Search Results for: hurricane


Part 1 – Leuren Moret: Confirmed – MH370 shot down by US over Singapore airspace as UK Inmarsat leads 30 day global false flag psyops for 5 NWO objectives


Geo-Engineering Versus Chemtrails & What is Being Done To Our Weather


By on Source: The Bull City Bulletin

Climate Change and HAARP – A Working Relationship?


Al Gore brings climate change message to Kansas City … Former vice president Al Gore spoke about climate change Saturday during the Folk Alliance International conference at the Westin Crown Center hotel. But the former vice president, speaking Saturday in Kansas City, cited many more recent examples how heavy use of fossil fuels is contributing to extreme weather events and trends, in his view. Gore filled a Westin Crown Center ballroom with a 90-minute presentation, using photos and videos to illustrate a litany of floods, wildfires, torrential rains, droughts, dust storms, rising sea levels and increasing world temperatures. – The Kansas City Star

Warming or cooling?. That depends on whether or not facts matter.


2013 was the 37th consecutive year of above average global temps, and among the tenth warmest years ever recorded all of which have occurred since 2000. The all our climate engineering assault can confuse people with the large scale short term toxic “cool downs”, but these lethal programs are only fueling the fire overall.


Geoengineered Snowstorms – THE SNOWMEN Turning Warmth Into Winter Part 2


“we are reposting “The snowmen, turning warmth to winter” because it is imperative that people understand the completely engineered nature of the weather events occurring now across the country and around the globe. There is NO NATURAL WEATHER at this point , virtually none.”

by William Thomas   The anticipated Big Blow came unexpectedly in late October 2012, when a late-season tropical storm picked up enough energy from an unusually warm Atlantic Ocean to maintain hurricane intensity as it tracked north. Blocked from recurving eastwards by the Greenland High, Sandy “did something never observed before in records going back to 1851 – it took a sharp turn to the west and headed toward the most populated area along the eastern seaboard,” scientists said. Invigorated by cold air deflected south from the Arctic, Sandy morphed into “a monster hybrid storm” with “the lowest atmospheric pressures ever recorded” for any storm making landfall north of Cape Hatteras. Instead of snow, Sandy unleashed rain of monsoon intensity.

Why Is There A Drought In California?


 Do you know why we have had such severe weather throughout the U.S. in the past few years? Consider this: Since World War II the U.S. government has been using the entire population of this country as guinea pigs. 

The Ultimate Weapon of Mass Destruction: “Owning the Weather” for Military Use


Author’s Introductory Note
Environmental modification techniques (ENMOD) for military use constitute, in the present context of global warfare, the ultimate weapon of mass destruction.

Climate Engineering and Weather Warfare, An Unfolding Catastrophe


There is literally no “natural” weather at this point, none.

Geoengineered Snowstorms – THE SNOWMEN Turning Warmth Into Winter Part 2


by William Thomas   The anticipated Big Blow came unexpectedly in late October 2012, when a late-season tropical storm picked up enough energy from an unusually warm Atlantic Ocean to maintain hurricane intensity as it tracked north. Blocked from recurving eastwards by the Greenland High, Sandy “did something never observed before in records going back to 1851 – it took a sharp turn to the west and headed toward the most populated area along the eastern seaboard,” scientists said. Invigorated by cold air deflected south from the Arctic, Sandy morphed into “a monster hybrid storm” with “the lowest atmospheric pressures ever recorded” for any storm making landfall north of Cape Hatteras. Instead of snow, Sandy unleashed rain of monsoon intensity.

Thin Ice


Now hear this. Our ancient space colony is the only home we have. It’s floundering on the shoals of denial, greed and immutable feedback processes. There are no lifeboats. If exploitive corporate interests, their political lackeys and mesmerized “consumers” keep focusing on the frivolous while trashing this singular blue oasis like there’s no tomorrow… there won’t be.

CHEMTRAILS A Planetary Catastrophe Created By Geoengineering


This photo-documentary has been revised and updated as of December 5, 2013.

Original post at

Planet Earth has been besieged by many and diverse scientific experiments over the past one hundred years. The quantum leap in applied science and technology has “precipitated” a literal explosion of top secret and highly classified operations conducted in the atmosphere, throughout the planetary surface, as well as deep within the Earth’s crust. However, none comes close to the degree of round-the-clock damage inflicted on the biosphere as the DARPA-sponsored program of geo-engineering.

The U.S. government routinely conducts experiments on weather modification


The U.S. government routinely conducts experiments on weather modification, and has been doing so for at least half a century. Previously classified under such names as “Project Cirrus” (1947) and “Project Popeye” (1966), weather modification is no longer a secret practice. In fact, a bill (S517) was sponsored in 2005 by Texas Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchinson, a Republican, “to establish the Weather Modification Operations and Research Board, and for other purposes.” This bill did not become law. Yet, there is reason to believe that various government institutions are carrying out numerous legal and illegal weather experiments without informing the public.

Geoengineering Weather


This essay begins with a question:  is “global warming”, aka “climate change” a diversion from weather modification by geoengineering, including HAARP, chemtrails, and microwave pulses?

Ignored Reality Is Going To Wipe Out the Human Race — Paul Craig Roberts


Now we come to chemtrails, branded another “conspiracy theory.” However, the US government’s efforts to geo-engineer weather as a military weapon and as a preventative of global warming appear to be real.

Global Warming: Causing Worldwide Weather Apocalypse


Who is promoting the Global Cooling disinfo?
Could it be the geo-engineers and their paymasters?

Chemtrails: A Planetary Catastrophe Created by Geo-engineering


Planet Earth has been besieged by many and diverse scientific experiments over the past one hundred years. Applied science and technology have seen a literal explosion of top secret and highly classified operations conducted in the atmosphere, throughout the planetary surface, as well as deep within the Earth’s crust. However, none comes close to the degree of round-the-clock damage inflicted on the biosphere as the DARPA-sponsored program of geo-engineering.

Chemtrails – Geoengineering: The Greatest “Crime of All Time”


This article is dedicated to the courageous people around our planet who have spoken out and written about these crimes.

Bill Vander Zalm puts politicians on notice


Former premiere of British Columbia acknowledges chemtrails in public letter

Atmospheric Geoengineering: Weather Manipulation, Contrails and Chemtrails


“In recent years there has been a decline in the support for weather modification research, and a tendency to move directly into operational projects.” ~World Meteorological Organization, 2007

Scott Stevens – Coast to Coast


Television weatherman Scott Stevens shared his view that Project HAARP or similar technology has been used to manipulate the weather by altering atmospheric waves, and that this has been going on for decades. He came to this conclusion after studying visible satellite imagery showing large weather systems with anomalous “punched out” sections and square clouds. The punched out energy from these systems are moved to other parts of the sky, he explained.

Major Flooding In Alberta- Could it Be Linked to Geoengineering?


Nano Aerosols and You


First, the almost good news: The 10-micron particles called for in the Hughes aerosol spray patent are not nano-size. Each microscopic 10-micron particle is 100th the diameter of a human hair. The bad news: Regardless of their inherent toxicity, all airborne particles 10-microns or smaller are classified “an extreme human health hazard” by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency because of their propensity to invade and inflame heart tissue. Sometimes lethally.

What the hell are they spraying on us?


A review of “CASE ORANGE: Contrail Science, Its Impact on Climate and Weather Manipulation Programs Conducted by the United States and Its Allies”

The HAARP Storms


There is a live time event taking place this April 13th, which is an impossibility and yet it is being generated by unnatural manipulations to the weather system.

HAARP SBX1 : Mobile Sea Based Radar Weather Weapon in place to shake the ground off North Korea : Expect a false flag in North Korea any time soon : Weather is the weapon of choice : Please look at these Giant HAARP WAR Rigs :


Nikola Tesla: Father of HAARP and Electromagnetic “Climate Change”


The covert use of weather modification is the “climate change” we should fear most.

Nikola Tesla: Father of HAARP and Electromagnetic “Climate Change”


The covert use of weather modification is the “climate change” we should fear most.

Chemtrails: Aerosol and Electromagnetic Weapons in the Age of Nuclear War


North America is now suffering its seventh year of conspicuous and dangerous aerosol and electromagnetic operations conducted by the U.S. government under the guise of national security. Concerned citizens watch in fear as military tankers discolor the skies with toxic chemicals that morph into synthetic clouds.

Chemtrails: Aerosol and Electromagnetic Weapons in the Age of Nuclear War


North America is now suffering its seventh year of conspicuous and dangerous aerosol and electromagnetic operations conducted by the U.S. government under the guise of national security. Concerned citizens watch in fear as military tankers discolor the skies with toxic chemicals that morph into synthetic clouds.