Global Meltdown

California Continues to Shatter Temperature Records


Source: Climate Central

The dubious records keep piling up for California, a state wracked by four years of drought brought on by a pernicious weather pattern that has kept rains at bay and exacerbated by human-induced warming. Just one week after the state measured its lowest-ever snowpack, U.S. scientists have announced that the year so far has been the warmest on record, setting expectations for a long, hot, dry year ahead.

“2015 to date has been truly astonishingly warm in California, and we're breaking almost all the temperature records there are to break,” Daniel Swain, an atmospheric science PhD student at Stanford University, said in an email.

A time series of California annual temperatures, with an arrow pointing to the incredible heat of the past few years.

Click image to enlarge. Credit: NOAA

Arctic Sea Ice At Record Low On April 9 2015


Source: Arctic News

On April 9, 2015, Arctic sea ice extent was only 14.051 square km, a record low for the time of the year, as illustrated by the image below.

Temperature anomalies at the top end of the scale (20°C, or 36°F) are hitting the Arctic Ocean in many places, as illustrated by the forecast below, showing an overall anomaly of +3.19°C for the Arctic for April 11, 2015, despite low temperatures over Greenland.

At Start of 2015 Melt Season, Arctic Sea Ice is in a Terrible State


Source: Robert Scribbler

Strong Polar Amplification. With human-forced climate change, it’s normally something you’d tend to see during winter time. By spring, the increase in solar radiation in the Mid-Latitudes would tend to force a more rapid pace of warming there. The snow and ice cover, recently refreshed by winter, would be at highest annual albedo at winter’s end. That high albedo would create a warming lag from the upper Latitudes. The resulting increase in temperature differential would then tend to reinforce the Jet Stream — giving it a strengthening kick and providing the polar north with a kind of ephemeral haven. At least for a brief window during early spring time.

Not so with 2015. This Spring, the Jet has been a basketcase. A mess of meanders like a river finding its way through a wetland prior to joining the sea. Strong south to north flows have persisted over the North Atlantic and well into Western Siberia. These meridional patterns have repeatedly delivered heat into the Arctic — particularly through the oceanic gateway between Greenland and the Yamal region of Russia.

Antarctica May Have Just Set Its Highest Temperature On Record

In this Jan. 27, 2015 photo, penguins walk on the shore of Bahia Almirantazgo in Antarctica.

Source: Mashable, written by Andrew Freedman

Antarctica, Earth's coldest, most barren continent, may have just set a remarkably unusual weather record. An Argentinian research station on the rapidly warming Antarctic Peninsula recorded a high temperature of 63.5 degrees Fahrenheit (17.5 degrees Celsius) on March 24, according to reports from Weather Underground.

If this is investigated and verified by the World Meteorological Organization (WMO), it could become the highest temperature on record for the entire continent of Antarctica.

The warmth at the Esperanza research station came one day after a nearly identical high temperature was logged at another Argentinean base, known as Base Marambio, also located along the Antarctic Peninsula. Interestingly, the mild conditions occurred during the Antarctic fall, not the height of summer.

Antarctica’s Ice Shelves Thin, Threaten Significant Sea Level Rise

As Antarctica's ice sheets thin, the massive rivers of ice behind them can surge forward into the sea.

Source: Scientific American, by Andrea Thompson and Climate Central

Giant doorstops of ice are melting away

Over the past two decades, the massive platforms of floating ice that dot the coast of Antarctica have been thinning and doing so at an increasing rate, likely at least in part because of global warming. Scientists are worried about its implications for significant sea level rise.

The ice shelves—some of which are larger than California and tens to hundreds of yards thick—are the linchpins of the Antarctic ice sheet system, holding back the millions of cubic miles of ice contained in the glaciers that flow into them, like doorstops. As the ice sheets thin, the massive rivers of ice behind them can surge forward into the sea.

Antarctica holds enough ice, if it all melted, to raise sea levels more than 200 feet. That would take hundreds to thousands of years, but the recent thinning of the ice shelves means that there has already been an increase in the rate of Antarctica’s contribution to sea level rise, and it’s accelerating.

Are The Climate Engineers Attempting To Shut Down The Gulf Stream?


Dane Wigington

Remember the movie "The Day After Tomorrow"? The 5 minute video below is a prelude for the article which follows.

Is it possible that the global power structure is desperate enough and insane enough to attempt  to slow or shutdown the thermohaline circulation? Could this be an effort to slow the rapid warming of our planet by attempting to reduce the catastrophic thawing of methane on the seabed of the Arctic (which is a risk to all life on Earth) by cutting off the flow of warm ocean currents to that region? It is impossible to know the answer to this question, but if a shutdown of the thermohaline occurs (whatever the cause or causes), it will come with yet more dire consequences to the climate. If the thermohaline does drastically slow or collapse, it will only make an already bad climate scenario far worse still. 

NOAA “Scheduled Weather” Map, Alarming Forecast


Dane Wigington

If the NOAA map below does not shock you, it should. Raytheon supplies weather modeling for NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration) and the National Weather Service. Raytheon is a major player with the ongoing climate engineering. The facts just mentioned add up to this, maps like the one below represent nothing less than the "scheduled weather". Global weather systems are completely manipulated and have been for a very long time. How far can the weather makers force the Earth's climate and life support systems to achieve their own agendas? How much more can the planet take? If climate engineering is not exposed and halted very soon, the consequences of these programs will eventually be total. The "forecast" map below shows departure from normal high temperatures (2-3 degrees for each color shade either above or below normal depending on the color shade). If the "scheduled" weather on this "forecast" map comes to pass, there will be record shattering high temperatures all over the Western US and Alaska while the US East will continue with engineered storms and record cold temperatures. This map shows what geoengineering is doing to our planet with shocking clarity, it should be contemplated and considered. The map below is the most alarming NOAA map of the US I have ever seen, the engineered extremes keep getting worse. The responsibility of exposing climate engineering rests on us all, make every day count in this fight.

Each color shade generally represents about 2-3 degrees of temperature departure from "normal" (above or below depending on the shade)


Scientists Say Arctic Sea Ice Just Set A Disturbing New Record

In this July 10, 2008 photo, ice floes float in Baffin Bay above the arctic circle as seen from the Canadian coast guard icebreaker Louis S. St-Laurent. (Jonathan Hayward/The Canadian Press via AP)

Source: Washington Post, written by Chris Mooney

Two weeks ago, we noted here that the Arctic was on the verge of a scary new record — an unprecedented “lowest winter maximum” for sea ice extent. What that would mean is that during the season of the year when there is the most ice covering the seas of the Arctic, the peak extent of that ice was nonetheless smaller than in any year – at least since satellite measurements began in the late 1970s.

And now, the Boulder-based National Snow and Ice Data Center (NSIDC), which tracks sea ice, has indeed announced that the peak winter Arctic sea ice extent “likely” occurred Feb. 25, and that this maximum “not only occurred early; it is also the lowest in the satellite record.” However, the agency does include several caveats. That includes not only the word “likely,” but also the observation that “a late season surge in ice growth is still possible.”

The loss of sea ice around the Arctic has a vast number of consequences. They range from climatic — exposing more dark ocean water, which absorbs more solar radiation than ice does, leading to further warming — to social and cultural: Undermining the subsistence hunting techniques that Alaskan native villages have pursued atop the ice for generations.

NASA: Earth Tops Hottest 12 Months On Record Again, Thanks To Warm February


There had never been as hot a 12-month period in NASA’s database as February 2014–January 2015. But that turned out to be a very short-lived record.

NASA reported this weekend that last month was the second-hottest February on record, which now makes March 2014–February 2015 the hottest 12 months on record. This is using a 12-month moving average, so we can “see the march of temperature change over time,” rather than just once every calendar year.

We are experiencing the continuation of the global warming trend that made 2014 the hottest calendar year on record. The very latest science says we should expect an acceleration in surface temperature warming to start quite soon. What is happening now is consistent with that.

Engineering A World Of Climate Extremes


Dane Wigington

If the map below does not look terribly out of balance to you, it should. The all out effort to engineer constant cool-downs in the eastern US could not be more obvious and is still being carried out in order to manufacture the media headlines necessary to continue the confusion and division of the US population in regard to the true state of the global climate. The latest GISS map below shows "departure from normal temperatures" for the month of February 2015.


Where is the ONLY anomalously cold place in the whole world (yet again)? As has been the case for a very long time already, it's the eastern half of the US lower 48 states. Now the climate engineers have reached their goal of creating the all time snow record for Boston and that is what mainstream media is spending most of their time talking about. The same overall pattern continues for the US, the West bakes, the East freezes. In between engineered cool-downs in many regions there is a constant extreme weather whiplash occurring. Temperatures swing radically from the engineered record cold events, to record warm, and then back to record cold as the next engineered cool-down is orchestrated.

The Hottest ‘Hottest Year Ever’ Ever


Source: Motherboard

Last year was the hottest year ever observed.

"When averaged over the globe, 2014 was the warmest year on record," said Michael Freilich, the director of NASA's Earth Science division. He was speaking at a press conference, announcing that his agency and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) had both independently determined that last year was the warmest ever recorded by human instruments. Earlier this month, Japan's Meteorological Agency did the same.

Yet announcements like this roll out with disturbing regularity. Annually, almost, we see another year enter the record books for its incredible heat. According to scientists, as many as fourteen of the hottest years ever recorded have taken place in the 21st Century. 2012 was one of the 10 hottest ever recorded. 2011 was the ninth-hottest. And 2010 was the previous record-holder, the hottest year worldwide, ever recorded until that point. And it was in an incredibly close race with 2005.

Climate Science Is Built On A Foundation Of Lies And Omissions


Dane Wigington

Most would interpret the title of this article to mean that the planet is not warming as rapidly as we are being told, but the reality is this, planet Earth undergoing unprecedented and catastrophic warming. The 6 minute video at the bottom of this article is extremely revealing and alarming, but even the information in this video falls far short of conveying the true gravity and immediacy of what we collectively face. The "worst case" projections by "official government agencies" is for a 3 degree Celsius rise in temperatures by the end of the century, but such projections and modeling assume global geoengineering will work. This fact is astounding when all "official" agencies completely deny that geoengineering is even going on. All available data already makes clear the fact that the ongoing climate engineering programs are a total disaster. Climate intervention is making an already bad situation far worse, not better. In addition, "feedback loops" in the climate system like methane release are radically worsening an already dire climate scenario. Methane and its horrific effect on the greenhouse gas buildup are not even considered in IPCC climate models, how is this possible? What are the "scientists" being paid to hide? Methane is over 100 times more potent a greenhouse gas than Co2 over a 20 year time horizon. Because land and ocean temperatures are going up so rapidly, formerly frozen methane deposits are thawing and releasing. This  factor is already pushing atmospheric methane levels off the charts.


Methane is already rapidly building up in the atmosphere as the chart above clearly shows, but what are the temperature projections as the formerly frozen methane continues to thaw and release? The chart below should be alarming to all, it is the temperature rise projection for the Arctic, the rest of the world will not be far behind.
The climate science community as a whole has radically underreported the severity of what we face. As conditions continue to unfold on the ground, the true degree of damage done to our planet and its life support systems will become impossible to deny. The total inadequacy of current climate modeling is clearly revealed in the six minute video below. Though climate engineering is not admitted to in this video, the data it contains is still valid. DW

Geoengineering, Record Low Arctic Ice And Catastrophic Drought, What’s The Connection?


Dane Wigington

The climate engineers continue to orchestrate global weather patterns with catastrophic consequences. The US West has consistently been baked and dried into oblivion in order for the weather makers to create the headlines they want on the East coast, and also to hide news they don't want known in the Arctic. The NOAA map below shows what has become a typical (though historically unprecedented) pattern. The West experiences record heat, the East gets record cold.


The record breaking heat in the West continues to intensify as the weather makers try to hide the imploding Arctic ice pack from public view. Those who have been lead to believe Arctic ice is expanding have been deceived. False headlines filled with false data by powerful interests with self serving agendas have been accepted as fact by many who don't want to believe global climate and environmental conditions are as bad as they are. Media is not mentioning that January 2014 through January 2015 were the warmest 12 months ever on planet Earth. The rapid warming is triggering "feedback" loops like methane release which is of grave concern. So what is the current state of Arctic ice?

As of March 5th, 2015 Arctic Sea ice is at ALL TIME record low levels


The graph above shows the normal increase of Arctic ice "extent" (surface area) during winter months. The now descending 2014/2015 blue line reflects the Arctic ice declining into record low territory at a time of  year when it should still be expanding. What is the long term trend for Arctic ice volume? The graph below should be revealing. This image is assembled from the most scientifically accepted source of data on Arctic ice. The overall picture in regard to the state of the Arctic sea ice could not be more clear.


The climate engineers have been pushing cold air south from the Arctic over and over (polar vortex) with constant jet stream manipulation. 


This is accomplished from constant aerosol spraying and the use of the global network of ionosphere heater facilities comparable to the HAARP installation shown below.


The "ridiculously resilient ridge" of high pressure over the US West (which meteorologists cannot explain) is a part of the jet stream manipulation mentioned. What happens when the climate engineers rob cold air from the northern regions to create the headlines they desire in the Eastern US? The arctic then heats up. While engineered winter storms pile up record snow in Boston, Alaska doesn't have enough snow for the annual Iditerod sled race for the second year in a row and the Sierra snow pack is at record shattering lows. The "departure from normal high temperature" map below clearly shows the most anomalously cold zone in the entire world for the period from January 2014 through January 2015, the eastern half of the US lower 48. The Arctic and most of the rest of planet Earth is at far above normal high temperatures.


What will the climate engineers do now that they have created enough of their desired "winter" headlines in the Eastern US? They will lock the colder air to the north in their attempt to slow the accelerating ice melt, this will bring a rapid heating back to most of the lower 48 states as the NOAA map below clearly shows.


Note the NOAA maps "prediction" for a switch from the previous far above normal temperatures in Alaska (shown in the GISS global temperature map in this article) to below normal temperatures is a reflection of the "weather whack a mole" being carried on by the geoengineers. To accomplish this the US lower 48 will heat rapidly. Some of the spraying during the building of high pressure zones actually increases the UV radiation readings on the ground. Is a "lens effect" a goal of the climate engineers under certain circumstances? Are the climate engineers intentionally creating heat in some regions at some times in order to increase the strength of the high pressure zones which is used for jet stream manipulation. This appears not only possible, but likely. Though the geoengineers can create large scale temporary cool-downs, it comes at the cost of a worsened overall warming (overall global high temperatures continue to smash records). In addition, climate engineering continues to contaminate the entire planet and every breath we take.  


The Bottom Line

The power structure and the climate engineers control our weather. To a large degree they decide how much rain will fall, and on whom. They can (and are) engineering snow storms. They decide how toxic that rain or snow will be, how toxic our air will be. They decide if our crops will succeed of fail. They decide who freezes and who fries. We are all living under a constant toxic heavy metal and chemical all out assault (which amounts to biological warfare) in addition to the ongoing weather warfare.  We must all educate ourselves as much as possible, we must all share credible data with those around us and ask them to do the same. When we reach critical mass of awareness on this issue, the foundation of the power structure will crumble as populations around the globe realize they have all been willfully poisoned. Exposing and stopping climate engineering MUST be our top priority. DW


“Dramatic Thinning” — Arctic Sea Ice Enters Record Low Territory as Northern Polar Region Heats Up


Source: Robert Scribbler

The Arctic sea ice is melting. It is melting far more rapidly than ever expected.

This loss is measured in the form of square kilometers melted, in the form of ice thinned, in the form of new, blue water visible. Yet it is a loss beyond mere numbers and measures. A loss that has a profound impact to the Earth and its climate systems.

Weather patterns, the rate of warming in the Arctic, the rate of tundra melt, seabed warming, and carbon store release. The rate of glacial loss in Greenland. All are impacted by sea ice loss and related ocean warming.

And today, we mark another new record low. The most recent in a long series, with likely many more thinning ice days to come.

Arctic Sea Ice Is Getting Thinner Faster Than Expected


Source: The Guardian

Study combining disparate data for first time finds sea ice thickness down 65% since 1975 because of global warming, reports Climate Central.

While the steady disappearance of sea ice in the Arctic has been one of the hallmark effects of global warming, research shows it is not only covering less of the planet, but it’s also getting significantly thinner. That makes it more susceptible to melting, potentially altering local ecosystems, shipping routes and ocean and atmospheric patterns.

New data compiled from a range of sources – from Navy submarines to satellites – suggests that thinning is happening much faster than models have estimated, according to a study aiming to link those disparate data sources for the first time. University of Washington researchers Ron Lindsay and Axel Schweiger calculated that in the central part of the Arctic Ocean basin, sea ice has thinned by 65% since 1975. During September, when the ice reaches its annual minimum, ice thickness is down by a stunning 85%.

Blaming Nature And Co2 For Engineered Drought


Mainstream media and the climate science community are blaming all of the rapidly increasing climate catastrophes around the globe on nature and Co2 with never so much as a single word mentioned about the climate engineering herd of elephants in the room. We live in truly astounding times, willful blindness and total denial of blatant obvious realities are the norm, not the exception. Those who  pretend not to see the obvious realities are considered "normal", those who dare to tell the truth are considered to be fringe and out of balance. The unprecedented drought in California can conclusively be linked to the ongoing climate engineering/weather warfare being waged against the golden state. Saturating the atmosphere with particles creates too many condensation nuclei, this scatters and disperses moisture which reduces precipitation overall. Satellite images prove beyond any doubt that such atmospheric spraying is occurring constantly upstream from California in the storm track. Media and the climate science community is completely denying and ignoring this fact, this denial should be considered criminal by a population that is literally under assault. The constant spraying is also contaminating virtually every breath we take and the affects are cumulative. The article below correctly states the incredibly dire scenario now faced by Californians, the state is turning into a dust bowl. Again, what the article does not mention is the primary causal factor in this drought catastrophe, climate engineering.
Dane Wigington


Another Blow to Antarctic Glacial Stability as Larsen C Ice Shelf Cracks Up


Source: Robert Scribbler

Larsen C rift

(Northern edge of Larsen C Ice Shelf is at significant risk of breaking off as a massive rift continues to open within it. The above image shows the rate of rift propagation since November of 2010. Image source: Cryosphere Discussions.)

There’s a 30 kilometer long and hundreds foot deep crack running through West Antarctica’s massive Larsen C ice shelf.

Climate Engineering And The Manipulated Perception Of The US Population


Dane Wigington

(Updated) If you live in the eastern half of the North American continent you may be convinced that the planet is actually cooling instead of warming even though 2014 is officially the warmest year ever recorded on Earth. If you live on the east coast of the US would you believe that January 2015 was the warmest January ever recorded in the Northern Hemisphere? It was.Those that have come to the conclusion that the whole planet is cooling should carefully examine the map image below. This is a GISS "departure from normal temperature" map for the entire 2014 year. What does this map reveal? The darker the colors, the further above normal the average temperatures were for the 2014 year. The light colors reflect departures from average to the below normal side. Where was the most consistent anomalous cold region on the entire planet for the 2014 year? The eastern half of the North American continent. How can this be when most of the world is far above normal temperatures? Climate engineering, is how. The engineered cooling of the Eastern US is very much a psychological operation. Most people cannot accept the possibility of a warm world if it is cold where they live. How short many people's memories are considering 2012 was the warmest year ever recorded in the continental US by far. In fact there were 362 all time record high temperatures set in the US during 2012, there were ZERO all time record lows. Why is it so important to know the facts in regard to the true state of the climate? Because spreading the "global cooling" propaganda is exactly what the power structure and the geoengineers want us to do. To push the "global cooling" myth is in effect helping the geoengineers sell climate engineering as an effective method of climate mitigation when in reality the exact opposite is true. Climate engineering is making the climate scenario far worse overall, not better. Worse still, the ongoing climate engineering fallout is contaminating the entire planet with toxic metal and chemical particulates.

Study Shows Global Sea Ice Diminishing, Despite Antarctic Gains



Comparing Arctic sea ice loss to Antarctic sea ice gain shows that the planet has-been shedding sea ice at an average annual rate of 13,500 square miles since 1979, the equivalent of losing an area of sea ice larger than the state of Maryland every year. Credit: NASA's Earth Observatory/Joshua Stevens and Jesse Allen

Sea ice increases in Antarctica do not make up for the accelerated Arctic sea ice loss of the last decades, a new NASA study finds. As a whole, the planet has been shedding sea ice at an average annual rate of 13,500 square miles (35,000 square kilometers) since 1979, the equivalent of losing an area of sea ice larger than the state of Maryland every year.

Is The Whole Solar System Warming? No


Many claim that the whole solar system is warming, but is this really the case? What does available science tell us about this conclusion? I have had many make this claim to me, but none have yet been able to offer a single bit of science to substantiate the "whole solar system is warming" claim. So what does the science say?
Dane Wigington


How Dark Is The Horizon?


Dane Wigington

Denial is the prevalent theme of the human race. We now live under skies that often look like something from another planet, but how many will admit anything is wrong? The environment that sustains life on our planet is collapsing on every front, how many have even noticed? In the last 40 years the human population has doubled while the global wildlife populations have been been more than cut in half. Nuclear contamination catastrophe's, oil spill disasters, fracking, mass fish and animal die-off, does the general public even care? So far the answer is no. More jobs, more expansion, less restrictions on business, these are the themes that occupy the narrative. The human race is already reaping what it has sown. Yes, the power structure has laid out the paradigm that has brought us to this dark place, but a huge segment of the population must also bear responsibility for being all too willing to participate in the insanity and to remain in ignorance in regard to all that is unfolding. There are two videos below. The first is from University of Arizona Professor Emeritus Guy McPherson.

What Is The True State Of The Biosphere, Do You Trust Your Own Eyes?


How does one cut through the fog of endless disinformation in regard to the true state of the climate? Are the planet's glaciers melting? Or are they growing? Would you believe the truth if you could see it with your own eyes? The multiple award winning documentary film "Chasing Ice" has just been publicly posted, now all can see for themselves what is happening at an extremely alarming rate all over our planet. We are all in uncharted waters, the gravity of our collective reality is much more dire than almost any yet comprehend. If the planet is to have any chance of continuing to maintain life, the industrialized destruction of the biosphere must stop, starting with the immediate halting of climate engineering. All those that are truly committed to the fight against climate engineering need to take the time to educate themselves on reality. In the case of the planet's glaciers, this documentary reveals visually verifiable and indisputable facts. We must learn to recognize spun propaganda put out by the most powerful people and special interest groups in the world whose goal it is to hide reality from the public for as long as possible. How can we recognize false propaganda? By knowing what the truth really is. Though much of the statistical information in the film is very dire, the up to the minute statistics are already much worse. I hope all will take the time to view this extraordinary documentary. If we are to have the credibility necessary to gain ground in the fight against climate engineering, our conclusions must stand on solid ground.
Dane Wigington


An Arctic Ice Cap’s Shockingly Rapid Slide Into The Sea


Source: MSN

For years, scientists have documented the rapid retreat of Arctic ice, from melting glaciers in Greenland to shrinking snow cover in far northern Eurasia. Now researchers have discovered one Arctic ice cap that appears to be literally sliding into the sea.

Ice is disappearing at a truly astonishing rate in Austfonna, an expanse of frozen rock far north of the Arctic Circle in Norway’s Svalbard island chain. Just since 2012, the ice cap covering the island has thinned by a whopping 160 feet, according to an analysis of satellite measurements by a team led by researchers at Britain’s University of Leeds.

Put another way, the ice cap’s vertical expanse dropped in two years by a distance equivalent to the height of a 16-story building. As another comparison, consider that scientists were recently alarmed to discover that one of Western Antarctica’s ice sheets was losing vertical height at a rate of 30 feet a year.

Is Antarctica losing or gaining ice?


Source: Skeptical Science

Climate myth: Antarctica is gaining ice
"[Ice] is expanding in much of Antarctica, contrary to the widespread public belief that global warming is melting the continental ice cap." (Greg Roberts, The Australian)

Antarctica is a continent with 98% of the land covered by ice, and is surrounded by ocean that has much of its surface covered by seasonal sea ice. Reporting on Antarctic ice often fails to recognise the fundamental difference between sea ice and land ice. Antarctic land ice is the ice which has accumulated over thousands of years on the Antarctica landmass through snowfall. This land ice therefore is actually stored ocean water that once evaporated and then fell as precipitation on the land. Antarctic sea ice is entirely different as it is ice which forms in salt water during the winter and almost entirely melts again in the summer.

Importantly, when land ice melts and flows into the oceans global sea levels rise on average; when sea ice melts sea levels do not change measurably but other parts of the climate system are affected, like increased absorbtion of solar energy by the darker oceans.

Mass Migration Due To Climate Disruption, It’s Already Happening

Human civilization sprouted and flourished during an incredibly stable era in the planet's 4.5 billion year history, that era is over. Though there has always been fluctuations and natural cycles in Earth's climate, what is now occurring is anything but natural. People die, this is a part of the cycle of life, but if you shoot someone in the back of the head, they will then die an untimely death. Such is the case with our planet. In geologic terms, human activity has decimated the planet in the blink of an eye. Though there are countless sources and causes of damage to the biosphere and the climate system, the greatest single assault against the planet of all is global climate engineering. Migrations of those impacted by the disintegrating climate have begun.

Climate Engineering Is Weather Warfare, What Are The Consequences?

2014 was the warmest year ever recorded, the rapid heating of our world can no longer be hidden. The weather makers can cool massive regions over the short term, the extremely anomalous temperatures in the Eastern US is proof of that. But what is the true cost of such engineered "cool-downs"? The total decimation being caused by covert global climate engineering could never be quantified and is in many ways already completely irreversible. After as much as six decades of climate engineering insanity (and the total global contamination that has come with it), what are the results? The biosphere is in tatters. The entire climate system is unravelling, the frequency of weather related disasters is off the charts, the ozone layer is completely shredded, and every living thing has been poisoned from the constant aerosol spraying of our skies. These are only some of the consequences of the geoengineering insanity. Let's not forget the role of climate engineering in helping to trigger massive methane release in the Arctic, which by itself may kill the entire planet many times over. How have covert climate engineering programs contributed to the methane warming feedback loop? Climate engineering has radically altered upper level wind currents. This in turn has altered ocean currents. Now we have warm currents pumping into the Arctic which is helping to thaw formerly frozen methane deposits on the seabed. There is enough methane in the Arctic alone to cause a Permian type mass global extinction 100 times over if it releases in entirety. This methane release has already begun.

Rapid Sea Level Rise Can No Longer Be Hidden

The power structure is having ever increasing difficulty hiding the magnitude of catastrophic changes on our planet that are already unfolding at blinding speed. Sea levels are rising at an extremely rapid pace, much faster than previously "thought". With so many scientists keeping track of sea level rise, how can this be? Why would the "experts" until recently use completely outdated and totally inadequate methods of measuring sea level rise which have caused them to radically underestimate the actual rate of increase? Because that is what they have been paid to do, hide the true gravity of what is descending on us all. The same type of "bought and paid for " scientists are also helping to hide the very dangerous UV radiation levels, Fukushima radiation contamination, the dangers of fluoride, vaccinations, GMOs, where does it stop? And the most destructive and deadly assault of all on our planet, the biggest elephant in the room, global climate engineering, goes completely unmentioned by the whole of academia. In fact, not just unmentioned, but adamantly denied. Climate engineering is not just completely derailing Earth's life support systems, the atmospheric spraying programs are contaminating every breath we take. Every scientist, elected official, reporter, etc, that helps to perpetuate the lethal lies of those in power (and thus helps to hide their crimes), should be tried in a court of law for the crimes of ecocide, genocide and omnicide . Why is the global cabal desperately trying to obscure the gravity of biosphere disintegration from the public? To avoid panic as long as possible while they are completing preparations for total societal collapse. All are needed to stand up, get informed, and make our voices heard.

Our Climate, It’s Not As Bad As You Think, It’s Much Worse

Voices of reality are not appealing to the masses, no one wants to hear unpleasant truths. The majority are not even willing to examine any facts that threaten their perception of reality. Soon, very soon, they will have no choice but to wake up. The planet's energy balance has been horrifically altered. There is unimaginable inertia behind the wheels that are now turning, life on Earth is truly uncharted territory. Even at this late hour total denial in our society is epidemic, this includes many in the ranks of those who claim to be fighting against the climate engineering. Denial of verifiable facts undermines credibility and is thus detrimental to the fight against climate engineering. False conclusions built on ideology and wishful thinking will not change reality. Industrialized society is collapsing even now, it was always doomed in its current form. Perpetual expansion in a finite space is clearly and obviously impossible, but how many in our society even speak of this? If we are to save any part of our miraculous planet's life support systems, we must all find the strength to face reality head on. We must all find the strength to stand firmly against the insanity and make our voices heard. The video below is important to review and consider carefully, the gravity of what is unfolding around us all is clearly conveyed in it. Catastrophic methane release is already occurring in the Arctic.  Many in the climate science community are actually advocating for "massive geoengineering" as if it has not been already going on for over 6 decades and doing nothing but harm. It is up to us all to educate ourselves and hold the climate science community to account. Climate engineering is NOT a cure, but rather it is nothing short of an all out assault on all life. Global geoengineering is making an already dire climate situation far worse, not better. Let us all march together in the fight to expose it and stop it.

Industrialized Society’s Race Toward Total Extinction

Humanity is unarguably in free-fall toward total extinction. The collapse of industrialized society in its current form is a mathematical certainty on the current trajectory. Short of a complete change of direction, this will be our horizon. By completely interfering with Earth's atmosphere and life support processes, man has radically altered our planet's energy balance. The climate equilibrium that was so essential to our species (and life as a whole) has been lost. Though there are countless sources of anthropogenic decimation to our biosphere, some sources stand out as the absolute epitome of blatent intentional human destruction and insanity. Mathematically speaking, global climate engineering is the greatest single assault of all against life on Earth. Only nuclear cataclysm has the potential to eclipse the threat posed by climate engineering. Fracking is another glaring example of completely insane human activity. If we are to collectively have any chance of survival, a much larger segment of the population must awaken and join the fight for the common good. The walls are closing in very quickly, we must all combine our efforts wake the masses. Every single day counts in this battle. The 4 minute video below is a sobering portrayal of industrialized society's complete contempt for the environment that sustains us.

Jet Stream Manipulation Is Fueling Weather Extremes

The entire climate science community pretend to be scratching their heads over the ever more erratic jet stream patterns. The "experts" continue to come up with various explanations as to why the jet stream is behaving the way it is, but all of these explanations are willfully blind to the geoengineering elephant in the room. Ionosphere heater installations located around the globe are a major component of the ongoing climate engineering. These extremely powerful and dangerous facilities are being used to manipulate the jet stream. The climate science community as a whole is turning two blind eyes to the ongoing geoengineering insanity while Earth's climate and life support systems are being systematically torn apart. If the current trajectory of planetary destruction continues for much longer, we will have nothing left to salvage of our planet. We must ALL hold the "experts" to account. Email them, their associates, local media, groups, agencies, etc, and share these email contacts with others so that they can do the same. It's up to all of us to take every step possible in the critical effort to raise awareness with the still uninformed public and to give notice to those that are lying for the establishment that we know they are lying. The article below sheds more light on the increasingly destructive weather on our planet, even though the researcher/author of this piece will not mention the climate engineering issue. I have passed substantial amounts of geoengineering data on to the author (Robert Scribbler) and had nothing but silence as a response. Scribbler, just like the climate science community, knows that mentioning anything about the geoengineering issue is a very bad career decision, or worse. This being said, the article does accurately outline the rapidly increasing destruction from ever worsening weather. The entire climate system is unravelling, climate engineering is a major factor in this equation.