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Geoengineering Is Fueling Firestorm Catastrophes


Dane Wigington

Yet again forests in the Western US are incinerating as the US east coast is anomalously wet and cool. All official sources are blaming the rapidly increasing extreme and deadly wildfire behavior on global warming alone, but is that the full truth? What factors are “official sources” not informing us of in regard to the increasingly destructive wildfires?

The NASA satellite image above reveals massive climate engineering operations being carried out over vast expanses the Pacific ocean off of the US west coast. The geoengineering / solar radiation management operations completely disrupt the hydrological cycle and thus fuel drought and fires (a scenario which has been ongoing). The image was captured on Saturday, July 28th, 2018. This happened to be the day that a long planned climate engineering awareness and call to action event had to be canceled in Redding, California, due to the Carr fire. Smoke from the Carr fire is clearly visible on the NASA satellite image.

Though there are countless forms of human activity damaging the climate and biosphere, illegal global climate engineering / solar radiation management operations are a primary causal factor fueling catastrophic wildfires all over the globe (which official sources are not disclosing). Climate engineering is completely disrupting the hydrological cycle, triggering increasing dry lightning, destroying the ozone layer, contaminating soils, and covering everything at ground level with an incendiary dust (due to the fallout from atmosphere spraying programs). The 10 minute video below elaborates on the direct effect geoengineering operations are having on forest fires, their behavior and their frequency. Geoengineering is nothing less than weather warfare.

The Carr Fire in Redding, California, my hometown, is one of the latest catastrophic infernos to erupt.

A fully engulfed structure along HWY 299 near Redding California. Photo credit: AP/Noah Berger

Other recent western infernos also confirm the impact of climate intervention operations. The satellite animation below was recorded on October 11th, 2017, it is important to examine carefully. Anomalous, counter-directional and extreme wind patterns over the core wildfire region was a major contributing factor in the firestorm cataclysm that occurred in the Santa Rosa region of California . All official sources continue to ignore and omit any discussion of the ongoing illegal climate engineering operations.

The climate engineering atrocities are a primary factor in the equation of exponentially increasing forest fires and fire intensity. 44567

Forest fire, US West Coast. Photo credit: Rebecca Boatman

How is wildfire smoke being utilized by the climate engineers? The video report below provides alarming data.

All around the world forests are incinerating at an ever more rapid rate being further fueled by the climate engineering assault. If the current trajectory of biosphere collapse continues, these forests are not coming back.

All of us must work together in the effort to fully expose and halt the ongoing climate engineering / weather warfare assault. How? By circulating credible data from a credible source. Make your voice heard in this all important battle. 

The commentary below was added to this "Geoengineering Is Fueling Firestorm Catastrophes" post in response to many sensationalized claims, narratives and conclusions that are being circulated about the creation and / or causes of the recent and ongoing catastrophic California firestorms.

How do we most effectively expose and halt the catastrophic global climate engineering assault?  We must stand on solid verifiable ground in regard to the data and conclusions we share, or we will lose all credibility in this most important battle for the greater good. Any propagation of implausible sensationalized factually unsupportable speculation (that by its very nature provokes disbelief) only undermines credibility as we attempt to expose the very real and terrible climate engineering crimes being perpetrated against our dying planet.

Are recent and current California fires behaving in unprecedented ways and burning at exceptionally high temperatures? Yes. Are there reasons to believe the public is not being informed of key core issues that are directly related to the exponential increase in global forest fires? Yes. Does available data make clear that climate engineering in countless ways set the stage for the firestorm nightmares? Without question. 

All this being said, in regard to the recent and ongoing California firestorms there are a great many claims circulating on the internet that should cause us all to take immediate pause. These narratives include claims that everything from laser beams to military incendiary bombs were used to cause/create recent and ongoing catastrophic fires. Though laser and directed energy weapons do exist in some forms (, there is no documentation whatsoever to confirm any sky to ground laser / directed energy platform is even remotely capable of causing massive and instant vaporization of countless structures over vast expanses. If such instant and extreme destruction were to occur (from massive laser / energy beams, spiraling down from the sky in the middle of the night), they would certainly have been seen and documented by countless individuals. If such instant destruction technology does exist, and was used, why is there so much film footage of extreme wind and heat driven flames during the fires that caused structures to burn for hours? If “directed energy” weapons of this caliber and strength existed, and were used, CAL FIRE and thousands of residents would have to be a part of such a cover-up (which is completely implausible).  Again, though available data indicates that current laser technology could facilitate the ignition of ground fires from an airborne platform (any arsonist could do the same), there is no acknowledged technology that an airborne platform could completely and instantly "vaporize" structures in an instant flash of immense heat. There is absolutely no documentation of structures being instantly incinerated. Powerful lasers are ground based in massive facilities that require immense amounts of power, components, and personnel.

Something to consider, many are claiming that standing trees next to completely burned to the slab structures is proof of  "DEW" weapons. Why? It is claimed that highly flammable structures that have burned to the ground should not leave adjacent living trees that didn't burn to the ground. Is this accurate? First, lets examine and consider the historical photos below from the 1923  "Berkeley Fire". These images reveal exactly the same "standing trees next to burned to the slab homes" scenario that so many claim is proof of "directed energy weapons", the Berkeley Fire happened 37 years before the first primitive laser was even invented

The 1923 Berkeley fire aftermath exactly resembles current fire ravaged landscapes (including standing trees near burned to the slab structures).

Another image from the 1923 Berkeley Fire

The image above (also from the 1923 Berkeley Fire) is especially revealing in regard to the false claim that still standing trees adjacent to burned to the ground structures are "proof" of "directed energy weapons" (DEW). Again, the photo above was taken 37 years before the first primitive laser weapon was even invented. Unfortunately, sensationalized false narratives completely distract from and undermine the critical effort to expose and halt global climate engineering operations (which are verifiably a core causal factor fueling the exponential increase in, and ferocity of, global forest fires).

Historical videos of the 1923 Berkeley fire are even more revealing than the still photos of the event. Below are two short film footage clips of the historic Berkeley fire. This footage reveals structure fire behavior scenarios that are parallel to what is occurring today.

Many are further claiming that such structures are now burning at temperatures much hotter than a "normal" fire because of "DEW" weapons which it is claimed is the reason that the structure burned to the slab. Again, historical images prove structures have always "burned to the foundation" under extreme fire conditions (now made far worse by climate engineering). Does the "DEW" weapon extreme heat and vaporization narrative even make sense? If a structure was instantly vaporized by a some sort of laser weapon that delivered an extraordinary blast of incinerating heat to a dwelling, why would there still be standing trees anywhere near any structures that were incinerated in the manner described? If (as is being claimed) a "natural" fire would never have burned so hot, wouldn't that make it more likely to see standing trees next to a structure that was burned by expected combustion processes? In regard to the still standing trees near burned structures, more later in this report.

Again, though some have referred to technology (that does exist) for extremely powerful laser and plasma beams, emission can only be produced from a ground based source with access to extremely high levels of power. Any such powerful emission could not be produced from an overflying aircraft or a satellite. Even a full scale massive electrical power plant (that was somehow able to fly) could not even begin to produce such an emission. And consider this, the most powerful laser beams (that have been created under test conditions in ground facilities) only existed for a trillionth of a second, and was only 2 millimeters wide, thats it.  We must remember and consider that the California wind driven firestorms raged and spread for days over extensive areas.

We must also stop to consider all the converging factors that are fueling the firestorm cataclysms.  Record low fuel moisture contents (directly connected to climate engineering). Extreme and unpredictable wind conditions which can be directly connected to convection manipulation via jet aircraft dispersions of atmospheric aerosols (that are a core part of climate engineering operations). Accumulated incendiary dust (from climate engineering fallout) not only laying on the surface of forest foliage, but blowing in the winds around and above the fires. About the trees that are still standing in many photos of fire burn areas, green living trees are not prone to burning beyond the foliage and thinner branches. Larger living green trees will not fully incinerate (unlike dwellings that contain no imbedded fuel moisture). In the case of the Santa Rosa firestorms many of the trees were Redwoods which are extremely fire resistant. All should take the time to look up more information on this, here is one sample link, FYI

Redwood trees have very thick bark which has a lot of water inside it. They also DO NOT have any pitch inside the trunks which is a very flammable substance found in many other trees. Another factor that helps to make the redwood trees fireproof is the fact that they do not have any of the resins that other trees like pine and the sap that the tree contains is made up of a majority of water also adding to the fireproofing ability.

As already stated, other species of living and green trees would also not completely burn in the same manner as dried and fully cured building materials, not at all. Any that have ever tried to burn a completely green log in a fire will know this. Such a piece of “fuel” will not burn, the moisture is too impregnated in it. Ever put a paper cup filled with water in a fire? It, also, will not burn until the water boils out. The top of the cup burns down in pace with the water boiling out. Though the crowns of many pine species are, of course, highly combustible, the trunks and heavy branches are not (assuming the tree was alive when exposed to fire).

Back to the extreme heat and wind in these fires, like a bellows (or blower) for a forge, such extreme conditions can rapidly increase combustion and thus temperatures. Such extreme conditions and winds also scatter embers at unimaginable speed onto landscapes, into attics, eaves, etc, where the embers are fanned by the high winds into further combustion. Many older homes are built with extremely flammable materials (with eve and roof vents that DO NOT stop embers), and many even with wood sub-floors which provide even more fuel at the critical base of dwelling fires. Once sub-floors have been burned away, it would provide a cavity for some larger incombustible materials to fall into (such as porcelain sinks and toilets which extreme heat can also shatter).

Structure fires are much hotter and burn longer than a forest fire, and in many cases, what you find is a single home ignites and then like dominos falling other homes catch on fire. This is exactly what is occurred in California communities like Santa Rosa.

As homes in close proximity ignite, all of the natural gas and / or propane supplied to homes adds further fuel to the wind blown furnace flames. Once fully ablaze, one home can ignite those immediately adjacent to it from the radiant heat alone. Homes across a street could be far enough away to be spared. Also, in scenarios where one home was in ashes next to another that did not burn, fire crews may have been present and actively watering down homes that had not yet ignited. Again, some next to other homes that were fully ablaze. In regard to the many badly burned vehicles, none of those making the "directed energy weapons" claims have bothered to mention the obvious, vehicles all have fuel tanks that radically accelerate and heat fires once the vehicle is fully ablaze. Those that have ever seen the remains of a vehicle that has fully incinerated along the side of a highway know that such vehicles look exactly like those in the firestorms. 

I viewed a number of videos that show trees burning from the inside out, with some claiming this was proof of a laser weapon. This, also, is verifiably false. I have personally witnessed  this exact scenario dozens of times over years of controlled burns on my own habitat reserve land, and fighting on the front line of wildfires that have occurred with staggering frequency on and near my acreage on the east side of Lake Shasta.. Any ember that settles into a hollowed out and decaying tree trunk will start such a fire as those featured in videos claiming directed energy weapons were used. In several instances I have witnessed trees that had a rotted hollow at the base of the trunk which allowed air in, and embers. Once the rotted core ignited and burned up through the rotted center of the trees (completely rotted cores are now common in still living trees due to epidemic fungal infections in the forest), the trees  literally looked like a blow torch with flames shooting out from the top. Please, don't believe me about trees with rotting cores burning from embers being common, ask any wild land firefighter how many times they have witnessed this phenomenon, it is extremely common. About the extreme heat and wind blown fire scenarios, again, if and when the heat plum from a fire is blowing along at ground level, combustibles one side or another may not be very effected from the directional flow of flames and heat that is being pushed in a particular direction due to the powerful winds. I am speaking from personal experience, not from speculation.

Some videos claimed brick or rock walls on some sides of some homes had disappeared, all of the “before and after” photos I have seen of this showed veneer walls of brick or rock, not walls that were actually constructed of these materials. Some of the same circulating videos claim that glass or aluminum could not melt in a wildfire, also false. Anyone that has ever put bottle into a hot camp fire and left it in the core of hot coals all night knows better. The same with an aluminum can. And, again, to be clear, all the factors I mentioned in this report must be remembered. Yes, these fires are unprecedented, the heat and behavior is unprecedented, geoengineering is inarguably a major factor that set the stage. Fires are increasingly ignited in the worse possible locations at the worst possible times. Do these fires serve many agendas of those in power? Yes, absolutely, but we must still stand on solid ground with the data and conclusions we share with any breaking news story if we are to retain credibility.

I know many people who are now claiming no one died (and no one was injured) in Las Vegas, claiming that it was all staged. This narrative is also very harmful to the cause of credibility. I have a long term friendship with a former Green Beret who just lost two close colleagues in Las Vegas. Though the Las Vegas event also has countless unanswered questions, and appears to be anything but what official sources are telling us, people were injured and died. The notion that thousands of people, including emergency workers and hospitals, could all be in on some grand conspiracy theater, is not rational. Are we to believe that 9/11 was only a staged slaughter? That people did not die there? Let’s all remember that those in power do not care how many they kill (collateral damage) to accomplish their agenda. Are we to believe the power structure would go to unimaginable lengths to avoid killing anyone in the Las Vegas event? Such a conclusion is also not rational given what we know about the demeanor of those in power. Many of the sites and sources pushing the " laser beams / directed energy beams" created the fires” false narrative are also propagating the “Flat Earth” and “global warming is a hoax” false and highly discrediting narratives.

William Thomas, a former member of the U.S. Navy Reserves, author of Chemtrails Confirmed, and the reporter who broke the “chemtrails” story for Environment News Service in 1998, observes that smoke is the bane of atmospheric lasers. 

Directed-energy beams from military lasers are scattered and diffused by curtains of smoke, as well as water vapor (clouds) and rain.

And sandstorms. “Just look what happened during the U.S. invasion of Iraq when directed-energy sensors on aircraft, gunships and armor were shut down by blowing sand,” this author of Bringing The War Home wrote to geoengineeringwatch.

There is no way (unverified) space-based lasers could penetrate the smoke over the vast U.S. wildfires with enough focused energy remaining to light a campfire.

In the case of the “global warming is a hoax” disinformation, this is in fact exactly the false narrative that the power structure and the geoengineers want. Why would anyone who claims to be fighting climate engineering / geoengineering push this kind of disinformation? 

There is also the false and completely undocumented claim reporting  “water vapor machines” are producing all the moisture for storms. Again, this narrative is verifiably absurd.

Credibility is so very critical in the fight for the greater good. Logic, reason, and due diligence investigation must be a part of the equation, or hard earned credibility is completely sacrificed. The truth is more than alarming enough, we must make every effort to stand on solid and factual ground. Credibility is extremely difficult to earn, and so very easy to lose.

May be freely reprinted, so long as the text is unaltered, all hyperlinks are left intact, and credit for the article is prominently given to and the article’s author with a hyperlink back to the original story.

Rising Ocean Waters From Global Warming Could Cost Trillions Of Dollars


Source: The Guardian

We’ll need to mitigate and adapt to global warming to avoid massive costs from sea level rise.

Ocean waters are rising because of global warming. They are rising for two reasons. First, and perhaps most obvious, ice is melting. There is a tremendous amount of ice locked away in Greenland, Antarctica, and in glaciers. As the world warms, that ice melts and the liquid water flows to the oceans.

The other reason why water is rising is that warmer water is less dense – it expands. This expansion causes the surface of the water to rise.

Global Weather Modification Assault Causing Climate Chaos And Environmental Catastrophe


Dane Wigington

Global climate engineering encompasses many different aspects and processes. The consequences of the climate engineering insanity are already unquantifiable and growing by the day. Though each aspect of this subject is more than enough for an in depth article, there is often a need for more of an overall summary to pass on to those that are not aware of the broader picture.

What Major Factor Causing "Climate Change" Are They Not Telling Us About?

More alarming articles and studies are surfacing each day which confirm the rapidly changing state of Earth's life support systems and climate. Humanity has decimated the planet in countless ways and the repercussions are becoming catastrophic. Though there are certainly many parts to this unfolding story, the largest piece of the puzzle by far still goes completely unacknowledged by the entire scientific community and all of the main stream media / corporate / military / industrial complex. The massive elephant in the room has been, and still is, "stratospheric aerosol geoengineering" (SAG), AKA  "solar radiation management" (SRM).

Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, March 3, 2018, #134


Dane Wigington

The human race continues to hurtle toward total disaster on countless fronts, but, unfortunately, for many the shiny distractions of industrialized and militarized society are still too alluring to turn away from. Many claim agencies like NOAA are lying about the state of the climate, but is NOAA actually overstating the severity of climate collapse? Or is NOAA's narrative (which completely omits the climate engineering assault) a gross underestimate of how serious the situation is? How horrific does the weather whiplash have to become before the alarm bells of the masses go off? Will there be a “blue ocean” (ice free) event in the Arctic by September, 2018? Will the recent unexplained “sudden stratospheric warming” (SSM) further fuel the likelihood of an imminent “blue ocean” scenario? What are the global ramifications? What cards will the power structure play as the public is forced to awaken due to unfolding events? The latest installment of Global Alert News is below.

The current dominant mindset and behavior of our species is rapidly pushing us all toward mathematically certain near term total extinction (which draws closer with each passing day on the current course). If we are to wake the masses up in time to alter our trajectory, the effort will take all of us. Circulating credible and compelling data is critically important toward the task of waking others, make your voice heard.

This week's outreach booth is at the Del Mar Fairgrounds, Del Mar, California, and is shown below. My most sincere and continuing gratitude to the Gem Faire exhibition organizers for facilitating and setting up this very effective booth in every week's Gem Faire location. The schedule for upcoming Gem Faire events is HERE. A booth will be at all events, thanks to the steadfast support of Gem Faire.


We wish to express our most sincere gratitude to Roger and Lisa Firstenburger for their help with the distribution of Geoengineering Watch awareness materials at the Crossroads of the West Gun Show, February 24th and 25th, 2018, in Reno, Nevada.


Our deepest thanks to Kevin Hansen for setting up a Geoengineering Watch billboard on his own residence in Monmouth, Oregon.


‘Really Extreme’ Global Weather Event Leaves Scientists Aghast


Source: The Sydney Morning Herald

Climate scientists are used to seeing the range of weather extremes stretched by global warming but few episodes appear as remarkable as this week's unusual heat over the Arctic.

Zack Labe, a researcher at the University of California at Irvine, said average daily temperatures above the northern latitude of 80 degrees have broken away from any previous recordings in the past 60 years.

"To have zero degrees at the North Pole in February – it's just wrong," said Amelie Meyer, a researcher of ice-ocean interactions with the Norwegian Polar Institute. "It's quite worrying."

The so-called Polar Vortex – a zone of persistient low-pressure that typically keeps high-latitude cold air separate from regions further south – has been weakening for decades.

In this instance, "a massive jet of warm air" is penetrating north, sending a cold burst southwards, said Dr Meyer, who has relocated to Hobart to research on the southern hemisphere, and is hosted by Institute for Marine and Antarctic Studies.

Read the full article here:

The Ozone Layer Recovery Lie And Climate Engineering Denial, Both Are Breaking Down


Dane Wigington

Until recently official sources have pushed the patently false narrative that Earth's ozone layer was recovering, that blatant lie is now becoming impossible to maintain. Our planet's ozone layer is disintegrating, climate engineering is the single greatest causal factor (though no "official" source is yet willing to admit to the ongoing covert climate engineering atrocities).

Ozone layer is NOT recovering over some of Earth's most highly populated areas putting billions at risk of exposure to cancer-causing UV rays…

  • … scientists have now discovered ozone is failing to recover at lower latitudes

  • It is likely not recovering at latitudes between 60°N and 60°S

  • Researchers believe climate change is altering atmospheric circulation

(The UK Daily Mail, 2/6/2018)

Though some sources still claim there is limited ozone layer recovery over the polar regions, front line data from some of the same sources does not support such a conclusion. How many are even aware of the "Unprecedented Ozone Hole Over (the) Canadian Arctic" (that was first reported in 2011)? In regard to the UK Daily Mail statement that "Researchers believe climate change is altering atmospheric circulations", again, a lie. Geoengineering is the greatest single factor impacting atmospheric circulation patterns.

Ozone Layer Not Recovering Over Populated Areas, Scientists Warn

… the protective ozone is thinning at the lower latitudes, where the sunlight is stronger and billions of people live

(The Guardian, 2/6/2018)

Scientists Find That A Vital Part Of Earth’s Ozone Layer Is Not Healing As Expected

The rescue of the planet’s protective ozone layer has been hailed as one of the great success stories of modern environmental regulation — but on Monday, an international team of 22 scientists raised doubts about whether ozone is recovering as expected across much of the world.

(The Washington Post, 2/6/2018)

In May of 2014 reported on the record that geoengineering was destroying the ozone layer. Efforts to “debunk” our data based ozone layer collapse conclusions were again countered by Geoengineering Watch. During the last few years a number of attempts were made by mainstream sources to convince populations that the ozone layer was recovering, Geoengineering Watch again responded on the record that the “ozone recovery” narrative was (and is) completely false.  Mainstream and official sources have long since admitted that geoengineering programs "would" damage the ozone layer "if" geoengineering was deployed (though no official source will admit to the ongoing climate engineering reality).

We are being lied to on every level, and to a degree that cannot be truly comprehended. The ozone layer is not recovering, it is collapsing. Though there are countless anthropogenic factors negatively impacting Earth’s vital ozone layer, climate engineering / geoengineeering / solar radiation management is by far the single greatest factor fueling ozone layer collapse. To be clear, if the ozone layer completely collapses, all terrestrial life and most aquatic life will perish. How close could such a state be if we remain on the current course? We are perilously close, perhaps only a few years.

The “official denial” of climate engineering is also breaking down, the impacts of the ongoing geoengineering / solar radiation management assault are becoming all but impossible to hide in plain sight. 

The horrific environmental and climate decimation being created by climate engineering are far beyond catastrophic. Though there are countless forms of anthropogenic damage to the planet and the climate system, global geoengineering operations are mathematically the most destructive of all. If public apathy regarding the climate engineering assault remains, if academia continues to lie about the climate engineering reality, if climate engineering is allowed to continue, our days are numbered. Again, this is not speculation, theory, conjecture, or hypothesis, rather, it is a mathematical fact. Every single individual that is awake and aware is needed in the critical battle to sound the alarm. Sharing credible data from a credible source is most effective and efficient way to gain traction in this battle. Make your voice heard while it can still make a difference.

May be freely reprinted, so long as the text is unaltered, all hyperlinks are left intact, and credit for the article is prominently given to and the article’s author with a hyperlink back to the original story.

California Firestorms: Geoengineered Catastrophe


Dane Wigington

Yet another round of extreme firestorm catastrophes are hitting California. Like the recent Santa Rosa fire disaster, the current wildfires are verifiably connected to conditions created by the ongoing global climate engineering assault. The geoengineering cabal is becoming more desperate by the day as the biosphere and climate unraveling accelerates exponentially. The 6 minute video below reveals aspects of the climate engineering assault and its connection to the California firestorms.

Though many have been falsely led to believe that last winter's rain in California erased and eliminated the drought, this could not be further from the truth. Last summer was the hottest and driest on record in countless locations of the US West. The following quote is from the Los Angeles fire department chief:

“Brush burning index is 296. This is the highest number I've ever seen in my career. The threshold for this rating is 165. Monday I said that to the Mayor, this is the highest rating I'd ever seen.”

Geoengineering operations are not only cutting off precipitation from the US West and destroying the ozone layer globally, the desiccant particulates from the fallout create an incendiary dust that coats foliage and structures.

Below are two shocking photos from the current Southern California fires.


Flames consume a home on Via Arroyo as a wildfire rages in Ventura, Ca, Dec. 5, 2017. AP Photo/Noah Berger


Smoke rises behind a leveled apartment complex as a wildfire burns in Ventura, Ca, Dec. 5, 2017. AP Photo/Noah Berger

While California continues to go up in flames, regions of the Canadian Arctic and Greenland have recently been basking in record warm temperatures nearly 60 degrees above normal.  At the same time that record heat is occurring in the polar regions and elsewhere, snow is forecasted (scheduled) to fall as far south as Chihuahua, Mexico (2017 also saw record low ice at BOTH poles). The climate engineers will continue to use patented chemical ice nucleation processes to fuel ever more extreme weather whiplash scenarios. The climate engineers are manufacturing the illusion of winter in some regions while overall global temperatures continue to soar toward a runaway scenario.


The extremely anomalous jet stream configuration shown in The Weather Channel's "forecast" map above (scheduled weather) are meteorologically unprecedented. Climate engineering can create short term surface cool-downs at the cost of an even worse overall planetary warming.

The departure from normal high temperature map below reveals the engineered weather whiplash scenarios being created by the geoengineers. The extremely anomalous sea surface temperature division line, wrapping around the Gulf of Mexico and up the East Coast of the US, is shocking. The anomalous hot and cold zones throughout the North American continent are yet another harbinger of the climate intervention operations and the weather whiplash scenarios they are creating.


It is important to remember and consider that all the temperatures reflected in the map above (and temperatures being reported by weather news sources) are surface readings. Commercial and private pilots (that are communicating with are reporting ONLY far above normal temperature readings at altitude. The climate engineered chemical cool-down zones occupy only a shallow layer of air at the Earth's surface.

The gravity and immediacy of the changes currently unfolding around us cannot be overstated. What we face on the near term horizon are nothing less than existential threat. How can we make a difference for the better? How can we individually affect the equation? By doing our individual part to fully expose climate engineering. If we can expose it, we can stop it. How can we effectively and efficiently wake others up to the climate engineering assault? By sharing credible data from a credible source. Reaching a critical mass of awareness is the only way forward, make your voice heard.

May be freely reprinted, so long as the text is unaltered, all hyperlinks are left intact, and credit for the article is prominently given to and the article’s author with a hyperlink back to the original story.

Are We Headed For Near-Term Human Extinction?


Source: Now Toronto

Recent studies suggest it is irresponsible to rule out the possibility after last week's "warning to humanity" from more than 15,000 climate change scientists

Ozone Layer Collapse, A Former NASA Contract Engineer Warns Of Planetary Omnicide


Dane Wigington

We are told by “official” sources that the ozone layer is recovering, that we have nothing to worry about. This narrative is being pushed by power structure controlled agencies in order to pacify the public until the last possible moment. How close is that moment? If we remain on the current course, anthropogenic activities (with climate engineering at the top of the list) may completely destroy the ozone layer within the next decade or less. Without the ozone layer, all terrestrial life on Earth (and most aquatic life) will perish. The “official” sources who tell us climate engineering isn’t happening, who tell us that we are only seeing "condensation trail" grid patterns in our skies,  are the same agencies telling us the ozone layer is getting better. Yet, the increasing intensity of UV radiation can be felt on the skin, on surfaces, is scorching foliage and tree trunks, and is sunburning whales and fish. The increasingly intense UV radiation from the disintegrating ozone layer can and is being metered by experts in the field. In the video below, a former NASA contract engineer discusses the immense and immediate UV radiation dangers we face from the disintegrating ozone layer which he is personally metering with state of the art equipment supplied through 

Though the official ozone layer “recovery” lie is still being propagated, some sources are acknowledging reality as the truth becomes ever more difficult to hide.

Much more geoengineering / ozone destruction supporting data is listed below. We must remember and consider that mainstream media sources are not yet willing to admit that illegal climate engineering programs are real, ongoing, and the single largest component of the ozone collapse scenario we collectively face.

Something Might Be Keeping The Ozone Layer From Healing Itself.

Certain chemicals chewed a hole in Earth's ozone layer. But regulating those substances doesn't seem to have made much difference. ….it's not showing any signs of recovering….

BBC Science & Environment

Ozone layer recovery could be delayed by 30 years

Again, this article by the BBC (and many others) make no mention whatsoever of the single greatest ozone destroying factor of all, covert climate engineering / weather warfare global assault.

Science: Geo-engineering scheme damages the ozone layer

An injection of sulfur large enough to compensate for surface warming caused by the doubling of atmospheric CO2 would strongly increase the extent of Arctic ozone depletion during the present century for cold winters and would cause a considerable delay, between 30 and 70 years.

Stratospheric Injections To Counter Global Warming Could  Damage Ozone Layer

The new study concluded that, over the next few decades, hypothetical artificial injections of sulfates likely would destroy between about one fourth to three fourths of the ozone layer above the Arctic.

Yet more acknowledgement of Geoengineering's effect on the ozone layer is below:

Increasing UV radiation from ozone layer depletion:

Stratospheric aerosol injection (climate engineering side effects)

Main article: Stratospheric sulfur aerosols § Effects

Climate engineering and solar radiation management in general are controversial, and pose various problems and risks. However, certain problems are specific to, or more pronounced with this particular technique.[23]

  • Ozone depletion: is a potential side effect of sulfur aerosols;[24][25] and these concerns have been supported by modelling.[26] However, this may only occur if high enough quantities of aerosols drift to, or are deposited in, Polar stratospheric clouds before the levels of CFCs and other ozone destroying gases fall naturally to safe levels because stratospheric aerosols, together with the ozone destroying gases, are responsible for ozone depletion.[27]

  • Whitening of the sky: Stratospheric aerosols have the potential to whiten the sky and cause more colorful sunsets, dependent on the amount being sprayed.[28] According to a study on cleaner air, resulting solar brightening has been responsible for an increase in corn production over the past 30 years.[29]

  • Tropopause warming: and the humidification of the stratosphere.[25]

  • Regional warming: Based on the results of the 2014-2015 Geoengineering Model Intercomparison Project, a model with a standard stratospheric aerosol injection scenario, temperatures in the tropics would cool, and higher latitudes warm, ice sheet, and Arctic sea ice decline would still continue, albeit at a reduced rate. Extreme temperature anomalies would also still increase, but to a lesser degree. In regards to these model results, the author of the study Alan Robock noted:

If geoengineering were halted all at once, there would be rapid temperature and precipitation increases at 5–10 times the rates from gradual global warming.[30]

  • Stratospheric temperature change: Aerosols can also absorb some radiation from the Sun, the Earth and the surrounding atmosphere. This changes the surrounding air temperature and could potentially impact on the stratospheric circulation, which in turn may impact the surface circulation.[31]

  • Regional hydrologic responses: Based on the results of the Geoengineering Model Intercomparison Project, there would be a reduction in the global average precipitation around the world, particularly in summer monsoon regions.[30]

If UV radiation had gone “off the charts”, what might it do to aquatic life forms? Let's start with global plankton populations, the foundation for life on earth. Even NASA says high UV radiation would be extremely harmful for these microscopic organisms.

So how are plankton populations doing?

Krill population decline (krill feed on phytoplankton):

And another review article:

How plankton decline impacts the ocean food chain:

What about our larger ocean life forms, is the increasingly intense UV radiation affecting them?

Excessive UV damage to marine life:

Whales getting sunburnt:

UV radiation and tree damage:

 Are we seeing problems with trees?

 What would excessive ozone depletion and increase UV radiation do to us?

 Is there northern hemisphere ozone depletion that we are not being told about by mainstream media? 

Previous Geoengineering Watch reports on ozone layer destruction and climate engineering are below:

Global power structures are increasingly desperate to keep populations from panicking as the biosphere collapse accelerates. The recent “ozone layer is recovering” official agency false narrative is a blatant example of the Orwellian world lies and deception we now find ourselves in. We must think for ourselves, we must do objective investigation, we must examine the frontline facts for ourselves, and we must use credible and verifiable data to form our conclusions that we share with others.

May be freely reprinted, so long as the text is unaltered, all hyperlinks are left intact, and credit for the article is prominently given to and the article’s author with a hyperlink back to the original story.

Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, June 3, 2017


Dane Wigington

Mandatory vaccination laws are forcing Californians to subject their children to toxic injections. When will parents stand their ground and protect their children? Sweden is banning mandatory vaccinations while Japan is banning some vaccinations altogether, what is wrong in the US? What is the real bottom line with Trump's pull out of the Paris climate accord? What is the state of the biosphere? A recently released study states that geoengineering "could" trigger mass global extinction, are we already there? A 2000 square mile iceberg is about to break off of Antarctica, what happens with the land based ice once that occurs? The latest report on the Great Barrier reef is the worst possible news. On the geopolitical front, McCain and the rest of the war hawks are rabidly pushing the false propaganda to trigger WWlll in the coming months, will they succeed? The latest installment of Global Alert News is below.

Taking a stand for the greater good is far easier when we resolve ourselves to fully face what is unfolding around us. When we let go of what we imagined would be, and accept what is, we can then be truly effective in this most critical effort.

This week's outreach booth is at the Expo Square, Tulsa, Oklahoma, and is shown below. My most sincere and continuing gratitude to the Gem Faire exhibition organizers for facilitating and setting up this very effective booth in every week's Gem Faire location. The schedule for upcoming Gem Faire events is HERE. A booth will be at all events, thanks to the steadfast support of Gem Faire.


Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, April 15, 2017


Dane Wigington

Even the most ardent deniers of unpleasant realities are having difficulty maintaining their delusion and willful blindness. Anyone that summons the courage to honestly and objectively examine the wider horizon cannot avoid concluding that the current paradigm will not continue for much longer. The fossil fuel industry is being supplemented by over 5 trillion annually, the military industrial juggernaut of destruction continues to bomb and contaminate what is yet left of ocean life in the Eastern Pacific, while the US military prepares to invade Syria. Rising seas are causing increasing difficulties for coastal cities as record numbers of icebergs from the imploding Arctic are clogging some northern shipping lanes. As has been stated so many times on my previous broadcasts, biosphere implosion will fuel power structure desperation toward WWIIl. The latest installment of Global Alert News is below.

This broadcast was taped 5 days ahead of schedule due to my out of state attendance at an important awareness event. Some recent breaking events not covered in this broadcast will be woven together in my next program. All of us are needed at the front-line of the battle to sound the alarm, every day counts.

This week's outreach booth is at the Lane County Events Center, Eugene, Oregon, and is shown below. My most sincere and continuing gratitude to the Gem Faire exhibition organizers for facilitating and setting up this very effective booth in every week's Gem Faire location. The schedule for upcoming Gem Faire events is HERE. A booth will be at all events, thanks to the steadfast support of Gem Faire.





Photos of this week's Geoengineering Watch booth at the Gem Faire event which I attended.

Rate Of Ocean Warming Quadrupled Since Late 20th Century, Study Reveals



The buildup of heat-trapping greenhouse gases is warming the upper ocean four times faster than during the period 1960-1990, according to new research.

The paper, published today in the journal Science Advances, is the latest effort to piece together current and historical measurements from ships, self-propelled floats, satellites and even seals to get a global picture of how the oceans are faring under rising temperatures.

Since the 1990s, more heat is finding its way to the deep ocean and there has been no change of pace in ocean warming since 1998, compared with the previous decade, the paper notes.

The study marks a step forward, but the authors say they are concerned about the future of ocean science, given the political climate in the US. Dr John Abraham, professor of thermal sciences at the University of St Thomas in Minnesota and co-author on the paper, tells Carbon Brief:

“We are seeing dramatic cuts planned for climate science. There is every reason to expect these cuts will include ocean-sensing systems.”

Climate Engineering, Cooling Wealthy Nations While Poorer Countries Incinerate


Dane Wigington

How is it possible that the abrupt climate shift unfolding on our planet is not creating nearly as much heat in wealthy nations as compared to poor countries? This, now statistically proven scenario, is yet another glaring red flag to confirm the ongoing global climate engineering insanity being carried out by militarized / industrialized nations. Highly toxic and environmentally devastating global geoengineering programs are a primary tool and weapon of the more powerful nations. The worldwide weather modification assault has been used to confuse and divide populations in regard to the true state of the climate and the true extent of the threat that we collectively face. The ongoing effort by the climate engineers to mask the full degree of climate damage from first world populations has been aggressive and consistent. 99

Geoengineered skies, Šiauliai, Lithuania. Photo credit: Zenonas Mockus

Recent studies have now proven that a completely unnatural global temperature scenario is taking place which would not be possible without the existence of ongoing climate intervention programs. Temperatures in high income nations are rising at a far slower rate than low income nations

Based on an average of three data reanalyses, the researchers found the percentage of hot days each year in low-income countries rose from a base of 10 per cent – or 37 days – during the 1961-90 base period to 22 per cent – or 80 days – by 2010.By contrast, rich nations had the percentage of hot days rise much slower, from 10 per cent to 15 per cent, or 37 to 55 days.

Click image to enlarge


These graphs show an astoundingly unnatural scenario which is virtually impossible without massive climate intervention programs.

"It's not good for low-income or high-income countries but it's particularly worse for the low-income countries as they are the ones which can least afford to adapt," (Dr. Nicholas Harold from the Climate Change Research Center at the University of New South Whales).

Poorer nations typically have far smaller accumulated or annual per-capita greenhouse gas emissions than industrialised ones. With the uneven warming trends likely to continue, poor nations have a case for demanding rich world assistance to cope with climate change… Poor countries have "contributed the least, but in terms of temperature effects, they will suffer the most". 


"A Somaliland goat herder besides the carcasses of some of his last remaining animals, which had just starved to death" (Ashley Hamer/VICE News)

Even within the boundaries of wealthy nations, the climate engineering signature of completely out of balance temperature contrasts are clearly visible. Geoengineered weather whiplash continues to batter the US (and other nations) with historically unprecedented abrupt temperature swings and shockingly stark temperature boundaries.

Click image to enlarge


Each color tier in the NOAA long-lead forecast map above (the scheduled weather) represents a temperature departure from normal of 3-4 degrees (blues for below, reds for above). Temperatures 25 or 30 degrees above normal will persist in regions of the southern US while incoming Pacific moisture will continue to be chemically ice nucleated to cool down the Pacific Northwest.

Antarctic sea ice extent has been commonly referred to by "global warming is a hoax" disinformation sources as "proof" that the planet is not warming. The latest sea ice data from Antarctica is reflected in the graph below. The sea ice at the bottom of the world is at record low levels and still plunging. Geoengineering can and is creating short term highly toxic cool-downs at the cost of an even worse overall warming and an accelerated climate disintagration.

Click image to enlarge


The ice levels at both poles is at record low levels.

In the graph below a slight statistical decline of global temperatures can be seen after the peak warm year of 1945. This 30 year temperature "hiatus" from 1945 to 1975 perplexed climate scientists that were unaware of the geoengineering / solar radiation management programs that had been deployed just after WWll.

Click image to enlarge


As the countless negative consequences of climate engineering began to manifest in the mid to late 70's (and the greenhouse gas buildup continued), the military industrial complex simply doubled down on the geoengineering insanity. They have been doing so ever since.

Though there are countless forms of anthropogenic damage to the planet, climate engineering is the single most destructive of all (short of nuclear cataclysm). What can we do to expose and halt the global geoengineering assault? Each of us can do a great deal to help with advancing this most critical cause, but we must all take action if we are to have any chance of changing directions. Click HERE for more input on what you can do to help.

May be freely reprinted, so long as the text is unaltered, all hyperlinks are left intact, and credit for the article is prominently given to and the article’s author with a hyperlink back to the original story.

Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, March 4, 2017


Dane Wigington

What is president Trump's part in the play? Was his election truly an unexpected blow to the power structure? Or was Trump's victory simply another chapter of the ongoing shadow government script? The military industrial complex is making preparations for WWlll as the human race accelerates toward total societal collapse. The ongoing biosphere implosion is crossing new boundaries on many fronts with research teams in Antarctica being evacuated. New mainstream media headlines admit that the HAARP ionosphere heater installation is heating Alaskan skies. The toxic geoengineered chemical ice nucleation cool-downs continue, though thousands of all time high global heat records have already been set this year. What circles of our society bear the greatest burden for the unfolding insanity? The latest installment of Global Alert News is below.

The reluctance of the masses to face reality truly defies reason, but very soon, there will be no more room for denial. It is essential for us all to continue sowing the seeds of awareness. The sooner populations are fully awakened to our common plight, the more we may yet have to salvage.

This week's outreach booth is at the Del Mar Fairgrounds, Del Mar, California, and is shown below. My most sincere and continuing gratitude to the Gem Faire exhibition organizers for facilitating and setting up this very effective booth in every week's Gem Faire location. The schedule for upcoming Gem Faire events is HERE. A booth will be at all events, thanks to the steadfast support of Gem Faire.


USA Watchdog News Site Covers Critical Climate Engineering Issue


Greg Hunter is a highly respected veteran news reporter who has worked for many major news networks in the past.  Greg continues to make his voice heard as the producer and creator of The site's slogan is "analyzing the news to give you a clear picture of what's really going on". Unlike those in the corporate media propaganda circles, Greg has the courage to thoroughly  address the most critical issues that most of his peers are afraid to even mention. In the article and video below USAWatchdog helps to shine the light on the extremely dire issue of global climate engineering and the planetary devastation it is causing. The sixteen minute video in Greg Hunter's article below is the latest update from USA Watchdog on the critical climate engineering issue.
Dane Wigington

Weather Warfare Biggest Threat to Life on Earth – Dane Wigington

Source: USA Watchdog, article by Greg Hunter

Geoengineering researcher Dane Wigington says the number one threat facing humanity is extreme weather modification (being sold as a mitigation measure) to cool the planet.  It’s being done by geoengineering (commonly known as chemtrails) and it must be stopped now because it’s having the opposite effect. Wigington says all climate engineering is really just “weather warfare” and explains, “How long can humans survive without habitat?  If we have an issue that is mathematically the greatest single assault launched by the human race against earth’s natural life support system, why wouldn’t we deal with that first and foremost above anything else?” 445

Geoengineered skies, Phoenix, Arizona. Photo credit: Josh Schultz

One scientific report shows that, at the current rate, life as we know it could end in 10 years. Dane contends, “That is not my data. That data is coming from the most recognized frontline arctic methane climate scientists.  Methane is an issue that is also not being reported.  That is the linchpin on our collective coffin if the atmosphere fills with enough methane.  I don’t want to downplay the damage done to the planet because we have cut down over half of Earth’s forests, we’ve poisoned the oceans, we’ve paved the planet and those are all significant sources of damage, but the single greatest assault on Earth’s natural systems at this time is climate engineering.  When we have that kind of engineering going on, it prevents the planet from responding to the damage done.”

Dane goes on to say, “The power structure knows this is going on, and they know they can’t hide it much longer. What’s their likely hole card that they will play when they know they can’t hide it any longer?  They’ll start World War III, and they are maneuvering for that right now.”

Dane also points out the phenomenon called “weather whiplash,” where it is hot one day and snowing the next, as it did recently in New York. Wigington says this is all being covered up to keep the public in the dark for as long as they can.  Wigington says, “We have the paid liars, and I wish I could use a more diplomatic term.  For example, The Weather Channel is owned by the corporate power structure. . . . We have the foxes running the hen house.  We have people at The Weather Channel trying to explain away the completely engineered weather as natural.  At this point, can we call them anything but paid liars?  With “weather whiplash,” people should understand that something is radically wrong in New York when more than a week ago, we went from record shattering high temperatures to snow in less than 24 hours. . . . This kind of “weather whiplash” can only be created by climate engineering.”

In closing, Wigington says, “We are facing converging cataclysms. When people focus on jobs, economy and retirement, how much will any of that matter if we have a planet that doesn’t support life?  If we lose our habitat and every breath we take is full of toxic heavy metal that is making us sicker and dumber by the day . . . . And my only goal is to bring this issue to light and to a halt.  We know we have major collusion between all the major powers in the world on this issue.  The single biggest leap we can take in the right direction is to expose and stop weather engineering which is weather warfare, and stop these programs in their tracks.”

Join Greg Hunter as he goes One-on-One with Dane Wigington, Founder of

(There is much more in the video interview.)

After the Interview: 

Dane Wigington has jam packed with information, numerous sources and articles to back up his points. Wigington sent me a few links that reinforce the points he brought up in this interview, and you can click on them below.

You can also donate to, and that information can be found at the top right hand side of their homepage.

Source: USA Watchdog, article by Greg Hunter

Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, February 11, 2017


Dane Wigington

The relentless courage and dedication of the VAXXED group continues to expand the wave of vaccine danger awareness. More and more populations around the globe are going hungry, how is it that the grocery shelves in the US are always completely stocked? Where is all this food coming from? Dementia and Alzheimer's mortality rates have gone exponential. The chemically engineered winter storms in the US continue in spite of record shattering high temperatures. The Arctic pushes 60 degrees above normal while being battered by a category 4 equivalant cyclone. Australia is suffering in a heat wave that experts have called "horrifying". Locusts are devouring the food crops in Bolivia's heartland, an official state of emergency has been declared. And there is Fukushima, every time it seems it can't get any worse, it does. Nearly 500 whales have beached themselves in New Zealand, is this heartbreaking tragedy the result of US/NATO/fossil fuel industry seismic activities in the region? The latest installment of Global Alert News is below.

For many, the darker the horizon grows, the deeper their denial manifests. Each of us must struggle against such a tendency. We are not helpless, we are not without a voice, but we must choose to fully utilize it, no matter how ominous the gathering storm appears to be.

Environmental Collapse And The Unravelling Of Civilization


Even now the vast majority of first world nation populations are completely oblivious to the unfolding environmental cataclysms that are closing in from every side. This unimaginable blindness is, unfortunately, willful in most cases.The majority choose to accept any power structure paid for propaganda, disinformation, and lies of omission, that enforces their comfort zones. A societal epidemic of normalcy bias also fuels the near total lack of wider horizon comprehension. Denial of reality does not alter reality, this fact will soon enough be clear to all those that have so far chosen not to objectively investigate frontline truths. Fully facing unimaginably dire realities is difficult, but true solace and a true sense of purpose cannot be found any other way. The report below is a harsh dose of reality, but, if we are to have any chance of altering the course of certain omnicide which we are currently on, we must look through a clear lens and face reality head-on. As dire as the report below may seem, it would be even worse if the critical issue of climate engineering was also addressed (which it is not).
Dane Wigington

Extinction Is The End Game

Source: Collapse of Industrial Civilization

Civilizations are living organisms striving to survive and develop through predictable stages of birth, growth, maturation, decline and death. An often overlooked factor in the success or failure of civilizations are cultural memes—the knowledge, beliefs, and behaviors passed down from generation to generation. Cultural memes are a much more significant driver of human evolution than genetic evolution. Entire civilizations have been weeded out when their belief system proved maladaptive to a changing environment. One such cultural meme holding sway over today’s governments, institutions, and society is our economic system of capitalism. The pillars of capitalism represent a belief system so ingrained in today’s culture that they form a sort of cargo cult amongst its adherents. Cargo cults are any of the various Melanesian religious groups which focused on obtaining material wealth(manufactured Western goods that came on cargo ships) through magical thinking, religious rituals and practices. Today the term “cargo cult” is used to describe a wide variety of phenomena that involve superficial imitation of a process or system in order to fabricate a successful outcome without even the basic understanding of its mechanism.

The tenets of capitalism are ritually followed in the proclaimed belief that “a rising tide lifts all boats”, i.e. so-called improvements in the general economy will benefit all participants in that economy. Centuries of unbridled capitalism have demonstrated beyond any doubt that it does not lift all boats. A new study finds that half of Americans are “shut off from economic growth”. The rules of the game are so stacked against the masses that this week a professor said“only all-out thermonuclear war might fundamentally reset the existing distribution of resources.” Capitalism’s imperative for expansion, growing profit levels, and efficiency has ultimately dehumanized our culture. Not even when our basic life support systems are being torn asunder do the vast majority question the path we are on. We are all a captive audience to the system and those few dissident voices are snuffed out under the wheels of “progress”.


Truth be told, the corporate elite have long written off all those people living hand to mouth. Trump’s pick for Labor Secretary said, unlike workers, machines are “always polite, they always upsell, they never take a vacation, they never show up late, there’s never a slip-and-fall, or an age, sex, or race discrimination case.” Massive global unemployment resulting from the automation revolution has not yet been addressed by governments. Roughly half of all jobs in the U.S. are at risk of automation and two-thirds in the developing countries. This is all coming at a time when humans are fast destroying the ecosystems underpinning the very foundation upon which human civilization has developed over thousands of years. Mass migration of climate refugees will only further destabilize governments, stoke ethnic and cultural tensions, and give rise to fascist political movements. No conspiracy is needed to exterminate the “useless eaters”, just allow mother nature to take its course and climate change will be killing billions by mid century. Those in military planning know this and periodically express their fear of what is coming, but business-as-usual rolls on.

Capitalism’s constant impetus to shift costs, risks, and burdens off industry and onto the environment and society carries on under the guise of “being more competitive”. It’s a way of externalizing costs to maximize profit and if these costs were truly taken into account, none of the world’s top industries would be profitable(Interestingly, the link to this study has been scrubbed from the internet). It’s the height of magical thinking to put so much faith in some mystical “invisible hand of the free market” to solve existential threats such as an ever-widening wealth gap and the wholesale destruction of planetary life-support systems. There is no benevolent “invisible hand” turning individual self-interest into the common good. The primary mandate of capitalism is to protect and grow capital. The “invisible hand” is just a bunch of people scrambling to make as much money as possible, not caring or oblivious to those they hurt in the process. F**k the invisible hand of the market. The invisible hand of mother nature will punish those who squander Earth’s rich but finite resources.

It’s been clear for some time that we have past the point of no return, triggering multiple tipping points in Earth’s living systems. New findings are continually confirming scientists’ worst nightmares. A key glacier in the Antarctic that holds back 10 feet of sea level rise was just described as breaking apart from the inside out. In other grim news, the long feared carbon bomb has now been quantified and is projected to release the emissions equivalent of an industrial country like the U.S. in the next few decades, prompting researchers to say that “climate change may be considerably more rapid than we thought it was.” Biodiversity loss is another critical threshold we have breeched: “New research shows that local extinctions have already occurred in 47% of the 976 plant and animal species studied.” A new study also reveals that the planet’s tallest animal is facing extinction after its numbers have plummeted in recent years, with the ominous warning that “many species are slipping away before we can even describe them.” Forests are being wiped out by armies of invasive insects. Because of a rapidly changing climate and the vast scale of the problem, the idea that reforestation will somehow save us is a pipe dream. Those forests won’t stay healthy enough to serve as carbon sinks and besides, seven times Earth’s land area would need to be in cultivation in order to reduce the planet’s atmospheric CO2 level down to 350ppm.


Note that the Permian Mass extinction is estimated to have happened anywhere over the course of 200,000 years to 15 million years. The current 6th mass extinction is happening orders of magnitude faster due to a multitude of factors including deforestation, habitat fragmentation, chemical pollution, poaching, etc., making this current disaster very unique in Earth’s history:

The team of geologists and biologists say that our current extinction crisis is unique in Earth’s history due to four characteristics: the spread of non-native species around the world; a single species (us) taking over a significant percentage of the world’s primary production; human actions increasingly directing evolution; and the rise of something called the technosphere. – Link

Perhaps the fate of humans was written in stone once we stood upright and developed tools. To a large degree, modern technology has been an expression of the energy-dense hydrocarbon fuels we discovered and are not willingly giving up anytime soon. Once fossil fuels ignited the Industrial Revolution and the Haber–Bosch process unleashed the human population bomb, nothing could stop the deadly carbon consumption feedback loop, not even decades of scientific warnings.

From a throwback to our primate ancestors, modern humans have been hard-wired to ignore threats that are not immediate or local; global ecological overshoot(of which climate is just one aspect) is imperceptible to the real-time cognitive processing of humans and represents the ultimate under-the-radar threat able to undermine our reasoning and response:

Psychological concepts of how we view the world around us, including ‘creeping normalcy’ or ‘landscape amnesia’, block day-to-day comprehension of what accelerating human activities represent—whether it is human population, the number of dammed rivers, forest destruction, or the impact of motor car emissions in a timespan that is geologically brief. Creeping normalcy refers to slow trends concealed in noisy fluctuations that people get used to without comment, while landscape amnesia describes forgetting how different the landscape looked 20–50 years ago (Diamond 2005: 425).

In his study of how societies fail, biogeographer Jared Diamond calls global warming a pre-eminent example of a ‘slow trend concealed by wide up and down fluctuations’ (2005: 425). He likens the denial of climate change impacts by leading politicians, including former US president George W. Bush (and his contemporary John Howard in Australia), in the late 1990s and early 2000s to the elite of ‘the medieval Greenlanders [who] had similar difficulties recognizing that their climate was gradually becoming colder, and the Maya and Anasazi (in Central and North America) [who] had trouble discerning that theirs was becoming drier’ (2005: 425). – link

We evolved to react to imminent dangers, not slow-rolling and seemingly invisible catastrophes as an unintended consequence of our cushy lifestyle. From lofty corporate boardrooms to the filthy streets of skid row, the mass of humanity is following the same biological script of overshoot and collapse seen in every organism from bacteria to reindeer herds. Fossil fuels only enabled the destruction to multiply a million-fold, culminating in one final and spectacular explosion of human activity that will leave the planet nearly barren for eons.

Open-ended growth appears to be inherent in nature, all the way from the DNA to the arthropods to mammals, including humans. Open-ended growth is the psychology of a cancer cell. I am not sure I know of a species which has learnt how to limit its own growth. Unfortunately species which transcend their environmental resources can hardly survive – the final arbiter of the climate impasse will be nature itself. ~ Andrew Glikson, Earth and paleo-climate scientist, Australian National University

The beauty and wonder of this planet is being trashed by a naked ape whose cleverness in tool-building has far outstripped his ability to handle it in any restrained or judicious manner. Nature’s rich book of life is being pancaked into a cheap, crumpled comic book.


Add in the development of mass consumerism, planned obsolescence, and the hypnosis of corporate-sponsored TV and you have a passive, malleable population happily marching towards the slaughterhouse. It’s fitting, then, that the masses would be swindled by a megalomaniac bankruptcy artist who dabbled in Reality TV. Every one of Trump’s cabinet picks is a big middle finger in the faces of those who fell for his pseudo-populist rhetoric: billionaires, Wall Street sharks, Goldman Sachs alumni, and hardcore laissez-faire capitalists chomping at the bit to deregulate, monetize, and privatize every last bit of what remains. The allure of capitalism has always been that you’re just one lucky break away from becoming one of those fat cats, if only someone would give you a chance. A prescient observation by Ugo Bardi from earlier this year:

Trump is a symptom of the ongoing breakdown of the social pact…capitalizing on this breakdown by…playing on the attempt of the white (former) middle class to maintain at least some of its previous prosperity and privileges. Trump is…an unavoidable consequence of resource depletion. – Link

The bottom line is that a swing towards authoritarianism happens when resources become scarce. Climate change is simply a symptom of humans overshooting the planet’s carrying capacity. Free market ideologues are nearly always climate ‘skeptics’ because acknowledging the reality of human-induced climate change would be an admission that industry must be curtailed or controlled. Left-leaning people nearly always accept the science because it goes along with their criticisms of capitalism which externalizes social and environmental costs for the benefit of just a few at the top of the economic hierarchy. Thus we see parasitic Trump surrounding himself with right-wing, climate denying, fossil fuel corporatists and insiders who will be doing everything in their power to dismantle health and environmental regulations including privatizing social services which are barriers to capitalist expansion.

To be blunt, our chance of developing a sustainable culture passed us by a long time ago. People will try to adapt until they cannot, and myths will be created to explain away harsh realities. A dystopic future in all its horrific glory has arrived: baked-in biospheric collapse, the inherent and irreconcilable contradictions of techno-capitalism, a dysfunctional political system unable to come to terms with root causes, and the cognitive dissonance of the masses blind to the bigger picture. Our numbers are not a safeguard from extinction.

Source: Collapse of Industrial Civilization

Climate Engineering Denial In The Face Of Planetary Meltdown


Dane Wigington

So many circles in academia have completely betrayed the populations of the world and, indeed, the planet as a whole. Even now, as Earth continues to free-fall into what is already a runaway warming scenario (mathematically speaking), the ongoing blatant global climate engineering assault goes completely unacknowledged by the whole of the climate science/meteorological community. 


Hampshire, UK. Photo credit: Marcus William Biggs​

Though the climate science/meteorological community officially denies the rationally undeniable climate engineering reality (that is so clearly visible and occurring in skies all over the globe), individuals within these same science circles refuse to deny the geoengineering reality on the record. In a recent survey of almost 1500 scientists, not a single scientist was wiling to deny on the record that climate engineering/solar radiation management, stratospheric aerosol injection, cloud albedo enhancement had already been deployed. In summary, not one of almost 1500 scientists was willing to deny (on the record) the climate engineering atrocities in our skies.

2016 has just been officially confirmed as the warmest year on record, by far. 2016 is the third record shattering warm year in a row. We have now passed over 30 consecutive years of above normal temperatures on planet Earth, and even now, individuals from the climate science/meteorological communities are actively propagating the blatant lie that climate engineering/solar radiation management will save us from planetary incineration (which geoengineering is making far worse, not better). All available data proves beyond reasonable doubt that  illegal, immoral, and unimaginably destructive climate engineering programs have been fully deployed for over 70 years. Yet, the official denial of ongoing geoengineering continues to be pumped out from the circles of academia. A case in point is a recent article titled "Solar Geoengineering Is The Terrible Idea That Just Might Save Us". Below are excepts from that article that clearly reveal the total deception that is being propagated by so many academicians. 

There are serious scientists in the world right now who believe that a last-ditch effort to save the planet from the worst consequences of global warming could include a bold plan to inject massive quantities of sulfur dioxide into the stratosphere where it will partially block out the sun. 556

Reno, Nevada. Photo credit: Justin Pera

The climate science community still pretends sulfur dioxide is the material of choice for SRM (solar radiation management) programs (which would be unimaginably harmful). But in reality, aluminum is the chosen primary element for SRM due to the high albedo (reflectivity) of this extremely toxic heavy metal.  

“If the idea of putting megatons of sulfate aerosols into the stratosphere doesn’t scare you, I think there’s something wrong with you,” says Douglas MacMartin, a research professor with California Institute of Technology who studies the problem of deliberately manipulating Earth’s climate. He spoke Tuesday at a panel discussion hosted by the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics on the subject of the role of aerospace industries in potential geoengineering schemes.

Solar radiation management by seeding the stratosphere with sulfates is undeniably risky. But we know that it works — large volcano eruptions perform this feat naturally, and the effect is that Earth gets cooler, at least for a year or two. It’s also likely to be feasible from economic, technological, and logistical standpoints.

“It’s very quick, and it’s probably very cheap,” says MacMartin. “All you have to do is basically fly airplanes up into the stratosphere and dump a pile of crap up there, and you’ll cool the planet.”

So, a region experiencing increased drought from climate change might become even drier through a solar engineering scheme. The local environmental effects are difficult to predict and measure.


Record setting drought is wreaking havoc all over the globe. The drought causing effects of geoengineering/solar radiation management are scientifically acknowledged and beyond dispute.

In all plausibility, the world will descend into deep and widespread climate crisis before a scheme like solar radiation management is tried on a large scale. MacMartin thinks it will get that bad.

Though, in this light, the prospect of solar radiation management starts to look less terrifying and more like a saving grace. “One can be depressed that it has gotten to this point, but one can also be hopeful for the fact that we may be able to alleviate a lot of human and non-human suffering,” says MacMartin.

The statements above from Callifornia Institute of Technology scientist, Douglas MacMartin, amount to total disinformation and deception. There are only two possibilities regarding Mr. MacMartin's denial of existing climate engineering (and his advocating of climate engineering as a potential cure), either MacMartin is unimaginably unqualified for the job he holds, or he is lying. The same is true for the rest of the climate science community that has so far chosen to deny the catastrophic climate engineering assault. The existing illegal federal gag order on all NWS (National Weather Service) and all NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration) employees must be considered in this equation. In addition, there is no doubt that it is a very bad career decision (or worse) for any academician to openly admit to the ongoing geoengineering assault (which is a matter of historical record), but do these factors excuse the criminal denial of existing climate engineering programs by the climate science community? Absolutely not, life on Earth should matter more than a paycheck and a pension. We all face a very real fight for our very survival, and time is not on our side. Make your voice heard while it can still make a difference.

May be freely reprinted, so long as the text is unaltered, all hyperlinks are left intact, and credit for the article is prominently given to and the article’s author with a hyperlink back to the original story.

Earth Sets Heat Record In 2016 — For The Third Year In A Row


Source: L.A. Times, article by Amina Kahn

According to independent analyses by NASA and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, the 1.78-degree jump over the mid-20th-century average marks the third year in a row that global temperatures have reached record-shattering levels.

It’s official: 2016 was the hottest year on record since scientists began tracking Earth’s temperature more than 100 years ago, according to independent analyses by NASA and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.

Geoengineered Winter Weather Onslaught


Dane Wigington

The now near total desperation of the climate engineers to turn warmth into winter is becoming incredibly obvious and blatant to any that are even slightly awake. "Winter Storm Jupiter" is the latest creation of the climate engineers. This so called "winter storm" is simply the product of ionosphere heater generated jet stream manipulation and massive chemical ice nucleation processes. Highly destructive ice storms are occurring due to the climate engineering chemical cool-downs. These temporary toxic cool-downs are further fueled by "global dimming", a primary goal of the geoengineers and their "solar radiation management" (SRM) programs. The map below shows the "Winter Storm Jupiter" scenario just described. An extremely anomalous and deep jet stream dip is utilized to help siphon up copious amounts of warm Gulf of Mexico moisture.


The power structure owned and operated climate engineering cover-up institutions like The Weather Channel do their best to explain away the completely engineered and anomalous weather as being all just "natural" conditions.

The first satellite/radar animation below reveals the early stages of "Winter Storm Jupiter". As bands of warm moisture migrate north, they are bombarded with chemical ice nucleating agents from above via jet aircraft dispersions. The effect of this chemical ice nucleation process can be clearly seen as cells of precipitation suddenty "flash out" to frozen in spite of the far above freezing temperature moisture. 


A close examination of this animation shows rain "changing over to snow" as far south as northern Mexico while rain can still be seen as far north as Utah, Iowa, and Pennsylvania.

The next satellite/radar animation shows yet more anomalies of warm rain cells "turning over to snow" as moisture continues to migrate north. 


The zone of moisture over New Mexico is of special interest in the satellite/radar loop shown above. Not only is the rain "change over to snow" extremely visible, the radio frequency/microwave transmission manipulation of this moisture zone is also shockingly apparent (circular configuration). The epicenter of this New Mexico RF transmission zone is located just west of Albuquerqe.

The animation below reveals the epicenter of the RF transmission zone (just west of Albuquerque NM) and the effect to the precipitation from the transmissions. Also of interest is the precipitation free wedge that begins just east of the transmission epicenter. This precipitation free wedge is also very visible in the in the satellite/radar animation just shown above.

Radio frequency/microwave transmissions are a core aspect of the climate engineering process. Such transmissions are utilized to manipulate jet aircraft dispersed particulate/chemical elements causing these elements to repel or congeal.

The "forecast" (scheduled weather) map below reveals the core temperatures of the migrating warm moisture as chemically ice nucleated "Winter Storm Jupiter" was unfolding. 


As shown above, temperatures as high as 60 degrees (with rain) immediately decline toward the cores of the chemical cool-down zones.

The "forecast map" for 1/16/17 is even more revealing and shocking in regard to the incredibly warm temperatures in occurring in "Winter Storm Jupiter". With atmospheric conditions this warm, the chemically ice nucleating elements often reach the ground level before setting up as ice, thus creating extremely destructive "ice storms".


With warm migrating moisture with temperatures in the low 70s (straight out of the Gulf of Mexico), why is warm rain "changing over" to ice? With most temperatures on the ground still at well above freezing This is a result of chemical ice nucleation elements that are being utilized on an unimaginable scale as the climate engineers try desperately to turn warmth into winter.

How warm will it be following "Winter Storm Jupiter"? Temperatures will immediately rebound. 


As chemically created "Winter Storm Jupiter" fizzles out, weather whiplash yet again sets in.

Only days after "Winter Storm Jupiter" record or near record heat is forecasted to return to much of the US with some regions warming to almost 30 degrees above normal.


Formally anomalous temperature divides like that shown in the "forecast" map above have become the norm. The completely out of control climate engineering cabal continues to "force" the climate system by trying to chemically create short term (and highly toxic) cool-downs in a rapidly warming world (Japan and Europe are also being assaulted by completely engineered storms). The slightly below normal temperatures shown for the western US in the forecast map above likely contain the next engineered winter event for the US, "Winter Storm Kori". Warm moisture flowing in from the Pacific will be subjected to yet another climate engineering chemical onslaught in order to continue manipulating the climate perceptions US population. Short of nuclear cataclysm, climate engineering is the greatest and most immediate threat we face. Though countless forms of anthropogenic activity have done immense damage to the planet and climate system,  there can be no legitimate discussion of the weather or the climate system without first and foremost including the single greatest climate disrupting and damaging factor of all, global climate engineering. Our planet is accelerating toward a state of total meltdown, though highly destructive (and toxic) covert geoengineering programs can create short term cool-doowns, this manipulation comes at the cost of an even worse overall warming. All of us are needed in the critical battle to expose and halt the climate engineering insanity, make your voice heard.

May be freely reprinted, so long as the text is unaltered, all hyperlinks are left intact, and credit for the article is prominently given to and the article’s author with a hyperlink back to the original story.

Earth On The Edge: Record Breaking 2016 Was Close To 1.5°C Warming


Source: Copernicus Climate Change Service

Reading, 05 January 2017

  • 2016 confirmed as the warmest year on record, warmer than 2015 by close to 0.2°C
  • Global temperatures reached a peak in February 2016 around 1.5°C higher than at the start of the Industrial Revolution
  • Extreme conditions impacting several regions across the Earth

The first global analysis of the whole of 2016 has confirmed last year as the warmest on record and saw the planet near a 1.5°C warming, according to the Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S).

Manufacturing Winter With Geoengineering


Dane Wigington

In the combination satellite/radar image below, two flows of moisture (one in the west, one in the east) are being orchestrated and utilized by the climate engineers in the attempt to cool large regions of the US with chemical ice nucleation processes. The "Pineapple Express" of warm air and moisture is flowing in from the Pacific in the west. This flow of warm moisture was the beginning of "Winter Storm Iras". In the East, an anomalous flow of warm air and moisture from the warm waters southeast of Florida is pushed up the eastern seaboard, this warm flow was the fuel for the final chapter of "Winter Storm Helena".


How can such warm sources of moisture "change over" to snow and cold? Welcome to climate engineering and chemical ice nucleation.

The radar map below was captured at the same approximate time as the combination satellite/radar image above. When comparing these two images, the following question should be considered: how does a warm flow of air and moisture originating from warm oceans south of Cuba suddenly "change over to snow"? The "change over to snow" term is now commonly used by power structure owned "The Weather Channel" paid actors (and other power structure owned sources of weather "forecasting").


Looking closely at the above radar map, some rain cells (unfrozen precipitation) are still visible near the eastern fringes of the chemically nucleated snow zones. 

The next combination satellite/radar map below was taken approximately 20 hours after the similar image shown earlier in this article. The flow of warm moisture from south of Cuba to Maine and beyond was still fueling "Winter Storm Helena". In the west, the "Pineapple Express" was ramping up to fuel "Winter Storm Iras".


As the ongoing global climate engineering assault continues to be ramped up, satellite and radar images are becoming increasingly bizarre. Note that in the image above the entire North American continent is completely covered with a canopy of clouds and atmospheric aerosols. The same is true of mainland Mexico and almost all of the Gulf of Mexico. This is "solar radiation management" in action.

The satellite map below must be compared with the satellite/radar map directly above. As already stated, the warm flow of moisture being utilized for "Winter Storm Iras" is flowing in from the warm Pacific. Consider that there is virtually no snow of frozen precipitation visible in California, even in extremely high mountain locations with elevations well over 10,000 feet. Why not? Because of the very warm sources of this moisture. The day before the image below was captured, it snowed at the valley floor in Redding, California. Redding is at an elevation that is just above sea level at 500 feet. Then, the next day, as shown in the image below, no snow anywhere in the state including at elevations of far over 10,000 feet. 


A final note on the map above to consider, snow is shown falling in southern Mississippi, and only rain at the top of the Sierra Nevada mountain range. What is wrong with this picture?

The short satellite animation below was taken approximately 8 hours after the radar image directly above. The beginning of chemical ice nucleation processes were beginning to appear in California at the top of the Sierra Nevada mountain range. Further inland, the warm flow of rain can be seen "changing over" to snow. As the chemical nucleation assault unfolds, the temperatures on the ground level can and do cool dramatically as a cold dense layer of air is created.

Also of note in the animation above, the impact of powerful radio frequency/microwave transmissions (used for climate modification) can clearly be seen in parts of Idaho and Washington.

The close up screen shot below is of a radio frequency transmission source in Washington, taken at the same time as the animation above was recorded.


The RF transmissions are a primary component of the ongoing climate modification processes.

The next close up screen shot below, taken over an Idaho RF transmission source, was also captured at the same time as the animation shown earlier.


The RF/microwave transmissions are just one more catastrophically harmful aspect of geoengineering programs.

The next two NOAA extended "forecast" (scheduled weather) maps below reveal what is coming for the US, yet more extreme weather whiplash. The chemical cool-downs cannot be kept up indefinitely, the record warmth will again re-appear in the south and East.


Every engineered cool-down that is carried out by the climate engineers comes at the cost of an even worse overall planetary warming.

The next extended forecast map below clearly shows a continued expansion of the extremely rapid rebound of warmth for the US. This extended "forecast" map also clearly shows where the climate engineers plan on focusing their efforts next, Alaska (along with continueing massive operations in Europe). The 48 of the US are headed back toward record heat as the geoengineers will do all they can to chemically cool the Arctic in their ever more desperate attempt to hide the implosion of the ice at the poles. The climate engineering chemical cool-downs are used to temporarily (and toxically) mask the ongoing planetary meltdown. 2016 was yet another record shattering warm year on planet Earth.


Radical weather whiplash scenarios will continue to rapidly worsen.

The final NOAA extended "forecast" map indecates that record breaking high temperatures will rapidly replace the preceeding  climate engineering chemical cool-downs.


We must expose and halt the ongoing climate engineering insanity, this is not an option, but an absolute imperative. Make your voice heard in this epic battle to salvage what is yet left of Earth's life support systems.

May be freely reprinted, so long as the text is unaltered, all hyperlinks are left intact, and credit for the article is prominently given to and the article’s author with a hyperlink back to the original story.

Climate Engineering Atmospheric Aerosols Are Blocking The Sky From Astronomers


Dane Wigington

The list of catastrophic consequences being inflicted on our planet by the ongoing global climate engineering assault is unimaginably long and growing by the day. "Solar radiation management" programs have long since been fully deployed. These completely unregulated climate engineering operations are for the specific purpose of blocking out the sun by using jet aircraft to spray highly toxic reflective heavy metals and chemicals into the atmosphere, what could go wrong? In addition to wreaking havoc with global weather patterns, destroying the ozone layer, and contaminating the entire biosphere, climate engineering atmospheric particulates are, of course, blotting out the skies and thus greatly hampering the ability of astronomers to view the cosmos. A recent article from Gizmodo points out that geoengineering "could be" a disaster for Astronomy. Though the Gizmodo article unfortunately does not admit to the ongoing climate engineering reality (and thus that climate engineering is already a disaster for astronomy), the ongoing geoengineering/weather warfare assault is rationally undeniable.

From the Gizmodo article:

Geoengineering is one of those things that sounds like maybe a good idea on paper but could also go horribly, apocalyptically wrong. But if the prospect of plunging Earth’s weather systems into chaos isn’t enough to convince scientists we need to tread very cautiously with the ultimate global warming tech-fix, perhaps this will: geoengineering could be a disaster for science.


This photo of Earth was taken from Apollo 17 in 1972. Other than the Antarctic region at the bottom of this photo, there were many open blue sky zones. 

That’s according to new models by Charlie Zender, an atmospheric physicist at the University of California, Irvine who presented the provacatively-titled research poster “Death of Darkness: Artificial Sky Brightness in the Anthropocene” at the the American Geophysical Union conference this month. In a nutshell, Zender found that injecting light-scattering particles into the stratosphere—one of the most widely-discussed strategies for rapidly cooling the planet—would have the unintended side-effect of disrupting incoming light from distant stars and planets.


This NASA satellite photo of Earth was taken on July 6th, 2015.  There are very few "clear" regions to be seen in this recent photo of our planet.  Even the zones that appear at first glance to be cloudless, are hazy.​

As you might imagine, this would be very bad news for the scientists who study said stars and planets. “If we geoengineered globally, this would affect all telescopes around the world,” Zender told Gizmodo.

SAI (stratospheric aerosol injection) has come under heavy fire for an obvious reason: conducting a worldwide experiment on our one and only shared global atmosphere is inherently dangerous.


The satellite images above are very revealing. The images corporate media weather "forecasters" show to their viewing public are heavily filtered. The "enhanced infrared" (unfiltered) image clearly shows massive geoengineering aerosol operations. The "standard infrared" (filtered) image only reveals the remaining atmospheric haze from the jet aircraft particulate dispersions.

Zender found that the night sky over urban areas would become roughly 25 percent brighter. That’s because our stratospheric shield would backscatter light from ground sources…


Earth's oceans are not spared from the ongoing global climate engineering operations. In fact, the seas are subjected to two types of highly destructive climate engineering programs, solar radiation management (SRM) and ocean fertilization.​

Of course, most astronomy doesn’t take place anywhere near cities. The best observatories in the world are located on remote mountaintops, high above air pollution and far away from light pollution. Here, Zender’s models show a somewhat different, but equally bad effect: SAI would actually make the skydarker.


Massive climate engineering (SRM, SAI) aerosol dispersions are now constantly visible in unfiltered satellite images.

“Our telescopes are in positions where most of the [night] light comes from the stars,” Zender explained. “There, what the aerosols do is they backscatter light from outer space. That means you’re not getting as much starlight, and the starlight you do get is less pristine. The stars would look fuzzier.”

Though the threat posed by climate engineering/weather warfare is inconceivably greater than just the loss of clear skies for astronomers, all catastrophic aspects of the covert global climate engineering programs must be considered. We must all do our part in the battle to expose and halt the geoengineering assault, make your voice heard in the critical effort to sound the alarm.

Geoengineered Winter Weather Whiplash With Patented Climate Engineering Processes


Dane Wigington

Patented processes for artificially ice nucleating winter storms are owned by our government and have existed for many decades (the Chinese have openly stated they are "engineering snowstorms"). Below are excerpts from only one example of a US government patent that is designed to give those in power the ability to engineer winter weather on a rapidly warming planet

Appl. No. 538,904

Filed Mar. 25, 1966 Patented Oct. 19, 1971 Assignee The United States of America as represented by the Director of the National Science Foundation WEATHER MODIFICATION METHOD.

WEATHER MODIFICATION METHOD The invention described herein may be manufactured and used by or for the Government of the United States of America for Governmental purposes without the payment of any royalties thereon or therefor.

The present invention relates to weather modification and more particularly to the production of rain or snow by introducing into natural atmospheric clouds seeding agents having a high solubility in water and a large endothermic heat of solution in water.

Typical examples of materials suitable for use in practicing this invention are urea, potassium nitrate, potassium nitrite, and ammonium nitrate. Laboratory experiments have shown urea to be effective in producing ice crystals in a vapor cloud having a temperature as high as +6 C. ln field experiments, urea has been observed to cause snow showers… 

Such a seeding agent is capable of acting both as a condensation nucleus and as an ice nucleus. Typical materials which have a high solubility in water coupled with a large endothermic heat of solution in water are potassium nitrate, potassium nitrite, ammonium nitrate, and urea. Laboratory and field experiments have shown finely divided, crystalline urea to be an effective seeding agent…

Weather warfare has been waged against populations all over the globe for decades, this includes the US population. Engineered winter weather events are now the norm. Though US media has done their best to sweep the subject of weather warfare under the rug in recent decades, there is a great deal of historical coverage. The article below was published in a 1958 issue of Popular Science, it is just one example.

Click any images below to enlarge

GeoengineeringWatch magazine1

Weather warfare has long since been the covert weapon of choice for the power structure.

An issue of Collier's Magazine that is over 60 years old is yet another example of the extremely long history of weather/climate modification and warfare.


This 1954 issue article of Collier's Magazine is essential reading for anyone that wants to gain a better understanding of how long climate modification has been conducted by the US military.

The US military has made clear the fact that they have long since considered climate change to be the greatest national security threat of all, are we to believe they would ask our permission before they would modify the weather and climate to suit their own agenda? Global geoengineering programs are not about the common good, they are not about saving the planet or humanity. The ongoing climate engineering insanity is about power, control, and attempting to mask the damage already done to our climate system while inflicting unimaginably more destruction to the climate and biosphere in the process. 

A Massive Engineered Winter Chemical Cool-Down Assault On The US Population Is Coming

The latest NOAA long term forecast map below should be alarming to any that take the time to examine it closely. The latest theatrically named "winter storm" from power structure owned "The Weather Channel" was "Winter Storm Fortis". This engineered event pushed warmer than average moisture from the Atlantic Ocean over northern parts of New England where many regions saw chemically nucleated snow fall (facilitated by geoengineering jet aircraft dispersions of materials over precipitation zones) at far above freezing temperatures. "Winter Storm Gregory" will be named as part of the engineered winter scenario I am outlining in this article. Alaska, the Arctic, and parts of Florida are forecasted (scheduled) to remain at, or return to, record warmth. The arctic as a whole remains in a meltdown scenario while weather whiplash continues in the US and countless other locations around the globe. Engineering winter has long since been business as usual in many countries.


The projected (scheduled) record cold zone for much of the US comes after the warmest autumn in the US since record keeping began

When endothermic reacting (toxic) ice nucleating materials are utilized on a massive scale for climate intervention/modification programs, convection is greatly impacted, too many condensation nuclei are present, and precipitation is generally greatly reduced (from what it would have otherwise been) in the core of the engineered chemical cool-down zones. The NOAA precipitation forecast (scheduled weather) map below is for the same window of time as the  NOAA map above. It is not hard to recognize that the regions scheduled to get the greatest percentage of above normal precipitation are also generally the regions that are scheduled to experience the greatest above normal temperatures  ("A" refers to above normal precipitation on the NOAA maps, "B" is below normal).


In the NOAA map above we should ask this, how does moisture flowing in from the Pacific migrate directly over the Western States with far below normal precipitation? Then, as the moisture continues to flow east (further from the epicenter of the engineered cool-down zone), precipitation transitions to above normal. Why aren't NOAA and NWS personnel speaking out? An illegal federal gag order has been placed on them on all NOAA and NWS employees.

Global temperature deviations in the Average Temperature Anomaly map below tell the bigger picture story. The extremely blotchy composition of hot and cold zones should be alarming to us all. Though the planet is descending into a state of total meltdown, the climate engineers continue to attempt radical (and highly toxic) chemical/biological ice nucleation cool-downs anywhere and everywhere that conditions will permit this process to be carried out. NASA has also long since been a part of the ice nucleation experimentation, some of the elements utilized for this purpose are synthesized urea, and E-coli.


The weather modification chemical cool-downs create a cold, dense (but shallow) layer of air that settles down to the surface and lowers temperatures on the ground. This process is essential for the manipulation of climate perspectives. The engineered winter events are used to create and expand division and confusion in the population in regard to the true state of the global climate.

Massive air mass manipulation is also accomplished with engineered high and low pressure zones. The use of ionosphere heater facilities like HAARP are the a primary factor with this type of manipulation.


Extremely anomalous weather/climate patterns have now become the norm. Global climate engineering operations have completely derailed the Earth's natural climate system.

Meteorologists at The Weather Channel have already admitted to the highly unusual weather pattern that is helping to facilitate the coming abnormal cool-down on a rapidly warming world. High pressure ridges will remain locked anomalously in place on both sides of the North American continent. This configuration will assist with robbing what cold air there is in the Arctic, and will push this air south in an almost perfect outline that will cover the land mass of the lower 48 states.


The ability the climate engineers now have to manipulate Earth's life support systems is far beyond alarming. Geoengineering is nothing short of weather warfare

Again, how do flows of moisture coming from the west off of record warm global oceans create temperatures that are predicted (scheduled) to be nearly 40 degrees below normal in regions only slightly inland? What is the final product of the the climate engineering chemically ice nucleated cool-down for the US? Radically lowered engineered temperatures at ground level in parts of the US will accompany the start to the new year. The US media will hype and dramatize this completely engineered cool-down. This will obscure the previous climate headlines of the warmest autum on record in the US and also the fact that 2016 will be the warmest year yet recorded on planet Earth since record keeping began. We will soon see if the climate enigneers are actually able to achieve the level and duration of cooldown that they are attempting to carry out.


The scale of climate decimation being inflicted on populations around the globe by the climate engineers is so incomprehensibly massive, it could never be quantified.

So what are the "predictions" for the 2017 summer temperatures in the US? Above normal to far above normal temperatures for virtually all of the US.


Every single event that the climate engineers orchestrate adds to the total biosphere/climate destruction being inflicted on the planet by the human race.

We are in a fight for life, nothing less. The unfolding environmental/climate implosion cannot be hidden for much longer. As the desperation of the power structure grows, they will likely continue their push toward WWlll. Mathematically speaking, climate engineering is the greatest and most immediate threat we face short of nuclear cataclysm. Not only are the geoengineers ripping apart the climate/life support systems of the planet, they are irreparably contaminating the entire biosphere. The climate science community is (and has been) completely betraying populations and the web of life by remaining silent on the climate engineering/weather warfare total tyranny being conducted by our own government (and other governments). Anti-climate engineering activists are desperately needed to actually be active. Educate yourself on exactly how you can help to sound the alarm on the most critical issue of climate engineering, make your voice heard while you can.

May be freely reprinted, so long as the text is unaltered, all hyperlinks are left intact, and credit for the article is prominently given to and the article’s author with a hyperlink back to the original story.

Geoengineering Winter Weather Warfare Assault Continues


Dane Wigington

The latest completely engineered winter weather assault to be launched on US populations is the theatrically named "Winter Storm Europa"  How severe does the rapidly worsening weather whiplash have to get before populations face the fact that ongoing global climate engineering/weather warfare programs are decimating and derailing Earth's climate and life support systems?

How extreme, anomalous, and unnatural was the divide between extreme cold and record heat in the US on Sunday? The map below shows a shocking scenario.


The increasingly extreme temperature swings are wreaking havoc on all life forms.

Skies all over the globe are being sprayed with highly toxic aerosols that are a core component of the climate intervention operations (these are NOT condensation trails).  In the forecast model below, warm flows of moisture from the Gulf of Mexico are chemically ice nucleated by the geoengineers. This process creates the short term chemical cool-downs that have now become the norm.

The bullseye of impact from "Winter Storm Europa" was yet again directed toward the Dakotas.


Ice storms are now almost always seen in the transition zones between warm flows of moisture (used as fuel for the engineered winter weather events) and the core of the chemically ice nucleated zones.

The Dakota Water Protectors have been consistently and severely impacted by extreme "winter weather". This has occurred even after the US experienced its warmest autumn ever recorded. Is this also just a coincidence? The video animation below has captured the chemical ice nucleation process being carried out by the climate engineers. Warm (far above freezing) flows of moisture can clearly be seen "flashing out" to snow for no apparent reason (meteorologically speaking). The power structure paid disinformation sources like "The Weather Channel" have now called this process "changing over to snow".  Official sources of weather forecasting and information are simply covering the tracks of the climate engineers as they have been paid to do. The radar loop shown below is undeniable proof of "chemical ice nucleation for weather modification".

Chemical ice nucleation of the warm flow of moisture from the south is clearly visible in the radar animation above. A close examination also reveals radio frequency transmission manipulation with an epicenter located in Rapid City. Why don't we have whistleblowers sounding the alarm on the climate engineering insanity? The illegal federal gag order on all National Weather Service and all National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration employees is certainly a major factor. 

In the map below, major ice storm impacts (mentioned earlier) are seen in the transition zone where the warm flow of moisture from the south is being chemically nucleated.


As mentioned earlier, disinformation sources (like The Weather Channel) are doing their best to convince populations that is is now normal to have a "warm side" and a "cold side" to a "winter storm".

The storm severity map below clearly shows the epicenter of the extreme weather from "WInter Storm Europa" is directly on top of the Dakota Water Protector protest zone. 


The red zones in the map above reveal the most severe impact zones of "Winter Storm Europa".

What is worth noting in the next map (shown below) are the extremely warm temperatures that exist in the flows of moisture that continue to feed "Winter Storm Europa". As this flow of moisture migrates to the North East, temperatures of over 60 degrees are visible only a short distance from the chemically cooled ice nucleation zones. We now almost never hear the power structure paid "weather forecasters" referring to snow levels based on elevations. Now, thanks to climate engineering, you are either on the warm side of the storm or the cold side of the storm. Elevation is now generally no longer a factor.


Scenarios like the one shown in the map above are historically unprecedented. Now such scenarios are considered the norm.

The completely out of control climate engineering cabal continues to try and cover up the rapidly worsening planetary meltdown with more and more "engineered winter" short term toxic cool-downs. The paradox is this, every climate intervention that the climate engineers carry out makes the overall warming of the planet worse, not better. The Geoengineers are destroying the ozone layer, disrupting the hydrological cycle, fueling forest fires, and contaminating the entire planet in the process. 2016 will be the third record shattering hot year in a row and this record will occur in spite of the fact that "official" agencies are UNDERREPORTING high temperatures, not exaggerating them. 


The meltdown of the polar region is of especially grave concern. The bright red zones at the top of this Temperature Anomaly map clearly reveals the ongoing Arctic meltdown. Massive formerly frozen methane deposits are now rapidly thawing and releasing. These methane releases may soon determine our collective fate, climate intervention programs are making the methane releases worse overall, not better

We must all work together in the most critical effort to expose and halt the climate engineering insanity. Those that have chosen to deny or hide from reality must realize that their denial will not stop what is coming. Join the fight to expose and halt the climate engineering planetary omnicide, help us in the battle to sound the alarm.

May be freely reprinted, so long as the text is unaltered, all hyperlinks are left intact, and credit for the article is prominently given to and the article’s author with a hyperlink back to the original story.

Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, December 24, 2016


Dane Wigington

The clock of our collective futures continues to tick toward midnight. How much of the population has any real idea about what is unfolding at blinding speed? The record high stock market ponzi scheme house of cards has kept the masses pacified and willfully blind to corporate layoffs, environmental implosion, and countless other issues. Private banker printed fiat money is still ruling the day, but twilight is now upon us. Why are British and US soldiers fighting alongside terrorists in Aleppo? The public relations person in charge of climate engineering disinformation, Dr. David Keith, has come up with a new idea about what should be sprayed into our atmosphere by geoengineering jet aircraft. Keith now says we should use calcium carbonate. Dr. Keith, what happened to your promotion of spraying 20,000,000 tons of aluminum into the atmosphere annually? Whether actively or passively, so many circles in the science community have completely betrayed populations and the planet. The same is true with the circles of the medical industrial complex. What will it take for the medical community to acknowledge the dangers of vaccines, fluoridated water, and many other issues? The Dakota water protectors get hit with yet another snowstorm while temperatures at the North Pole skyrocket to almost 60 degrees above normal, for the second year in a row. What is the shadow government doing while the unraveling of the biosphere and society progresses? The latest installment of Global Alert News is below.

Some feel no motivation to fight for the greater good unless they are given a guarantee of success, but we would do well to remember there are no such certainties in life.  We would do well to also remember that life is, at best, a seasonal occupation, and the season is short. Why are we here? If it is not to do our part for the greater good, then why?

Climate Engineering Chemical Cool-Down Continues


Dane Wigington

Global climate engineering programs are not a proposal, but have long since been a lethal reality. "Winter Storm Decima" is bearing down on the US, but is this storm truly a natural weather occurrence? Will the hyped headlines on this event tell the real story of the global climate picture? An examination of the latest "Temperature Departure From Average" map below very clearly reveals where it is cool, and where it is not. The rapid heating of the polar regions continues to accelerate (as is the overall heating of the planet), but key western power population centers are miraculously cool. How can this be? Why does mainstream media exclusively cover the cool zones (with enthusiastic theater-like portrayals) while at the same time completely ignoring temperatures in the Arctic that have recently been almost 60 degrees ABOVE NORMAL?


The chemically ice nucleated cool-down focus zones are very visible in the global "temperature departure from average" map above. The extremely anomalous cool zones (in a record warm world) are located in regions which provide the headlines of "dangerous cold" that power structure controlled western media sources like The Weather Channel are paid to hype.

There are many agendas being carried out in our skies by the completely out of control power structure, none of those agendas are benevolent or for the common good. One of the primary objectives of the climate engineers is to keep the first world populations of western nations confused and divided as to the true condition of the overall global climate. Keeping the masses oblivious and bewildered in regard to what is unfolding until the last possible moment is a key aspect of power structure planning. The weather makers are desperately trying to engineer winter with unimaginably extensive atmospheric manipulation/geoengineering processes (which includes chemical and/or biological ice nucleation agents as a primary element). If you don't think water (cloud moisture) can artificially be chemically ice nucleated, think again. The Chinese government openly announced that they were engineering snowstorms. Engineered snowstorms are wreaking havoc around the globe. The two very short videos of lab tests below are examples of chemical and biological ice nucleation.

When the climate engineers seed storm clouds (via jet aircraft spray dispersions) with chemical or biological ice nucleating elements, precipitation that falls often reaches the surface before setting up and freezing. The geoengineers are becoming increasingly aggressive with the use of chemical ice nucleation in a desperate attempt to create short term (toxic) cool-downs.


In recent years freak ice storms have become the norm. Ice storms are occurring even in coastal zones with oceans that are at record warm temperatures. ​

The short weather radar map below should be examined carefully. Rain cells that are in far above freezing air masses can be observed anomalously "changing over to snow". This is a recently coined phrase that has now been adopted by many "forecasting" (scheduled weather) agencies.

Click to enlarge

Virginia Weather Radar Loop

In the animation above take note of the rain cells that are migrating toward Morgantown which are "changing over to snow". At the same time the radar map loop was recorded, the temperatures in Morgantown were from +35 to +41 degrees (shown in the screenshot below), why was the rain from a warm flow of southerly moisture suddenly "changing over to snow? 


As the chemical ice nucleation process progresses, a shallow cold dense layer of air is eventually created at the ground level. The chemical nucleation process creates an endothermic reaction that tends to reduce the overall precipitation amounts. 

The highly toxic short term engineered cool-downs come at the cost of an even worse overall planetary warming, this includes the Earth's oceans.  Sea surfaces are also being chemically nucleated in the polar regions.


The extremely anomalous sea ice formations along the polar shoreline shown above are a harbinger of aggressive chemical ice nucleation programs being carried out by the climate engineers.

Global sea ice volume (mass) is declining rapidly as shown in the graph below.


The plummeting sea ice levels are of grave concern, but there is very little media coverage of what is unfolding at the poles.

The thinning of sea ice is especially profound in the Arctic. As the melting of polar ice accelerates, the Arctic could be ice free by next year, the summer of 2017. The desperate attempts of the climate engineers to mask the unfolding reality is only greatly exacerbating the overall climate and biosphere implosion.


Arctic sea ice volume (mass) is seldom referred to by "official" sources for a reason, ice mass has crashed and is still declining. Massive sea floor methane deposites in the Arctic are also thawing and releasing into the atmosphere.

Climate ​engineering has also greatly contributed to exponentially increasing forest fires around the globe. The atmospheric soot and ash from these fires settles down on ice deposits making them darker and thus more prone to absorb solar energy.


Greenland ice is melting at a record pace, the meltdown will continue to contribute to rapidly increasing sea level rise. Photo credit: Sara Penrhyn-Jones

The west coast satellite animation below was captured as "Winter Storm Decima" began to hit the US west coast on Tuesday, December 13, 2016. The flow of relatively warm moisture from the Pacific can clearly be seen "changing over" to snow over large regions for no logical reason as the incoming flow of Pacific moisture was not cold enough. Also of note in the satellite loop below is the anomalous precipitation-free zone that is around the Eureka region of the California coast. Precipitation flows toward this zone, stops, and then continues farther to the north east. With careful observation of the animation below, a microwave transmission location can be deciphered southwest of Eureka (these transmissions are part of the climate engineering process). A very high percentage of the moisture flowing over California (and the west) is heavily sprayed with atmspheric aerosols which effectively keeps much of the moisute from falling. The aerosol saturation contribues to vast expanses of largely precipitationless cloud cover. This helps the climate engineers to migrate available moisture further inland where they can continue the chemical ice  nucleation cool-down process. Additional seeding of the clouds with larger condensation nuclei further inland can bring the migrating moisture down in the location of choice for the climate engineers.

Click to enlarge

Redding Radar Loop

Climate engineering and chemical ice nucleation dispersions are creating engineered snow storms in many regions where it is not cold enough for natural ice nucleation to occur. When chemical ice nucleation is utilized in colder zones, the ground level temperatures can be dropped to dangerous levels like those recently seen in the Dakotas which followed a record warm autumn in the US.

The satellite/radar image below shows the earlier mentioned microwave transmission source (southwest of Eureka) with much more clarity.


Radio frequency/microwave transmissions can manipulate the sprayed electrically conductive atmospheric particulates. This, in turn, can manipulate air masses and precipitation patterns. 

Anomalous "ice balls" have been washing up on shores all over the globe in recent years. Often these "ice balls" appear on bodies of water that are far above the freezing point, why? It is a result of chemical ice nucleation elements. This type of artificially nucleated material can also remain "frozen" in astoundingly high temperatures.


Perfectly spherical "ice balls" are now becoming common on shorelines in northern latitudes. Photo credit: Ekaterina Chernykh

So, how cold is the start of "WInter Storm Decima"? Not so much. Warm moisture off the Pacific is nucleated as it heads inland. An "ice storm" zone exists in the transition zone between the warmer moisture and the chemical nucleated storm interior.


How cold will the end of "Winter Storm Decima" be? Outside of the chemically nucleated jet stream manipulated interior of the "storm", not very cold. Again, there are large "ice storm" zones predicted (from the chemically nucleated precipitation) in the transition zones between the warmer moisture flows and the interior sections of the "storm". Why are there "icy" zones predicted in regions with such high temperatures in the "forecast"?


It is essential to understand the full arsenal of climate engineering weapons that are being implemented against unsuspecting populations. Chemically nucleated engineered cool-downs and snowstorms are a primary aspect of the global climate engineering onslaught. Climate engineering will continue to fuel ever more abrupt and radical "wheather whiplash" events all over the world. Help us to expose and halt the insanity, make your voice heard.

May be freely reprinted, so long as the text is unaltered, all hyperlinks are left intact, and credit for the article is prominently given to and the article’s author with a hyperlink back to the original story.

Life On Earth Is Dying. Thousands Of Species Cease To Exist


Source: Global Research

On the day that you read this article, 200 species of life on Earth (plants, birds, animals, fish, amphibians, insects, reptiles) will cease to exist. Tomorrow, another 200 species will vanish forever.

The human onslaught to destroy life on Earth is unprecedented in Earth’s history. Planet Earth is now experiencing its sixth mass extinction event and Homo sapiens is the cause. Moreover, this mass extinction event is accelerating and is so comprehensive in its impact that the piecemeal measures being taken by the United Nations, international agencies and governments constitute a tokenism that is breathtaking in the extreme.

And it is no longer the case that mainly ‘invisible’ species are vanishing: those insects, amphibians and small animals about which you had never even heard, assuming they have been identified and given a name by humans.

You and I are on the brink of driving to extinction some of the most iconic species alive today. For a photo gallery of threatened species, some of which are ‘critically endangered’, see ‘World’s wildlife being pushed to the edge by humans – in pictures’.

If you want to read more about some aspects of the extinction threat, you can do so in these recent reports: ‘World Wildlife Crime Report: Trafficking in protected species’ and ‘2016 Living Planet Report’ which includes these words: ‘The main statistic from the report … shows a 58% decline between 1970 and 2012. This means that, on average, animal populations are roughly half the size they were 42 years ago.’

Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, December 10, 2016


Dane Wigington

The Orwellian dystopian world we all find ourselves in so far appears to be locked into its current course. Day is night, up is down, black is white,  whatever the official narrative is, the majority of the population seems all too willing to accept it. Militarized and industrialized power centers are now more dangerous than ever as the accelerating collapse of the biosphere and civilization looms. As the biosphere goes, so will the economic and societal systems that were built from relentless environmental looting, pillaging, and plundering. Highly toxic weather events (like those that just occurred in Australia, Kuwait, and London) continue to kill many and to put thousands more into hospitals. The most immediate nemesis we collectively face remains the climate engineering/weather warfare/biological warfare atmospheric spraying assault.Which critical news stories did corporate media hide from the public's view this week? The latest installment of Global Alert News is below.

The weather-makers appear absolutely determined to radically cool down the land surface temperatures of the US (via jet stream manipulation and massive chemical ice nucleation) in this last month of the year. The "scheduled" record cold chemically nucleated zone for much of the US is reflected in the NOAA "departure from normal high temperature" map below. This is truly shocking given the fact that the US just experienced it's warmest autumn on record (breaking the previous record set only last year), the 2nd warmest November on record, and 2016 is already certain to be the warmest year ever recorded on our planet since record keeping began.


Of note is the fact that the epicenter of the engineered winter anomaly is still centered over the Dakotas and the water protector protesters.

This engineered cool-down is being carried out while the arctic continues to melt with record heat and record low ice levels.


The vast majority of media sources (including most alternative media sources) are not covering what is unfolding in the polar regions.

And what about the world overall? The GISS map below illustrates global "departure from normal high temperatures"  for the last 30 years. Take note of the region with the least overall heat gain in the entire northern hemisphere, most of the North American continent. The US has by far the largest military, thus the largest (and most lethal) global climate engineering operation.The most anomalous cooler zone of reduced heating shown in the GISS map is, thus, over the North American continent. Geoengineering creates temporary toxic cool zones at the cost of a far worsened overall planetary heating.


Because the unfolding biosphere changes have occurred slowly over time, most are perilously unaware of the severity of the changes.

Global climate engineering operations are tearing apart the planet's life support systems, destroying our health, and irreparably contaminating the entire biosphere. All of our lives depend on the state of the planet. The only way to effectively fight the insanity we face is to see the wider horizon clearly, to stand on solid verifiable facts, and to effectively share credible information with others. We must each do our part in the critical battle to wake the masses.

This week's outreach booth is at the OC Fair & Event Center, Costa Mesa, California, and is shown below. My most sincere and continuing gratitude to the Gem Faire exhibition organizers for facilitating and setting up this very effective booth in every week's Gem Faire location. My thanks also to the very dedicated activists that ran the booth. The schedule for upcoming Gem Faire events is HERE. A booth will be at all events, thanks to the steadfast support of Gem Faire.


Is Climate Engineering Contributing To Noctilucent Cloud Formation?


Dane Wigington

The rapid expansion of noctilucent cloud formations and sightings is an ominous sign of our rapidly disintegrating biosphere that almost no one is heeding. "Official" sources are doing their best to pacify the populations on every front and this includes the subjects of noctilucent cloud formation, atmospheric methane accumulation, and climate engineering.


Noctilucent clouds in the skies above Antarctica are an ominous harbinger of the atmospheric damage that is occurring there.

Our miracle planet that was once so incredibly hospitable for countless life forms is now spiraling into a completely altered state of environmental and climate collapse.  The vast majority of the human race (for various reasons) is unwilling or unable to show any concern for the bigger picture. Thus the unfolding  fate of our species is now not only in question, but mathematically on track for certain near term total extinction if we remain on the current trajectory. Much of the populations in third world countries have their hands full simply trying to survive from day to day.  Much of the populations in first world countries are completely preoccupied with their own personal pursuits of profit and pleasure. In the meantime, the military industrial complex is continuing to expand its power and its completely out of control experiments on Earth's life support systems. Global climate engineering programs are the epitome of the military industrial complex insanity and hubris. Climate engineering/weather warfare programs are wreaking havoc around the globe in countless ways. One of the most grave and immediate threats we face is mass methane release from formerly frozen methane deposits in Earth's strata. In the attempt to hide the already manifesting consequences of the methane buildup in our atmosphere, the power structure and the geoengineers have only fueled the overall fire. All available data indicates that the atmosphere is being microwaved in a desperate and unimaginably destructive attempt to mitigate the methane buildup which risks turning our once thriving planet into a lifeless rock that resembles Venus. The temperatures in the polar regions are skyrocketing as are observations of the ominous noctilucent clouds which have emerged at the earliest date on record this year. Recent releases of information to some degree attempt to attribute the noctilucent clouds to natural processes, but is this true? Mainstream sources of information only elude to the methane/noctilucent cloud connection and the threat that is looming over the biosphere.


Photo credit: Anna Anikina

Every year, for a period of between five to 10 days, the night skies over Antarctica are visited by an unusual phenomenon known as night clouds or noctilucent clouds (NLCs). Residing at an altitude between 47 to 53 miles, these electric-blue clouds are the highest in Earth's atmosphere and can only be observed well after the sun has dipped below the horizon at twilight.


Photo credit: Juhku

According to NASA, night clouds are a relatively new phenomenon, with the first observations occurring a couple years after the eruption of Krakatoa sent tons of volcanic ash high into the atmosphere. They increased again after the Tunguska meteor event over Siberia in 1908. In 2007, NASA launched the AIM satellite (Aeronomy of Ice in the Mesosphere) to specifically study noctilucent clouds and discover the conditions that favor their formation.

"AIM and other research has shown that in order for the clouds to form, three things are needed: very cold temperatures, water vapor and meteoric dust," James Russell, an atmospheric and planetary scientist at Hampton University, said in a NASA article. "The meteoric dust provides sites that the water vapor can cling to until the cold temperatures cause water ice to form."

The Krakatoa event, says Thomas, likely "seeded" the upper atmosphere with dust, allowing noctilucent clouds to be seen over more populated areas. In its most recent observations, however, NASA is reporting that the blue cloud formations are not only starting earlier than normal, but also once again spreading beyond the polar regions. You can see a time-lapse animation capture by AIM of the clouds forming over the Antarctic in the tweet by NASA below.

Credits: NASA/HU/VT/CU-LASP/AIM/Joy Ng, producer

Researchers believe the beautiful twilight displays, observed as far south as Colorado and Utah, could be due to an increased abundance of methane in the upper atmosphere.

"When methane makes its way into the upper atmosphere, it is oxidized by a complex series of reactions to form water vapor," Russell added. "This extra water vapor is then available to grow ice crystals for NLCs."

Because methane is roughly 30 times more potent a heat-trapping greenhouse gas compared to carbon dioxide, its theorized that noctilucent clouds could potentially serve as a kind of "canary in a coal mine" on climate change. For now, however, the connection remains tenuous.

"I think the jury is still out,"'s Tony Phillips told the SFGate in 2015. "But it is undeniable that increasing levels of methane favor the formation of NLCs at very high altitudes."

If the masses do not wake soon and properly prioritize their efforts and energies there will be no chance for the long term survival of our species (and perhaps even all life on Earth). Industrialized society (which includes climate engineering) has all but decimated our once thriving planet. What are each of us willing to do in order to try and salvage what is yet left of Earth's life support systems? Reaching a critical mass or awareness is the first leap forward, make your voice heard in the critical effort to sound the alarm.