It is not the twisted and demented power brokers that have brought life on Earth to this dark horizon, rather it is the blind and unquestioning obedience of the masses to those in power. Those of us that are fully awake should convey a credible and confident message of urgency to those that are still asleep. No matter what resistance we encounter while attempting to wake others to what is unfolding around us, we can at minimum plant the seed of awakening. Arm yourself with credible data in the form of a printed flyer, a compelling article, or a DVD, then pass the data on to those that are not yet awake. Sharing credible information with the unaware and uninformed is essential. The masses must be awakened if we are to have any chance of turning the tide of insanity which is rapidly surrounding us all, make your voice heard. The two minute video below highlights the societal flaw that has brought us to the edge of the cliff, the blind obedience of the masses.
The Blind Obedience Of The Masses

14 Responses
I agree – why isn’t there a class action about some of these hideous crimes against humanity.
I believe it’s time to do more than just tell others – more than just ‘wake’ them up. As I said above – it’s time to BE ACTIVELY DISOBEDIENT – it’s time to stop paying your mortgage, your Federal Income tax, let’s find where they are launching these chemtrail planes & chain ourselves to the gate …..
By the way, apparently the correct way to exit your mortgage & tax is to agree to pay everything that you lawfully owe, & then require that your bank or IRS present you with a properly contracted ‘loan’ or return for you to repay … & as they cannot do this then you must be discharged from the debt – & reimbursed for all you have wrongly paid them, plus damages …..
‘Ignorant obedience’ is not the problem, it’s when those of us who are no longer ignorant do not DISOBEY…
THE FATAL FLAW IS THE TRULY UNIMAGINABLE KIND & AMOUNT OF PURE EVIL – THE IMMEASURABLE, UNCONSCIONABLE AMOUNT OF PURE UNADULTERATED LAVISHLY EMBELLISHED INIQUITY – perpetrated by the ruling elite. I don’t think even Satan himself or Beelzebub could dream up in their worst nightmare what they are doing to us ……. (not that I believe in ‘Satan’
Haven’t you noticed what happens to anyone who stops being obedient to ‘them’. I bet the only thing you have done is tell a few people about the situation – but have you actually ‘disobeyed’…??????
Can you get your head around the amount of evil the elite is perpetrating ???? – even a small fraction of it – say “9/11” or “everyday banking” or manufacturing Ebola & unleashing it in Africa all by way of creating a need for a vaccine – & hopefully murdering a goodly number of ‘surplus’ human beings on the way….
You can’t know what you don’t know …. The sheeple simply don’t know ….soooo oooo yes, it’s up to us ‘enlightened ones’ to tell them. Nicely. People won’t accept anything you say – with all the proof in the world – if you rail at them & call them stupid.
On the other hand – have you ever heard of ‘the sanction of the victim’ – I think it’s Ayn Rand’s term, but it means, for example, that if you are paying off an unlawful, elegitimate ‘mortgage’ – that is to say, one which does not have the status of a lawful contract, then YOU have moral obligation to stop paying it & sue your bank for reparations & damages. Nor, if you know how fraudulent & unconstitutional it is, should you be paying Federal Income Tax..
Correct – even as the victim of a crime, if it is an on-going affair, that victim has the moral duty to enter into an act of ‘DISOBEDIENCE’; of lawful rebellion. It’s a moral duty as binding as not stealing, lying, cheating or killing.
Recall how you – we all – feel a strong & deep sense of moral outrage – along with at least some degree of sympathy one hopes – when we hear of a battered wife (‘the victim’) clinging on & on & on (stupidly) to her abusive partner. Such is a classic case of ‘the sanction of the victim’. By remaining she is sanctioning his abuse.
We simply must stop paying off our mortgages, our Federal Income taxes & also we must start a class action against ‘them’.
There is another web site which is attempting to get Erin Brockovitch (?) to take up the case …..????? Let’s GO!!!!
Every moment we accept unresistingly, we sanction them – & remember you can not know what you don’t know – nor will folk accept even proven facts if they are not presented ‘nicely’& lovingly..
Now consider how much impact it will have on those still ignorant of the horrific reality in which we currently live if some of us start going to goal for committing acts of civil disobedince – of refusing to sanction our servitude most base, any more …..
All the people in my group are not only clueless but don’t want to know or simply say it is not true. Though this remark borders on a “Conspiracy Theory” I can’t help but to think, “What sedative are they spraying us with?”
Interesting that I just shared this on my Facebook page and immediately got a response from someone that chemtrails have been “proven” to be “conspiracy theories”. The masses do not want to learn! If they did, then they might have to change or actually DO something. Nothing will change as long as the masses just keep following the butt in front of them. The sheeple will be our demise!
I agree. Just speaking within the enlightened group is not enough. I leave flyers and videos in my car, and when they are spraying, which is most days, I engage folks while I am running errands. Today in the OC, it was really bad. I asked one woman outside of a Trader Joe’s to look up, and then asked if the sky looked weird. She responded yes. I explained what she was seeing was man-made, and toxic, and would she like a flyer. She said yes, and thanked me. That’s one more person informed that knew nothing. At the very least, a seed of knowledge was planted. We all must inform, even if it is only one person at a time.
Would if all who read this website decided on February 14, to call or write Jerry Brown and tell him we are against the spraying. And also Pres. Obama to do something about it also.
Please comment. Thanks.
I recently called my congressman, Darryl Issa, and stated the following: ” I am calling because I would like to know why Air Force jets are spraying massive amounts of aluminum, barium, strontium, and other toxic chemicals in my city, neighborhood, and over my home. Concerned citizens have tested the soil and water in many parts of this country, and the results of tests have confirmed levels of these toxins that are many times higher than allowable EPA thresholds. This is affecting your health, and your family’s health as well. You too are breathing these toxins everyday. Would you kindly tell me why this is being done?” The intern, I assume, that answered became very quiet, and paused. Then he told me to please hold. After several minutes, he came back on the line, and told me that my call had been noted, and that he would relay the message to Congressman Issa. Once again I asked him “Why is this being done.” He told me that he did not know. He did sound somewhat concerned. He then concluded the call. I have called Congressman Issa’s office many times asking the same question. I still haven’t gotten an answer. I have also done the same with Senator Boxer, and Senator Feinstein. None of these, my elected representatives, will provide me with an answer. How can we force these officials to respond? I think that would be a good start, to determine how to get some answers to this simple question, WHY? Also, WHAT? One would think that this is our lawful right to know. I think that if enough people were to call their representatives, we might get some answers. Why is there not some sort of class action lawsuit with respect to disclosure of geo-engineering impacts on our health and our environment? I think it’s high time that someone put some heat on these officials somehow.
Who in our congress, elected, will clarify the spraying of these chemicals? Who in any office of America will notice this criminal act and declare any answers? Does the president of the United States of America acknowledge this genocidal act? There is need for the common people of what is assumed to be the free world to demand answers from our representatives.
Awesome! To be controlled by insanity is to be insane. To take control of our sane human right to thrive and heal our great Earth our ecosystem and wildlife, to re-establish balance, to heal from these insane lunatics who seem to think power is control, we as our giving life force, our unstoppable will to live will most certainly throw down the corrupt, though these greedy thugs have taken power over us, they are helpless fools as soon as we realize our true given life, our given selves, not taking, though living, life is far more powerful than money.
Public Law 105-85 passed in 1997 gives the D.O.D the permission and our consent to spray whatever they want.
Below is a link to a youtube video describing the hard to find public law because we are presumed to know the law and our ignorance of the law means that our silence is consent. This is real, folks……….spread the news about this web site.
So agree. Cut off the money and it has to stop.
The chain of obedience is the financial system… shut down the central banks and the “dark horizon” will become a splendid new dawn.
I have been quiet for too long. Here in So. Cal. We have been sprayed very heavily two days ago. So much it was hard to be outside in it. Some child I know played out in it and was sick the next day. It is so hard to watch this insult on us humans. Who thinks they have the power to spray other tax paying citizens. Let us remember it is
in our Constitution not to be sprayed by any chemicals.I woke up and wanted to go for a walk after working all day yesterday inside while it was a beautiful day.Only to wake up to the planes spraying the sun out. I was so mad, I want to sell my house and quit work and work with this until the day I die.I can’t watch this go on from my house anymore and live by military. It is no other word for this than insanity gone a muck… Ugh Keep up all your hard word Dane. You rock!
History is repeating its self as I write. Go along to get along? When did that become a standard American trait? If I wasn’t born an optimistic individual I too would have given up on the masses long ago. For some reason I still believe in the power of a few to make a big difference in the way we are manipulated by the psychos in charge of the asylum at this time. Have to wonder what the world would be like if JFK had restored sanity to our country many years ago before being martyred for being a moral soul. Geoengineering would have had to remain in the twisted minds of sick scientists never to see the light of day. Rule of law would still be intact.Criminals would be promoted to jail and banks would have to go broke and eat crow while in jail.