Dane Wigington
Methane is rapidly accumulating in the atmosphere, many more noctilucent clouds are being seen at ever lower latitudes. Methane is over 100 times more potent a greenhouse gas than Co2 over a ten year time horizon. If the methane releases continue, "Venus Syndrome" will be the end result.
Geoengineering/solar radiation management has been pushed as mitigation for the rapidly building global methane release cataclysm, but is climate engineering really a cure? Or has the decades long geoengineering insanity actually helped to trigger the methane catastrophe in the first place?
The delusion of the technological fix is unfortunately ingrained in the human psyche. This is how we have been trained and taught by the power structure. Modern industrialized/militarized technology now pushed the human race and all life on Earth well past the breaking point. On the current trajectory we face near term global extinction, this is a mathematical certainty. Only with a complete change of direction does the human race have any chance. Yet, even now, the indoctrination of academia and society prevails, the delusion of the "techno fix" (to what technology and anthropogenic activity caused in the first place) is rampant. What is the "science" community pushing now? Welcome to project LUCY and ALAMO, the intentional massive microwaving of the atmosphere with oppossing frequencies in an incredibly desperate and destructive attempt to molecularly degrade the atmospheric methane buildup.
Large ground based ionosphere heater facilities like HAARP are likely being used for programs like project LUCY and ALAMO in addition to their use for weather modification and jet stream manipulation.
It is important to remember that there is a global network of these highly destructive ionosphere heater radio frequency transmission installations around the globe.
There are also the huge SBX radar platforms located around the globe. It is very likely these platforms (like the ground based RF transmitters) are also being used for weather modification and attempted methane mitigation.
A diagram of using sea based transmission platforms is below, the technological "cure" delusion continues to push life on Earth toward certain extinction.
Microwave transmissions and toxic electrically conductive atmospheric spraying can and is killing trees, what are these transmissions doing to us? What are they doing to all life on Earth?
The blind faith in the science community must be tempered. It must be understood and realized that the military industrial complex has all but taken complete control of academia for its own ends. So many scientists are participating in research and activities that have already pushed us past the point of no return. Society must also consider its part in what has unfolded. For the most part, populations have abandoned any sense of reason and responsibility toward the common good in exchange for their lives of comforts and distractions. Caring for the future of our planet and our children requires action, it requires effort and prioritizing. Who will you help to awaken today? What steps will you take to help turn the course of the Titanic on which we are all currently passengers?