Global Meltdown

Greenland Meltdown Omitted by Mainstream Media


Its not just Antarctica, its not just the Arctic, its the entire cryosphere, the planet is in total meltdown. The video below should be watched and considered by all. Any that have locked themselves into opinions based on disdain for Al Gore should stand back and take another look at the horizon. True, Gore is the pinnacle of criminality and hypocrisy, but that does not change reality on the ground. Though dialog on climate engineering and its devastating effects is still omitted from almost all news stories and studies of the biosphere, the actual damage showing up in the same stories and studies must not be ignored.

Climate Engineering Insanity Forcing Biosphere Meltdown


In spite of extensive “official daily high temperature” readings to the DOWN side, April 2014 still comes in as the second warmest on record for planet Earth.  The colored map in the article below is compiled from ground temperature readings around the globe. In the continental US, every location we have monitored routinely reports “official” readings that are 3, 4, and even 5 degrees or more LOWER than the ACTUAL high temperature for the day as recorded by others. What does this mean? It means that the biosphere is much hotter than even maps like this NASA GISS map indicates. In this map, as in earlier GISS maps I have posted during the last six months, it is very clear where the climate engineers are focusing their “cool down” efforts, the eastern side of the North American Continent. Why? Because this provides repeated “cold” headlines and other related weather disasters (also the unprecedented drought and heat in California), which keeps much of the American public mired in weather catastrophes. What is the point of this? It keeps the population occupied, confused, less capable of protesting the unbridled tyranny of their “government”. It controls food supplies, and of course the cold headlines help to sell climate engineering to corrupt leaders around the globe.

Constant Arctic Heatwave Sends World’s Largest Ice Cap Hurtling Seaward


Svalbard. Until lately, a little-known locale situated between the previously frigid extreme North Atlantic and the Arctic Ocean about 500 miles east of Greenland. Typically a frozen island Archipelago, this pristine and sparsely inhabited redoubt has, over the past few years been ground zero for the assaults of an ongoing and extreme polar heat amplification.

Outlook for Sea Ice Remains Bleak


In April 2014, Arctic sea ice reached its annual maximum volume. It was the second lowest on record, according to calculations by the Pan-Arctic Ice Ocean Modeling and Assimilation System (PIOMAS) at the Polar Science Center. The ice volume in March 2014 also was the second lowest on record, as discussed in an earlier post. The fall in volume over the years is illustrated in the graph below, by Wipneus.

Polar Ice Caps Melting at a Rate Never Before Seen


Global climate engineering is making an already bad situation exponentially worse by the day. The planets life support systems are being completely derailed by the ongoing geoengineering/solar radiation management programs. Though the 5 minute video below does not mention or admit to the climate engineering, it does inarguably outline the state of our imploding biosphere, this is an important watch.

Dane Wigington

The Geoengineered Nightmare On Planet Earth Continues to Unfold


Dane Wigington

The climate system is continuing to unravel and the ongoing geoengineering programs are fueling the fire. The signs are everywhere and visible to all that are willing to open their eyes. As alarming as the climate meltdown is, the total denial of global geoengineering by the whole of the science community is just as concerning.  We all find ourselves in a literal circus of insanity in which the patently obvious is categorically denied by the so called “experts”, climate engineering is the most important case in point. The article linked below accurately outlines a planetary life support system that is literally imploding. The same article does not say a word about the single greatest climate disrupting factor of all, geoengineering. To be clear, pumping 90 million tons of Co2 into the atmosphere every single day is a huge threat to planet Earth, those who don’t believe this are in denial every bit as much as those who don’t believe climate engineering is going on. This being said, the climate engineering and the decimation it is causing is an even greater threat than the Co2. Finally, the mass methane hydrate releases (already underway in the Arctic and being further fueled by geoengineering programs) will perhaps lead to total extinction on planet Earth if the releases continue. If we are to have any collective chance for survival, climate engineering must be exposed and brought to a halt. Even then, we will face unimaginable challenges. If we don’t stop the spraying, our horizon is beyond bleak.


When April is the New July: Siberia’s Epic Wildfires Come Far Too Early


Image Above: NASA LANCE MODIS Rapid Fire hotspot analysis of extreme fire outbreak in the Amur region of Russia on April 28, 2014. In this shot, the Amur runs west to east through the frame. To the right is the Pacific Ocean [off frame] to the left is a corner of Russia’s massive Lake Baikal. The red spots indicate currently active fires. Image source: LANCE-MODIS

Arctic Heatwave Goes Unreported By US Media

Though the article linked below does not mention climate engineering, it does give a glimpse of a dire and rapidly worsening global picture. Of particular interest is the color GISS map in the beginning of the article, this is the “deviation from normal” temperature map for March 2014. Note that the only significant area of “below normal” temperatures is eastern Canada and eastern US, much of the rest of the planet is in bright oranges and reds that indicate radically above normal temperatures. The geoengineers are focusing particularly hard in the populated areas of the US in order to create headlines and confusion on the overall state of the global climate. Their efforts have had considerable success as many in the US don’t have any idea about what is going on with the “weather” in the rest of the biosphere. It is important for people to understand that the geoengineers are creating huge cooling anomalies such as that in the Eastern US, but at the cost of a much worsened overall warming effect for the rest of the planet. —DW

84,000 Lives Threatened By Sea Level Rise In New England


As New Jersey residents loft their rebuilt homes onto five foot pilings along the shore and NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio promises to get work started on 500 storm-demolished homes before Hurricane Sandy’s two year anniversary, a new sea level rise analysis has found that $32 billion in property and 84,000 people are at risk of extreme coastal flooding in five New England states.

The “Global Cooling” Meltdown


 That’s not smoke you’re smelling. This ship is unsinkable. This building cannot collapse. Wireless radiation is perfectly safe. Those persistent lines in the sky are normal jet trails. Go back to sleep, the party, the mall, your screens, your microwaves, your office. Everything’s good.

by William Thomas

Arctic Sea Ice in Steep Descent


Arctic sea ice area is in steep descent, as illustrated by the image below. Sea ice area was only smaller at this time of the year in 2007, for all years for which satellite data are available.

Climate Change: It’s Even Worse Than We Thought


Five years ago, the last report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change painted a gloomy picture of our planet’s future. As climate scientists gather evidence for the next report, due in 2014, Michael Le Page gives seven reasons why things are looking even grimmer

Antarctic glaciers melting 77% faster than 40 years ago: Sea levels will rise by FOUR FOOT if they collapse completely

  • Study looked at six of the fastest flowing glaciers in Antarctica
  • They are collectively shedding ice 77% faster than they were in 1973
  • Now shed the same amount of ice as the entire Greenland ice sheet
  • Ice from these glaciers accounts for 10% of the annual sea-level rise

Microbes Teach Humanity a Few Things About Carbon and Mass Extinctions


There have been five mass extinctions recorded in Earth’s geological record thus far. Some scientists posit that due to human activity and changes to climate and carbon dioxide levels, the Earth and its current inhabitants are in the midst of or at least poised on the brink of a sixth. Because of this possibility, researchers often look to the past to see what caused previous mass extinctions in order to understand what could be in store for life on Earth at this time. The most recent information gleaned from geology tells scientists that microbes, one of the tiniest and earliest life forms on the planet, have a few things to teach humanity about carbon, the environment and mass extinctions.

The Vanishing Arctic Ice Cap


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An Arctic largely devoid of ice, giant methane outbursts causing tsunamis in the North Atlantic, and global sea levels rising by several meters by mid-century sound like the stuff of science fiction.

Melting Arctic Opens New Frontier, Challenges


In this Saturday, March 22, 2014 photo provided by the U.S. Navy, sailors aboard the Virginia-class attack submarine USS New Mexico tie mooring lines after the submarine surfaces through the arctic ice at Ice Camp Nautilus, north of Alaska. Cracks in polar sea ice are prompting the Navy to break down the camp that provided support for an exercise involving submarines. (U.S. Navy via AP)

Feedbacks in the Arctic


This is more a climate report than a weather report; yet, the extreme weather that did hit the U.K. recently and that is forecast to hit large parts of North America next week may make more people realize that action is needed now. So, please share!

Nature: Human Warming Now Pushing Entire Greenland Ice Sheet into the Ocean


Picture above: Leading edge of the accelerating Zachariae Ice Stream meets the warming and increasingly ice free ocean on August 20 of 2013. Satellite image source: Lance-Modis.

Greenland — a vast store of ice three kilometers tall at its center and the final remnant of the Northern Hemisphere’s great glaciers of the last ice age has now begun what is likely an unstoppable rush to the sea. For according to a new report in Nature Climate Change, the last stable region of glacial ice along the Greenland coastline is now accelerating through one of the ice sheet’s largest and deepest outlets — the Zachariae Ice Stream.

US Navy predicts summer ice free Arctic by 2016


US Navy predicts summer ice free Arctic by 2016

Is conventional modelling out of pace with speed and abruptness of global warming?

Geoengineering, Falsified Data, And Global Warming


Finally some acknowledgment of the data falsification which has helped to hide the true state of the climate. Many have been convinced that data is being cheated to the upside, however, an objective examination of this notion clearly shows the opposite is true.

Arctic Ice Imploding, Methane Releasing


The geoengineers threw everything they had at the Arctic in late July. The ridiculous cooling anomaly they created (which all the media hyped up) has now totally imploded.

Geoengineering Assault Update 3/15/13


Massive spraying continues over nearly the entire Eastern Pacific. This looks like all out preparation for yet another engineered snow event which the Weather Channel will turn into theater for the coming week to convince us all we are in the grips of a ferocious winter when the truth is anything but. This ” storm” will likely be named winter storm “UKKO”. Keep an eye on the temperatures of the regions that will be impacted by this event. Some of the areas that the moisture for this storm will cross are in the upper 60 degree range currently. So how will it cold enough to snow?

Global Geoengineering Fueling Venus Syndrome


What Is "Venus Syndrome"?

"Venus syndrome" is not a metaphor, it is a scientific scenario. The term should be self explanatory, but just to be clear, Venus syndrome is a scenario in which climate and atmospheric feedback loops are triggered that can't be switched off. Under this scenario, as greenhouse gasses build up, and cause planetary warming, yet more greenhouse gasses are released which causes still more warming. This trajectory does not end in a balmy tropical resort Earth, but rather a planet that is closer to hell. Like Venus, Earth would become a pressure cooking inferno with virtually no life.

Extreme Weather around the World


The U-tube video below is a very important compilation of global weather “variation” in only the last month. Please take the time to view it.

Geoengineering, And Our Warming Planet, (No, It’s Not Getting Colder)


The Earth was cooling until the start of the industrial revolution. This would be expected as the planet is in the elliptical phase of its orbit. The graphs below speak for themselves.

Geoengineering, And Our Warming Planet, (No, It’s Not Getting Colder)


The Earth was cooling until the start of the industrial revolution. This would be expected as the planet is in the elliptical phase of its orbit. The graphs below speak for themselves.

Geoengineering, And Our Warming Planet, (No, It’s Not Getting Colder)


The Earth was cooling until the start of the industrial revolution. This would be expected as the planet is in the elliptical phase of its orbit. The graphs below speak for themselves.

Geoengineering, And Our Warming Planet, (No, It’s Not Getting Colder)


The Earth was cooling until the start of the industrial revolution. This would be expected as the planet is in the elliptical phase of its orbit. The graphs below speak for themselves.