Dane Wigington
Dane Wigington of GeoengineeringWatch.org has just provided information on climate engineering to the Shasta County Board of Supervisors in order to assist them in moving forward with a legislative draft to ban such operations over Shasta County. Previously, in 2014, Geoengineering Watch organized a climate engineering educational presentation for the Shasta County Supervisors board. This is a follow up meeting. At the conclusion of the current meeting and Dane Wigington's brief climate engineering update, the board unanimously voted to place the climate engineering issue and a proposed ban of it on their 2025 agenda.
This is what “dimming the sun” looks like in Northern California. What do your skies look like? Let us know.
Shasta County, California. Photo credit: Jovyde Wigington. Click image to enlarge.
All are needed in the critical battle to wake populations to what is coming, we must make every day count. Share credible data from a credible source, make your voice heard.
Due to numerous requests to air The Dimming documentary on an independent platform from Youtube in the event that Youtube shuts us down, we have launched a slightly upgraded version of The Dimming on the Rumble platform (Dane Wiginton channel). Please subscribe and follow this channel as a backup to GeoengineeringWatch.org videos https://rumble.com/c/DaneWigington.
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10 Responses
I agree with Mary S. above about going through RFK Jr. and Trump on this. RFK is well aware of the chemtrail issues, and he has the ear of Trump. Presidential executive orders, coupled rulings/finding/regulations by the federal agencies, reporting to the President, and whose purpose and mandate would legitimately extend to the effects of geo-engineering (EPA, USDA, HHS, FDA) are the way to go.
In fact, I believe this can only be stopped completely at the executive level. DOGE might also come into play, as the US is likely funding most all of the chemtrail operations, either directly, through USAID, and other cutouts funded by the US (the UN, WHO, etc).
Congratulations Dane! No words can express the gratitude regarding the fight you have put into battle. I think you should be next to President Trump on Mt. McKinley.
Hi Dan, I’ve been following you for 14 years & have been actively educating people about chemtrails/geo-engineering since 1985. Your video’s are very educational! You are so knowledgeable. Thank you for posting them. I live on the CT shoreline and the daily spraying is severe here. I have nosebleeds daily, cough a lot and my eyes burn every day, all day. Have you considered talking to RFK Jr. and/or President Trump about this issue. If not, I would strongly suggest trying to contact them. I think you would have a good chance at getting your message across to them because they are both intelligent, good listeners, have common sense, care about health and the environment, and will hopefully take steps to resolve this seriously important issue. Thank you for your time and I look forward to hearing from you soon. Sincerely, Mary
Dane and team, please never stop your work. In addition to donation of funds, let me know what I can do to help. When I was first personally "crop dusted" in an agricultural community as unsuspecting pedestrian, I felt helpless. Not a person in the community saw this as something we can do anything about. I did not know about your work then. Now, I have seen The Dimming Documentary and realize there are people fighting for basic common sense relationships with Earth, humanity and all the innocent bystander forms of life. This was so well done . THANK YOU.
YAY!! Fantastic news. It's about time Dane's HOME county commission board members are finally taking action on this. He's only been telling them about it for a dozen or so years! I wish I could get some legislative members here in Georgia to pay attention and join those taking action to halt the air raids in our skies and protect the health of Georgia citizens. I am sorely disappointed in many of the things being put on the 'front burner' in our State's legislative sessions. They are REALLY missing the 'big picture' that they SHOULD be working on, instead of sweating the small stuff. I can only hope somehow they will take notice of what many other States and localities are now beginning to do with regards to BANNING geoengineering by following their lead and JOINING THEM.
Thank you Dane for the inspiring presentation based on completed and credible science backed evidence, not being accounted for! Indeed, county sources do their testing of water. Those that do their job properly will impact cities, states, and the nation. You held them accountable. They voted accordingly in support of the truth you presented.
Job well done!! An example of what we can do now, not later.
They need to stop doing this in PA as well, everywhere really.
Now get Oregon's governor to do the same! Send all the information to her!
Good news = stop geoengineering . I know shasta area really well — was there several times in the 70s and 80s.
Perhaps GeoWatch audience members can use an app such as SIGNAL, end to end encrypted, to communicate and coordinate distributions of Dane's materials. I am Tea For One….