Volunteers for Planetary Climate Action (VPCA) October 3 2014
Volunteers for Planetary Climate Action (VPCA)
Hello, Pondo:
Today, I want to let you know that the WH has just said that there will be no travel restrictions because ebola is not airborne, and the CDC has stated that people are only infectious after they develop visible symptoms.
This is important because these are deliberate lies. Ebola is airborne; that has been known for years, ever since transmission occurred between monkeys and pigs in a lab. The animals were not in proximity; they were in different rooms. The virus traveled through the ventilation ducts.
Of course the biowarfare experts who developed the virus knew it was airborne from the beginning; that is why it requires level 4 containment. Level 4 uses negative air pressure to confine the virus.
With reference to when people become infectious, the only safe assumption is that this happens very shortly after exposure.
Vaccine trials are underway in humans. It normally takes years to get to this point; how did they do it in weeks? My thought is that the trials are not about the vaccine. It’s not going to work because a) the virus mutates rapidly; and b) there is no evidence that survival confers immunity. In Africa they have used blood transfusions from survivors but this strategy did not help. If people had developed antibodies the transfusions should have made a difference, but they didn’t.
The trials are not about the vaccine, but about developing strategies for persuading people to accept it. Social engineering.
Every pandemic for at least the last 30 years was engendered by a mass vaccination campaign. It started much earlier than that; Spanish flu had nothing to do with Spain. It began on a US Army base in the United States after a vaccine trial.
Flu shots are notorious for spreading the flu. They do not reduce either the incidence or the severity in any population that has been studied (including children, the elderly, the sick). However someone who receives a flu shot sheds the live virus for two to three weeks afterward.
There is no reason to think things will be different with the ebola vaccination, except that it is possible that people may shed the virus indefinitely, for a reason I’ll get to in a minute.
The evidence suggests that this pandemic is being deliberately engineered. People are not wanted to change their behavior because it is much easier to manage the pandemic if they continue their normal routines.
A detail about ebola: the virus remains in the body fluids for a surprisingly long time after recovery. A man in Africa gave the disease to his wife eight weeks after he had been released as cured. They found the virus in his semen. If even I knew that the CDC surely did, but they released two supposedly recovered ebola patients into the general population after less than 20 days isolation.
It’s conceivable that no one really recovers from this disease. The reason they appear to recover may be that the rate of cell death is so fast that cells die before they can pass on the virus to other cells. If that is true, people can give the disease to others for an indefinite period and can get it again themselves. Presumably the CDC knows whether this guess is true but they aren’t telling.
Considering where you live, you should be okay. But you may wish to warn the people on your mailing list. I will send you some material you can quote [please omit my name] and some files on what people can do to protect themselves.
What is about to happen here is not an accident, and it is not the result of incompetence. A very large population reduction is about to be engineered. It includes a significant demographic shift. Americans are wanted to be replaced by the illiterate denizens of Central and South American slums. These new inhabitants will be given minimal instruction in English and will wind up as slave labor for the corporatist state.
If you doubt what I have said, consider this: the normal steps in coping with a pandemic would be to immediately suspend air travel from the affected region, closing airports to flights from the region and barring travelers who had been there. Infected people would be left in Africa to get treatment there; since only palliative care is available, there is no advantage to bringing them back to the USA and it creates the risk of the disease getting loose here.
Packages from Africa should be stopped and inspected to see if they contain bushmeat, an alleged vector of the disease. (Actually no animal vector has been found.) That is not being done.
The borders should have been closed immediately. That hasn’t been done.
More, later.
Warm regards,
Date: Thu, Oct 2, 2014 at 3:06 PM
Keith . . .
I read the letter from your friend.
The only part I had an issue with was the need to watch
“bushmeat” coming in from Africa. If USDA regulations are
still enforced, this is a no-no, anyway . . . but since the
U.S. is now effectively without the Rule of Law, who knows?
The most amazing part of this Ebola event is that more
people do not readily see that it perfectly fits the
“Crisis / Reaction / Solution” model that has become the
very cornerstone of modern governance. Or perhaps
it’s a case that people don’t see what they don’t want
to see. It’s a painful reality coming to grips with the
obvious : that this planet is and has been overlorded
for not less than 6,000 years by ruthless, conscience-free
psychopaths and now we’re at the precipice with a
front row seat to the greatest mass die-off since
the Permian Extinction. Do I hear a sigh of doubt?
What? You don’t take our current Elite at their word?
Do you think Prince Phillip — who most succinctly
and clearly expresses the thinking of the Global Elite —
was just kidding when he said, “I must confess that I am
tempted to ask for reincarnation as a particularly
deadly virus.” (That the media is complicit in covering
all of this up is touched upon in my most recent essay:
http://www.altcancer.net/ashwin/ashw0914.htm )
These people mean business.
And those who think otherwise will bleed out their
orifices, wallowing in their own ignorance. We lament the
murder of over 250 million people by major world
governments over the past century as humanity
was exposed to one ridiculous war after another —
all coming after German sociologist, Max Weber,
and his masterful articulations of Government as
a tool to legitimize the most breathtakingly evil,
criminal activities imaginable. And yet, think about it.
To wipe out 6 billion+ of the Homo Sapiens on this
planet in the course of say three or four or even
ten years is so much more grand.
Bringing our attention to more recent events,
I remember sitting in a prison cell in 2005, reading
“Lab 257 : The Disturbing Story of the Government’s
Secret Plum Island Germ Laboratory,” and thinking
to myself, “Oh! So that’s where they’re going to
develop the weaponized viruses necessary to kill off
90% of humanity!”
Nine years later . . . and here we are.
Those who follow your newsletters, Keith, already
know that we are in the middle of ecosystem collapse
the world over. There is a certain orgasmic thrill in knowing
you have the power to destroy all life on a planet and
no one can stop you. That’s REAL power. You
can’t relate? Well, then that’s just too bad. It just
means you’re not a psychopath and thus unfit for
high public office.
We — ourselves and our ancestors — allowed this
co-optation of Creation . . . and now we are about to
pay for our collective malfeasance. If not with this
super bug, then with the one that follows.
God help us.
Greg Caton
Ebola Outbreak: The Latest U.S. Government Lies. The Risk of Airborne Contagion?
We begin with the Public Health Agency of Canada, which once (as recently as August 6) stated on its website that:
“In the laboratory, infection through small-particle aerosols has been demonstrated in primates, and airborne spread among humans is strongly suspected, although it has not yet been conclusively demonstrated (1, 6, 13). The importance of this route of transmission is not clear. Poor hygienic conditions can aid the spread of the virus.”
No more; the “airborne spread among humans is strongly suspected” language has been cleansed:
“In laboratory settings, non-human primates exposed to aerosolized ebolavirus from pigs have become infected, however, airborne transmission has not been demonstrated between non-human primates
Footnote1 Footnote10 Footnote15 Footnote44 Footnote45.
Viral shedding has been observed in nasopharyngeal secretions and rectal swabs of pigs following experimental inoculation.”
Are we to suppose that very recent and ground-breaking research was conducted that indicated there is no longer reason to “strongly suspect” that airborne Ebola contagion occurs? Surely, the research was done three weeks ago, and we only need to wait another couple of days until the study is released for public consumption. Feel better now?
If not, perhaps the 9/30 words of the Centers for Disease Control accompanying the Dallas Ebola case will provide some solace. Or, perhaps those words just contain another pack of U.S. Government lies. Let’s investigate.
Before addressing the CDC’s Statement, we should articulate some pivotal Ebola Outbreak facts we’re apparently not supposed to mention or even think about, since they’ve been buried by the Government/MSM complex. So, consider this from an earlier Global Research contribution by this author, drawn from a 2014 New England Journal of Medicine article:
“Phylogenetic analysis of the full-length sequences established a separate clade for the Guinean EBOV strain in sister relationship with other known EBOV strains. This suggests that the EBOV strain from Guinea has evolved in parallel with the strains from the Democratic Republic of Congo and Gabon from a recent ancestor and has not been introduced from the latter countries into Guinea. Potential reservoirs of EBOV, fruit bats of the species Hypsignathusmonstrosus, Epomopsfranqueti, & Myonycteristorquata, are present in large parts of West Africa.18 It is possible that EBOV has circulated undetected in this region for some time. The emergence of the virus in Guinea highlights the risk of EBOV outbreaks in the whole West African subregion…
The high degree of similarity among the 15 partial L gene sequences, along with the three full-length sequences and the epidemiologic links between the cases, suggest a single introduction of the virus into the human population. This introduction seems to have happened in early December 2013 or even before.”
The take-home message is that we now confront a brand spanking new genetic variant of Ebola. Furthermore, we still have no idea at all how the “single introduction of the virus in the human population” of West Africa occurred. And, the current Ebola outbreak appears to be orders of magnitude more contagious than previous outbreaks. It also presents with a fatality count that far exceeds all previous outbreaks combined. But it’s certainly not airborne, so who cares about nit-picking details such as these!
In spite of the above facts, we are supposed to believe that all questions regarding the current Ebola outbreak can be answered with exclusive reference to what has occurred in connection with previously encountered—in terms of genetic composition—and known—in terms of initial outbreak source—Ebola episodes.
Here are a couple of questions. When was the last time an Ebola outbreak coincided with instructions to U.S. funeral homes on how to “handle the remains of Ebola patients”? Not to worry, since Alysia English, Executive Director of the Georgia Funeral Homes Association, is quoted (click preceding link) as saying “If you were in the middle of a flood or gas leak, that’s not the time to figure out how to turn it off. You want to know all of that in advance. This is no different.” So it’s just about being prepared, you see. Of course, nothing resembling this sort of preparation has ever transpired alongside any other Ebola outbreak in world history, so what gives now?
“Oh, it’s because we now have that Ebola case in Dallas.” True, but this response suffers from two fatal defects. First, we’re not supposed to worry about one tiny case as long as it’s in America, right, since according to the CDC on 9/30:
…there’s all the difference in the world between the U.S. and parts of Africa where Ebola is spreading. The United States has a strong health care system and public health professionals who will make sure this case does not threaten our communities,” said CDC Director, Dr. Tom Frieden, M.D., M.P.H. “While it is not impossible that there could be additional cases associated with this patient in the coming weeks, I have no doubt that we will contain this.”
If the U.S.’ strong health care system (which is apparently far superior to hazmat suits) is so effective at containment, what explains the funeral home preparations again? If U.S. containment procedures are so superb and the virus is no more contagious than before, what difference does it make whether the case is in Dallas, Texas or Sierra Leone? To be sure, maybe the answers to these questions are simple, and it’s just about corrupt money and the like.
However, the corrupted money explanation isn’t very plausible (at least on its own) either, for the very simple, and extremely disturbing, reason that the “funeral home preparations” article was first published on 9/29 at 3:36 PM PST—a day before the Dallas case was confirmed positive. Of course, this makes the following language at the very head of the article all the more eerie:
“CBS46 News has confirmed the Centers for Disease Control has issued guidelines to U.S. funeral homes on how to handle the remains of Ebola patients. If the outbreak of the potentially deadly virus is in West Africa, why are funeral homes in America being given guidelines?”
If the rejoinder is that “well, people thought the Dallas case might turn out positive”, the reply must be that there were several other cases, in places like Sacramento and New York, that might have turned out positive, but resulted in neither funeral home preparations nor a rash of CDC “Ebola Prevention” tips (wash those hands, since they’re running low on hazmat suits!)
Hopefully, you are in the mood for two more big CDC lies, because they really are quite important. From the 9/30 CDC statement: “People are not contagious after exposure unless they develop symptoms.” This is a lie for three basic reasons. First, the studies that inform the CDC’s professed certainty on this issue relied upon analyses of previous outbreaks of then-known known Ebola variants. The current strain, as stated here early on, is novel—genetically as well as geographically. Second, the distinction between “incubation” and “visible symptoms” is a continuum, not discrete in nature; a few droplets might not be rain, but they’re not indicative of fully clear skies either—so the boundary drawn by the CDC is, like nearly everything else the U.S. government does, arbitrary. Third, as even rank amateurs at statistics know, previous outbreaks have consisted of too few cases to confidently rule out small but consequential probabilities of asymptomatic transmission—completely leaving aside the fact that we have a new genetic variant of Ebola to deal with.
The last major CDC lie mentioned in this article is the claim, repeated ad nauseam, that “infrastructure shortcomings” and the like is wholly sufficient to explain the exponential increase in the number of cases presented by the current outbreak. We should believe that only when presented with well-designed multivariate contagion models that properly incorporate information about Ebola outbreaks and generate findings that socioeconomic differences as between West Africa and other regions of Africa (such as Zaire) alone can fully explain observed differences associated with the current outbreak. It seems to this author that we should strongly doubt that the current contagion can be fully explained without at some point invoking features of the novel genetic strain.
Dr. Jason Kissner is Associate Professor of Criminology at California State University. Dr. Kissner’s research on gangs and self-control has appeared in academic journals. His current empirical research interests include active shootings. You can reach him at crimprof2010[at]hotmail.com
Date: Thu, Oct 2, 2014 at 10:08 PM
Subject: comments section of ZH
Doctor Boards Atlanta Flight in HazMat Suit to Protest “Lying CDC”
Submitted by Tyler Durden on 10/02/2014
“If they’re not lying, they are grossly incompetent,” said Dr. Gil Mobley, a microbiologist and emergency trauma physician from Springfield, Mo. as he checked in and cleared Atlanta airport security wearing a mask, goggles, gloves, boots and a hooded white jumpsuit emblazoned on the back with the words, “CDC is lying!” As The Atlanta Journal-Constitution reports, Mobley says the CDC is “sugar-coating” the risk of the virus spreading in the United States.
Thai hospital says it has Ebola cure, could be mass-produced within a year
Doctors at Siriraj Hosptial in Bangkok claim to have developed an antibody using human genes that could cure Ebola patients, but more tests are needed before production can begin.
BANGKOK: Doctors at the Faculty of Medicine Siriraj Hosptial, Mahidol University in Bangkok, Thailand claim that they have developed a new antibody that could cure Ebola patients. The antibody could be a year away from being produced on a large scale, they said.
In a press conference on Thursday (Oct 2), the hospital announced that it has produced antibodies against Ebola that are small enough to enter infected cells, and also access the virus proteins within the cell.
Dr Wanpen Chaicumpa, head of the Ebola research team at Siriraj Hosptial, said: “Conventional antibody that works against virus was to prevent the entry of virus into cells. But our antibody, because it is small and cell penetrable, it can follow the virus that already enters the cell, like in an infected patient. And it can block … the virus replication process.”
Saying that the discovery is a breakthrough from a research standpoint, the doctors say their prototype antibodies were developed using human genes. The samples used are viruses similar to the five Ebola strands and no live Ebola viruses were used, they added.
The doctors say the next step is to conduct animal testing before moving on to testing the vaccine on humans. Dr Udom Kachintorn, Dean of the Faculty of Medicine at Siriraj Hospital, said: “In theory, we are 100 per cent confident of our antibody research. But there are two more steps in the scientific process – first, is testing it for safety and efficacy in animals. Then, a clinical trial with humans.” If the tests are successful, the antibody would then need to be manufactured on a large scale.
While Siriraj doctors warn that this could be a year away, they also insist that the Thai pharmaceutical sector could help rush the development, pending more tests. Currently, the research will be followed up by Siam Bioscience, a joint Thai-Cuban pharmaceutical launched this year.
Ebola is spread by close contact with the bodily fluids of an infected person who is showing symptoms, or by touching the corpse of a person who died from the hemorrhagic virus. The fast-growing Ebola outbreak in West Africa has killed more than 3,000 people since the start of the year.
WHO asks for Ebola anti-body from Siriraj for lab test
The World Health Organisation has requested a sample of therapeutic antibody for Ebola virus from Siriraj Hospital, clinical Prof Dr Udom Kachintorn, dean of Mahidol University’s Faculty of Medicine Siriraj Hospital, said Friday.
He said the WHO wanted to try applying the anti-body with the real Ebola in its Bio-safety Level 4 laboratory in the United States.
He said if the anti-body works effectively, WHO may develop it as a cure for the the deadly Ebola Haemorrhagic Fever, and thus cutting the process of trials in the animals and human beings.
The Nation
Engineered Weather, Exposing the Lies
The level of deception and outright lying coming from the climate science community and especially the “official” agencies like NOAA, NASA, NWS, etc, is astounding. Some in the climate science community are lying about the climate engineering reality because they are afraid of losing their jobs or worse. I know this for a fact because I have had face to face conversations with a few. There are other climate scientists that are totally in denial as they just can’t face the truth. Then there are the rest that are simply paid to deny the ongoing climate engineering reality. In any of these cases, all who deceive the public must be considered accessories in the massive coverup of the catastrophic climate engineering crimes. The so called “experts” that are lying to the public should be contacted by each and every one of us every single time they lie to let them know that we are not buying their lies. These “experts” should be put on notice that one day soon the public will hold them responsible for their criminal behavior. The two minute video below is complete deception due to the total omission of the catastrophic climate engineering issue. This being said, the video is well worth watching as the disasters it outlines are already all to real.
Dane Wigington
DOCUMENTARY: “The Great Culling” Explains Chemtrails Ebola and Pandemics
Posted by Rusty Chemtrail News, Featured Thursday, October 2nd, 2014
Our Water
‘The Great Culling’ of the human population has quietly begun. Covertly, insidiously, mercilessly, a global depopulation agenda has been launched. As this plays out, the vast majority of the human race will be removed from the gene pool. Genetically annihilated. Will you and your genetic lineage survive?
Film-makers Paul Wittenberger (What In The World Are They Spraying?) and Chris Maple explore WHAT are the real threats to your life, your offspring and your genetic integrity? HOW can you protect yourself from those threats? WHY is a global depopulation agenda being pursued? The more you understand these answers, the greater your odds of surviving ‘The Great Culling’.
Thomas Chan
China Daily
HONG KONG: — Pandora’s Box has now been opened in Hong Kong. What has been released is a strong distrust of the SAR government as well as the central government — particularly among the younger generation — as well as much upheaval in society.
The “Occupy Central” movement and radical student political activities in recent months have led to considerable social and political divisions in Hong Kong. One cannot deny the possibility of political interference and manipulation by US intelligence agencies to destabilise Hong Kong. This is in order to stop China’s spectacular economic and global rise. There is clearly evidence of involvement by US officials.
Another concern is the failure of the police in Hong Kong last Sunday to arrest protesters in areas near the government headquarters — particularly those people directing the strategy and tactics of the core group of protesters. This allowed the protesters to re-group after the police had used tear gas and to encourage more people to join the demonstrations. The protests then spread to Admiralty, Wan Chai, Causeway Bay and even to Mong Kok in Kowloon.
“Occupy Central” has become a campaign aimed at paralysing Hong Kong’s major urban centres.
Surprisingly, the size of the protests is smaller than expected. At most, there have been no more than 60,000 people protesting — as claimed by the demonstrators themselves. Hong Kong is still maintaining law and order except for a few areas where the protesters are prevalent.
Transport has been seriously affected in some places, but there has not been mass of people coming out to challenge the government and police which the organisers of “Occupy Central” had hoped for. The police need to implement their tactics astutely and control the area around government headquarters. This will then force the protesters to test the patience of ordinary citizens, whose lives are being disrupted. Police should also arrest organisers of the protests for their role in illegal activities and aggressive confrontations with the police. These arrests will deprive the demonstrators of their leaders while forcing more people to be accountable before the law.
In the next couple of days, Hong Kong’s authorities may suffer a loss of trust and credibility in the eyes of the public. But the government must never yield to the unreasonable political demands of the protesters. These include calls for the resignation of the Chief Executive and senior officials and the rescinding of the decision of the Standing Committee of the National People Congress (NPCSC). The government should not even hold a meeting with the protesters to give them any legitimacy. The outcome of the protests will ultimately depend on the patience of ordinary citizens and how long they will tolerate such disruption.
The protesters have not achieved their real aim of regime change in Hong Kong. They know very well this would never be allowed by the central government. They might use their confrontations with police as a way to get more sympathy from the citizens and to encourage greater participation from naive young people. As the government has ignored their demands and the police have exercised considerable restraint then what is the point of occupying parts of the city and disrupting public transport? How long can they continue with such tactics? In a few days the protests will surely have to stop.
In the long term, and this is probably what the demonstrators and those behind them really want, the protest movement may encourage more opposition towards the SAR government. This will be most evident in schools and universities. Some sections of society seem to give in too easily to anti-government activists. Many of these people include teachers and academics. They may encourage further protests from the younger generation against the SAR and central governments. Anti-central government and anti-mainland sentiment might spread further to areas such as education, culture, politics and social work.
Many frustrated young people wrongly believe the government is weak and can be defeated. So they will constantly try to obstruct government policies. They aim to cripple not just Hong Kong’s major business centres but its entire system of government.
These protests could ultimately make the city ungovernable. They will also stop it developing into a full democracy. The true motives of the protest leaders are clearly destructive. They are not concerned about the welfare of ordinary citizens and young people in Hong Kong. They are actually part of an international political struggle to defend the power of the US — the so-called bastion of world democracy — but in reality a country which protects the vested interests of a privileged few.
US Now Admits It Is Funding “Occupy Central” in Hong Kong
Just as the US admitted shortly after the so-called “Arab Spring” began spreading chaos across the Middle East that it had fully funded, trained, and equipped both mob leaders and heavily armed terrorists years in advance, it is now admitted that the US State Department through a myriad of organizations and NGOs is behind the so-called “Occupy Central” protests in Hong Kong.
The Washington Post would report in an article titled, “Hong Kong erupts even as China tightens screws on civil society,” that:
Chinese leaders unnerved by protests elsewhere this year have been steadily tightening controls over civic organizations on the mainland suspected of carrying out the work of foreign powers.
The campaign aims to insulate China from subversive Western ideas such as democracy and freedom of expression, and from the influence, specifically, of U.S. groups that may be trying to promote those values here, experts say. That campaign is long-standing, but it has been prosecuted with renewed vigor under President Xi Jinping, especially after the overthrow of Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych following months of street demonstrations in Kiev that were viewed here as explicitly backed by the West.
The Washington Post would also report (emphasis added):
One foreign policy expert, who spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss a sensitive subject, said Putin had called Xi to share his concern about the West’s role in Ukraine. Those concerns appear to have filtered down into conversations held over cups of tea in China, according to civil society group members.
“They are very concerned about Color Revolutions, they are very concerned about what is going on in Ukraine,” said the international NGO manager, whose organization is partly financed by the National Endowment for Democracy (NED), blamed here for supporting the protests in Kiev’s central Maidan square. “They say, ‘Your money is coming from the same people. Clearly you want to overthrow China.’ ”
Congressionally funded with the explicit goal of promoting democracy abroad, NED has long been viewed with suspicion or hostility by the authorities here. But the net of suspicion has widened to encompass such U.S. groups as the Ford Foundation, the International Republican Institute, the Carter Center and the Asia Foundation.
Of course, NED and its many subsidiaries including the International Republican Institute and the National Democratic Institute do no such thing as “promoting democracy,” and instead are in the business of constructing a global network of neo-imperial administration termed “civil society” that interlocks with the West’s many so-called “international institutions” which in turn are completely controlled by interests in Washington, upon Wall Street, and in the cities of London and Brussels.
The very concept of the United States ”promoting democracy” is scandalous when considering it is embroiled in an invasive global surveillance scandal, guilty of persecuting one unpopular war after another around the planet against the will of its own people and based on verified lies, and brutalizing and abusing its own citizens at home with militarized police cracking down on civilians in towns like Ferguson, Missouri – making China’s police actions against “Occupy Central” protesters pale in comparison. “Promoting democracy” is clearly cover for simply expanding its hegemonic agenda far beyond its borders and at the expense of national sovereignty for all subjected to it, including Americans themselves.
In 2011, similar revelations were made public of the US’ meddling in the so-called “Arab Spring” when the New York Times would report in an article titled, “U.S. Groups Helped Nurture Arab Uprisings,” that:
A number of the groups and individuals directly involved in the revolts and reforms sweeping the region, including the April 6 Youth Movement in Egypt, the Bahrain Center for Human Rights and grass-roots activists like Entsar Qadhi, a youth leader in Yemen, received training and financing from groups like the International Republican Institute, the National Democratic Institute and Freedom House, a nonprofit human rights organization based in Washington.
The article would also add, regarding NED specifically, that:
The Republican and Democratic institutes are loosely affiliated with the Republican and Democratic Parties. They were created by Congress and are financed through the National Endowment for Democracy, which was set up in 1983 to channel grants for promoting democracy in developing nations. The National Endowment receives about $100 million annually from Congress. Freedom House also gets the bulk of its money from the American government, mainly from the State Department.
Pro-war and interventionist US Senator John McCain had famously taunted both Russia’s President Vladimir Putin and President Xi Jinping’s predecessor in 2011 that the US subversion sweeping the Middle East was soon headed toward Moscow and Beijing. The Atlantic in a 2011 article titled, “The Arab Spring: ‘A Virus That Will Attack Moscow and Beijing’,” would report that:
He [McCain] said, “A year ago, Ben-Ali and Gaddafi were not in power. Assad won’t be in power this time next year. This Arab Spring is a virus that will attack Moscow and Beijing.” McCain then walked off the stage.
Considering the overt foreign-funded nature of not only the “Arab Spring,” but now “Occupy Central,” and considering the chaos, death, destabilization, and collapse suffered by victims of previous US subversion, “Occupy Central” can be painted in a new light – a mob of dupes being used to destroy their own home – all while abusing the principles of “democracy” behind which is couched an insidious, diametrically opposed foreign imposed tyranny driven by immense, global spanning corporate-financier interests that fear and actively destroy competition. In particular, this global hegemon seeks to suppress the reemergence of Russia as a global power, and prevent the rise of China itself upon the world’s stage.
The regressive agenda of “Occupy Central’s” US-backed leadership, and their shameless exploitation of the good intentions of the many young people ensnared by their gimmicks, poses a threat in reality every bit as dangerous as the “threat” they claim Beijing poses to the island of Hong Kong and its people. Hopefully the people of China, and the many people around the world looking on as “Occupy Central” unfolds, will realize this foreign-driven gambit and stop it before it exacts the heavy toll it has on nations that have fallen victim to it before – Libya, Syria, Ukraine, Egypt, and many others.
If Hong Kong Can Have a Pro-Democracy Movement… Why Can’t the United States?
Minister Wang Yi met with U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry in Washington, DC and made headlines for more or less telling the U.S. government not to interfere in matters concerning the pro-democracy movement that has engulfed the Chinese-administered territory of Hong Kong.
“The Chinese government has very firmly and clearly stated its position,” stated Wang Yi as he stood beside Kerry outside the State Department building. “I believe for any country, for any society, no one would allow those illegal acts that violate public order. That’s the situation in the United States and that’s the same situation in Hong Kong.”
For his part, Kerry offered the Obama administration’s message that it objects to aspects of China’s anti-democratic policies in Hong Kong, specifically their refusal for universal suffrage, and said he hopes “that the Hong Kong authorities will exercise restraint and respect the protestors’ right to express their views peacefully.”
And though it’s a well-worn talking point—articulated here by the Guardian— that the US has “always walked a delicate tightrope in its relations with China, eager to improve trade and economic ties with the world’s second largest economy while also pressing for greater human rights”—Harvard law professor Lawrence Lessig, in an op-ed on Wednesday, argues that what’s most striking dynamic about the situation in Hong Kong is not how leaders like Wang Yi and Kerry are delicatedly skirting the realities of their own self-interest, but why voters in the U.S. don’t recognize how much they have in common with the tens of thousands of Hong Kong residents who have recognized how corrupt and nonexistence their democratic has become.
In Lessig’s opinion, when it comes to calling for democratic reforms and amassing in large numbers in the streets, U.S. voters “should be protesting, too.”
Invoking the legacy of William “Boss” Tweedy, known for masterminding New York and national politics on behalf of his fellow elites in 19th century America, Lessig writes that contemporary voters in the United States have become as disempowered by the role of big money in electoral politics (he calls it the “green primary”) as have Hong Kong citizens under mainland China’s one-party rule.
“I don’t care who does the electing, so long as I get to do the nominating,” Tweed famously said. And for Lessig, that is the mindset that draws a straight line between China’s Communist Party leaders and the corporate and wealthy elites in the United States who have so radically captured American democracy in recent decades.
Lessig writes:
Of course, we don’t have a democracy “dominated by a pro-Beijing business and political elite.” But as a massive empirical study by Princeton’s Martin Gilens and Benjamin I. Page published just last month shows, remove the word “pro-Beijing,” and the charge translates pretty well.
America’s government is demonstrably responsive to the “economic elite and organized business interests,” Gilens and Page found, while “the preferences of the average American appear to have only a minuscule, near-zero, statistically non-significant impact upon public policy.” Boss Tweed would have been impressed.
The “green primary” isn’t a formal bar to election. But it is certainly an effective bar. There isn’t a single political analyst in America today who doesn’t look first to whether a candidate for Congress has the necessary financial support of the relevant funders. That money isn’t enough, and it certainly doesn’t guarantee victory. (Only 94 percent of candidates with more money win.) But no candidate ignores the money, or is ignorant of the views of the tiny fraction of the 1 percent that provides it. That’s not perfect control, but it turns out to be control enough to weaken the ability of ordinary Americans to have something other than a “non-significant impact upon public policy.”
The surprise in the Hong Kong plan is not that it fits Boss Tweed’s mold. The surprise is the reaction of her students, and now people. To imagine a proportionate number of Americans — 5 million — striking against our own version of Tweedism is to imagine the first steps of a revolution. But in America, we don’t protest our “democracy with Chinese characteristics.” In America, we have accepted it as as American as apple pie.
Swiss Red Cross worker killed in shelling from Kiev-controlled position – Moscow
The Swiss Red Cross worker, who died in Donetsk shelling on Thursday, was killed on a rebel-held territory as a result of an attack from the position controlled by Kiev’s armed forces, Russia’s Foreign Ministry said in a statement.
“We note the hectic reaction of the Kiev authorities, who hurried to shift the blame for the death of the employee of this established international organization [Red Cross] from themselves,” the ministry said.
“Kiev doesn’t want to admit the obvious fact that while the [attacked] area in Donetsk was situated on territory controlled by the militia forces, the shelling itself was conducted from Ukrainian Army positions.”
Moscow condemned the incident as “a blatant violation” of international humanitarian law and insisted on an objective and thorough investigation into the matter.
The Ukrainian Foreign Ministry has also expressed its condolences while putting the incident on the par with “the terrorists taking the OSCE employees hostage.” The ministry uses the term ‘terrorists’ to refer to anti-government forces in eastern Ukraine.
The attack was aimed at the “intimidation of the international organizations’ representatives, who help to bring the peace and calm back to Donbass,” Kiev added.
Laurent DuPasquier, 38, a Swiss national who was deputy head of the Red Cross mission in Donetsk, was killed on Thursday in shelling which was carried out allegedly from an Uragan (Hurricane) rocket system, a report by the OSCE said.
The document also stated that 15 minutes after the shelling, the OSCE observers got a phone call from the head of the International Red Cross Committee (IRCC) in Kiev, who told them that the Donetsk office was under attack, and one of the employees was dead. He had been standing in front of the building when the shelling began.
Earlier on Friday, First Deputy Prime Minister of the Donetsk People’s Republic Andrey Purgin also claimed that the rocket that hit the Red Cross office was launched by the Ukrainian military.
“There’s no question about that. This was a rocket projectile of the Uragan system. It was, of course, launched by the Ukrainian side. Its range is up to 40km. That is to say they were shelling the center of Donetsk, without paying any attention to the location they were to hit. It just happened that it hit the Red Cross office,” according to Purgin.
400 Bodies Found in Ukraine Mass Graves Are Evidence of War Crime: Lavrov
Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said Wednesday that more than 400 bodies have been discovered in mass graves near the city of Donetsk in eastern Ukraine, in what he described as “horrific” evidence that pointed to a war crime.
“This is obviously a war crime. Already more than 400 bodies have been discovered in [mass] graves outside Donetsk and we hope that western capitals will not hush up these facts [because] they’re horrific,” Lavrov said, adding there was an apparent blackout of the incident in Western mass media.
Last week, several mass graves filled with bodies of massacred civilians and independence supporters, killed execution-style, were unearthed 35 kilometers northeast of Donetsk.
“I expect [to hear] a clear, unbiased and responsible response from international organizations. OSCE is already working at the scene. We will make the truth known and, of course, make sure that the justice is done,” Sergei Lavrov said at a press conference.
Speaking at PACE’s fall session in Strasbourg on Tuesday, Russian lawmaker Olga Kazakova called on the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe to keep an eye on the investigation into this horrendous massacre.
The independence supporters of southeastern Ukraine believe that the civilians were murdered by the National Guard fighters who had stayed in the village of Nyzhnia Krynka, near the city of Donetsk, where the graves had been discovered, since April. Ukrainian authorities later denied this accusation, saying that not a single National Guard fighter had been in the area, adding however that some other Ukrainian units were deployed there at the time.
Lavrov commented on Kiev’s recent claim to conduct an open and impartial probe of the alleged massacre as soon as it regained control of the area, saying it was pure hypocrisy because “these crimes were obviously perpetrated there at the time when Ukrainian security forces were in control of this region.”
Why Obama Lost His War in Ukraine
When President Obama took control of Ukraine in February 2014, via a coup d’etat against the democratically elected President, rather than by an outright invasion of U.S. troops, the new Government that he imposed in Kiev was democratically very vulnerable. The man whom Obama overthrew had been elected by overwhelming margins in Crimea, Luhansk and Donetsk regions in Ukraine’s southeast and by high margins elsewhere in the country’s southeast; those southeastern voters needed to be gotten rid of (exterminated &/or expelled from Ukraine) in order to make the new, pro-U.S. Ukrainian regime (which was supported only by the voters in Ukraine’s northeast), stick, if Ukraine was ever to be restored to democracy while being anti-Russian such as the the new rulers were, whom Obama had installed.
But Crimea immediately broke away from that new Government, Russian troops came into Crimea to protect them against military action that was planned by the U.S. to stop that breakaway,and Crimeans then immediately held a plebiscite in March which overwhelmingly supported reuniting Crimea with Russia — Crimea had never voluntarily left Russia: the USSR’s leader Khrushchev had donated Russia’s Crimean region to Ukraine in 1954, and Crimeans were always overwhelmingly opposed to that change.
Then, elsewhere in Ukraine’s southeast, locals took over government buildings and refused to accept the new coup-imposed, anti-Russian Ukrainian Government. Obama and his newly appointed leaders of Ukraine didn’t like that, and were determined to stop the rebellion. They commenced an ethnic-cleansing campaign to eliminate the voters in the southeast (except in Crimea, which was now being defended by Russian troops, so Obama wouldn’t support his coup-regime’s intent to extend the ethnic cleansing immediately into Crimea and even to destroy Russia; Obama viewed that intent as being premature; his ethnic-cleansing program would be only in other parts of the southeast).
No one can understand Obama’s defeat in Ukraine who does not know that he imposed upon Ukraine a Government that was committed to an ethnic-cleansing campaign to get rid of the people in the regions that had voted for the man whom Obama overthrew. That’s basic to know, in order to have any possibility to understand why Obama lost this war that he started with his February coup. In fact, the man whom the Obama-team chose to design the ethnic-cleansing program announced in June that there were going to be concentration-camps for everyone in the southeast who supported the breakaway-movement.
The official U.S. line was that the people in the southeast were ‘terrorists’ who were bombing their own people and causing their own problems; or, as Christia Freeland said in The New York Times, “This is not a civil war.” The U.S. regime always staunchly backed what the new Ukrainian Government was doing in the southeast, specifically the ethnic-cleansing campaign. One reason this line, that the southeasterners were bombing their own people (the southeasterners), was false (besides it’s being simply ridiculous) is that the civil war did not even start until May 2nd, when there was a massacre of peaceful opponents of the new Obama-imposed Government, carried out by supporters of the new government who were bussed into Odessa from Kiev in the northwest for that occasion, which massacre occurred at the Odessa Trade Unions Building. This massacre was co-masterminded and was funded by Ihor Kolomoyskyi, a Ukrainian billionaire who hired Joe Biden’s son and won a local governorship from Obama’s team.
The U.S. State Department opened a daily press conference on July 29th by asserting that the U.S. and EU are “united in their determination to respond to intensified Russian aggression.” The audience of ‘journalists’ (the usual group of stenographers of U.S. officialdom) asked this U.S. Government spokesperson questions designed to get her to pour yet more calumny against America’s victims in Ukraine (especially against the people who were being bombed there), and she said, “Of course, we support de-escalation. But for the most part, the vast majority of escalation has been from the Russian side … and the Russian separatists [the official Western term for the people we’re bombing].” She alleged that it is they, and not the Ukrainian Government (which was bombing those ‘separatists’ villages), that’s doing the “escalation,” in the Ukrainian civil war that the U.S. had started, and then was funding our nazi regime there to perpetrate against those Ukrainian villagers; that is, against the very people whom she was charging to be the source of the problem.
We’ve got to clear the land in Ukraine’s southeast, so as to enable our oil companies to frack Ukraine’s gas. Except that ‘we’ don’t own those fracking companies; the biggest one is owned by oligarch Ihor Kolomoyskyi, whose U.S. agent is Joe Biden’s son, Hunter Biden, and who also hired someone from John Kerry’s clique. There are also many other benefits to the American aristocracy that would have resulted if Obama had won Ukraine, but most of those benefits will be lost if the gas fields in Ukraine’s southeast are no longer assets that can be sold off (“privatized”) to Western oil companies dirt-cheap by the Ukrainian Government desperate to repay the nearly $30 billion that the U.S., EU, and IMF lent to that Government to finance their ethnic-cleansing program, which is basic to that privatization. If those loans don’t work out, Western taxpayers will be forced to repay those lenders to Ukraine, as Western citizens pay taxes.
However, our Ukrainian Government ultimately did fail to get rid of enough Ukrainians. As the IMF’s Christine Lagarde had warned on May 1st (right before the massacre in Odessa that began the ethnic cleansing so as to eliminate the undesired voters from Ukraine’s southeast), a “loss of economic control over the east [loss of that fracking-income] that reduces [Ukrainian] budget revenue would require a significant recalibration of the [loan] program; and [end] additional financing, including from Ukraine’s bilateral partners,” the U.S. and EU.
As things turned out, those “bilateral partners” have, by now, already lent Ukraine all that they can or will, and the job was way short of being finished. The best that was in prospect for any continuation of it was a long-drawn-out guerilla war, for which the West had neither the money, nor the will.
So: our side’s “loss of economic control over the east” means that Obama has, in effect, lost his Ukrainian war, and that the West’s taxpayers and recipients of government services will be forced to reimburse the IMF (via increased taxes and reduced services) for losses on the more-than-$30-billion loans to Ukraine. The IMF acted as middleman for the West’s aristocrats (as it always does), protecting them from losses on their international investments, so IMF member-governments (taxpayers and service-recipients) absorb any aristocrat’s losses. Of course, on aristocrats’ winning bets, they get to keep all gains. Meanwhile, the public (those taxpayers and benefit-recipients) in any country that borrows from the IMF get voraciously stripped, as the citizens in Ukraine will increasingly recognize. But Obama’s Ukraine-deal was a bummer for just about everybody, except weapons-makers.
Poor Barack Obama — he’ll need to wait till he’s out of office before the billions start rolling his way (like they’re already starting to roll for his friend and former subordinate Timothy Geithner).
The reason Obama lost is that the residents in Ukraine’s southeast would rather fight to the death than yield to our nazis. Unlike the Jews in Nazi Germany, the ethnic Russians who live in Ukraine have their own guns, and also have the ones from Ukrainian troops they kill, and get some weapons also from Russia next door. But, above all, they’re willing to fight to the death, which only a few dedicated nazis on our side are.
There just aren’t enough dedicated nazis (i.e., not enough dedicated racist fascists), in any and all countries, for ‘our side’ to win there. Not enough anti-Russian racist fascists exist, for that victory to be able to happen. And, by the end of June, Obama finally recognized that: he threw in the towel. Of course, he wouldn’t directly stop his stooges from slaughtering people, but, fromJuly 1st on, he had no further appetite to increase U.S. Government debt to support that slaughter. The Obama-supporting Kyiv Post had headlined back on May 26th (the very day after the election — but only in Ukraine’s northwest — of Petro Poroshenko, as Ukraine’s President), “Poroshenko Pledges to Step Up Anti-Terrorism Operation, Bring Success within ‘Hours,’ Not Months.” But, now, already more than a month had gone by, and yet Poroshenko-Kolomoisky-Obama-Yatsenyuk not only didn’t experience “success” within “days,” but they were beyond Poroshenko’s promised limit, “Not Months,” and yet they still were actually losing their war.
So, Obama lost this war. He quit it. And that’s why Obama lost.
Put simply, he wasn’t able to exterminate enough of the ‘enemy’. His extermination-program ran out of money, long before the people who live there ran out of their will to fight against it.
Of course, the main people who pay the price for this are the ones whose lives Obama’s team snuffed out, and who were crippled by it, and whose homes were destroyed by it. Western taxpayers and beneficiaries of government services won’t suffer nearly that much. And the West’s aristocrats are doing everything they can to weaken Russia’s economy, in order to win the bigger renewed Cold War, which Obama’s coup in Ukraine restarted. The owners of U.S. armaments-firms are especially booming as a result of Obama’s Ukraine-gambit.
Russia, for its part, is doing all it can to respond to Obama’s challenge of a renewed Cold War. They’re trying to turn into Russian lemonade, the pile of lemons that Obama has left them.
In a sense, then (and highly simplified): World War II created American dominance; the Vietnam War wasted American dominance; and the G.W. Bush-Obama wars might turn out to have ended American dominance. It’s especially worth noting, in this context, that whereas WWII was fought against nazis, Obama’s Ukrainian war installed nazis. America thus might have come full-circle with Ukraine, and become what in WWII had been our nemesis.
Replacing the former single nation of Ukraine, there’ll be two or more failed states. It will be an ongoing hell. The only hope for the Novorossiyan part(s) will be if Putin comes up with a Russian version of our post-WWII Marshall Plan, to restore Novorossiya. The rump northwestern half of Ukraine, which Obama had controlled since even a bit before the 22 February 2014 culmination of his coup, will be a very hot bloody war between the nazis there and everybody else there. Obama won’t any longer even want that half, and he’ll have lost the southeastern half, which was his real goal to control.
The dominance of the U.S., EU, and Japan, is ending. The Western Alliance is breaking up. Europe’s aristocrats gave America’s aristocrats the steering wheel, and America’s arrogant and reckless aristocracy has driven the Alliance into a deep ditch, from which it won’t be able to recover as anything like it was.
The post-WWII world, in which we all have been living, is over.
Obama, by his actions not his words, continues the George W. Bush tradition, of horrendous policies, leading to rather universally bad endings.
The Islamic State Opens Its First Consulate in Turkey`s Capital. Issuing Visas to Foreign Fighters
The ISIL Takfiri terrorists have purportedly opened a consulate in Turkey and use it to issue visas for those who want to join the fight against the Syrian and Iraqi governments.
The Turkish daily Aydinlik said in a recent report that the consulate was founded in the Cankaya district of the capital Ankara.
The militants are said to be operating freely inside the country without much problem.
Other reports said the members of the Takfiri group have rented luxurious houses in the upscale neighborhood of the capital and Istanbul and use them for residence or as offices.
The terrorists are said to be using minibuses with black windows to get around the city.
The ISIL Takfiri terrorists currently control parts of Syria and Iraq. They have threatened all communities, including Shias, Sunnis, Kurds, Christians, Izadi Kurds and others, as they continue their atrocities in Iraq.
Senior Iraqi officials have blamed Saudi Arabia, Qatar, and some Persian Gulf Arab states for the growing terrorism in their country.
The terrorist group has links with Saudi intelligence and is believed to be indirectly supported by the Israeli regime.
The United States started conducting airstrikes on the ISIL only after US interests were threatened by the militants.
The U.N. General Assembly Speech They Don’t Want You To See
Argentina President Cristina Fernandez, speaking to the U.N. General Assembly, exposes the debt vultures who enslave entire nations, the constantly changing definition of a terrorist, and the need for peace and self-determination for all nations. ‘In times of economic vultures and war falcons, we need more doves of peace’.
Liverpool Dockworkers Message of Solidarity to ILWU Local 10
By robb | September 30, 2014 | OccuNews
29th September 2014.
To the Members and Officers,
International Longshore & Warehouse Union,
ILWU Local 10,
400 North Point Street,
San Francisco, CA 94133.
Letter by Email.
Re: Message of Solidarity.
The Liverpool Dockworkers both past and present salute the actions of Local 10 and the Oakland Community Picket, taken against the Israeli government controlled Zim Line vessels. Furthermore their magnificent actions strike a blow against the Israel apartheid regime for their continued massacre and destruction of Gaza.
For far too long people in power have turned a blind eye to the Israeli slaughter of innocent Palestinian men, women and children, now we are seeing the labour and trade union movement in Oakland fighting back, and their actions must be supported by port and dockworkers the world over.
If we can be of any immediate help in terms of publicity or campaigning please let me know.
In Solidarity,
Want Your Constitutional Right to Choose? Live in Texas? Get Driving.
Court of Appeals on Thursday will result in the immediate shuttering of at least thirteen reproductive health and abortion clinics in the state of Texas, forcing millions of women across the state seeking the services of those facilities to now travel possibly hundreds of miles in order to obtain them.
The decision by the court was in reaction to a previous federal ruling which put a stay on implementation of a controversial Texas law, passed by the state legislature last year, which place procedural and infrastructure demands on all abortion clinics that most could not meet. Those restrictions included making sure all physicians at those clinics had admitting privileges at a local hospital and required the clinics themselves to be upgraded with expensive building requirements that were, for most, impossible to meet. Though the still law faces legal challenges, Thursday’s ruling means that until its ultimate fate is decided—likely by the U.S. Supreme Court—the new policies will now be implemented and the clinics will close immediately.
Women’s health advocates and defenders of the right to choose were infuriated by the court’s decision.
“Today’s ruling has gutted Texas women’s constitutional rights and access to critical reproductive health care and stands to make safe, legal abortion essentially disappear overnight,” said Nancy Northup, president and CEO of the Center for Reproductive Rights, which brought suit against the state of Texas over the law.
The court’s decision, Northrup continued, amounts to judicial endorsement of the same “disingenuous tactic” used by Texas lawmakers who are “undermining women’s safety under the false pretext of protecting it.”
Though the three-judge panel (consisting of three male justices) acknowledge the argument that the closing of facilities, which they appeared to recognize as the inevitable result of the new statutes, would force an estimated one out six Texas women to travel at least 150 miles in order to obtain their constitutionally protected right to an abortion, the court determined that “This is nowhere near a ‘large fraction.'”
Northrup reacted forcefully to that calculation. “Absolutely no woman’s rights or access to essential reproductive health care should be determined by her zip code,” she said and vowed that her organization and other would continue to fight what has become a trend of anti-women and anti-choice legislation nationwide.
According to the Washington Post:
The ruling is not a surprise coming from the Fifth Circuit, one of the most conservative federal appellate courts. It previously sided with the state in a challenge to another provision of the law that requires any physician performing an abortion to have active admitting privileges at a hospital within 30 miles of the location where the abortion is performed.
Two of the three judges were appointed by Republican presidents. The third judge, Stephen A. Higginson, was appointed by President Obama. He agreed with the other judges, but would have given exception to two clinics, one in El Paso and one in McAllen.
In all, 80 percent of Texas’s abortion clinics serving 5.4 million women of reproductive age have closed since the law took effect. All of the clinics west and south of San Antonio have closed, leaving a large swath of the state without abortion services. Residents of the Rio Grande valley will be at least 230 miles from the nearest abortion clinic.
Scotland’s Referendum; the Stolen Nation
English though I am, I was both angered and saddened by the result of the Scottish Referendum; saddened because I had hoped the Yes side would win, and angered because of all the sneering, negative and arrogant campaigning done by Westminster via the Better Together campaign. That didn’t go down too well so they brought in Gordon Brown to do his patriotic bit, which included talking about how many Scots had fought and died in the UK’s wars. To quote:
“We fought two world wars together. And there is not a cemetery in Europe that does not have Scots, English, Welsh, and Irish lying side-by-side. And when young men were injured in these wars, they didn’t look to each other and ask whether you were Scots or English, they came to each other’s aid because we were part of a common cause.”
Sorry Gordon, but many Canadians, Australians, Asians and Africans, all remnants of our Empire’s past, also fought in that common cause, since when they gained their independence. To use dead and injured young Scots for pro-Union campaigning is, as one person put it, “repugnant”, particularly considering the centenary of the outbreak of WWI, the war that was to end all wars; even more so now, as British MPs have just voted to start bombing Iraq – again. No ‘lessons’ learned there then.
I wanted Scotland to regain independence for itself. It is and always has been a proud nation that has been used and abused for far too long by its greedy southern neighbour, aided by its own land-owning elite. One only has to read Andy Wightman’s book The Poor Had No Lawyers to see how much of Scotland has been taken away from the people of Scotland.
But I also wanted the Yes vote to win for the sake of the rest of the United Kingdom. I hoped it would stir everyone in England, Wales and Northern Ireland into doing something about the Westminster bubble that runs and ruins our lives, unless of course we are corporate, rich or large land owners or, in many cases, all three. An independent Scotland could have given us a different and fairer vision for all our futures.
Yet apparently Scotland decisively voted No. How could this be, when all the news coming out of Scotland – not via the national media – showed how engaged the Scots were when debating their future and what independence could bring them. Steered by Westminster the debate appeared to be all about finance and oil, with threats to health and pensions thrown in, and Better Together’s target focussed almost entirely on Alex Salmond.
They failed to acknowledge just how many separate groups were campaigning for independence. Once all the small and special interest Yes groups were counted, one estimate put the total at around 350. All the political parties have pro-independence groups. Crofters and farmers want independence, as does much of the business sector. The National Collective of artists and intellectuals want it. Common Weal wants it. Bella Caledonia wants it.
My hopes were high but there it was, this unbelievable vote to stay tied to Westminster, not England but Westminster. I was angry, because I felt something wasn’t right, and I was depressed because a future had been torn away. How the Scots felt I can only imagine. But it was not long before the accusations of electoral fraud surfaced.
It started with grainy videos on YouTube, showing official counters doing odd things with the ballot papers. Stories emerged of people at polling stations being told that someone using their name had already voted. Children had been registered to vote. The police “were investigating”, while Westminster pooh-poohed it all.
A small and angry petition was launched by Change.org. First addressed to Alex Salmond it is now going to his Deputy Nicola Sturgeon, and is approaching 100,000 signatures. And yet morehas emerged of the odd and dishonest practices that have appeared to capture the No result so wanted by Westminster. Among them are:
- Ballot papers with no identifying marks on the back (illegal)
- Ballot boxes from polling stations delivered to counting centres in private cars by only one person (illegal)
- Postal ballot papers apparently being sent to England first
- Pro-union people being allowed to open and inspect postal votes several days before the referendum (illegal)
And there were no exit polls. Before the referendum various polls said that the No campaign was leading, although the Yes side were catching up. Just before the vote these polls had the Yes side suddenly dropping back even though on the ground the campaign for independence seemed to be getting stronger. But polls are not that accurate, particularly those published by pro-Union media.
Exit polls are. They are conducted outside the polling stations and researchers ask people coming out how they have voted. In the space between the polling stations closing and the counting of votes completed, exit polls give a fairly accurate picture of what the result will be. But the media, particularly the BBC and ITV, were asked not to conduct exit polls. That fact alone convinces me that the Scots have been robbed of their independence. And Westminster should hang its head in shame. More, it should be investigated by the police.
Bella Caledonia, having been thoroughly put off by the pro-union bias of the general media, is now engaged in creating a totally new and digital “citizens’ media. They say:
“It’s not about everyone working for free; it’s about giving everyone a voice. The profession of journalism finds itself at a rare moment in history where, for the first time, its stranglehold on the news is threatened by not just new technology and competitors but, potentially, by the audience it serves.
“Armed with a deluge of social media tools… the online audience has the means for the first time to become an active participant in the creation and dissemination of news and information.”
And here’s one bit of information that Scotland could do without, one that would have produced a truly revolutionary vote for independence.
Not satisfied with stealing most of the Highlands for the shooting of deer and grouse, they’re now stealing the land from under the feet of 80% of the Scottish population. Of course Westminster had to have the No vote. For in the same month as the referendum they started selling fracking licences to energy firms that will cover most of central Scotland, including Edinburgh and Glasgow. And beyond, though I doubt it will touch the precious sporting estates.
England did far too well out of Scotland’s North Sea oil. Now it wants their fracked gas. But then, where the British elite are concerned, Scotland has only ever been a source of shooting and money. And of course all those young men who join the military because life on the streets of Scotland’s cities under the current regime offers little else in opportunity.
9/11 Activist Hands Himself In to British Police Over Cameron Remarks on “Non-violent Extremists”
A 9/11 British activist hands himself in to UK’s counter terrorism police following British Prime Ministers David Cameron’s speech at the UN General Assembly last week, Press TV reports.
In response to Cameron’s remarks equating people, who question 9/11 and 7/7 attacks in the US and UK as well as the West’s policy towards the Middle East, with Takfiri preachers who radicalize extremists, Nick Kollerstrom handed himself in.
“As the evidence emerges about the backgrounds of those convicted of terrorist offences, it is clear that many of them were initially influenced by preachers who claim not to encourage violence, but whose world view can be used as a justification for it. And we know what this world view is, the peddling of lies: that 9/11 was a Jewish plot or the 7/7 London attacks were staged; the idea that Muslims are persecuted all over the world as a deliberate act of Western policy,” Cameron said while addressing the 69th session of the United Nations General Assembly on September 25.
Explaining his actions to the Press TV correspondent in London, Kollerstrom said, “David Cameron has redefined terrorism at the UN to include people, who believe that the London bombings involve government complicity, were to some degree arranged, which I certainly do believe, and I’ve published a book on the subject and also I believe the 9/11 was an inside job. I do think Islamic nations are being selectively targeted, it’s perfectly obvious, and if the police force are going by his directive what constitutes terrorism, it seems to me that they need to arrest me.”
The Press TV correspondent was present while Colestrom handed himself in.
“We want to report a possible terror threat, we’ve got a bit of evidence and wonder if we could come in and report it,” Kollerstrom said at Scotland Yard headquarters in London.
The British police refused to arrest Colestrom, but he said that Cameron’s definition of nonviolent extremism will lead to the arrest of many Muslims, who share his views, and described it as another example of racial profiling.
Sweden to become first EU country to recognize State of Palestine
Sweden’s newly-formed center-left government is set to recognize Palestine as a sovereign state, said Prime Minister Stefan Lofven. If Stockholm proceeds with the move it will be the first EU-member to officially endorse Palestinian statehood.
“The conflict between Israel can only be solved with a two-state solution, negotiated in accordance with international law,” Lofven said in the parliament as he made his first speech as PM on Friday.
The Social democrat leader added that the “two-state solution requires mutual recognition and a will to peaceful co-existence.”
“Sweden will therefore recognize the state of Palestine,” he concluded.
If Stockholm officially proceeds with the motion, it will be the first member of the European Union to recognize Palestinian statehood. Some European countries such as Poland, Romania and Slovakia have already recognized the state of Palestine, however they did so before entering the 28-member bloc.
In November 2012, the UN General Assembly voted 138 to nine, with 41 abstentions, to change Palestine’s ‘entity’ status to ‘non-member observer state’. Palestinian statehood is mainly opposed by Israel and its key ally the US.
Sweden’s conservative government abstained from vote in the 2012 General Assembly, for which it was criticized by the opposition parties.
In September, Sweden held government elections which resulted in a shift to the left after eight years of conservative rule.
On Friday, Lofven announced his new cabinet, with Green Party spokesperson Asa Romson as his Deputy and Social Democrat Margot Wallström as Foreign Minister.
The new PM promised to change Sweden’s foreign policy adding that Sweden won’t seek membership of NATO, but won’t abstain from action if another country is attacked.
READ MORE: Power shifts to left after Sweden parliamentary election
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Obama’s Astounding Distortion Of History
By Finian Cunningham
The lawless conduct of America and its mockery of the UN Charter is today the greatest threat to world peace. Continue
By Paul Craig Roberts
Whatever is occurring in Hong Kong, it bears no relation to what is being reported about it in the Western print and TV media. Continue
Failure Is Success
How American Intelligence Works in the Twenty-First Century
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Why exactly are we supporting 17 versions of intelligence gathering to the tune of at least $68 billion a year? Continue
Cristina Fernandez Says ‘Look North’ If Anything Happens to Her
By TelSur
The President of Argentina has suggested that the United States are planning to overthrow her government, and even assassinate her on Tuesday evening. Continue
Chomsky: Corporations and the Richest Americans Viscerally Oppose the Common Good
By Noam Chomsky
The Masters of Mankind want us to become the “stupid nation” in the interests of their short-term gain. Continue
Jimmy Carter: Slavery is worse now than in 1700s
Human slavery is a serious problem in the U.S. and is more prolific now than during the 18th and 19th century. Continue
‘Creating A World Culture That Is Nonviolent’
By Robert J. Burrowes
‘If we are to reach real peace in the world, we shall have to begin with the children.’ Continue
The True Roots of Human Violence
The Bomb in the Brain – The Effects of Child Abuse
By Stefan Molyneux
The physical, emotional and medical effects of child abuse. You cannot understand or oppose the violence of the world without understanding its true source. Continue
Accused of Stealing a Backpack, High School Student Jailed for Nearly Three Years Without Trial
Democracy Now!
The incredible story of how a 16-year-old high school sophomore from the Bronx ended up spending nearly three years locked up at the Rikers jail in New York City after he says he was falsely accused. Continue
U.S. Alliance with FSA and ISIL in Six Photographs
By Rick Sterling
The following six photographs confirm that a favorite “moderate rebel” leader, Abdel Jabbar al-Okaidi, is allied with ISIL. Continue
Ten Things to Watch for in the ISIS War
By Peter Van Buren
A guide to the spin, empty gestures, and behind-the-scene players that will determine the fate of America’s re-entry into Iraq. Continue
Here’s Everything Wrong with the White House’s War on the Islamic State
By Peter Certo
The Obama administration’s war plans in Iraq and Syria are illegal, ill-conceived, and destined to fail. Here’s what the U.S.—and you—can do instead. Continue
Barack Obama, the Islamic State and
America’s Never-Ending War in the Middle East
By Flynt Leverett and Hillary Mann Leverett
A real regional strategy against the Islamic State would necessarily include Russia, Iran, and Syria’s Assad government—in leading positions. Continue
US Defense Contractors Are Making a Killing
By Dan Froomkin
It’s the munition makers who “stand to reap the biggest windfall, especially in the short term.Continue
Clapper Under the Bus
By Andrew P. Napolitano
If the president now believes we should fight ISIS because it killed two Americans and boasted about it, he woefully misunderstands his job, which is to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution, not every American everywhere on the planet. Continue
The Persecution of Moazzam Begg
By Matt Carr
Begg’s arrest is another example of the British government’s contradictory response to British Muslim involvement in the Syrian civil war, and about the elastic, nebulous and empirically meaningless definitions of ‘terrorism’ which made his arrest possible. Continue
Documents Show US Openly Approves Hong Kong Chaos It Created
By Tony Cartalucci
There is more to the September 2014 demonstrations in Hong Kong than western media reports of “popular protests for democracy”. Continue
Evidence of Incitement to Genocide, Crimes Against Humanity in Gaza
David Sheen talks incitement for Genocide in Israeli society discourse during Operation Protective edge. Continue
Netanyahu Tells Obama to “Study Facts” Before Criticizing Settlement Plan
By AFP, Al-Akhbar
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu hit back at the White House after Washington criticized Israeli plans to illegally build thousands more settler homes in occupied east Jerusalem, Israeli media reported on Thursday. Continue
By Margaret Kimberley
The only thing more noteworthy than the horror of the president proclaiming his right to kill at will was the lack of reaction to the attorney general’s bizarre assertion. Continue
Capitalism vs. The Climate
This Changes Everything Naomi Klein
Naomi Klein, breaks down the history of political inaction around the climate that has brought us to the point of crisis. Continue
October 3, 2014
October 2, 2014
October 1, 2014
After Feigning Love for Egyptian Democracy, US Back To Openly Supporting Tyranny
Almost completely missing from this feel-good morality play was the terribly unpleasant fact that Mubarak was one of the U.S. Government’s longest and closest allies and that his ”three decades of iron rule” — featuring murder, torture and indefinite detention for dissidents — were enabled in multiple ways by American support.
Throughout Mubarak’s rule, the U.S. fed his regime an average of $2 billion each year, most of which was military aid. The tear gas cannisters shot at protesters by Mubarak’s police bore “Made in U.S.A.” labels. A 2009 diplomatic cable published by WikiLeaks noted that “Egyptian democracy and human rights efforts … are being stymied” but described the benefits received by U.S. from support for the regime: “Egypt remains at peace with Israel, and the U.S. military enjoys priority access to the Suez Canal and Egyptian airspace.” Another 2009 cable put it more bluntly: “the Egyptians appear more willing to confront the Iranian surrogates and to work closely with Israel.”
That same year, Hillary Clinton pronounced: “I really consider President and Mrs. Mubarak to be friends of my family.” Another WikiLeaks cable, anticipating the first meeting between Obama and Mubarak in 2009, emphasized that “the Administration wants to restore the sense of warmth that has traditionally characterized the U.S.-Egyptian partnership” and that “the Egyptians want the visit to demonstrate that Egypt remains America’s ‘indispensible [sic] Arab ally.’” The cable dryly noted that “[intelligence] Chief Omar Soliman and Interior Minister al-Adly keep the domestic beasts at bay, and Mubarak is not one to lose sleep over their tactics.” The Obama administration supported Mubarak right up to the point where his demise was inevitable, and even then, plotted to replace him with Soliman: an equally loyal and even more brutal autocrat, most appreciated in Washington circles for helpfully torturing people on behalf of the Americans.
Read the full article at The Intercept
Former FBI Chief Ted Gunderson Says Chemtrail Death Dumps Must Be Stopped
Posted by Rusty on Monday, September 29th, 2014
Ted L Gunderson Ex FBI Whistleblower Poisoned? – Dr.Ed Lucidi – Anthony J Hilder
Former FBI Chief, Ted L. Gunderson, makes a statement regarding the chemtrail “death dumps”, otherwise know as air crap, on January 12, 2011. Ted says the following: “The death dumps, otherwise known as chemical trails, are being dropped and sprayed throughout the United States and England, Scotland, Ireland, and Northern Europe. I have personally seen them not only in the United States, but in Mexico and in Canada. Birds are dying around the world. Fish are dying by the hundreds of thousands around the world. This is genocide. This is poison. This is murder by the United Nations. This element within our society that is doing this must be stopped. I happen to know of two of the locations where the airplanes are that dump this crap on us. Four of the planes are out of the Air National Guard in Lincoln, Nebraska. And, the other planes are out of Fort Sill, Oklahoma. I personally have observed the planes that were standing still in Nebraska – Lincoln, Nebraska – at the Air National Guard. They have no markings on them. They are huge, bomber-like airplanes with no markings. This is a crime: a crime against humanity, a crime against America, a crime against the citizens of this great country. The must be stopped. WHAT IS WRONG WITH CONGRESS? This has an affect on their population, and their people, and their friends, and their relatives, and themselves. What’s wrong with them? What’s wrong with the pilots who are flying these airplanes and dumping this crap, this poison, on their own families? Somebody has to do something about it. Somebody in Congress has to step forward and stop it now. Thank you. I’m Ted Gunderson.”
Date: Thu, Oct 2, 2014 at 5:29 PM
Dangers of Smart Meters Extend Beyond Radiation Exposure:
News Links, October 2-3, 2014
Is Canada Next? Housing Bubble Threatens ‘Financial Stability’
The US Dollar Is Going to Break Down
Russian President Vladimir Putin on Thursday shrugged off the negative impact of Western sanctions, saying they will only encourage Russia to build closer ties with China, India and Latin America.
A Single Fire Can Cripple America’s Aging Air-Traffic System. Here’s Why
The first radio links with pilots were lost just as the pre-dawn crush of flights into Chicago began. Air-traffic controllers in a nondescript Federal Aviation Administration building about 40 miles from the city switched to backup channels. Then those failed. They tried emergency connections, which also went dead.
New hostage crisis for Turkey: Islamic State surrounds troops at shrine
Kim Jong-Un’s sister reportedly running N. Korea
## Global unrest/mob rule/angry people/torches and pitchforks ##
Sick-Outs and Walk-Outs: Students and Teachers Escalate Fight Against Censorship of History
From Wall Street to Central—how to Occupy a space
Cheap oil ‘a mirage’ and heading to $140: Dicker
Ebola In America: The Confirmed Case In Dallas, Texas Could Change Everything
Oh, What a Webb We Weave…
Despite overwhelming evidence linking the CIA to drug traffickers, that sordid reality remains one of the great taboos of the mainstream U.S. media, which rallies to destroy anyone who points out the facts, a fate that befell journalist Gary Webb.
Meet FireChat – How Hong Kong Protesters are Communicating Without the Internet
Newly disclosed government documents show that U.S. Secretary of State Henry Kissinger drew up plans to “smash Cuba” with air strikes nearly 40 years ago, in response to Cuban President Fidel Castro’s 1976 military intervention in Angola and the small country’s pursuit of its own foreign policy in Africa.
J.P. Morgan Says About 76 Million Households Affected By Cyber Breach
## Systemic breakdown/collapse/unsustainability ##
Infrastructure: I Hear America Rotting
Four regional utilities stopped signing contracts to buy renewable energy from big solar power plants and other suppliers starting Wednesday, limiting an influx that is testing the nation’s electricity grid.
Japan Inc. begins to turn against the weak yen
## China ##
Is Xi Losing Control of China’s ‘Peripheries’?
China will ban localities from taking on additional off-the-books debt while allowing them to issue bonds to meet their funding needs, according to risk management plans the central government announced Thursday.
Loss will take £500m a year off collective profits, but consumers will suffer as dual fuel bills will be 20% higher, experts say
Up to 600 GP surgeries in Britain could close over the next year because family doctors are due to retire and a recruitment crisis may mean there is no one to replace them, according to the leader of Britain’s GPs.
Judge Rules JPMorgan To Face Class Action Suit Over $10 Billion Mortgage-Based Securities
Corporate power beefs up its White House rolodex as Comcast executive re-joins President Barack Obama’s inner circle
George W Bush has declared his younger brother Jeb “wants to be president”, fuelling speculation that the Bush dynasty may soon launch a fresh bid to retake the White House.
And finally…
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