen sulfide, carbonyl sulfide, black carbon, and specially engineered discs composed of metallic aluminum, aluminum oxide and barium titanate.


Knoxville, Tennessee. Photo credit: Marla Stair-Wood

Population exposures

Due to atmospheric circulation and gravitational deposition, large-scale population exposures to atmospherically-injected SRM materials will almost certainly occur after their deployment. Population exposures could also occur through ingestion of food and water contaminated with deposited particles, as well as transdermally. Unlike occupational exposures, there has been virtually no research done to estimate ground-level personal exposures to SRM materials… 

No models appear to have estimated the potential global burden of environmental aluminum, alumina or barium titanate that might result from SRM.

… population exposures to SRM materials will be continuous and prolonged over months to years… Thus the health effects will be primarily chronic in nature.

In humans, and in particular asthmatics, increases in specific airway resistance or decreases in forced expiratory volume or forced expiratory flow are the primary response following acute exposure…

Aluminum is never found free in nature, and instead forms metal compounds, complexes, or chelates including aluminum oxide. Aluminum and aluminum oxide do not appear to differ in toxicity. Wheezing, dyspnea, and impaired lung function, as well as pulmonary fibrosis, have been noted…

Dilation and hypertrophy of the right side of the heart have been seen in workers exposed to aluminum powder, as have decreased red blood cell hemoglobin and finger clubbing. Helper T-lymphocyte alveolitis and blastic transformation of peripheral blood lymphocytes in the presence of soluble aluminum compounds in vitro were found in an individual exposed to aluminum dust.

In general, exposures to barium salts are associated with respiratory, cardiovascular, gastrointestinal, musculoskeletal, metabolic and neurologic effects.

For public exposures – which would likely be widespread following SRM efforts – the EPA, European Environmental Agency (EEA), and World Health Organization specify regulatory standards for ambient air quality. Importantly, tables show a very small sampling of air quality standards in use around the world that relate to potential SRM materials, of which the WHO standards may be considered most generalizable globally. Exposure limits differ substantially between these agencies, but, more importantly, there are currently no limits set by any of these agencies for most of the substances that may be used for SRM.

The inconsistencies in established exposure limits for both occupational and community settings, combined with the absence of any exposure limits for a number of potential SRM materials, highlight the issues involved in protecting workers and the public from unintended health consequences resulting from SRM deployment.

The substantial potential exposures and subsequent health impacts associated with SRM efforts based on stratospheric aerosols must be considered further before any attempts are made at SRM .

Since exposures will inherently be global in nature, exposure limits must be harmonized to ensure that individuals around the world are given equal protection from adverse health effects. Global harmonization of standards related to SRM represents an immense but necessary bureaucratic and scientific challenge, and an important step towards establishing a formal governance framework for geoengineering.

very little has been done to describe the potential human health impacts of this emerging disruptive technology.

Though this study does not openly admit to the fact that global climate engineering has been deployed for decades (with unquantifiable and catastrophic impacts), the study does address the obvious, inarguable, and horrific dangers in the most direct fashion I have yet seen from an institutional science publication. The cancer that has controlled the world for so long is losing its grip, the cracks in the dam are widening rapidly. Coming legal actions will further fuel the exposure of those behind the curtain, along with their ongoing crimes against humanity and the environment. When studies like the one above are combined with the mountain of existing data (which prove atmospheric spraying and climate engineering have been going on for some 70 years), the dangers posed by the geoengineering/SRM elephant in the room become impossible to rationally deny. From historical US Senate studies, to half-century old presidential reports, to extensive patents lists and undeniable film footage of atmospheric spraying, proof of the ongoing climate engineering reality is there for any who do objective investigation. Now, more than ever, we must all keep up our stride in the all important battle to expose and halt the greatest and most immediate threat we face short of nuclear cataclysm, global climate engineering. All of us are needed to help with sounding the alarm.

May be freely reprinted, so long as the text is unaltered, all hyperlinks are left intact, and credit for the article is prominently given to and the article’s author with a hyperlink back to the original story.

“Weather Made To Order”, Connecting The Dots


Dane Wigington recently acquired 2 excellent condition original copies of "Collier's" magazine from May of 1954. The title on the cover of the 61 year old magazine is "Weather Made To Order….. Man's Progress In Weather Control" (our previous post from a 1958 edition of Popular Science, "Weather As A Weapon" is also important to examine).  This kind of straightforward reporting on the issue of global climate modification (geoengineering/solar radiation management) has long since been shut down in mainstream publications. Though global weather modification and weather warfare has been going on in plain site and at a significant scale for over 70 years. The "official" narrative now is that programs of such magnitude are only "proposals". This false narrative is propagated by all those in corporate media and academic circles that are paid to deny the ongoing and blatantly obvious atrocities occurring in skies around the globe. The so called "experts" are all too invested in the denial of climate engineering to turn back, so they just keep doubling down on the lie that it does not exist.


Skies around the globe are now constantly obscured with the aerosol spraying onslaught.

Even more astounding than this "official" denial, is the public's willingness to accept the "official" narrative and thus ignore their own eyes and their own sense of deductive reasoning. In spite of countless up-close film clips of jet aircraft spraying at altitude (turning the spray dispersion on and off), in spite of countless incriminating documents including US military reports like "Owning The Weather", also recent congressional documents for the governance of geoengineering, a 750 page US senate historical documents addressing the ongoing global climate engineering, an extensive list of patents, and even half century old presidential reports on the rapidly expanding US government weather modification programs, the geoengineering elephant in the room continues to decimate the planet and all life with no organized public outrage as of yet. A few damning quotes from the Collier's article are below.

… we could use weather as a weapon of warfare, creating storms or dissipating them as the tactical situation demands. We might deluge an enemy with rain to hamper a military movement or strike at his food supplies by withholding needed rain from his crops.

… the development of cloud seeding or rain making techniques since the first successful operations in November, 1946, by Drs. Irving Langmuir and Vincent J. Schaefer of the General Electric Company.

The present method of "modifying" a cloud is known as "seeding" because it consists of introducing into the cloud certain particles which collect moisture and fall to the ground as rain or snow. It is used to increase precipitation over any designated area.

How will we be able to prevent rain? … by overseeding a cloud.

Over the last five years, our company has operated more than 150 separate projects in 18 states and six foreign countries. We had amassed more than 200,000 hours of seeding experience in varying latitudes. We don't think we can increase rainfall — we know it."

… using weather as a weapon… Russia would be at a disadvantage in any "strategic weather warfare" because weather characteristically moves from west to east… weather – control planes operating from Western European bases might be able to deluge any selected area of Russia with heavy rain, disrupting lines of supply or movements of armored units by truck convoys and tanks to bog down in mud.

Attacking The Enemy's Food Supply

Weather modification might also be employed to strike at an enemy's food supply. Moisture clouds could be intercepted en route. over seeded and dried up, depriving crops of needed moisture.

Man may well be on the threshold of a new era in which he will disprove the adage that nothing can be done about the weather.

Click on images to enlarge them for reading the article. If you wish to make the image even clearer, you can click the image a second time once it has completely enlarged from the first click.





The US military has made clear the fact they have long since considered climate change to be the greatest national security threat of all, are we to believe they would ask our permission before they would modify the weather and climate to suit their own agenda? Global geoengineering programs are not about the common good, they are not about saving the planet or humanity. The ongoing climate engineering insanity is about power, control, and attempting to mask the damage already done to our climate system while inflicting unimaginably more destruction to climate and biosphere in the process.  Exposing and halting the geoengineering insanity is the most important challenge we face at this critical time, make your voice heard in this essential fight for the greater good.

May be freely reprinted, so long as the text is unaltered, all hyperlinks are left intact, and credit for the article is prominently given to and the article’s author with a hyperlink back to the original story.

A Climate Engineering Introduction To Media And The Uninformed


Global geoengineering / solar radiation management programs are not just proposals, but have long since been a catastrophic reality. All available facts and data confirm this conclusion. Bringing the critical issue of global climate engineering to light and to a halt is the great imperative of our time. In order to have any reasonable chance of succeeding in this all important battle, all of us are needed to join the fight. Each of us can gain ground every single day in this effort by spreading and sharing credible introductory information with individuals, organizations, and media, that would care if they only knew of the issue and had a dose of solid data to go on. The introduction article below was drafted for the use of the public relations firm which is helping us with media exposure for the Geoengineering Watch Legal Team. This letter can be used by anyone to help with the effort to start "spot fires" of awareness everywhere possible. The more such an introduction to geoengineering is forwarded groups, organizations, media, and individuals (that, again, would care if they knew of the issue), the sooner we will reach a critical mass of awareness. If we all combine our efforts in this battle, we can yet make a profound difference even at this late hour.
Dane Wigington

The Contrails Conspiracy Is Not Only Garbage, It’s Letting Aviation Off The Hook Too


Source: The Disinformation Directory

Original story by George Monbiot in The Guardian:

Response written by Marla Stair-Wood

George Monbiot is concerned about airplane emissions. He is so concerned about aviation emissions, he penned numerous essays on the subject since 1996, when he became a columnist for The Guardian. One would think the armies of geoengineering planes flying the last few decades contributing even more to CO2 levels while dispersing tons of aerosols into the atmosphere would also greatly concern Monbiot; however, according to him, he totally dismissed and ignored the issue of ongoing climate engineering until lately, when his friends and an editor of a highly visible environmental magazine urged him to investigate and report. In his area of the U.K., the site appeared to be very vocal on the anti-Geoengineering front, so he chose (exclusively, so it appears) this site as his research source.

The result of Monbiot's investigation (loosely applied) is a December 4, 2015 essay entitled: “The contrails conspiracy is not only garbage, it’s letting aviation off the hook too”.

The Desperation Of The Geoengineers, Documenting An Engineered Cool-Down


Dane Wigington

Geoengineering can and does create large scale chemical cool-downs, but at what cost to the overall climate system and life on Earth? If we are to be effective in the battle to expose and halt climate engineering, the effects of global geoengineering must be recognized, understood, and taken into consideration in regard to our conclusions. The following maps and radar/satellite images document a massive engineered cool-down of the US West while the Eastern US continues to hit record highs (the exact antithesis of the previous 3 years). The NOAA map below (produced on December 1st, 2015) reflects the predicted US temperatures for the period from December 7th through the 11th (2015). Each color shade represents an increase of 2-3 degrees above average temperatures. While some are still reciting a narrative of "global cooling", what is the real picture? And what major geoengineering impacts are being completely ignored by most?


Shortly after the NOAA forecast map above was issued (reflecting an extremely warm US from coast to coast), an engineered cool-down of the Western US was put into motion. 

The next map (December 8, 2015) shows profound changes from the original NOAA map above. With extreme amounts of moisture being pushed into the West, the engineered cool-down is underway.


Though flooding is occurring in parts of the Pacific Northwest, and will continue to, the overall precipitation in most areas is still far less than what would have been the case without the massive atmospheric aerosol saturation from heavy jet aircraft spraying.

When there are too many cloud condensation nuclei (CCN), precipitation is diminished and the moisture is migrated further east. Heavy particle saturation in precipitation can be noted by observing droplet size. Very rapid uniform raindrops (which can be observed in puddles and on windshields) are indicative of the condensation nuclei being dictated by the sprayed particles in the rain. Lab tests have confirmed that this type of precipitation does in fact contain the highest concentration of the heavy metals (such as aluminum and barium) contained in geoengioneering patents.

Jet stream manipulation with ionosphere heater installations like HAARP allow the geoengineers to "firehouse" moisture into a given region, in this case the Pacific Northwest. 


The stream of moisture aimed at the US Northwest stretches most of the way across the Pacific.

What is the goal of solar radiation management (SRM)? To block out as much of the sun as possible. The atmospheric river of moisture streaming off of the record warm Pacific ocean is heavily aerosolized (as described above) which keeps much of the moisture from falling and broadcasts it out into massive regions of rainless (and toxic) cloud cover expanding out over the Western US.


The brighter the white of the cloud cover shown on the combination satellite/radar maps above and below, the more heavily aerosolized the cloud cover is.


So much of our skies are now covered with various degrees of aerosolized cloud canopy that "blue skies" are largely non existent. 

As the heavily sprayed unorganized drifting masses of moisture pour into the West (shown in the satellite image below), the radio frequency signature cloud alignment ripples begin to show up. The radio frequencies help to scatter and disperse the sprayed particulates (and this diminish precipitation).


"Global Dimming" is increasing in magnitude all over the globe as the ongoing aerosol assault continues.

In the "Climate Reanilizer" departure from average map below, the projected results of the engineered Western cool-down are showing up. As the aerosolized moisture streams in from the West, chemical nucleation drops the cloud temperatures. This creates a cold dense layer of air that descends to the ground and lowers the temperatures, the desired outcome for the geoengineers.


The extreme heat anomalies reflected in the reanilizer map above should be alarming to all. Such extremes are meteorologically unprecedented historically speaking. Not only are the climate engineers tearing the planet's life support systems apart, they are contaminating the entire surface of the Earth. 

The updated (after the engineered cool-down) NOAA map below reflects the desired outcome for the geoengineers (compare this to the original NOAA map at the top of the page). If there had been too many record shattering temperatures across the entire US, geoengineering becomes a much tougher sell to other nations. There are undoubtedly countless "behind closed doors" meetings being carried out at the Paris Climate Conference at this exact window of time. The current Western cool-down is the exact antithesis of the last three years in the lower 48 states in which the Eastern US have been the recipient of constant engineered cool-downs.


Radical temperature extreme imbalances like those shown in the NOAA map above are historically unprecedented.

Though the corporate controlled weather forecasting liars will try to explain away the engineered extremes as just "natural variability", it is up to us to see reality for what it is. It is up to all of us to recognize the engineered cool-downs for what they actually are, completely unnatural and highly destructive to the planet. The engineered cool-downs come at the cost of an even worse planetary warming, how much more can the web of life take?

So what is the true global average temperature picture for the last three years? The GISS departure from normal high temperature map below is revealing.


The heavily geoengineered eastern half of the North American continent is one of the few zones in the world that have not been hovering in record high temperature territory since the beginning of 2013 (though 2012 was the warmest year ever recorded in the US). The last 5 years were the hottest ever recorded globally.

It is imperative for us all to look past short term (highly toxic) engineered cool-downs in order to see the larger ongoing picture. Every day that global climate engineering is allowed to continue, it worsens the overall warming of the planet. Though many cite dubious characters like former Weather Channel founder John Coleman, and "Lord Monckton", as proof that there "is no global warming", such individuals are hardly a credible source of data.  An honest examination of front line research data is essential for credible conclusions.

Screen Shot 2015-12-08 at 11.23.08 AM

The warming of the planet is so rapid that it is more correctly categorized as a "climate shift" (abrupt climate change). If we are to effectively fight against climate engineering, the engineered cool-downs must be recognized for what they are, not natural. 

Global climate engineering must be exposed and halted, there is no other way forward. The more researched and credible activists in this fight are, the more effective we will be in the battle. With ever increasing amounts of disinformation being put out by countless sources, now more than ever, preconceptions and bias must be abandoned in exchange for verifiable facts. We must diligently examine the sources of information behind all headlines. A constant examination of front line data is how a correct compass heading is achieved. It is not about believing anyone, but rather what can be seen with ones own eyes. The award winning documentary "Chasing Ice" is a good start. This is a riveting film with no politics, just inarguable frontline footage. There are many agendas behind the ongoing geoengineering insanity, attempting to hide the damage already done to the climate by engineering cool-downs like the one documented above (while making the situation even worse overall in the process) is one of the primary goals. There is no benevolence in the climate engineering programs, none. It is about power and control, period. We must all work together in the desperate effort to wake the masses. DW

International “Eluxe Magazine” Makes Their Voice Heard On The Geoengineering Threat


We can now add yet another source to the growing list of important publications that have already spoken out about the critical climate engineering issue, "Eluxe Magazine". Below is an excerpt from their impressive "about" section.

Eluxe Magazine is the world’s first ever publication fully dedicated to sustainable luxury. We’re a quarterly published paper magazine and a digital publication based in London and Paris, dedicated to showcasing luxury brands that demonstrate a strong commitment to good ethics and environmental sustainability.  We determine the sustainability of a brand on several factors, including whether it:

  • Uses organic, biodegradable, recycled or renewable materials
  • Traces the environmental accountability of the product throughout the supply chain
  • Follows a strict Corporate Sustainability Policy, with transparent annual reports.
  • Uses recyclable, recycled or no packaging
  • Creates a product whose consumption can greatly reduce the owner’s environmental impact

Other publications that have already done their part to sound the alarm on atmospheric spraying atrocities are SOCO magazine and National Health Freedom magazine. The wave of awareness and outrage is building very rapidly as people around the globe wake up to what has been done to them without their knowledge or consent. Momentum is growing exponentially in the most critical battle of all, the fight to take back our skies from the grip of the collective insanity that has all but decimated our planet. We must all keep marching forward in this battle with all the strength and speed we can manage, every day counts. My most sincere thanks to Eluxe Magazine for solidly joining us in all important effort to expose global climate engineering.
Dane Wigington


Troubled Skies: The Environmental And Health Dangers Of Geoengineering With Dane Wigington


Source: Global Freedom Movement Media | (Episode 56, GFM Media)

Attention: the skies, the soil, and the waters are being poisoned from above, and we are bringing you the leading authority on this “geoengineering” disaster: powerhouse researcher and educator Dane Wigington.

  • What in the world are they spraying?

  • Why in the world are they spraying?

  • Who in the world (or from off it) is behind this?

  • What is the long-range agenda?

  • Why are “they” destroying the very ecology that we ALL need to survive?

  • Why are soils acidifying for no apparent reason?

  • Why are animals vacating significant tracts of land for no reason connected to nature?

  • Why are “we” microwaving parts of the ionosphere?

  • What are the effects of the above actions?

  • Will we wake up in time to stop this madness?

CBS News Covers Climate Engineering


Though Northern California's ABC station (KQMS Channel 7) and Northern California's primary newspaper (Record Searchlight) blacklisted any coverage of the recent major climate engineering awareness event in Redding California. CBS (to their credit) came all the way from Sacramento to cover the event. Corporate media, of course, does their best to spin and marginalize the geoengineering reality (as they are paid and told to do), the story is still getting out and that is what matters. A 6 minute video and article from CBS news is below. My comments on their article coverage are highlighted in red and placed within the context of the written transcript. I have also listed 4 contact links at the very bottom of this article, which I hope all will utilize in order to express their views on the biased coverage (or lack of coverage) given to the critical climate engineering issue. Two of these links are for the two media outlets that boycotted the important Northern California anti-geoengineering awareness event with 1000 in attendance. The CBS Sacramento link is also included, as is the direct contact for the "scientist" CBS interviewed who did what he is paid to do, lie about and marginalize a completely science based issue. If you choose to message those on the contact list, a non-threatening and articulate manner will best serve our cause. Making our voices heard by those on this list is essential.
Dane Wigington


Geoengineering Epitomizes Industrialized Suicide


The majority still subscribe to the delusion of industrialized society as a benefit to the human race, but can such a conclusion be rationally defended? Global climate modification is the pinnacle of industrialized insanity and arrogance. Even now, as life on our planet is struggling desperately to survive, the military industrial complex that rules the world is pouring Earth's dwindling finite resources into yet more destruction with geoengineering at the top of the list.
Dane Wigington

Published In Sentinel-Tribune, “Geoengineering Puts Poisons In Air”


Anti-geoengineering activist Gretchen Thomas has struck a solid blow against climate engineering denial with her recently published editorial submission to the "Sentinel-Tribune". This kind of citizen involvement can make the difference in this battle. This is the kind of effort that we must all engage in at every available opportunity. The constant spraying of highly toxic particulates into our breathable air column is having a catastrophic effect on human health and the environment as a whole. Gretchen's letter below is an excellent example of how we can all help in the battle to bring climate engineering to light. Once fully exposed, a shockwave of outrage will travel through populations around the globe. Only then can the climate engineering be brought to a halt. A sample letter from  titled "Flaming Arrow" can be very useful for helping activists to follow Gretchen's example.
Dane Wigington


Geoengineering Puts Poisons In Air

Source: Sentinel-Tribune, letter by Gretchen Thomas

To the Editor

My awareness of Climate engineering, aka: Geoengineering began about three years ago. Concerned about the persistent haze in the air, I called the county Environmental Protection Agency; we talked about geoengineering, he told me aircraft-related emissions are regulated by Federal Aviation Administration. The FAA dismissed me as misinformed; and directed me to Department of Defense when I used the word, "chemtrail". Geoengineering creates climate changes by definition. Stratospheric Aerosol Geoengineering, (SAG) or Solar Radiation Management, (SRM) describes the dispersal of nano-particulates at high altitudes by jet aircraft; this is visible in the sky if you just look up. Persistent sprayed particulate trails criss-crossing the sky from horizon to horizon, slowly dispersing, are textbook geoengineering flight patterns, not condensation trails as disinformers claim. Many experts conclude that ongoing geoengineering programs are wreaking havoc with our weather and the earth's ecosystems and cycles. Saturating the atmosphere with geoengineering particulates "diminishes and disperses rainfall." Devastating deluges are also connected to climate engineering as moisture that was migrated over one region comes down in a torrent somewhere else. Torrential rains sound familiar? The protective layers of the atmosphere, specifically, the ozone layer and the ionosphere, are being shredded by the aircraft sprayed aerosol clouds. People who claim insufficient proof of ongoing geoengineering should seek their information elsewhere; there is a mountain of evidence: government and military documents, congressional hearings and committee reports, geoengineering patents, and climate modification corporations. International legislation is being drafted to legalize geoengineering. Look up, you can see the evidence with your own eyes. Why are we not being told about the biggest environmental nightmare of our lifetime, which threatens the earth's ability to sustain life and likely a main catalyst of global warming? Geoengineering is not acknowledged in climate change dialogue, or included in key environmental studies, except as potential mitigation for climate change. An Indiana park ranger admitted to me he was ordered not to initiate a conversation on the topic, and the public's not being told because they would panic. I have one thing to say to civil servants suppressing information from those they're paid to protect and serve – you're being sprayed, too. Every breath we take is contaminated with toxic nano-particulate fallout, that persistent haze in the air. Geoengineering must stop. Climate engineering to light. Once fully exposed, a shockwave of outrage will travel through populations around the globe. Only then can the climate engineering be brought to a halt.
Gretchen Thomas

Greg Hunter From “USA Watchdog” Covers Geoengineering Programs


Greg Hunter has again covered the climate engineering issue with this new interview and article on the subject. Greg is a very respected and highly experienced news correspondent who has won many awards for his investigative reporting and journalism. His news site "USA Watchdog" has a huge following of people that appreciate Greg's tenacity for uncovering and exposing the truth on subjects and issues that mainstream media won't touch. Hunter's coverage of the climate engineering insanity is extremely helpful in the effort to bring this critical issue to light.
Dane Wigington


Did Geoengineering Just Kill Almost 200,000 Alpacas In Peru?


Dane Wigington

The climate engineers have an endless array of weather scenarios to create havoc, destruction, and death. Completely engineered protracted droughts are one form of climate engineering assault as we currently see in California, Brazil, the Caribbean, the Philippines, Australia, Africa, Russia, and other regions around the globe. Deluge and flooding are also a weapons of the climate engineers. But there is another form of weather warfare that is less recognized and understood (even by many that are aware of the geoengineering issue), chemically ice nucleated winter storms. Though many think engineering snow storms is impossible, it is, in fact, a primary tool of the climate engineers. The Chinese openly announced their engineered snow storms until they did over a billion dollars worth of damage to Beijing. On October 4th, 2013, a completely freak "winter storm"  killed nearly 100,000 cattle in South Dakota. This event was truly astounding given the very warm temperatures that surrounded South Dakota at the time. I took screen shots of the temperature maps at the time and penned an article of the event. Take a good look at the maps below, the scenario they show is shocking. Cattle are very cold tolerant animals, how could they possibly freeze to death at temperatures that were present on the October 4th event of 2013? There were far above freezing temperatures in South Dakota at the time, why was it snowing at all? There were temperatures of 85 degrees and rain in Chicago, what really killed the South Dakota cattle?


Spraying chemical and biological ice nucleating elements has allowed the climate engineers to radically (although temporarily) cool down large regions. We saw this throughout the 2014-2015 winter in places like the eastern US and Boston. In doing so, the desired headlines are created which then fuel division and confusion in regard to public opinion on the actual state of the climate. South Dakota is not the only place where engineered winter assaults are occurring. In 2011, some 200,000 alpacas were sickened and/or killed by an unusual cool-down. In 2013, 250,000 alpacas met the same fate. Now again, in 2015, the same scenario is playing out in Peru, nearly 200,000 alpacas have succumbed to extremely unusual conditions. Alpacas are built for cold, why are they dying in such massive numbers in a world that is experiencing record warmth? 


June 2015 was the warmest June ever recorded, following May 2015, also a record warm month. The start to 2015 is the warmest ever recorded even surpassing the start to 2014, the warmest year ever recorded. Why would we imagine so many unprecedented die-off events to be natural given the knowledge that the climate is being completely manipulated around the globe? When we know that artificial snow storms are real and even being reported on by organizations like FOX news? When we also know there are patents for creating artificial snow storms which then generate a completely unnatural "snow" composition? Chemically nucleated snow is sticky, typically heavy, and unusually cold to the touch due to the endothermic reaction from the chemical nucleation process. The climate engineers leave nothing untouched, nothing untainted. There is no natural weather, there is only the results of the highly toxic and  completely out of control climate engineering insanity. Get active, help to sound the alarm on the geoengineering assault.

Are The Climate Engineers Waging Weather Warfare Against Texas? Again?


Dane Wigington

Texas is about to get pounded again with potential record flooding. Why would a cyclonic rotation not develop over the warm waters of the Gulf of Mexico where conditions are favorable for strengthening, but then strengthen once the low pressure zone is over land?

tropical storm Bill

Because that is what the weather-makers want. Has anyone ever heard of a "brown ocean event"? This is a scenario in which a hurricane does not strengthen over the warm ocean waters but then does so over land.

Click the image to enlarge

Brown Ocean

Why would we think such an extreme anomaly is natural when we know there are patents for hurricane suppression which could be utilized over the ocean? Even Bill Gates has his hand into hurricane suppression efforts. Hurricane formation over the Gulf of Mexico has been non existent in recent years in spite of record warm ocean temperatures, why? Could one of the reasons be that the power structure does not want the sea of oil sitting at the bottom of the Gulf of Mexico to be churned up for the world to see? Oil from the still leaking BP Macondo well that was never properly sealed? The world's foremost independent expert on deep water drilling spoke out on CNN about the still leaking BP Macondo well and was found face down in his own swimming pool shortly after. What are they hiding at the bottom of the Gulf?

well head

Available evidence indicates hurricanes can also be strengthened even as they make landfall, cyclone Haiyan did exactly that before it cut a swath of total destruction through the Philippines. What came after? The US military moved in under humanitarian pretexts and then began building bases, what a surprise. Can cyclonic rotations also be steered? Lets take hurricane "Sandy" as an example, how is it possible that the "forecasters" (who get their modeling straight from defense contractors like Raytheon that are involved with weather modification) knew 7 days ahead of time that Sandy would make an unprecedented 90 degree westerly turn? Defense contractor Raytheon produces the "forecast modeling" for the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) and the National Weather Service (NWS). The key climate engineering players are literally controlling the flow of information even to "national" agencies.

Sandy 90 turn

Texas is not a very cooperative state as far as the US government is concerned, is this a reason for the coming "Jade Helm" military exercises are taking place in Texas? Using weather warfare to control populations is business as usual for the power structure that masquerades as our government. Though there are countless factors affecting Earth's climate systems and countless forms of damage to the biosphere, the US military and many other governments around the globe have long since hijacked the climate systems for their own agenda, and have long since stated their wish to do so. From the ongoing record floods in Texas, to the baking and burning US West, none is accidental. All the natural former climate processes (already harmed due to countless forms of anthropogenic activity) are being disrupted much further still by the completely out of control global weather warfare. Those in power are trying desperately to control populations who are rapidly awakening to their tyranny. Educate yourself, get into the fight to raise awareness, make your voice heard.  DW

The Programming Of Our Children And Geoengineering, An Educator Speaks Out


The paradigm of industrialized society has been an orchestrated disaster for a very long time. How does it get so bad? The programming of children in the educational system leads to a programmed society. This in turn leads to a population that is completely blind and oblivious to the fact that they are being constantly sprayed with toxic materials. My gratitude to educator Cali Will for sharing his perspectives in the attached article.
Dane Wigington

County Supervisors Blatantly Ignore Concerned Citizens


Those who strive for and attain positions in local government more often than not tend to be a particular personality type (very much like those who strive for higher government offices). I make this statement from 35 years of experience with dealing with such people in multiple counties of California and Arizona. What I have noted is this, there is, in general, a complete lack of honor (with occasional exceptions). The vast majority of "elected officials" and especially "appointed officials" are there for self-serving reasons, not for the common good. Personal ideology, paychecks, and pensions are what guides them. Again, this is not always the case, there are exceptions, but those are few and far between. The article below is a case in point in regard to the honorless self-serving individuals that so often occupy governmental positions from the bottom of the ladder to the top. They are nothing more than minions for the power structure.
Dane Wigington

Geoengineering And The Jade Helm Military Exercises In The US, What’s The Connection?


The unravelling of the reality we have all known is happening from countless directions and at blinding speed. Earth's life support systems are crumbling, the human assault against the planet has taken an immense toll with climate engineering being at the top of the list. Many are still living in a delusion of denial, their delusions will soon be shattered. The power structure is moving their still obedient military chess pieces into position to possibly be used against their own citizens. When reality can no longer be hidden from the masses, chaos will unfold. The article below is from a news site that has hundreds of thousands of followers, they have just woken up to the climate engineering nightmare.
Dane Wigington

The Flaming Arrow Project, Sounding The Alarm On Climate Engineering


By Robert Barrett

The Flaming Arrow project downloadable flyer is a tool you can use to motivate concerned citizens in your community to consider contributing to this interactive database of photos of aerial spraying programs world-wide. Simply click & download the JPEG document, print it out at home or at your local printer, and request that local merchants place it in a window or on a wall somewhere in their establishment. You can also hand it out to everyone you run into, and use it to motivate people connected with local environmental & health non-profit groups to consider ordering the DVD "Look UP!" for screening at their upcoming meeting. You can also send it to faculty at your local schools with a note to please consider doing the same in their classrooms. Also (for photography instructors) to consider assigning the Flaming Arrow Project (participation) as a class project, and for biology instructors to consider assigning a project to collect soil & water samples and to test for the types of heavy metals found in previous samples & patents for aerosol spraying (Aluminum, Barium, Strontium to name a few) and to share their data with

Living on the Edge of Biological Nature


By Nancy Levant, contributing writer to

All of nature has existed from the beginning. It really does not matter what that beginning looks like to you or me; the earth has remained a ball of fire, rock and water spinning in the vastness of the universe from its beginning. It is a miracle unto itself, and its beauty is beyond comprehension; the green forests, the oceans, rivers, streams and wetlands, the blue skies; the creatures, the mountains, deserts, prairies and coastal areas, all interconnected works of seasonal art in a perfected, interdependent mastery of life itself.

We have loved this planet, traveled to see its great beauty, and we have studied its mysteries from the beginning because we could not do otherwise. I have learned that to travel is to adopt the entirety of God’s creation, my belief I realize, and to love the nature of a creator as envisioned and demonstrated through such ultimate creative brilliance. I could not have imagined contempt for biological life as if it was lacking or inadequate. I never considered evolving into a new creature nor desired to change into a synthetic or scientific invention.

I was educated in the liberal arts and was not science prone; I sought knowledge in the humanities; philosophy, religion, history, literature, the classics, and when one studies such, the fundamental nature of humankind becomes clear in its repetitive historical cycles. It becomes clear that as a species we are very unique in our steadfast seeking and infliction of any and all cruelties in order to gain power, riches, control and authority over all biological life and especially other humans. As a species we seek to overtake and control life itself and at any cost.

All of human history speaks to this infliction as everything in nature, including humanity, was and is considered “acceptable losses.” In all of biological life, this belief is unique to human beings. We believe that to kill is to improve, to conquer is to win, and that constantly changing our tactics in war, wealth seeking, discoveries, and in our social systems and beliefs, we advance. Human history, however, does not back up this belief. What history documents is humankind’s steadfast seeking and infliction of any and all cruelties to gain power, riches, control and authority over planetary resources and people.

Humanity has always remained fundamentally and profoundly vicious and contemptible in a near-suicidal contempt of itself. Though human inventions have advanced, the innate nature of humanity has actually never progressed at all. Good manners, even faith for example, are taught and enforced codes of conduct as is charity and kindness. These are not natural states or actions.

Our actual natures are self-preserving, competitive, and prone to criticism and often contempt of others. We have an innate darkness within us, and once this darkness is combined with riches, control and powers, enhanced self-preservation, competition and criticism evolve; so much so that control seeking becomes vicious and often sociopathic at any cost. Strangely, history confirms that humankind attempts to control other humans and the planet above all other missions on earth. It is as if the ultimate goal is to reinvent life, even in efforts to recreate human life into slavish perfection.

We are on the brink of humanity and biological nature. We are being deluged with nano-particulates of known and unknown origins, with synthetic, created substances of which there is no avoidance. Not only are all fresh and salt waters acidifying but forests are burning in the hundreds of millions of acres globally while methane releases are destroying planetary oxygen; we are now fed with unknown, genetically altered and jet-sprayed foods—all containing synthetic, created substances, nano-sized and, as such, unavoidable. We are being recreated genetically, intellectually and electrically.

How much time human beings have left is unknown because we are beholding to those in control, their endless wealth and patents, and more importantly their wills. Due to the stratospheric spraying, particularly of polymer substances and metals, we are infected by their wills and intentions at present as is our food, water and atmosphere. This is the reason for the rapid physiological destruction of elderly and children’s brains, the epidemic failure of major organs in the human body, our chronic breathing problems, our deteriorating physical, mental, spiritual and intellectual conditions, the unfathomable extinction rates of animals, and the global destruction of water, soil and air.

We are all infected to a purpose. In bitter and unconscionable truth, we are no longer purely biological creatures. Those in control have recreated not only humankind but also intellectualism and education. We have been taught that science is omniscient, robots are superior to biological humans, and that all decisions of those in power are benevolent. We clearly believe this as we steadfastly cling to our loyalty to Red and Blue leadership, the very people who knowingly damaged the entire planetary system, including our bodies. What they have created and what they have done and continue to do to the planet will seemingly play out. So many of us work for and await the global outcry and pray for its forthcoming. One way or another, I am thankful for my faith because, without it, I simply would not know who or even what I am. Please watch this video as my conclusion to this article:




Climate Geoengineering – The Secret Spraying Of Our Skies


Source: Project Censored

For decades now, and largely in secret, the US military-industrial complex has been engaged in the systematic “spraying” of large swaths of our sky in one of the largest and least-discussed global planetary experiments in human history, reports Jeremy Schulman for Grist magazine.  When human observers on the ground make it a point to “look up” and study our heavens, they witness strange anomalies beyond simple and expected patterns traditionally made by water vapor ice crystals or typical commercial airline traffic.  Instead, critical observers witness a variety of spray patterns: parallel lines, crosshatch lines, X, O, or U turn lines, even circular shapes. These spray patterns possess two unusual behaviors: they stay visible for lengthy periods of time, and they slowly spread out across significant sections of our sky, often for hours at a stretch.

These observed persistent ‘contrails’ are visible for several hours – and evidence suggests the contrails are aerosol sprays of metal oxides meant to reflect incoming solar thermal energy so as to cool the Earth by 1-2% and offset the greenhouse effect of increasing atmospheric CO2. (Note: the Internet is full of disinformation sites on this issue, and consulting these can make the unwary researcher doubt his own eyes and mind.) The “spraying” patterns reported by observers for more than 15 years have characteristics that contradict disinformation sources (official and unofficial). To wit, typical commercial flight patterns differ from these oft-witnessed heavy spray trail patterns in at least three distinct ways: 1) commercial airlines don’t go East-West and North-South in the same patch of sky; 2) commercial airlines do not fly in patterns that make X, U or 0 shapes; 3) commercial airlines do not fly heavily one day and not at all the next.

What’s in these sprays in our skies—and are they toxic? Global scientific data collection paints a picture of a multi-year systematic effort to engage in “climate geoengineering” through this spraying program, with troubling environmental consequences. For example, post-spray rainwater tests made in Canada, the United States, Europe, and New Zealand reveal the presence of aluminum, barium, strontium, and other heavy metals in varying amounts that are unsafe, often radically so, according to various official criteria (EPA, US states, Canadian provinces, UN, etc.). Numerous U.S. patents from the mid-1970s to the present, meanwhile, confirm the aerospace industry and the U.S. military’s high level of interest in aerosol spray technology, including electromagnetic technology, as well as an interest in specific metals/chemicals/oxides and their requisite particulate sizes. The problem with aerosol sprays is that what goes up comes down, either in months or in one to two years. When these sprays fall to earth, they are invisible and easily penetrate deep into human tissues as they are breathed, drunk, and eaten in food grown in heavy-metal-laced soils toxic to life. Citizens in various communities worldwide have organized hearings and protests and submitted petitions to government officials requesting clarification about what’s being sprayed on them and also to demand such spraying cease and desist. These communities include: Victoria, BC and Espanola, ONTShasta, CASuffolk County, NY; and Aigina, Greece.

What is so surprising about this climate geoengineering story is the almost-complete corporate news blackout regarding it, particularly given the massive amount of visual evidence available on the Internet. Independent media coverage of this story is robust. For a diverse array of recent stories, see George Barnes’ 2014 documentary, “Look Up!“; whistleblower Kristen Meghan’s interview, Michel Chossudovsky’s Global Research website; and a revealing exchange between influential climate geo-engineer David Keith and Geoengineering Watch founder Dane Wigington.

Source: Jeremy Shulman, This Geoengineering Scheme Could Halt Climate Change – But It’s Probably A Terrible Idea 
Student Researcher: Elora West (Burlington College)
Faculty Evaluator: Rob Williams (Burlington College)
Community Evaluator: Ian Baldwin (Chelsea Green Publishing)

Source: Project Censored


Dueling Spray Jets Over Baghdad


More and more people are looking to the sky and documenting the ongoing global climate engineering assault. In the one minute video below, there is some exceptional footage of a Boeing 747 spraying while overtaking a Boeing 737 which is also spraying. The plumes of sprayed particulates behind each jet are very different in regard to their color. Is this just due to the difference in height between the two aircraft? The most likely answer is no. There are numerous climate engineering patents, all with various objectives. Another factor should also be considered, there must be a great many sources of materials around the globe, all with variations in the material composition. The bottom line is this, both these jets are fitted with high bypass turbofan jet engines, nearly incapable of producing any condensation trail except under the most extreme circumstances. The massive trails we are seeing behind these jet aircraft are certainly not just condensation, especially over Baghdad.
Dane Wigington