Search Results for: Program In Weather Modification

Microwaving The Atmosphere To Mitigate Methane


Dane Wigington

Methane is rapidly accumulating in the atmosphere, many more noctilucent clouds are being seen at ever lower latitudes. Methane is over 100 times more potent a greenhouse gas than Co2 over a ten year time horizon. If the methane releases continue, "Venus Syndrome" will be the end result.


Geoengineering/solar radiation management has been pushed as mitigation for the rapidly building global methane release cataclysm, but is climate engineering really a cure? Or has the decades long geoengineering insanity actually helped to trigger the methane catastrophe in the first place?


The delusion of the technological fix is unfortunately ingrained in the human psyche. This is how we have been trained and taught by the power structure. Modern industrialized/militarized technology now pushed the human race and all life on Earth well past the breaking point. On the current trajectory we face near term global extinction, this is a mathematical certainty. Only with a complete change of direction does the human race have any chance. Yet, even now, the indoctrination of academia and society prevails, the delusion of the "techno fix" (to what technology and anthropogenic activity caused in the first place) is rampant. What is the "science" community pushing now? Welcome to project LUCY and ALAMO, the intentional massive microwaving of the atmosphere with oppossing frequencies in an incredibly desperate and destructive attempt to molecularly degrade the atmospheric methane buildup.


Large ground based ionosphere heater facilities like HAARP are likely being used for programs like project LUCY and ALAMO in addition to their use for weather modification and jet stream manipulation.


It is important to remember that there is a global network of these highly destructive ionosphere heater radio frequency transmission installations around the globe.


There are also the huge SBX radar platforms located around the globe. It is very likely these platforms (like the ground based RF transmitters) are also being used for weather modification and  attempted methane mitigation.


A diagram of using sea based transmission platforms is below, the technological "cure" delusion continues to push life on Earth toward certain extinction.


Microwave transmissions and toxic electrically conductive atmospheric spraying can and is killing trees, what are these transmissions doing to us? What are they doing to all life on Earth?


The blind faith in the science community must be tempered. It must be understood and realized that the military industrial complex has all but taken complete control of academia for its own ends. So many scientists are participating in research and activities that have already pushed us past the point of no return. Society must also consider its part in what has unfolded. For the most part, populations have abandoned any sense of reason and responsibility toward the common good in exchange for their lives of comforts and distractions. Caring for the future of our planet and our children requires action, it requires effort and prioritizing. Who will you help to awaken today? What steps will you take to help turn the course of the Titanic on which we are all currently passengers?

Climate Engineering, Heavy Metal Contamination, And Cover-up


Dane Wigington

From whales, to insects, to us, the entire planet has now been completely contaminated with highly toxic bioavailable heavy metals and chemicals directly connected to the ongoing solar radiation management (SRM) programs. Peer reviewed studies on nearly 1000 whales from around the globe showed "jaw dropping" levels of aluminum had been absorbed in their bodies. New studies now also show the same results for the collapsing bee populations around the globe. In fact, all invertebrates are in sharp decline. What about human exposure? The results are the same. Those in power have already committed the greatest and most deadly crime in the history of the human race, and that crime is ongoing. The criminal cabals that masquerade as governments are not about to stop, in fact, they are doubling down and further ramping up the deadly atmospheric spraying. There is virtually no place to hide from the lethal fallout and the deadly effects are erupting throughout the web of life. In the 4 minute video below the global heavy metal contamination and the health implications are discussed on the "Buzzsaw" TV show with Sean Stone, son of film director Oliver Stone.

Many believe that our "elected officials" would do something about the situation if they only knew, but is this reality? Sadly, our government and all those in it are completely bought and paid for by the power structure, I know this first hand after twelve years in this battle. I have been in senator Barbara Boxer's office presenting hard science data on geoneingineering, I have had high level meetings with California EPA officials, spoken in front of the entire California Air Resources Board, presented in front of the California Energy Commission, and had a private meeting with the lieutenant governor of California, Gavin Newsom and his top aid at the State Capital, etc, all were complete dead ends no matter how much credible science data they were presented with. In the next 4 minute video below, I publicly confronted US congressman Doug LaMalfa with water testing data from Cal. EPA which proved aluminum was flowing through California rivers and streams.

What did congressman LaMalfa and his staff do with the data presented from California EPA? Their final response was this, they did not recognize the EPA information as being valid. LaMalfa, along with all those already mentioned, continue to completely stonewall the critical climate engineering issue. This is what they are all paid to do. Can we be absolutely sure that aerosol spraying is occurring in our skies? We have indisputable film footage to prove it as is shown in the 2 minute video below.

The decimation and mortality already caused by over six decades of geoengineering is already so immense, it is far beyond any possible quantification, if these programs continue, the consequences to life on Earth will soon be total. The burden of exposing the climate engineering insanity lies on us, the people. Disclosure will NEVER come from those who are paid or otherwise pressured to lie. We must all prioritize the battle to expose and halt climate engineering as if our lives depend on it, because they do.

The Era Of Industrialized Civilization Is Rapidly Coming To An End


The "Holocene Epoch" is a term which refers to "the age of man". This age is rapidly coming to a chaotic and destructive end. Man's arrogance and contempt toward the planet which has allowed him to exist is truly beyond comprehension. The epitome of this contempt and insanity can be most easily recognized by man's attempt to control Earth's very life support systems, to control the climate. Modern Civilization has completely lost sight of its ultimate and total dependence on the natural world. Much of our "highly educated" society has virtually no understanding or regard whatsoever of the complex and miraculous factors that allow life to exist on our once thriving planet. Yes, those that rule the world are unimaginably corrupt and psychotic, but those in society put them there and allowed them to stay in power in exchange for the material goods and distractions that industrialized society provided. Only if we face the whole truth do we have any chance of changing our course of certain extinction. The article below (like so many others from countless sources) does not acknownledge the critical climate engineering issue, this being said, the data it contains is still valid. 
Dane Wigington

Engineering Earth, Do We Really Believe The Government Would Ask Our Permission?


Dane Wigington

Any that answer yes to the question on the title of this article should do a serious rechecking of their reality. Top US military leaders have repeatedly stated on the record that climate change is the greatest national security threat of all. In the 43 second video below, Obama's recent statements make the government's stance on our imploding climate system crystal clear.

What rationally thinking person would believe the US government/military industrial complex would ask for public permission before fully engaging in what they themselves admit is the greatest threat to national security? Though the ongoing climate engineering insanity is making an already catastrophic climate scenario far worse, geoengineering is an immensely powerful covert weapon that the power structure is not about to admit to or give up. There is one thing you can truly depend on from governments (especially the US government), that they lie and deceive to a degree which can scarcely be comprehended. How consistently did the US government lie to the Native Americans? They signed over 500 treaties, ALL of which were broken. US citizens, who believe what they are told by the criminal cabal (that is our government), are living in a delusion. The criminally insane individuals that actually run our government (which are above our "elected officials" who are little more than puppets) ultimately view American citizens in the same light as the Native Americans, we are an increasing liability to the power structure.  As the American population awakens to the tyranny of its "government", the ever increasing surveillance of the US population is  yet more proof that our government ultimately views American citizens in the same light as any other adversary. Every one of us is being systematically poisoned by the constant highly toxic aerosol spraying of our skies.

The US military has been completely engaged in climate engineering for many decades, historical documents prove this fact. Their climate intervention/modification programs have radically added to the overall damage to the climate system. How bad is it now? Military installations in low lying coastal regions like Virginia are already flooding just from high tides due to rapid sea level rise. 2014 was the hottest year on record, 2015 is headed to shatter that record. Ocean temperatures are climbing so fast that charts constantly need to be remade. The heating is unprecedented in at least the last 3 million years and mass ocean die-off is occurring. Thousands of people are literally dropping dead from the heat in India while Alaska and SIberia are also undergoing rapid meltdown. California snow pack is at ZERO percent of normal

But what about the "global warming pause" that some have claimed is happening? Special interests have propagated the absolute lie of a slowdown in the rate of warming on our planet and now that lie has just been completely exposed.

Many believe it's getting colder in Antarctica overall, is that really the case? Well, NO. In 2015 Antarctica recorded record shattering heat. Ice sheets in Antarctica are now facing imminent collapse due to continued temperature acceleration. Though there is some sea surface ice expansion in Antarctica, this is largely due to the voluminous amounts of fresh water running off the melting land ice. Fresh water freezes at a much higher temperature than sea water.

The military industrial complex does whatever they want because they can, because they are beyond any and all accountability or oversight. They have long since stated their desire to "own the weather". If you think they would ask your permission before intervening in the climate, you are not living in reality. Make your voice heard, get educated, get involved in the fight to expose and stop the climate engineering insanity. Our collective futures depend on the outcome of this battle.

Geoengineering Is Biological Warfare


When highly toxic materials are sprayed into skies around the globe as part of the ongoing climate engineering assault, these materials must inevitably fall to Earth and be inhaled and/or absorbed by every single living organism. The atmospheric spraying programs must  be considered biological warfare. The primary objective of any such spraying operation is irrelevant to the aforementioned scenario, the end result is still the same. 

Global climate engineering is not just shredding the ozone layer and disrupting the entire climate system, climate engineering is also an all out biological assault against the entire planet and all life. Though governments around the globe and the entire climate science community are discussing and debating the  "option" of geoengineering (never admitting to the rationally inarguable fact that geoengineering has been going on for decades), the question of fallout contamination from SRM aerosol spraying is never even mentioned by our so called scientists. The US military has for many decades routinely conducted biological testing on US citizens and our own soldiers without their knowledge or consent. In some experiments soldiers were made aware of the fact that they were being used as lab rats. Decades ago the US military waged biological warfare in Vietnam which is still destroying countless lives today. All of this and more is historical fact which cannot be denied. 

Climate engineering is nothing less than biological warfare against civilian populations around the globe. In regard to climate engineering, specific scenarios should be considered and remembered. At minimum we are all being "slow killed" with the toxic materials which lab tests from around the globe prove are raining down on us from the aerosol spraying. If those in power feel they are losing control over populations they could at any point in time could alter the elements being sprayed to something much more lethal. If you don't think this is a very real possibility, if you don't believe your own government would commit such a crime, you are not yet awake. The article below is an exceptional and compelling exposé of the US military waging biological warfare against its own citizens with total impunity. 
Dane Wigington


Engineering The Climate To Control Populations


Dane Wigington

Climate engineering is the most powerful and most utilized weapon of the western power structure to destabilize and topple the countries and governments around the globe which it wishes to control. Geoengineering is a primary tool that has been used to help force nations to allow US or NATO occupation. If you don't believe the US military is concerned with the climate, think again. The military industrial complex has always sought to "control the weather" and historical documents prove that the US has been heavily invested in climate modification for a very long time


US/NATO occupation of the Middle East

How many countries have US military boots on the ground? There are at least 156 US occupied countries around the globe with some 900 bases. Does anyone really believe that all these countries just wanted the US to occupy them? Is it a coincidence that many if not most of these countries endured some sort of climate cataclysm prior to the occupation being allowed? How many countries in Africa were subjected to record drought before being destabilized and occupied? Occupations that often began under "humanitarian" pretexts due to climate catastrophes?

What about the Middle Eastern countries that have recently been destabilized? Many of these countries were not cooperating with the US agenda before they experienced record drought, is there a connection? Record drought in Syria preceded the recent destabilization, was weather warfare used to help trigger the ongoing civil war? Yes.


 Syrian Civil War
How about Iraq, were they also a target of weather warfare to help trigger destabilization? Was the record drought in Iraq during the years prior to the invasion in 2003 a natural occurrence? Or was it also engineered? Were there plans to invade Iraq years ahead of time? If available data is examined, the answer is inarguably yes. The invasion of Iraq was planned well before the events of 911.
How many know there has been a crop destroying drought in Russia and Ukraine? Just another coincidence? Certainly the whole world understands that Iran is also a current primary target for the western power structure, is it just bad luck for Iran that there is record drought there, too? Does anyone in the US even know that the leaders from Iran have been on the floor of the UN openly stating that the western powers are causing the record drought with climate modification? Pakistan showed resistance to US policy in 2010, were the record floods that occurred there later the same year just an act of nature? Or were other forces in play? Record deluge is also a weapon used by the weathermakers. As the planet continues to warm rapidly, deluges will increase.
How are things in South America? Certainly we all know how the US power structure is constantly complaining about the BRIC countries. Brazil and Venezuela have been a source of aggravation for our government for a very long time. Brazil is experiencing devastating record drought, and yes, so is Venezuela.
Catastrophic drought in South America
I could go on and on about the countries that have been victims of the US/NATO weather warfare juggernaut of biosphere destruction, but let's now consider the catastrophic and unprecedented drought being engineered in the US West, should we ask ourselves what agendas are now being carried out on the US population? The laws of physics make clear that a warming world should bring more rain overall, the atmosphere can carry 7% more moisture for every degree of additional warming. Why is there so much drought in so many countries around the world when the laws of physics state there should be more overall rainfall on a warming planet, not less? 
Global water shortages
Now it seems that the power structure is sending us the message that they know the drought in the US West is only going to get worse. In fact NASA has recently stated on the record that the western US states can expect "megadroughts" in the coming decades, how do they know this? NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration) has recently stated that even with a potential record el nino event, there will be no relief for the completely parched state of California. Since when does El Niño not bring more rain to the West? How does NOAA know this? The heat and drought in California has destroyed all previous records.
It is important to remember that defense contractor Raytheon (which is involved in geoengineering programs) does the weather modeling for NOAA and the National Weather Service. Lockheed Martin (another defense contractor involved in weather modification) supplies the weather modeling for the FAA. The weather "predictions" are nothing more than the scheduled weather. 5 Western states are close to running out of water, Lake Mead is is at record low levels. The states most affected by the engineered weather catastrophes (drought and deluge as has just occurred in Texas) are also the stated location of the upcoming "Jade Helm" military exercises, another coincidence perhaps? Industrialized and militarized society has decimated the biosphere. Severe environmental degradation and resource depletion are factors that cannot be hidden from public view much longer. The global power structure is playing every card they have. They are moving their chess pieces into place rapidly as they prepare for total societal collapse and civil unrest. Though solar radiation management is being pushed as mitigation for our warming planet, climate engineering/weather warfare is making an already bad climate/environmental situation exponentially worse overall. These programs are being used as a primary method to control populations and governments around the globe with no regard to the damage being done to the biosphere. The highly toxic fallout from geoengineering is also rapidly sickening global populations thus making them easier to control. US citizens must wake up. Our brothers and sisters in the US military are bring told climate engineering is being done for the common good, they must also wake up to reality. The stakes could not be higher, we must all make our voices heard in this critical battle. DW

The Climate Engineers Can No Longer Suppress El Niño


Dane Wigington

From every conceivable direction the climate engineers continue to wreak total havoc on the planet and its life support systems. Their attempt to "own the weather" has now put virtually all life on Earth in the balance. The periodic "El Niño" phenomenon is the planet's process of releasing excess heat from the oceans. El Niño events are directly associated with record warm global temperatures as the seas release this excess heat. Even without an El Niño, 2014 was the warmest year ever recorded on our planet as rapidly rising ocean temperatures shattered records.


Since at least 2007 the geoengineers have done everything they could to prevent El Niño from forming in a highly destructive attempt to keep global temperatures down. In recent years the El Niño has been described as being "elusive" and "super weird". How could the geoengineers actually affect the El-Niño process? By maintaining the "ridiculously resilient ridge" of high pressure over the US west coast (which scientists just can't figure out since they are forbidden to even mention climate engineering). 

High Pressure

This constant ridge of high pressure is a phenomenon which is fueled by ionosphere heaters like "HAARP" along with the constant spraying of atmospheric aerosols. The "ridiculously resilient ridge" has in effect altered the trade winds normally associated with the development of El Niño and thus kept the rapidly building heat on our planet contained in the now record warm oceans. The warming oceans are also fueling an unfolding methane release global catastrophe. Along with the warming, the now altered wind and ocean currents (and ocean stratification), are pushing us toward a "Canfield ocean" scenario.

Ocean Temps

The image above shows clearly the radically above normal ocean temperatures around the globe.

This ridge of high pressure continues to bake California in record shattering heat and drought. Even if El Niño does form, the geoengineers  can still keep the rain cut off to the now parched US West if they choose to do so, which it seems is what they have planned. What happens when the El Niño process is actively suppressed? As should be expected, interference with Earth's life support systems can only bring about very bad consequences. Now the bottled up heat is so extreme that is contributing (along with numerous other factors) to mass marine ecosystem die-off and ocean dead zones in the Pacific


Active hurricane suppression in the Atlantic basin by the geoengineers has contributed to built up heat and dead zones there as well. Oceans around the globe are dying, marine ecosystem collapse is accelerating at an ever more rapid pace. Global climate engineering is the absolute epitome of human arrogance and insanity. Not only is geoengineering contaminating the entire web of life, these programs are making an already bad planetary warming scenario far worse overall, not better (though the climate engineers can and are creating short term toxic cooling in some regions, especially the eastern US).  The battle to expose and stop the ongoing geoengineering is nothing short of a fight for life, make your voice heard in this critical fight. DW

Sky Striping Backers Confer At Cambridge


Source: Nooganomics, article by David Tulis

There’s a lot we don’t understand about the global climate system if we were to engineer this cooling of the planet. Certainly we can cool it. But it’s not going to be uniform around the world and its going to have a lot of other knock-on consequences. There’ll be changes in precipitation patterns. And how do you say to a country that’s experiencing a big drought *** whether it was the geoengineering that did it or whether it was going to happen naturally.
—Jennifer Francis, climate scientists, Rutgers University

The term “solar radiation management” is positively Orwellian. It’s a way to increase comfort levels with this crazy idea.
—­Raymond Pierre­humbert, geophysicist, University of Chicago co-author Climate Intervention: Reflecting Sunlight to Cool Earth

Scientists and proponents of mass climate intervention by jet gathered this weekend at the University of Cambridge (March 12 to 14, 2015) to explore how nation-states could use jets and other technologies to manufacture a more sun-reflective atmosphere. Their goal: Save the planet from industry, smokestacks, highway exhaust and the planet’s meager human population.

The conference had technical sessions on atmospheric chemistry, climate modelling, engineering systems and impacts, implications and consequences. Scientists and panelists discussed the moral, legal and political hazards implied in weather intervention, where one nation’s dimmed sunlight is another’s drought and yet another’s roof-collapsing snowstorm.

The scientists on Friday heard about how plume-stretching intervention could be disruptive of the weather. Piers Forster’s talk was “Potentially damaging precipitation side effects from solar radiation management” and Ben Kravitz spoke on “SRM Impacts on the Hydrological Cycle.”

Government intervention always has hazards and unexpected costs. Peter Davidson gave a talk on “The impact, implications and consequences of the use of manufactured particles to improve the feasibility and reduce risk for a Stratospheric Solar Radiation Management (SRM) Insurance.”

The conference’s last talk was by Peter Irvine, “Detection, Attribution and Climate Control — the Limits to Solar Radiation Management.”

At least one session late Friday gave notice to the health implications of official pollutants in sky striping on human health. Sebastian Eastham lectured on “Sensitivities of Human Health to Aerosol Climate Engineering.” But a commenter and sky striping critic says Mr. Eastham “paints a pretty picture regarding projected human mortality,” advocates a mass spraying of sulfur, ignores “the existing program” of spraying heavy metals in the skies daily, and takes no questions.

A screengrab of conference topics at Cambridge.
A screengrab of conference topics at Cambridge.

Local ‘contrail’ treatment in Chattanooga

A day after the conference in Great Britain ended, Chattanooga, Tenn., a heartland city along a bend in the Tennessee River, was heavily treated by jet aircraft. At 4 p.m. a great cloud bank hung along the atmosphere south and east of the city. Chattanooga received visible treatments of sky tattooing March 2, 4, 8, 12 and 15. Sky striping generally turns the sky milky white, thinning out sunlight and turning it to a brilliant orb in the sky many times bigger to the human eye.

Other days in Chattanooga were overcast. It is impossible to tell if jets are laying aerosol particulate eight miles up in the stratosphere with intervening fogbank weather four miles up blocking visual observation.

“Climate engineering is rapidly becoming a contentious issue within political, scientific, and cultural discussions of climate change, in part due to a perceived lack of progress on crucial emission reductions,” according to conference notes. The conferees debate jet-lain sky stripes in light of the weak prospect of reduction of undesirable forms of pollution. Apparently the earth can bear no more than 1,000 gigatons of manmade pollution, “510 of which were already emitted by 2011, with currently about 10 more gigatons being added each year.” The conferees agree a crisis is building and nearing a breaking point.

It is estimated that, already, governments are putting millions of tons of aerosols into the atmosphere in a program outside civilian control. Chattanooga is regularly subject to a rain of aluminum, strontium and barium, according to the Chattanooga/Hamilton County Air Pollution Control Bureau.

“Are climate engineering approaches fatally prone to error and misuse,” say the conference notes, “and worth excluding from the climate conversation on both practical and moral grounds? Are they an emergency measure which could have far-reaching and unpredictable consequences if deployed? Could they be a relatively straightforward remedy for some of the consequences of climate change? And how should research aimed at these questions be regulated? These questions, and many others raised by the prospect of climate engineering, involve diverse ethical, social, political and technical issues which are extraordinarily complex and incredibly interlinked.”

Small-scale tests proposed

For all the weather intervention already taking place, it is interesting to consider reports of scientists thinking small.

Weather intervention researchers in academia are proposing small-scale tests to see if, somehow, injecting aerosol microparticles into the air might allow weather to be made less sunny, with the sun’s heat deflected by a bright atmospheric shield constantly renewed by jet overflights.

Scientists meeting in San Jose in mid-February called for tests to see if a jet-borne cloud-creating program might work to “change the climate by blocking the sun’s rays.” Computer modeling isn’t enough, Lynn Russell says. She is a professor of atmospheric chemistry at the University of California, San Diego. “Current research is not sufficient to allow us to decide if it could be useful,” she says. “We just don’t have enough information to make this decision at this point.”

Since 2013 Harvard professor David Keith has proposed small scale chemtrailing. Here’s how an MIT Technology Review story about it describes the test to increase the earth’s albedo, or reflectivity:

Customize several Gulfstream business jets with military engines and with equipment to produce and disperse fine droplets of sulfuric acid. Fly the jets up around 20 kilometers — significantly higher than the cruising altitude for a commercial jetliner but still well within their range. *** The planes spray the sulfuric acid, carefully controlling the rate of its release. The sulfur combines with water vapor to form sulfate aerosols, fine particles less than a micrometer in diameter. *** Once spread across the stratosphere, the aerosols will reflect about 1 percent of the sunlight hitting Earth back into space.

EPA says no ‘chemical, biological’ chemtrails

These agencies assure us local economy has nothing to worry about from sky striping.On Friday the federal environmental protection agency made a statement on its website debunking claims that geoengineering by jet overflight is already in progress.

“Contrails are line-shaped clouds or ‘condensation trails’ composed of ice particles that are visible behind jet aircraft engines under certain atmospheric conditions and at times can persist. EPA is not aware of any deliberate actions to release chemical or biological agents into the atmosphere.”

Whether aluminum would be considered a “chemical agent” is unclear. The statement links to a fact sheet posted at EPA’s website that has been largely unchanged 15 years. It describes sky striping as innocuous interactions between damp, cold air with hot jet engines.

Contrails are line-shaped clouds sometimes produced by aircraft engine exhaust, typically at aircraft cruise altitudes several miles above the Earth’s surface. The combination of water vapor in aircraft engine exhaust and the low ambient temperatures that often exists at these high altitudes allows the formation of contrails. Contrails are composed primarily of water (in the form of ice crystals) and do not pose health risks to humans. They do affect the cloudiness of the Earth’s atmosphere, however, and therefore might affect atmospheric temperature and climate.

The paper admits that contrails — the mere exhaust from jets — alter the weather with fresh cloud cover it says as exactly like that produced in nature.

“Persistent contrails are of interest to scientists because they increase the cloudiness of the atmosphere. The increase happens in two ways. First, persistent contrails are line-shaped clouds that would not have formed in the atmosphere without the passage of an aircraft. Secondly, persistent contrails often evolve and spread into extensive cirrus cloud cover that is indistinguishable from naturally occurring cloudi­ness.” (Italics added)

In a report March 14, the Christian Science Monitor goes out of its way to bring up the EPA fact sheet as a new contribution to the rising conflict over weather intervention, seeking to discredit critics of sky striping because they also opposed a purported new world order, gun confiscation, the prospect of martial law and other “subsidiary conspiracy theories.”

The federal government’s National Academy of Sciences in February published a 245-page report discussing stratospheric aerosol geoengineering as a solution to global warming if national governments prove incapable of slamming down energy consumption and manmade pollution. The F$55 book is available prepublication as a free PDF. It confirms my coverage of solar radiation management in the Chattanooga area but ignores the health dangers of deliberately injected “negative emissions” to people here and in other places around the globe.

This video introducing the Cambridge geoengineering conference suggests the geopolitical danger of national governments’ playing weather gods and even lets one interviewee discuss the “chemtrail conspiracy.” 3-minutes.

That jet trails suddenly end in this fashion over my Soddy-Daisy house March 15, 2015, suggests they are not merely water vapor emissions. (Photo David Tulis)

That jet trails suddenly end in this fashion over my Soddy-Daisy house March 15, 2015, suggests they are not merely water vapor emissions. Jets heavily treated Chattanooga Sunday morning and late afternoon. (Photo David Tulis)

Over Chattanooga March 17, 2015, nine sky stripes all start in a grid pattern. Policy skies. I count about 20 identifiable plumes this morning at 8:30.

Over Chattanooga March 17, 2015, nine sky stripes all start in a grid pattern. Policy skies. I count about 20 identifiable plumes this morning at 8:30. (Photo David Tulis)

Heavily treated morning skies March 17, 2015, looking westward from Soddy-Daisy, Tenn., north of Chattanooga. Earlier treatments in evidence, to which 20 fresh plumes are visible all about. (Photo David Tulis)

Heavily treated morning skies March 17, 2015, looking westward from Soddy-Daisy, Tenn., north of Chattanooga. Earlier treatments in evidence, to which 20 fresh plumes are visible all about. (Photo David Tulis)

A persistent contrail slowly turns into a sun-deflecting cloud over Palm Springs, Calif., pursuant to theories outlined in a Cambridge geoengineerin conference. (Photo Ron Morgan)

A persistent contrail slowly turns into a sun-deflecting cloud over Palm Springs, Calif., pursuant to theories outlined in a Cambridge geoengineering conference. (Photo Ron Morgan)

An evil orb loses some of its radiative power, thanks to solar radiation management work over West Dandridge, Tenn. (Photo Jason Sinard, Tennessee Skywatch on Facebook)

An evil orb loses some of its radiative power, thanks to solar radiation management work over West Dandridge, Tenn. (Photo Jason Sinard, Tennessee Skywatch on Facebook)

Tennessee is frequently hit by weather intervention activity, as here in Jefferson City. (Photo Jason Sinard, Tennessee Skywatch on Facebook)

Tennessee is frequently hit by weather intervention activity, as here in Jefferson City. (Photo Jason Sinard, Tennessee Skywatch on Facebook)

Is this Tennessee scene one of neighborhood tranquility, or military-industrial malfeasance in the atmosphere? (Photo Tennessee Skywatch on Facebook)

Is this Tennessee scene one of neighborhood tranquility, or military-industrial malfeasance in the higher atmosphere? (Photo Tennessee Skywatch on Facebook)

Aerosols begin to disperse over Chico, Calif. (Photo Cori Gunnells)

Aerosols begin to disperse from a trail dripping over Chico, Calif. (Photo Cori Gunnells)

Knoxville is sky striped often on the same day as Chattanooga. (Photo Christine Garcia)

Knoxville is sky striped often on the same day as Chattanooga. (Photo Christine Garcia)

Academia talks about chemtrailing in the abstract and in theory; Midlothian, Va., views the matter as actuality. (Photo Kristina Nicole Trader on Facebook)

Academia talks about climate intervention in the abstract and in theory; Midlothian, Va., views the matter as actuality. (Photo Kristina Nicole Trader on Facebook)

Poisonous skies over California are, for better or worse, a picture of weather modification such as that discussed March 12-15, 2015, in Cambridge, Great Britain. (Photo Amy Powell)

Poisonous skies over California are, for better or worse, a picture of weather modification such as that discussed March 12-15, 2015, in Cambridge, Great Britain. (Photo Amy Powell)

I have had trouble getting Tennessee environmentalists interested in chemtrailing as a form of polllution, as seen in this view of Morristown, Tenn. (Photo Jason Sinard, Tennessee Skywatch on Facebook)

I have had trouble getting Tennessee environmentalists interested in SAG, or stratospheric aerosol geoengineering, as a form of pollution, as seen in this view of Morristown, Tenn. (Photo Jason Sinard, Tennessee Skywatch on Facebook)

A cloud-making jet adds to coverage “injected” earlier over Soddy-Daisy, Tenn. (Photo David Tulis)

A cloud-making jet adds to coverage “injected” earlier over Soddy-Daisy, Tenn., looking southward toward Brainerd and Ooltewah. (Photo David Tulis)

“The term ‘solar radiation management‘ is positively Orwellian,” says one of the authors of a government chemtrailing proposal. “It’s a way to increase comfort levels with this crazy idea.” (Photo

“The term ‘solar radiation management‘ is positively Orwellian,” says one of the authors of a government SRM proposal. “It’s a way to increase comfort levels with this crazy idea.” (Photo

England, like the U.S., is subject to heavy aerosol treatment in its upper atmosphere. (Photo Northeast-England-SkyWatch-Northeast-England-UK-Geo-engineered-Haarped-Skies)

England, like the U.S., is subject to heavy aerosol treatment in its upper atmosphere. (Photo Northeast-England-SkyWatch-Northeast-England-UK-Geo-engineered-Haarped-Skies)

That few people find such scenes as this one in Knoxville remarkable suggests that the fight against air pollution has largely been lost. (Photo Dr. Andy Wood)

That few people find such scenes as this one in Knoxville remarkable suggests that the fight against air pollution has largely been lost. (Photo Dr. Andy Wood)

A murky sky in Buffalo, N.Y., suggests that for SAG, or stratospheric aerosol geoengineering, the day’s work is done. (Photo Irina Blashuk)

A murky sky in Buffalo, N.Y., suggests that for SAG, or stratospheric aerosol geoengineering, the day’s work is done. (Photo Irina Blashuk)

A little before and after — before solar radiation management, and the sky to which we’ve become accustomed. (Photo Geoengineering-Action-Network-on-Facebook)

A little before and after — before solar radiation management, left, and the sky to which we’ve become accustomed, right. (Photo Geoengineering-Action-Network-on-Facebook)


“Aircraft contrails factsheet,” Sept. 2000, revised September 2012,

Lisa M. Krieger, “Scientists call for ‘geoengineering’ tests to find ways to cool the planet,” Alaska Dispatch News, Feb. 15, 2015.

David Rotman, “A Cheap and Easy Plan to Stop Global Warming Intentionally engineering Earth’s atmosphere to offset rising temperatures could be far more doable than you imagine, says David Keith. But is it a good idea?” MIT Technology Review, Feb. 8, 2013.

Timothy Cama, “EPA confronts ‘chemtrails’ conspiracy talk,”, March 13, 2015.

Source: Nooganomics, article by David Tulis

Geoengineering And Monsanto, The Disaster Capitalists


With any disaster, there will always be the "disaster capitalists" roaming through the wreckage for the purpose of turning a profit from the disaster. We now live in a reality that is so corrupt and twisted that climate cataclysms are actually being fueled by our own governments climate modification programs. At this point our government is nothing more than a criminal cabal that is steered by globalists and the multinational corporations they represent. A primary objective of global climate modification is to mask a completely disintegrating climate system from public view as long as possible. Secondary objectives are likely many, including ongoing weather warfare against opposing powers and even against our own citizens in the attempt to control populations. Criminal corporations like Monsanto are a part of the ongoing climate engineering insanity in a number of ways and for a number of reasons, none of them for the common good. Monsanto purchased "Climate Corp" in 2013 for almost a billion dollars so that they could help control the flow of weather information to the public. Aluminum is a primary element being used in the geoengineering programs, Monsanto is producing aluminum resistant seeds, is this just a coincidence? How many other agendas are being carried out against global populations by criminal governments and criminal corporations like Monsanto?
Dane Wigington


Geoengineering Is Causing Drought And Fueling Fires


Dane Wigington

All around the planet our skies are being saturated with toxic metal and chemical particulates. These particulates are being sprayed from jet aircraft as part of the global geoengineering/weather modification programs titled "SRM" and "SAG". Any that take the time to investigate the subjects of SRM (solar radiation management) and SAG (stratospheric aerosol geoengineering) will find that many of the “predicted” effects of these massive climate altering programs are not disputed. The climate science community is blatantly lying about the ongoing climate engineering programs, claiming they are only "proposals". One of the many well known effects related to geoengineering which is not debated is DROUGHT. How bad is the engineered drought in the US West, specifically California? The latest drought monitor map is below, the climate engineering assault has consistently robbed rain from the Western US.


Saturation of the atmosphere with nano sized toxic particles and chemicals provides too many "condensation nuclei". Moisture in the atmosphere then adheres to these particles and continues to migrate in the form of dirty looking haze and/or artificial clouds. The overabundance of particles prevents droplets from combining to form heavy enough drops to fall as precipitation. Geoengineering further reduces rainfall by simply blocking the sun and thus evaporation over oceans. Less direct sunlight, less light photons, less evaporation, period. This causes the moisture in storm systems to be greatly reduced in many cases. "GLOBAL DIMMING" is now considered by most scientific studies to average fully 22%. This means that 22% or more of direct sunlight that reached the planet's surface decades ago now no longer does. I highly recommend taking the time to click the "GLOBAL DIMMING" link and watching the 6 minute video it connects to. This short presentation will increase ones knowledge of the effect sprayed particulates have on the atmosphere, global temperatures, and precipitation. Though this mainstream documentary preview does not directly implicate global geoengineering as the main source of "global dimming", one can make up their own mind, it is important to "read between the lines" so to speak. There are certainly agendas within this film, connect the dots on your own.

Yet another consequence of geoengineering is DIMINISHED WIND (this does not mean in all scenarios, but rather it is an overall effect). This also contributes to reduced evaporation over oceans and thus increased drought on land masses. All of the geoengineering effects cited and discussed above are well documented and can be easily researched online. In spite of the fact that numerous scientific studies admit to the drought/deluge causing climate altering decimation that geoengineering “would” cause, none of these studies are willing to admit to the fact that the global spraying of our skies has been a horrific reality for a very long time already.

In addition to the drought causing effects, the precipitation that does fall is laden with toxic heavy metals like aluminum, barium strontium, manganese, and others. These are all metals named in NUMEROUS GEOENGINEERING PATENTS. The impact of TOXIC METALS LIKE ALUMINUM on soils, trees, and plant life is well documented. When organisms like trees detect bioavailable aluminum exposure to their root systems, many species shut down nutrient uptake to protect their DNA. This causes a slow protracted death of the organism. Beetles and other pests move in and thus the forest begins to die-off. The weakened forest is of course much more flammable. Adding to the fire danger are the metallic dust particles which are constantly settling out of the atmosphere, coating the forest foliage. These microscopic PARTICLES ARE INCENDIARIES, pushing the potential for catastrophic fires ever higher.


Still another factor is the SHREDDED OZONE LAYER and increased UV radiation which results. This is also a major factor in the decline and demise of forests around the globe, and greatly increased fire danger. The OZONE DAMAGING EFFECTS OF GEOENGINEERING PARTICULATES is also well documented and not disputed. It gets worse, jet stream movement is being radically manipulated with ionosphere heater installations, as many as 26 around the globe. The most well known is HAARP (High frequency active auroral research program). This JET STREAM MANIPULATION literally cuts off the flow of moisture to some regions while creating constant deluge in others. In the case of the continental US, the western half of the country bakes and burns, the eastern US is often freezing with engineered snow storms in winter and deluge in the summer months. Welcome to the world of completely engineered weather whiplash.

The "scientific community" is failing to inform the public of even a fraction of the larger picture. Some scientists are in denial, many others are simply afraid of the consequences of speaking out. Yet more scientists are simply paid to lie. The power structure controlled corporate media is also a primary tool that us used to cover the climate engineering crimes. The ongoing climate destruction resulting from countless human activities is pushing humanity and civilization over the edge. This is not about Al Gore, but rather it's about reality. The human race has done great damage to our planet which is now being pushed past the point of no return. Based on all available data, the ongoing global geoengineering programs appear to be the single greatest climate disrupting factor of all (though the human race has caused immense harm to the planet on countless fronts including dumping 100,000,000 tons of Co2 a day into the atmosphere). No matter how much damage humanity has done to the environment, geoengineering is only making it worse. The planet must be allowed to respond on its own, this is our best option at this point. Flying thousands of jets around the planet day in and day out, spraying tens of millions of tons of toxic metal particulates, is simply insanity. Climate engineering is destroying the planet's ability to support life. Help us expose the global geoengineering programs while there is yet time. Educate yourself on this issue, arm yourself with credible data, and spread the word. DW











HAARP, A Weapon Of Mass Destruction


HAARP is the acronym many people recognize, it is an "ionosphere heater" facility in Alaska. Mainstream media and the military industrial complex tried to convince the public that HAARP was going to be completely dismantled by the summer of 2014, but did this happen? No, and now it seems HAARP has been funded through 2015, the lies never end when the government is involved. What many people don't know is that the Alaskan HAARP facility is only one of many major ground based ionosphere heaters around the world. This global network of incredibly powerful ionosphere heaters is wreaking havoc on the climate system and the biosphere as a whole. The more educated activists are in regard to what the ionosphere heaters are and what these installations  can do, the more effective they will be in the battle to raise awareness on the critical climate engineering issue. The summary explanation of HAARP below is an important read.
Dane Wigington


“Conspiracy Theorists” Label Still Used In Spite Of Obvious And Verifiable Geoengineering Realities


Populations have been very effectively programmed to respond in specific ways when they hear key terms. The term "conspiracy theorist" has so far been very successfully used to trigger a mental shutdown in most people. When an individual is labeled with this term by the media, anything they say (no matter how verifiably factual) is immediately marginalized. But what do psychological studies say about the sanity of "conspiracy theorists" as compared to those that blindly accept the "official narratives" without questioning? Those who question are sane, those who do not, are found to be psychologically lacking, this should not be a surprise. The article below and the 3 short videos contained in it are important to review. It is not conspiracy, but fact.
Dane Wigington

Geoengineering With Industrial Waste


Dane Wigington

Geoengineering The Oceans

Though many have now at least heard of the ongoing atmospheric spraying known as solar radiation management (SRM) and stratospheric aerosol geoengineering (SAG), most are still not familiar with another form of geoengineering, "ocean fertilization". It's easy enough for the average person to take note of the all too visible spraying of our skies, but how can we know what the climate engineers are doing to our oceans without our knowledge or consent? 

Connecting The Dots

Could the atmospheric spraying and ocean fertilization be directly connected? The answer is yes, a connection appears likely if all available data is examined. For those that are not familiar with ocean fertilization, the term refers to the intentional widespread distribution of bioavailable iron into our seas in order to create plankton blooms that then absorb and thus sequester Co2 from the atmosphere. Could the materials being sprayed into our skies and over the oceans be composed of elements that are compatible for ocean fertilization? Again, the answer is likely yes.

The Folly Of Climate Engineering


Those in power do not care about the destruction and decimation they cause, they never have. To carry this point further, there is a well documented common trait shared by almost all of those with psychopathic tendencies, a near total lack of comprehension as to the consequences of their actions, even to themselves. This is the mindset of those who currently run the world. This is the propensity of those in power that the masses have submitted their collective fate to. Global climate engineering is the epitome of human insanity, man's interference with Earth's life support systems can only cause harm. If geoengineering is not exposed and stopped, very soon nothing else will matter. 
Dane Wigington


HAARP Still Stands, Geoengineers Still Wreaking Havoc


In the spring of 2014, the power structure and mainstream media tried to convince an ever more concerned population that there was no climate modification going on and as proof they cited the claim that the HAARP facility was going to be "bulldozed". Some of us never bought into the smoke and mirrors about HAARP being torn down, and as we now see, it is still standing. The climate engineering insanity continues to decimate our planet as the weather makers try desperately to hide the damage already done by further ramping up the very programs that caused much of the damage in the first place. The frantic attempt to cool down some of the most populated regions in the US is ongoing. Jet stream manipulation and toxic chemical ice nucleation are the two primary tools being used to create the temporary surface cold zones in a rapidly warming world. The mainstream media then sensationalizes the engineered winter storms in their attempt to further confuse and divide populations in regard to the true state of the climate. This buys time for those in power as they prepare for total collapse. The single greatest blow we could strike against those in power is to expose the climate engineering crimes, this would galvanize and unite populations around the globe against the cabal of insanity that is running the planet. Make your voice heard, pass on credible information about climate engineering on to others, every day counts in this battle.
Dane Wigington


Radio Journalist Responds To The Washington Post’s Climate Engineering Article


The climate engineering elephant in the room is becoming bigger and harder to hide by the day. The Washington Post has now put out a second article on climate engineering in the span of a week. The difference of approach between the two articles "How A Group Of Conspiracy Theorists Could Derail The Debate Over Climate Policy" and "What Is The Right Temperature For Earth" is striking. In the article below radio journalist David Tulis puts a light on The Washington Post's less than objective coverage of the critical climate engineering issue. Still, the fact that The Washington Post is having to address geoengineering twice in a week is a clear sign ground is rapidly being gained in the effort to bring this issue to light.
Dane Wigington

An Indisputable Response To Climate Engineering Deniers


Source: Activist Post

The Washington Post article of January 22, 2015 titled "How A Group Of Conspiracy Theorists Could Derail The Debate Over Climate Policy" prompted this response to what either the Post’s editors or article author apparently overlooked or did not choose to do, in my journalistic opinion—publish facts!

Over the years, The Washington Post acquired numerous awards for excellent investigative journalism, etc., including the prestigious Pulitzer Prize several times, the last being in 2014. One would imagine—at least this writer’s journalistic opinion—that extensive and accurate research would be the ground floor for factual, open-source, non-pejorative, non-ad hominem reporting and journalism.

When journalist Puneet Kollipara postulates, “Meet the “chemtrails” crowd, who posit that governments, scientists and other institutions are using airplanes’ “chemtrails” — basically contrails that are allegedly laced with chemicals — to alter the climate, create extreme weather, poison people, or even control our minds,” and “In short, chemtrails itself is a conspiracy theory,” someone needs to point out that The Washington Post team should have done their homework more diligently, as there are hundreds of federal government agency reports and, in particular, U.S. Patents of record, for managing weather systems. Many are listed below in the Weather Geoengineering / Chemtrail Database generated by this writer.

However, I think maybe I may be inclined to agree with Kollipara that chemtrails just may be a conspiracy—a real ‘true’ conspiracy to keep what’s going on day and night – and which darkens our skies (less sunlight hits earth now), plus precipitates all kinds of toxic crap falling onto earth—to keep the public from knowing what’s actually going on above our heads.

Nuclear Radiation and Geo-engineering: Two Threats to Life on Earth


Source: Global Research

“We have the risk of another Fukushima at any given nuclear power plant that’s past its prime, which is all of them in the United States.” —Mimi German

I believe mathematically it’s inarguable that the greatest single all-out assault on the biosphere is global climate engineering.” —Dane Wigington

Geoengineered Snow Storms Wreaking Havoc Around The Globe

Can Snow Storms Really Be Engineered?

There is a mountain of data including already conducted experiments, satellite imagery, lab tests of snow, observations on the ground, and multiple existing patents,  all of which point solidly to the conclusion that snow storms are being engineered on a massive scale with well established weather modification processes.  Two known patents for the process of "artificial ice nucliation for weather modification" are posted at the bottom of this article. The Chinese government has openly admitted they are creating "artificial snow storms" but later backtracked after causing a billion dollars of damage to Beijing.

china snow

Why High Bypass Turbofan Jet Engines Are Almost Incapable Of Producing Condensation Trails


Source: Global Skywatch

This article explains why the trails being left in the sky by large aircraft cannot possibly be condensation trails ("contrails"). Once this is understood, then we are left with the ominous question: "What do these trails consist of?"

You can see the video version of this article here.

NOTE: This article has been opposed on the internet by government-paid disinformation employees. These intentionally-deceptive disinformation programs are using fabricated science to claim that high-bypass turbofans create trails.

In one example, a false study is being used to convince the public that high-bypass turbofans create trails. This study is not only based on false science and fabricated numbers, it was published after widespread spraying began and is an obvious attempt to fool the public into accepting geoengineering: The largest crime against humanity in human history by convincing the public that jet trails are a "normal result of fuel combustion", which is simply not true as will be demonstrated below.

Those in the very highest positions who are responsible for this spraying campaign will do anything to conceal it, even going as far as rewriting jet engine training manuals and courses to teach new mechanics that these engines produce trails. There is no better way to convince the public than to have "expert mechanics" believing trails are normal and relaying this disinformation directly to the public. We see examples of this type of disinformation in the education system right now with the rewriting of the second amendment in school textbooks.

We have also received first-hand accounts of military tankers and drones painted to look like passenger jets on several occasions. This causes the public to believe that normal passenger jets are producing trails further enhancing the lie that trails are normal. Remember, a crime this enormous will be concealed by lies and coverups just as enormous.

The fact that high-bypass turbofan engines cannot produce trails is the reason life-long skywatchers and pilots have never seen trails come from these engines until widespread geoengineering began (with very few special exceptions including rare water injection engines which are outlined in the article below). This is the reason professional and recreational pilots alike have contacted me expressing their disgust at the lies being thrust on the public by our governments and educations systems.

The newest tactic to conceal spraying programs from the public is to use shorter trails and to fly at higher altitudes to make these trails harder to see.

Furthermore, school textbooks and jet mechanic training manuals have now been rewritten to include the claim that contrails are common and normal. The disinformation campaign is very thorough.

See the following links to learn how false science – called "scientism" – is being used to thrust lies and disinformation upon the public:

Science Dictatorships: Scientism

Over 100 science journals accept hoax scientific paper for publication

Medical companies fake reality on a daily basis

The Global Depopulation Agenda Excellent lecture showing the use of false science to promote a specific agenda.

Internet Shills and Hired Trolls-What You NEED to Know

Despite media failure to disclose, and “government” disinformation to the contrary, there is and has been a weather modification program in full operation for many years.

The high –thin cirrus that jets have been spreading across the sky that the public has clearly seen as long trails of jet exhaust and spray turning into clouds and haze can and is changing the weather. There are clouds now that have never existed before.

The cloud nuclei being used are composed of metallic salts in nano form, all potentially toxic to life as we know it. We have documented accumulations of aluminum, strontium, barium and many others in the soil, the rainwater, snow, and plants at levels thousands of times higher than any normal condition, and many should not be present at all.

Testimony: Allan Buckmann, US Air Force Meteorologist
Wildlife Biologist Retired, California Department Fish & Wildlife

August 07, 2014

I started seeing barium, aluminum oxide, and strontium come on the (Air Force) base.

In my background as an Industrial Hygienist and an Environmental Specialist, I conducted…sampling…and saw (contamination) limits in my community that would make your head spin. And I started to realize that those peers within my professional community that were trying to wake those of us in the military up, were right!

Sargent Kristen Edwards (Meghan), Industrial Hygienist, Environmental Specialist
Government Whistleblower

High-bypass turbofan engines do not create condensation trails. The ratio of air-to-exhaust is much too high to facilitate the formation of condensation because the majority of air expelled from the back of the engine is not combusted. It is passed through the "fan" and simply blown out the back without mixing with any fuel at all.

Turbine engines are the power plant for high-bypass turbofans. Turbine engines are used in other applications besides powering jets. They are also used to power helicopters and many prop driven planes, yet we never see trails coming from these types of vehicles, and the reason is simple. Turbine engines virtually never produce condensation trails.

In the video above, notice the large ratio between the bypass fan and the "core" part of the engine.

Every Condition is Wrong for Contrail Formation

The formation of condensation trails requires vacuum (reduction in air pressure), cold temperatures, and high humidity, however, the output side of a jet engine contains mostly outside air that has been pushed through the engine by the large ducted fan (The ducted fan is the set of spinning blades that you see when you look at the front of the engine). This high-pressure at the output of the engine is contrary for the formation of condensation trails because pressurized air has the ability to hold much more water in suspension, without producing condensation.

NOTE: On very moist days, you may, on rare occasions, see a condensation "tornado" spiraling into the intake side of a high-bypass turbofan engine during high-thrust conditions. This is formed by the extreme, rapid vacuum formed on the intake of the engine. This vacuum induces condensation because air at reduced pressure cannot hold as much water. On the contrary, air on the high-pressure side of these engines cannot condense because it is not under vacuum.

High school science experiments demonstrate this with a vacuum jar. As the air is expelled, a gentle mist will form. When the valve is opened repressurizing the jar, the mist immediately disappears.

Even in this image, the ratio of air flowing through the fan vs. air flowing through the turbine is out of proportion. In reality, much more air flows through the fan than depicted here.

Only a fraction of the air that enters the engine is taken in by the turbine engine. This air is mixed with jet fuel (essentially kerosene), combusted, and then exits the engine under very high pressure and high temperature. Condensation formation requires a decrease in ambient air pressure to form, but the output of the turbine is under very high pressure which prohibits the formation of condensation trails.

Physics also tells us that, under the right conditions, condensation can form when air is cooled. Since the exhaust of the turbine engine driving the high-bypass turbofan is very hot – and remains hot for a long distance behind a jet, condensation formation is – once again – prohibited. (Hot air holds much more water without producing condensation.) Furthermore, the burning of fossil fuels produces black carbon soot, not water as claimed by some websites. You can see this black soot being expelled from the engines as you watch jets take off from an airport.

Furthermore, the ratio of air-to-fuel used in high-bypass turbofan engines is as high as possible (lots of air but relatively little fuel) so as to keep engines efficient and cost-effective, so the reduced amount of fuel in this ratio results in a lack of water in the exhaust, and this is yet another reason high-bypass jet turbofans cannot produce condensation trails.

In short, the more efficient the engine, the less fuel it uses per unit of air moved, and this renders high-bypass turbofans virtually incapable of producing condensation trails, unless they use water injection, which is extremely rare today (see section below).

Simply said, every condition necessary for contrail formation is absent in a high-bypass turbofan engine.

If you go to an airport and watch jets take off, you will see that they emit a faint trail of black carbon soot, which is typical of burnt jet fuel (kerosene), but you will not see water vapor.

If there was any chance that high-bypass turbo fans would create enormous plumes of water vapor, it would occur in high-humidity conditions during high thrust. High thrust only occurs during takeoff and the highest humidity occurs at ground level as the air at higher altitudes has very low humidity levels. We don't see these enormous plumes of white water vapor during takeoff because these engines simply do not produce them.

The average adiabatic lapse rate (the rate of decrease in temperature with altitude) is about 3 Fahrenheit per 1,000 ft. Since the average temperature on the ground is 59 F (15 C), you can calculate that at 30,000 ft, the average temperature is: 59 – (3 x 30) = -31 F (-35 C). This cold, dry air provides inadequate conditions for condensation trail formation.

Real Condensation Trails

In this article, you can see a picture of a real condensation trail. You can also hear a detailed explanation in this video.

Real condensation trails form, not behind commonly-used engines, but behind high-vacuum areas of wings. This occurs when a jet is pitching up or when the jet is using heavy flaps. Both of these conditions greatly increase the vacuum (lift) produced by the wing and therefore increase the probability of contrail formation.

Contrails will normally appear on the outside edge of the wing or just outside the flaps when in a heavy-flap condition. Both of these conditions require high relative humidity.

Contrails can also appear above the top surface of a wing while a jet is pitching up (such as just before touchdown) because of the high-vacuum created while changing pitch.

Most of the wing-contrails explained above dissipate as soon as the vacuum zone ends. This explains why contrails typically last only 5 or 10 feet behind a wing (less than a second). As the vacuum zone ends, the air very rapidly reabsorbs the water vapor causing the contrail to disappear, except under the most humid conditions when the ambient air is unable to reabsorb the water.

Jet Turbines (Turbojets)

In contrast to typical turbofans, turbojets work differently. Instead simply pushing the majority of the air out the back using a large fan, all (or most in the case of low-bypass turbojets) of the air taken in by the engine is forced through the combustion section of the engine. This difference in design has a few important implications.

First, these engines are less efficient at lower speeds (below ~mach 2), but they produce thrust of much higher-velocity. This is why they are used on jet fighters and other high-speed combat aircraft. They are not used on large military aircraft or commercial aircraft.

Second, these engines have more water in their exhaust and therefore have the potential to produce short, non-persistent condensation trails when all of the required conditions are just right. These conditions are rare and so contrail formation is rare, but it can occur. Remember, turbojet engines are only used on jet fighters, not large military aircraft and not commercial aircraft.

Contrail Suppression Patents

The rare-but-possible contrail-forming potential of turbojet engines used on fighter aircraft caused the development of contrail suppression technology. This technology reduces the contrail-forming potential of these engines so these jets cannot be easily spotted while flying over enemy territory.

Government-funded disinformation contractors often cite these patents as evidence that high-bypass turbofans create contrails, but this is a blatant misapplication of the patents. The patents apply only to turbojets or low-bypass turbojets used on fighter aircraft, not high-bypass turbofans used on commercial aircraft and large military aircraft.

They Are Not Contrails

Turbojets and low-bypass turbofans – the only engines capable of producing rare condensation trails – are not used on commercial jets today. Nor are they used on large military jets. Instead, virtually all commercial and large military jets today use the much-more-efficient high-bypass turbofans.

Since we know that high-bypass turbofans are virtually incapable of producing condensation trails, then the trails we see coming from these countless jets today cannot be contrails. Instead, a mountain of evidence now indicates that these trails are deliberate particulate aerosols. You can easily identify high-bypass turbofans by their large diameter, and this engine type is clearly visible on all "chemtrail" jets we see emitting trails today.

Rare Water Injection Engines

At the end of this article is an excerpt from a data sheet published from the European Aviation Safety Agency showing certain older Spey turbofans (series 500) that use water injection for improved thrust performance.

The use of water injection in aircraft engines is rare, but it was also used in a few WW II aircraft, which explains the few "contrail" pictures floating around from that era.

The Rolls Royce Spey 512 is used to power the BAC One-Eleven. This aging commercial aircraft is in very limited use today. There are about 50 still in service, and most are outside the U.S.

If you see a short, non-persistent trail being emitted from a commercial jet, there is a small chance that it's an old Spey Series 500 turbofan. If you see a short, non-persistent trail being emitted from any large jet, it's a new non-persistent chemtrail. Keep in mind that a slowly-increasing number of chemtrail jets have been painted to look like commercial jets. We have already seen this deceptive tactic being used with military drones.

For the past few years, many have witnessed the overnight change in the trail emitted from these countless jets from long, persistent trails to short, non-persistent trails. On the same day, many/most of the jets began flying higher, and this change was obviously done to make the spraying less noticeable to the public, and this was an important tactic they used to counter the fact that awareness of this massive toxic aerosol-spraying campaign is growing rapidly in dozens of countries around the world.

Don't be fooled. Long or short, if you see a trail coming out of a jet, with very few exceptions, it's an intentional, toxic chemical aerosol.

Dispelling the Disinformation

The United States government is currently spending hundreds of millions of dollars to spread disinformation to confuse the public on a variety of subjects. The most pervasive subject of disinformation today is about geoengineering/chemtrails. Below, we will expose the false claims that they make.

Claim #1: Newer more modern jets are flying higher in the atmosphere enabling them to generate enormous plumes of condensation.

Fact: The vast majority of witnessed trail formation has been witnessed by low-flying jets rendering this claim irrelevant.

Fact: The altitude in which aircraft fly has remained unchanged for over 30 years. This widely-known fact renders this claim irrelevant. The favored altitude for commercial air traffic ranges between 25K to 35K feet, well within the Earth's Troposphere.

The vast majority of early trails (between 1995 and 2005) were witnessed at altitudes so low, the public was easily able to identify the jet type and count the engines.

Between 2005 and 2010, numerous skywatchers witnessed sudden changes. First, they witnessed a majority of the jets changing from low altitudes to high altitudes. Second, they witnessed a majority of the jets changing their trail size from long-persistent trails to short, non-persistent trails. Both of these changes typically took place on the same day in any given location.

It appears that this change was designed to make the trails appear less ominous to the public.

It's important to note that even after this change, some jets still produce persistent trails several days per month, and this is likely necessary to avoid public scrutiny that would occur if all trails suddenly vanished.

Claim #2: Newer jet engines burn fuel more completely turning more of the fuel to water.

Fact: Modern high-bypass turbofans – which are used on virtually all large commercial and military aircraft – burn much less fuel per unit of ejected air; often 25% less fuel. Therefore, they produce much less water vapor than older engines.

You will never witness a high-bypass turbofan ejecting water at an airport. You will only witness a faint, block soot that is the result of burnt jet fuel (kerosene). During take off, these engines produce the maximum amount of water vapor as compared to any other stage of flight because this is the time that the fuel-to-velocity ratio is the highest.

In other words, if an engine was to produce visible water vapor, it would be most likely witnessed during takeoff. However, these engines are incapable of producing vapor trails even during their most inefficient operating condition: Takeoff.

Claim #3: The sudden appearance of trails in the past 10 years is caused by an increase in air traffic.

Fact: Air traffic increases less than 1% per year. This amounts to a total increase of about 9% in the past 10 years.

What we have seen in the skies has been a dramatic – often sudden – increase in the total number of jets with virtually all of these new jets emitting trails while existing commercial jets did not. Furthermore, all of these new jets were unmarked, non-commercial jets flying at very low altitudes. In the past few years, we have witnessed these unmarked jets suddenly flying at higher altitudes and emitting short, non-persistent trails after emitting long trails for years. Probably an attempt to make the trails less noticeable to the public.

Chemical particulate spraying was used in Vietnam and is believed to have been used in early testing in the United States in the 1980s. During this time, there were extremely few visible trails in the sky, and since high-bypass turbofans are virtually incapable of producing trails, these early trails were likely early geoengineering tests. Developing a program of this size would require many years of testing and development and there is much documentation that this testing has been conducted on the public for decades.

It's worth mentioning that a few water-injection Spey turbofans are still in service, so it's likely that a few people witnessed them in the 80's and beyond. Today, about 50 BAC One-Eleven's are in service. This aircraft is one of the few that use water injection, but most of these aircraft are not within the U.S.

Claim #4: The government worked on developing contrail-suppression technology because of the trails produced by commercial jets.

Fact: The patents showing contrail-suppression technology were developed for low-bypass turbofans and turbojets, neither of which are used on commercial or large military aircraft. This technology was designed to suppress contrail formation on the types of engines – low-bypass turbofan and turbojets – used specifically on military jet fighters to make them harder to see over enemy territory.

Government disinformation contractors use these patents to convince the public that the large jets we see in the sky are producing contrails, but all large military and commercial jets use very efficient high-bypass turbofans which are virtually incapable of producing condensation trails. Even the fleet of aging Boeing 707s produced from the 50s to the 70s which originally used low-bypass turbofans have now been retrofitted with highly-efficient high-bypass turbofans to dramatically cut operating costs.

Claim #5: The photos floating around on the internet showing contrails from military jets in the 50's proves that jet engines produce contrails.

Fact: The handful of photos from the 50s showing military jets and prop planes used water injection or internal combustion piston engines or turbojets, not high-bypass turbofans. High-bypass turbofans – the type of engines that are on the jets producing the massive plumes today – are virtually incapable of generating condensation trails.

Claim #6: High levels of aluminum in rainwater is normal.

Fact: There are a few atmospheric studies that show unusually high levels of aluminum in rainwater. These studies are often presented by disinformation contractors as "evidence", however these studies are in the vast minority and they are conducted near the ocean, downwind of industry, or other contaminating factors.

There are countless studies and water monitoring programs that show historically that aluminum should not occur in rainwater, but studies selected by disinformation contractors are carefully selected to convince the public that contaminated rain water is "normal".

Claim #7: Condensation from burnt kerosene freezes and produces ice trails at high altitudes.

Fact: The vast majority of trails witnessed are at lower or medium altitudes making this claim irrelevant.

Fact: At high altitudes, the air is colder and thinner rendering it less capable of holding moisture. This dry air further incapacitates high-bypass turbofans from producing contrails. Remember that most of the air coming out of a high-bypass turbofan is simply pushed through the big round duct by a fan blade (called "the fan") and does not get combusted at all.

Unprecedented Disinformation

The United States government is currently spending hundreds of millions of dollars annually to confuse the public on various issues such as geoengineering/chemtrails. They are even teaching school children that contrails are harmless water vapor.

This level of disinformation is unprecedented because a harmful, dangerous, and illegal program of this is also unprecedented.

When those committing these epic crimes against humanity are caught, they will be prosecuted and executed, so they will spare no expense to convince the public that the sudden appearance of sky-covering plumes is "normal".

It's vital that everyone explores this issue while keeping in mind that disinformation is being produced in the form of books, videos, Facebook accounts, blogs, photos, and that some of this disinformation is even aimed at "changing history" by convincing the public that contrails have always been around.

You will be seeing more plumes appearing in old remastered movies and commercials. You will be seeing plumes appearing in books that have been artificially aged to look like they're from decades ago. You will be seeing medical studies made to look decades old and injected into journals and magazines that are archived online.

This type of propaganda is not unique to our time. All of these methods have been used before, but with today's technology, the ability to deceive is incomprehensible because the ability to produce and distribute well-coordinated propaganda is surprisingly easy.

Helicopter Contrails?

We all know that helicopters don't produce condensation trails, yet most helicopters use turboshaft engines which work on the same principle as high-bypass turbofans. Turboshaft engines also use the same jet fuel. Despite these profound similarities, we don't see plumes of condensation emitted by helicopters.

Many jet enthusiasts agree that the sound of a jet engine starting is the "coolest" sound in aviation. In the video below, notice how the sound of a turboshaft engine starting is identical to the sound of a high-bypass turbofan starting.

More Information About Chemtrail Disinformation

How Persistent Aerosol Plumes are Being Changed to Short Non-Persistent Plumes To Fool the Public

Contrails DO NOT EXIST According To Older Aviation Textbooks

Global Skywatch Exposes the Contrail Myth

NASA Cloud Chart for Schoolchildren

Chemtrails in Animated Movies: "Over the Hedge"

Council on Foreign Relations Admits Millions Spent on Disinformation

Disinfomation from a Textbook

Chemtrails in Animated Movies: "Cars"

CFR Meeting Says Millions Spent to Confuse Public About Geoengineering

Disinformation At An All-Time High

The Methods Used To Keep You In The Dark

COINTELPRO: An Acronym for FBI Counterintelligence Programs

High-Bypass Turbofan Engines: All Exhaust Diffuses at Low Humidity: Contrails Not Possible

Simple science dictates that diffusion prohibits the formation of condensation in low humidity conditions, such as those at flight altitudes. Furthermore, High-bypass turbofans emit carbon soot (burnt kerosene), not water vapor, and this occurs in the core of the output air-stream only. For more information about this, see this video.

Source: Global Skywatch

Stealing Rain From California, Again


Dane Wigington

The satellite photo below was taken the morning of 12-2-14. Though there is extensive cloud cover clearly visible over the entire state of California (as shown in this photo), at the time the picture was taken in the early morning hours almost no rain had yet fallen in much of the far central north of California, why?

Smart Grid Exposed – Take Back Your Power – Documentary by Josh del Sol


Source: Rebel Siren

What do we really know about Smart Meters, other than the usual propaganda about how “they are good for us”“they will save us money”, “they are safe”? Let’s find out, are Smart Meters really so “smart” (or safe, or cost effective)?

Apparently, not for the consumer, but they are extremely smart for the power companies that are using them to hike up people’s bills, then shut off their power until they agree to pay the increased costs. And, indirectly, for the medical profession and mortuaries that profit from the illness and death that overexposure to EMR/EMF/RF radiation causes, and for the contractors that get hired to rebuild someone’s home after the fire damage caused by so called “Smart Meters” that were improperly installed by under-trained technicians. And, maybe even for lawyers hired to represent victims of forced Smart Meter installation.  But, for us (the consumer), not so much.

The Rollout Of Geoengineering


Source: The Sleuth Journal, article by Bernie Suarez

The systematic pre-planned roll out of geoengineering and aerosol spraying of our skies is now in full swing. This attempt to roll chemtrails out to the general public was predicted and anticipated by many in the movement for years, but now we are seeing the actual implementation of the agenda. Chemical spraying nation-wide has been relentless for years. All of humanity has been watching planes dropping their artificial sustained chemical trails which artificially start and stop whenever chemical barrels are empty or when perhaps the person or system controlling the release of these chemicals from the planes needs to. All of this has been happening in broad daylight. We’ve watched as these unmarked planes with transponders in the off position sneak around the skies (go to and confirm this for yourself). These same non-passenger planes are known to loop around and fly back in the same path previously traveled.

Whistleblowers have come out and confirmed many segments of these mass operations. I have personally interviewed someone who had regular access to a large military Air Force base and confirmed the spraying of the “white stuff”.  Others have taken up to sampling soil, water and air samples, all which have turned up exponentially high levels of improbable metals, and the accompanying pH increases that come with that. Many of the metals found just happen to match the metals required in the same weather modification patents issued to U.S. defense contractors. All of these metal elements are incompatible with life. All which have deleterious effects on all of nature, its life forms and its life cycles. All of these realities ignored by the U.S. government, its mouthpiece politicians and the mouthpiece geoengineers.

All of this information only confirms and vindicates the whistleblowers who have spoken out against chemtrails spraying operations. For years now, chemtrails operations have become common knowledge, having been exposed world-wide from deep in the trenches of the movement to the public and private letter writing efforts to politicians and other agencies informing and inquiring about these programs and asking for their help. At some point in say, the last 5-10 years the movement started getting attention from segments of media, but the script eventually became clear; chemtrails was to be denied and not talked about. Soon we saw those stories about chemtrails go away, ignored, side-step and even replaced by other environmental concerns.

Ohio Congressman Dennis Kucinich may have learned about the need to keep chemtrails in denial mode the hard way when his brother was mysteriously “found dead” in his own home. Was this foul play? Who knows, but this much is factually known, Kucinich was also the one who specified “chemtrails” in his Space Preservation Act of 2001. He wasn’t kidding. The opposition and its internet trolls would have you believe he didn’t really mean chemtrails. It was all a misunderstanding. Anyone believes this? We may not know who was behind the mysterious death of his brother, but we do know Kucinich never spoke about chemtrails again.

As for the movement against chemtrails, it has been met with as much resistance and propaganda as any movement. My hat goes off to the chemtrails-geoengineering activists. They’ve had to watch as the control system literally re-edits old movies and animated films to insert chemtrails into them. This is the same system that is re-educating the children that cirrus clouds and geometrically straight (tic-tac-toe) lines in the sky are part of natural cloud formation. We’ve watched paid trolls defend chemtrails by asserting (blindly) that persistent contrails is the ordinary phenomenon which explains how temperature-humidity variations dictate whether planes can change today’s weather in a matter of an hour or two. These are just some of the piles of lies that the chemtrails movement has been subject to, up to now that is.

Up to now, the globalists and their politician minions have been sitting on the deny card. This plan is about to change. The trick is how to go from covert to overt. How to say we admit we’re doing it, but then sell the item as a good thing. This is a job that can only be pulled off by Barack Obama and his administration. In times like these, you need a sales closer to close the deal. Someone who can convince the victim that the punishment is good for them. Like a master slave relationship. Look for example, at how Obama is selling mass surveillance to the American public, even comparing the dreaded NSA to American heroes like Paul Revere. The control system knows no one can sell tyranny to America the way that Obama can. They know that the time to flip the mass perceptions of various conspiracies against humanity is now, while the current president is in power, and there is no time to waste. The rolling out of geoengineering seems to be well within this timing.

The move to roll out geoengineering and chemtrails seemed to have accelerated after the September 2013 revelation that the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) was prepared to put out a climate report that admits the earth had actually been cooling since 1998. This information which conflicted with all the global warming claims had to be dealt with in a manner that is conducive to continued spraying and continued advancement of agenda 21 and global carbon tax. Thus since then the administration signed an executive order to take over all climate change legislation. Then SHOWTIME cable network launched ‘Years of living dangerously’; a TV show promoting global warming and its ties to climate change. This also called for late year press releases from media reminding viewers that global warming is still alive … in the form of global cooling, of course! This also pushed IPCC to put out the official claim that since 1998 we are simply in a global warming “pause”.

As if that wasn’t enough propaganda, the control system then launched an attempt to go for it all. In early December 2013 government geoengineering front man David Keith goes on a national TV late night show and announces solution a; we need to spray the skies to help cool the planet against global warming. As if activists, informed citizens and critical thinkers don’t exist, Keith makes his claims on the Colbert Report to the sarcastic reaction of both host Stephen Colbert and the crowd before walking off seemingly uncomfortably. Had we seen the last of it then or was the system planning other moves to roll geoengineering out to the general public? As the New Year began, we all knew they were not done, but no one could know for sure which direction the control system would go next. Now we know.

Now we have a clearer picture of where the agenda is going in their quest to roll out geoengineering. Ironically, it was about mid-way last year when I received an email from someone defending against one of the videos posted on my website, asking me to take it down. The person said they agreed with much of the content and videos on the site, but this one video in which an individual recorded a chemtrails pilot admitting they are spraying is attributed to Weather Modification Inc., a weather modification company as the name clearly implies. The person claimed this company is legitimate and nothing to do with the chemtrails operations.

Why is this important? Because this raises fundamental questions such as; are we to view the spraying of metal particles chemicals to manipulate the weather as a “good” chemtrails spraying? Is spraying of metal particles (including silver iodide, aluminum, barium and strontium) approved by we-the-people? Have the long term effects of spraying been examined by physicians and health experts and deemed safe? How are these spraying programs being conducted by Weather Modification Inc. different from the spraying programs we are observing every day in our skies? What else does Weather Modification Inc. do? What if all chemtrails operations can be attributed to Weather Modification Inc.?  Does that give the public a reason to finally accept chemtrails as a normal operation being conducted by government good-guy contractors for your own good?

Let’s explore even deeper questions like: What public statements can Weather Modification Inc. issue regarding chemtrails planes? If what they are doing is moral and acceptable to the public, why isn’t Weather Modification Inc. upset about the chemtrails planes ruining their work? For example, if I’m a pilot with Weather Modification Inc., wouldn’t it concern me that while I’m dropping silver iodide, etc. in the atmosphere to create rain, another unmarked plane could be flying around dropping ‘other’ non-approved chemicals on the same atmosphere I’m working on. Where’s the conflict? Wouldn’t this scenario present massive problems and potential wasted money? That would actually give Weather Modification Inc. twice the reasons to protest chemtrails. After all, those planes illegally dumping chemicals are a threat to the effectiveness of Weather Modification Inc.’s work and a major threat to their reputation. If Weather Modification Inc. really believed this, wouldn’t they themselves want to track the chemtrails planes and want to file a lawsuit, criminal investigation or freedom of information act or anything to fight back against chemtrails? Is this a textbook example of compartmentalization of knowledge?

I think it is. Listening to the chemtrails pilot, it almost sounds like he genuinely doesn’t think he is doing anything wrong. It takes us back to the U.S. Air Force CHEMistry 131 manual with the ‘Chemtrails’ written all over the front. Surely most, if not all US. Air Force pilots will study this manual and not think this could be used in a bad way. If nothing else, the video above shows how they get the pilots to do the work. This is the magic of compartmentalization of knowledge.

Now in Southern California, where chemtrails operations have been at an all-time high, with chemicals being dumped at record levels into the sky every single day, we are now experiencing an engineered “catastrophic” drought. However, we know that where the ability to make rain exists the ability to stop it also exists. This is the fundamentals of weather control. This truth is being hidden from the public as Weather Modification Inc. has now been rolled out to the general public in a local news segment reporting not only the emergency drought that we are in, but the solution being delivered by Weather Modification Inc. After seeing this report, it occurred to me we’ve come full circle. Problem, Reaction, Solution. Another solution being offered to an engineered problem. Of course, we’ve known all along, this is how the control system operates.

So even though control of the weather was considered conspiracy not very long ago, now it is being put out into the public as a good thing. The history channel told us years ago, it (chemical spraying) was being used as a weapon (for creating drought and heavy rain) against potential enemies; even so, some disregarded the History Channel documentary as fiction and insisted all of this was conspiracies.(?) Now it’s being sold by local news as a solution to the current engineered west coast drought.

For a movement that has been eerily ignored, mocked and marginalized, the challenge now becomes to focus on the players that are choosing to play a role in the overt rollout of the chemical spraying crimes against humanity. Activists, informed citizens and critical thinkers need to expose these new players and claims seeking to insert their lies and deception into the hearts and minds of the masses. The same way that geoengineering front man David Keith was laughed off on the Colbert Report is the same way we, the awakened critical thinkers and concerned citizens must look to expose Weather Modification Inc. and any contractors, military or corporations who continue to work toward the agenda that involves the geoengineering of our planet. All geoengineering must stop now and we all have an obligation to demand this stops. I have never consented to inhaling nano-sized metal particles that are known to be dangerous to the human body and nature. This is exponentially worse than the dangerous vaccines the establishment is forcing on your children. This is unapproved mass genocide and human experimentation, all of which is prohibited by the ethical guidelines that apply to all experimental subjects. The first being knowledge. For any experiment to be considered ethical, the subject must have knowledge of the experiment being conducted on him/her. This knowledge has been hidden and these experiments on nature and humanity continue unapproved.

Let us never accept these lies and propaganda which have been planned in advance to usher in the rollout of geoengineering. Educate your children and keep sharing this relevant information about science, ethics, plane tracking, visual evidence and personal observational studies, and the hidden nature of the secret pseudo-science government studies that are supposed to prove that somehow ordinary emission from average planes can be emitted during normal flight and simultaneously change the weather. Think for a minute, how did the Wright Brothers miss this massive global climate altering side effect of their planes, and why didn’t this massive plane flight side effect make it to the literature and books about planes all these years? Why doesn’t anyone recall seeing lines in the sky before say 2000? Where are the childhood photos with chemtrails in the background? Did we all suffer from mass visual illusions of deep blue skies only?

This spraying agenda is very much a part of the global government plans for control admitted by the U.S. Air Force which has stated goals of controlling the weather by 2025. This control is already much more advanced and possibly in full effect now. Let’s keep the pressure on government to release the information they know about these spraying operations and let’s demand criminal investigations into those heading this agenda.  Let’s keep a mental note of; Thou shalt not be fooled, in the back of our minds as we continue to fight for exposure and criminalization of all forms of unapproved unethical geoengineering.

Will we ever get our once beautiful blue skies back? Will it happen in our generation? It doesn’t seem very likely given the pace of lies, deception laced in massive compartmentalization the system is embarked on. We may not know how this will end but let us at least focus on who the players and tactics are, so we can channel our energies and efforts in the most efficient way.

 Source: The Sleuth Journal, article by Bernie Suarez

Engineering Winter Storms


Dane Wigington

How is it there are such anomalous cold events on an ever rapidly warming planet? Welcome to climate engineering and "artificial ice nucleation for weather modification". The geoengineers were able to manipulate some weather headlines and produce a few cold records in the Eastern US  just before the end of October, 2014, with what they labeled as the "polar blast"(the constant record heat in so many parts of the planet are generally ignored by mainstream media). Engineered snow storms are a major part of the ongoing climate engineering assault on our biosphere. Massive fluctuations of temperatures and conditions accompany such unnatural events. There is no longer any "natural" weather, none.


Surreal photos from Slovenia's Worst Ice Storm In History (though mainstream media tried to make it seem as if such an event had happened before by saying it was the worst "in living memory", statistically it was an unprecedented event). I was contacted by people from Slovenia who made it completely clear that they believed this ice cataclysm was the result of weather warfare, punishment for resistance to outside political pressures.

Volunteers for Planetary Climate Action (VPCA) – October 31, 2014


The World Awakens: America Sleeps – Chemtrails from Around the Globe, a Satellite View


Source: Natural Society, article by Christina Sarich

There are millions of people in the United States who are still ‘asleep at the wheel’ when it comes to awareness about geo-engineering programs for weather control and chemtrails. While Americas celebrate one of the most important dates for ‘freedom,’ we allow our governments to continue to pollute the planet with chemtrail dumps and aerosol spraying. There is evidence around the world that proves this phenomenon is happening, even if the con-job of the military industrial corporatocracy continues to leave most of us hoodwinked.

If You Think These Are Just “Contrails” Think Again – Here’s What They Really Are


More and more credible authors and sources are making their voices heard in the battle to expose and stop the climate engineering insanity. The momentum of geoengineering awareness is growing by the day, the undercurrent of people who are waking up is expanding exponentially. The climate system is unravelling, the die off of wildlife is shocking, human respiratory ailments and diseases are going off the charts. Though there are countless sources of destruction and contamination to our once pristine planet, mathematically speaking, global climate engineering is the greatest act of human destruction ever waged against nature. Geoengineering is nothing short of all out weather warfare against life on our planet. My sincere thanks to  Arjun Walia from “Collective Evolution” for his ongoing efforts to expose dire issues and for his article below which addresses the most critical issue of all.
Dane Wigington

Volunteers for Planetary Climate Action (VPCA) – October 20, 2014


Climate Engineering Assault On Chattanooga Documented


Volunteers for Planetary Climate Action (VPCA) – October 17, 2014
