There will be no tomorrow if we do not stand together today. The gravity and immediacy of the challenges we face cannot be overstated. Yet, even at this late hour so many are completely and willingly oblivious to rapidly approaching darkness. Many who claim to be aware of the dire issues descending on us all have not yet made it a top priority to stand against what is unfolding. All is at stake, all is in the balance. Every single day each of us is needed to assist in the battle to expose the truth. From our own locations, within our own circles, we can each carry the ball forward in this all important fight against tyranny and injustice. This is not a part time job, but a full time endeavor to preserve life on our planet. The criminal spraying of our skies is the epitome of human insanity being carried out by the global elite. If we could collectively expose this crime, the dominos of the power structure would fall. Make your voice heard, this is not an option, it is a responsibility. The 5 minute video below contains a very important, moving, and motivating message.
Standing Together Against The Global Tyranny

18 Responses
You are right. It is truly desperate. Most people and officialdom really do have brain damage, they ARE retarded and they will not change before it’s too late.
Step 1—Inform the people
Step 2 ??????
Step 3—Utopia or salvation
We know we are all a part of the system and if it stops it will take a metaphorical arm or leg with it. Also 1 location can be separated at any time to save the machine and with globalization this includes increasingly larger and larger areas the US, Russia, OPEC, China will not be excluded areas soon. With debt increasing and NORMAL business practices can be done painlessly and quickly as long as WW3 doesn’t ignite. Lastly at the end of the day if the system goes down and things change how can we know it will be for the best (mostly because things usually go full circle).
We know the enemy and it’s the human psyche and our denial of what we dont like or want to impose those evils on something…anything else (likely people as they will have those evils too). Money is the root of all evil then lets get rid of money as the root of evil will be gone…o wait we created it and the saying now makes sense
1) Fear, anger, jealousy reduce a human’s ability to critically think in favor of increasing reflective rates.
2) Human’s are attracted to what fulfills their needs the easiest. To some who are interested a comment and reading is plenty to fulfill their need to be change.
3) The system rewards the psychopath and the people who want to help the most typically do so at their own peril (namely to those psychopaths seizing an “opportunity”).
4) When groups of like-minded people get together all to often they only have their bias or whatever enhanced and we all know like attracts like.
5) Lack of true empathy as we simply replace it by imagining what we would do in another’s situation and not analyze what that individual is truly going through. Distance increases this deficiency.
The list goes on and on but I’m doubtful anyone cares what I say but WE ARE THE SYSTEM WE DON’T WANT. Changing the system without changing the man leads to a repetition of what was changed. Change the man and the system naturally changes with him (or her). Metaphorically this isn’t civil rights where exposure is enough but this is slavery. Now that we think slavery is wrong (at least overt level depending on perspective) that has been taken out. Change the man change the system!
What can I say that hasn’t been said already? Please take the time and enjoy the holiday season(while we still have one).I burst with pride that we still have men that open their mouths for the health and safety of us all. All I want for Christmas is a few more Dane’s.
With Much Love and Respect Gerri O’Brien
Thanks Dane and Skywatcher. I didn’t realize how far back these programs had been implemented. They must have ramped up in the past few years because I’ve never seen anything quite like it in my 52yrs. Merry Christmas all!
I think we all like to contribute in any way that we can in this fight against geoengineering. If we can post something that we think can add to the discussion, or share what we have read, learned, or seen with our own eyes or experiences, then we should share it. We can hope that it helps others to learn and become more aware. I just finished watching an excellent video made by Italians. It is very informative and would help anyone new or old to the subject of geoengineering to understand. I thought this was very well done. I love and have watched probably every video Dane has made, they are always excellent. I watch others too. This one is very good. Dane is even mentioned in the end. He is admired for his work around the world. It’s interesting to hear what other countries have to say. Please watch, it is in Italian and you have to read the English subtitles, but it’s so well worth it. Take the time and have a look. I especially liked the last half. It also has excellent trail footage throughout.
Scott Cross, they are photo shopping everything. I have old movies on tape and DVD that when you watch them now on a movie channel the skies have been changed! I’ve read they have computer programs to change the skies to look however they want and they do it in seconds. There are many commercials that change the color of the sky while you are watching. People just have to pay attention to what all Hollywood is capable of. These people who are doing this job should be speaking up! Just spend one week or a couple of days when you watch TV looking at the skies in everything… commercials, movies, TV programs, etc. You will be amazed. They would have us believe that every movie was made on cloudy overcast days. I’m 64, believe me this is not how movies use to look. All these commercials and older TV shows never use to have all these aresole skies, but they do now. I see shows and commercials with red skies, purple skies, yellow, pink, you name it, nothing that looks like the sky I have known my whole life, BLUE. I like to watch all the old Law and Order shows. Now the sky is always white when they show the sky. It seems now everything you see on TV has to have the camera showing the sky then they pan down. It’s all about brain washing to make you think the sky has always looked the way it does now. I see it in everything, the brain washing. I won’t even start on what the local weather shows, the weather channel, etc. I have satellite and this is what I see, maybe cable is different and not changing things. Watch House Hunters on HGTV they are always showing a streak of light with colored particles. Check it out. They even put chemtrails and aresole skies in kids movies and cartoons! I get so mad seeing this when I try to relax and watch TV. Sometimes I just want to shut it off, but I need to relax sometimes. Wake up people, keep spreading the word. I get frustrated, but I have met so many people that “know” that it does my heart good. The word is spreading fast. I’m exhausted from all this, but I’ll keep on keeping on! We all must. Merry Christmas Dane and everyone.
Hello SkywatcherGradma, although there are likely many alterations going on with some of the older films as you suggest, there are also older films that did have trails in the background skies. I personally have photographs with aerosol trails going back to the 70s and we know the programs were at a significant level clear back to the late 40s. As is the case with many aspects of this critical issue, its not a “this or that” equation, but rather a “this AND that” scenario. All are correct in this case.
Thank you, Dane, as always your information is mind boggling. So many people are in denial.
I am sharing ‘Standing Together Against the Global Tyranny’ with Russ’ website, Orbis Vitae.
I am so proud of that Marine in the video that ripped his US Marine decal off his shirt! BRAVO!
“We the people, by the people, and for the people.”
Our government has turned against us, they have become Marxist Socialism communists. I’m not talking about the Democrats, nor the Republicans, or Independents……I’m talking about those who are in the USA offices, who are supposed to defend us. RISE UP AMERICANS! In God We Trust!
The government was never for the people, it has always been for The People (1%ers), They own more than 70% of the worlds wealth, including you, via your birth certificate. How to fight them…… exit the matrix. Remember, no contract, no authority, no law. Do you have a contract with them???? If not, then they have no authority. Make your stand.
Kudos, Lauri Norton..I agree! We must STOP the blind subservience, which we’ve been insidiously, unwittingly duped into over the decades. The master plan of the ‘self-appointed’ (to be honest) has reached the point of diminishing returns. We the People are saturated with the deception and control. We must no longer submit. Follow the example of Gandhi. Together we are stronger than these tyrants, especially now that so many of their slaves in the military and in other positions of power and privy to inside information are waking up and spilling the beans. More power to them.
I’ve been a believer in this atrocity since I had first discovered Dane’s youtube video approximately a year ago. I’ve called this out to all my friends and family with mixed results. I see it everyday here in southeastern, CT. What struck me as odd was a recent movie I had watched. It was Young Guns II filmed in 1990. In the movie at the beginning, an old William Bonnie, aka Jesse James is in the desert with an attorney talking about a pardon he never received. To my astonishment they sky had very similar trails as I see here daily…..what gives????? Dane, I hope you can help me understand, I’m a bit confounded!
Hello Scott, its possible to spot aerosol trails in films going back to the 60s or even before. Available data makes clear that the climate engineering programs have been going on at a significant scale since at least the late 40s. There is much confusion about this fact among some activists, but the historical data proves these programs have been going on for that long.
It is crucial for different groups of activists to join together now, I don’t feel it is single issues any longer we need people power against the one tyranny. If full disclosures are made public about the horrendous activities of military, corporate and banking cartels we will win. This is happening and gathering speed fast. I find seeds that were sown months back are just begining to push up to the daylight but the one thought that I hang on most is that the rumble of dissatisfaction here in Europe will build into a volcano when the time comes. No man will be suppressed by the attempt at omnipotence from a few elite. It is for you pioneering souls in America that my heart goes out to. Bonne chance my friends.
I am for loving the Earth and protecting the Earth. Nature and it’s ways I will defend until I die. I am for standing against tyranny, injustice, and the taking of our constitutional rights. I will defend the constitution until I die. I am for taking responsibility for my own afflictive emotions (fear, anger, greed, revenge) and not encouraging others afflictive emotions. This I do and will continue. Stop the obedience. Stand up!
Like many other people i never thought things like these could be thought as a serious solution global warming (as i saw in an article of the Guardian with the title “IPCC asks scientists to assess geo-engeneering climate solutions”),it says in some quotes:
“Lighter-coloured crops, aerosols in the stratosphere and iron filings in the ocean are among the measures being considered by leading scientists for “geo-engineering” the Earth’s climate, leaked documents from the UN climate science body show….around 60 scientists will propose or try to assess a range of radical measures, including:
blasting sulphate aerosols into the stratosphere to reflect sunlight into space;
• depositing massive quantities of iron filings into the oceans;
• bio-engineering crops to be a lighter colour to reflect sunlight; and
• suppressing cirrus clouds.
Other proposals likely to be suggested include spraying sea water into clouds to reflect sunlight away from the Earth, burying charcoal, painting streets and roofs white on a vast scale, adding lime to oceans and finding different ways to suck greenhouse gases out of the air and deposit heat deep into oceans.”
This is incredible cause we are just changing or terraforming the planet and not taking in account all the terrible consequences they already know very well but seems that hiding the truth is much more important as long as it serves their big interests/profit.We really need to continue the fight in exposing the truth cause seems to me that the next step is to make geoengeneering oficial and the idea maybe is to put more geoengeneering technology and quimicals and crazy experimentations at the service of psychopathics interests …what they are doing to the oceans seems like the idea is to “sweep the dirt under the carpet”…or even worst when they want to put more crap at the seas …I have to admit that we behave like viruses …
I think that the Time is urging specially when our world leaders seem to do nothing about it and Big Corporations just care about getting more Money ,so sad like this:
I second that Susanne … I am doing the same …pedaling as fast as I can. try some dowsing… if you go to my blog I explain how to dowse about this I am working with a friends to do sampling, put on small group informative public meetings, hand out cards to everyone everywhere I go that have the words : ” Look up. We are being sprayed with poison,” , and then list links to a few good info sites When we get the template for our public info meeting I will share it with this site and anyone interested….. oy
I’ll join you against global tyranny and all the other bad forces in the world.
Together we are stronger than they!
The moment I decided to follow Dane’s suggestion, to be that voice in the wilderness, I have felt a resounding relief! No one wants to believe this could be true, I sure don’t. It is a depressing, seemingly hopeless scenario to even wrap my mind around. We are on a serious collision course and I fear it may already be too late. One thing that cannot be stolen is our hope. I have felt, intuitively, lately more hopeful about this issue than I ever felt before. In the past two weeks I have planted the seed of probability with everyone I can! Interestingly enough, a few are willing to at least pay attention more. What a challenge it is to get people to take an interest in this!!