Dane Wigington
“Dangerous freezing rain event triggered Ice Storm Warnings for more than 1 million people” (Fox Weather). “Winter storm blasts Pacific Northwest leading to chaos on multiple highways around Portland” (Fox Weather). “More than 100 cars on Oregon highway crash in whiteout conditions” (Yahoo News). “Weekend snow, ice storm to snarl travel from Midwest to Northeast” (AccuWeather). Welcome to the world of chemical ice nucleation cloud seeding and engineered flash freezes. The latest installment of Global Alert News is below.
Engineered Flash Freeze, 90 Second Alert
“Over 100 Cold Temperature Records Could Break Across Central US As Wind Chills Plummet Below Zero” (The Weather Channel). The most aggressive chemical ice nucleation cloud seeding operations yet.
All are needed in the critical battle to wake populations to what is coming, we must make every day count. Share credible data from a credible source, make your voice heard.
Due to numerous requests to air The Dimming documentary on an independent platform from Youtube in the event that Youtube shuts us down, we have launched a slightly upgraded version of The Dimming on the Rumble platform (Dane Wiginton channel). Please subscribe and follow this channel as a backup to GeoengineeringWatch.org videos https://rumble.com/c/DaneWigington.
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31 Responses
No one living here in pinetop az has ever witnessed such a dry and warm winter here as of late. 10 to 20 degree’s above normal almost all winter. Lines in the sky have been common the last 3-4 weeks trapping in the heat and attempting to occlude the sky which has been about 80 percent effective. No one sees the spraying or puts the pieces together. Breathing issues are common and the local hospital is full with flu patients. No one connects the dots and I remain an outcast for making the possible connection, but I’m proud of the nutcase label. I’m used to it
Follow the money that is costs to supply toxins and pilots . How much does it cost for one plane load to dump all over the people?
I can see them this morning up there spraying, but I dont know where the planes come from.
Dear Elon musk and DODGE,
Please cut off the funding for these “pilots”-criminals- and the toxins they are spewing out all over the place.
I saw a patient today who was talking to me about the overhead spraying. I gave her some of Dane’s cards, a double sided flyer and the 20 pg booklet she was sooooo happy to see this. It confirmed what she knew but didn’t know how to describe thank you Dane.
Hooray, today is the last day of our polar vortex we’ve been experiencing for the last three weeks! Tomorrow a warming chinook is supposed to arrive. Meanwhile, in other news…
Geoengineering is in the news. Just put it into a search engine and see what comes up. It always comes up but NO NEWS SITE WILL ADMIT LIKE THIS WEBSITE that it is actually happening.
All one has to do is watch the movie
Lab Tests do not Lie.
Hi Dane, I found this on a Substack related to the technocratic agendas. It’s not new bad news, but old, 2017 I think. Graphene nanoparticles and much more are given detailed analysis. I think you’ll find it intriguing –as well as horrifying.
About two decades ago when I was documenting the re-engineering of our sky I was outside at night, it was very still and the full moon was very bright. Around the moon was an extraordinary halo the likes of which I had never seen before.It was so bright out I thought I might be able to capture a picture of it so I found an old 110 camera and tried to take pictures of what I was seeing. When the flash went off however the illumination of the sky revealed what was in it and was shocking. It looked like fibrous snow fall and the air was so full of this crap I stopped breathing which didn’t last long for obvious reasons. I keeped flashing the sky and even ran inside to get my girlfriend to whiteness what I was seeing and she said wtf and ran back inside not wanting to breathe this stuff either. I wore the batteries out flashing the sky that night. The next night I got out a strong flashlight and sat outside for about an hour with a bottle of wine watching what was floating through the beam of light pointed skyward. No halo around the moon but the the stuff floating through the air in waves was alarming. I performed this experiment a couple of times a week just to see and it didn’t change much but not like the first night. The first night I’m sure what I witnessed was military chaff which is aluminized fiberglass particulates designed to confuse radar imaging which is exactly what it looked like.
A couple of weeks later I decided to find a strobe light like they use at dance bars and found one at a pawn shop. I changed the shielding around it to focus the beam more like a flashlight and boy howdy. If you really want to see the crap in the air we all breath that really works/worked
I’ve experimented with different light wavelengths and a white led light seems to work the best, but any light works pointed at the sky.
A white led light source seems to highlight this geoengineering material the best! I think that’s why the sun looks white now and not yellow like it used to.
Hoping to be beamed up soon.
Hello Chris. My experience with plastic “webs” dates back to about 2003 when I walked out of my cabin one summer morning. Dew sparkled on webs and grasses all over the clearing in front of my cabin. WTF? I thought. I’d never seen anything like it before.
Then I noticed the webs also covered tress and shrubs. The “webs” were way too extensive to be spider webs. Like what sized army of spiders could cover three acres of ground and forest in one night? I reached down and pulled some of this crap from a tuft of weeds. It was much too resilient to be spider produced. I concluded it was a man made dispersion, and noticed this event repeated for years afterward. Thus I’ve been aware of geoengineering warfare for over 20 years.
At least people don’t throw rocks at me anymore when I mention these “experiments”. I have no faith that the onslaught will subside any time soon… Thanks for posting.
Area 51 veterans getting cancer as DOD denies they were there
Dave Crete adds another name to a growing memorial list, now more than 400 in total — men and women he says he served with on a secretive range in the Nevada desert that encompasses Area 51.
Hundreds of nuclear weapons tests were conducted in the area of the range from the 1950s to the early 1990s. In the 1970s, the government began exploring the idea of building a military installation there to house classified projects.
A 1975 Environmental Report from the U.S. Energy Research & Development Administration acknowledges nuclear contamination — depleted uranium, beryllium and plutonium — present before these men and women were sent by the government to the range. But the report adds, “Discontinuing the work done … would be against the national interest.”
“It’s one thing to be ignorant or to be naive to not know,” said Dave Crete. “But they’ve understood for a long time.”
The issue is that now, these veterans are telling NewsNation their claims are being denied by Veterans Affairs, their work so top secret that their records from the DOD are what’s called “Data Masked,” as if they were never there.
Many reported drone sightings were not drones: Ex-Navy pilot
“I feel pushed aside,” said Braswell. “That our government has chosen to use national security as their excuse to not take care of the people who took care of them.”
This relates to geoengineering too which the govt. denies but lab tests do not lie.
Why is the Joe Rogan podcast seemingly out of the question? Seems like an ideal source In building towards a critical mass of awareness. This needs to happen, Mr. Wiggington.
Been listening for years and advocating for years ever since Townhall meetings in hotel conference rooms. Mr. Wiggington your interview with Robert F Kennedy Junior could be discussed and so many other things. Rogan’s podcast is an Immense platform for us.
It’s Wigington, not Wiggington with an extra g. Dane has been busy sport, and Joe Rogan is in the entertainment business. What would you like to see, Dane smoking a joint and laughing it up with Rogan? Have some respect, this isn’t some carnival act.
It’s the platform that I’m talking about. Large and diverse. The issues with climate engineering are so dire we need to think outside the box. Perhaps the box that you are in.
Great idea, Tim K. Robert, no need for smackdowns and nitpicking about the extra ‘g’ typo. We need to reach people!!
Let’s please, everyone, give RFK, Jr. A chance to make good on his promise: “We are going to stop this crime.”
We shall see. It picked up pace tremendously under this admin. Trump says, something is wrong, because of all the things we already know like autism etc….., but he said we will figure it out. No need to figure it out, why did they ramp up these operations?????? Lunacy!
I agree with Tim K. The reach on Rogan would be impactful.
Hi Dane,
Thanks for your relentless efforts to alert the population to the catastrophic attivities being inflicted on us.
From Native American mythology – wetiko: A cannibalizing force driven by insatiable greed, appetite without satisfaction, consumption as an end in itself, and war for its own sake, against other tribes,species and nature, and even against the individual’s own humanity – a disease of the soul.
That sounds familiar, doesn’t it?
Here’s something from the BBC’s news website, not about the above, but a situation maybe connected to some extent.
I think they manipulate the weather for many many reasons, none good. Besides doing everything they can to destroy the production for food for humans and killing off as much of our livestock as possible and poisoning all the remaining food left to eat they seem to be making a real effort to kill off all the wildlife with weather so that when humans can no longer source the regular food we normally eat, they will turn and kill and eat every living thing they can find down to bugs & them killing it all off first eliminates another possible food source for the useless eaters they think we are. No idea if any of this is true. Just a thought. Did you all see the mother bird sitting on her eggs burned to death because she wanted to protect her eggs, refused to leave her eggs. Tragic lost of wildlife they never seem to cover on the news.
I’ve read many comments on Geoengineering Watch over the years, and many readers describe the *problem* as “They” or “The Elite” or “the Oligarchic” financial system. Few if any describe the actuality of the *problem* at hand.
I came by this quote several years ago, and it describes the actual *culprits* to a tee. >>> “A tyrant needs above all a tyrant-state, so he will use a million little civil servant tyrants who each have a trivial task to perform, and each will perform that task competently, and without remorse, and no one will realize that he is the millionth link in the final act.” >>> From: Henri Verneuil‘s film I Comme Icare (Release date: Dec 19, 1979)
The internet is now alive with RFK jr hopium and airy rants about Donald Trump and Elon Musk “taking control” back from the powers that be… Really? Who are “they”?
Do “they” fly around in blessed jumbo jets to favorite vacation spots? Drive to skyscraper offices in vehicles the size of school buses? Order tons of cheap electronic crap from their nearest jungle store? Perhaps “They” are *us* and we’ve been shucking our stupidity off on our “leaders” for thousands of years. Think about it whilst there is still time left to think…
Great point Paul
If We pay taxes; Income, State, Property, Sales, Inheritance or taxes passed on to us from business and corporations for goods we consume. We are CULPABLE in SUPPORTING the giant revenue system that does the bidding of the ultimate control oligarchy. These control all Countries , States, Provinces everywhere, Only Animals are exempt from these payments. However humans pay for them.
Fluorine – Profoundly Toxic
Here is what a friend has to say about fluoride compounds. He is a self educated and dedicated medical researcher – often at odds with the official medical narrative – calling out blatant omissions and outright lies.
It is said in the world of chemistry – that fluorine “trumps all” (nothing to do with the present occupant of the White House). Fluorine will aggressively combine with a host of different elements – to form fluoride compounds.
Here goes:
“Every chemical containing fluorine that has ever been tested, has been found to be thyroid antagonistic! Thyroid hormone controls the growth and development of all animals, including us! In my research, I have found that maternal thyroid hormone levels control the growth and development of the fetal brain, in utero. Maternal hypothyroidism causes Incomplete development of the baby’s brain. That causes ADHD and autism!
10% of children in US schools are now being treated for ADHD, with amphetamine drugs. Millions of adults, are, too. Only 46% , at best, of elementary school kids are doing math and reading up to grade level, in the US.
Fluorine in drinking water, and other sources, makes people stupid. A lot of pesticides and herbicides contain fluorine, because it reacts with all kinds of important biological molecules, and kills things, plants, insects, and animals. We are animals, and we eat plants and animals, which may be contaminated with fluorine!!! We put it in the drinking water and toothpaste, too? Now it is coming down in the rain?
The National Cancer Institute found that “fluorine will cause cancer surer and faster than any chemical we have ever tested”!!! How Stupid can we get???”
Right on target. Florine (Fluoride) is poorly defined in most literature, as it is a byproduct of the fertilizer industry.The alleged *benefit* of adding this toxic halogen to toothpaste and municipal water supplies is an epic lie. Thanks for commenting.
The future of Ivanpah, the solar concentrating power plant in San Bernadino seems quite cloudy at this time, pun intended. PG&E has recently cancelled its power purchase agreement that it had with Ivanpah.
It opened to much fanfare in 2014. It costs mounted to $2.2 billion. The Department of Energy loaned it $1.6 billion. It boasted 3500 acres of 386-megawatt solar concentrating power.
This marvel of man consisted of 350,000 computer-controlled mirrors that track the sunlight and reflect it onto boilers atop 459-foot towers to produce AC, [no, not air conditioning, Alternating Current!]
At the time Rhone Resch was the president of the Solar Energy Industries Association. At the opening of Ivanpah he said, “We’re going to be a global leader in solar generation… a dawn of a new era in power generation in the U.S.”
Rhone made no mention of the problem birds would have with Ivanpah. Workers at the site would report “streamers.” This was the term they gave to the plume of smoke that would happen when birds flying above the plant would fry in midair.
Federal officials visited the plant 10 years ago and reported seeing one “streamer” every 2 minutes. I guess that’s collateral damage to becoming a world leader in solar energy.
Jeremiah 4:22
“For my people are foolish, they know me not, they are stupid children. They have no understanding, they are wise in doing evil, but how to do good they know not.”
You and I are not part of man’s solutions to what they call clean energy. We understand that fighting to stop the assault on the earth’s remaining life support systems in the skies above us is doing good.
Dane mentioned the big club skit by George Carlin. Here is the full rant. Warning contains much profanity.
There’s a reason education sucks and it’s the same reason that it will never ever ever be fixed. It’s never going to get any better don’t look for it. Be happy with what you got. Because the owners of this country don’t want that. I’m talking about the real owners now. The real owners the big wealthy business interests that control things and make all the important decisions. Forget the politicians. The politicians are put there to give you the idea that you have freedom of choice. You don’t. You have no choice. You have owners. They own you. They own everything. They own all the important land. They own and control the corporations. They’ve long since bought and paid for the Senate the Congress the State houses and the City Halls. They’ve got the judges in their back pockets and they control all of the big media companies so they control just about all the news and information you get to hear.
They gotcha by the xxxxs.They spend billions of dollars on lobbying to get what they want. Well we know what they want. They want more for themselves and less for everybody else. But I’ll tell you what they don’t want. They don’t want a population of citizens capable of critical thinking. They don’t want Well informed well educated people capable of critical thinking. They’re not interested in that. That’s against their interests. That’s right. They don’t want people that are smart enough to sit around the kitchen table and figure out how badly they are being xxxxxx by a system that threw them overboard 30 (now 50) xxxxxxx years ago. They don’t want that. You know what they want. They want Obedient workers. Obedient workers. People that are just smart enough to run the machines and do the paperwork and just dumb enough to passively accept all the increasingly shittier jobs with the lower pay the longer hours the reduced benefits the end of overtime and the vanishing pension that disappears the minute you go to collect it. And now (2005) they are coming for your Social Security money. They want your xxxxxxx retirement money. They want it back. So they can give it to their criminal friends on Wall Street. And you know something. They’ll get it. They’ll get it all from you sooner or later. Because they own this xxxxxxx place. It’s a big club. And you ain’t in it. You and I are not in the big club. By the way it’s the same big club they use to beat you over the head all day long when they tell you what to believe. All day long beating you over the head in their media telling you what to believe what to think and what to buy. The table is tilted. The game is rigged. And nobody seems to notice. Nobody seems to care. Good honest hard working people. White collar. Blue collar. Doesn’t matter what color shirt you have on. Good honest hard working people continue to elect these rich xxxxxxxxxxs who don’t give a xxxx about them. They don’t give a xxxx about you. They don’t care about you. At all. At all. At all. You know. And nobody seems to notice. Nobody seems to care. That’s what the owners count on. The fact that most Americans will probably remain willfully ignorant of the big red white and blue (string of profanity). It’s called the American Dream. Because you have to be asleep to believe it.
(George Carlin best 3 minutes)
” Selected”, not elected
Carlin was a genius. He saw it all
Trump won’t save US.
God’s in Control, so I’ve heard.
Tho God invented Evil, an evil seems to have taken over.
End draws nigh – embrace the Cold
God does not invent anything, he created. And all that he created was good. One can do evil if that”s the way they will to go. We are in Satan’s little season Rev. 20:3 and he is deceiving the nations. As you stated “The end draws nigh”. And as Dane often says “Wait and see”!
Do you remember the “Rules for Climate Scientists” posted recently in the comments? Judging from our observations of the relentlessly absurd behavior by the members of the “Climate Science Community” – we speculate that the following are their insider rules. We believe that these rules are instilled into all Climate Science graduates from Academia – and are rigidly adhered to for a “splendid” lifetime “career” in the field of Climate Science.
Rules for all Climate Scientists – This is part of our mandatory “Climate Science Official Narrative” – to be relentlessly supported. Violate these rules at your own peril !
Here is one more rule.
Rule #18 – Golly – “We Just Didn’t Know” – “It is Worse Than We Thought”. Do not be alarmed by this apparent “confession” – it is part of the Plan which will richly reward us all. As adept Climate Scientists – we have the critical responsibility of explaining to global populations – in the simplest possible terms – the causes of the tumultuous, destructive and meteorologicaly impossible weather events that now plague the Earth.
Although the many causes of these weather events are scientifically complex and highly interactive – just two words for the scientifically unwashed masses explains it all – “Climate Change”. These dim-witted populations are all together happy for this simple expression that explains it all – relieving them of the need for any investigation and/or critical thinking. And – as we have stated before – appearances and popular perceptions are the only things that count – facts, data, resources, complexity – even reality – are all irrelevant.
So about these climate catastrophes – as clever and opportunistic Climate Scientists – we must convey to the global populations that – yes – the Earth’s biosphere is descending into abrupt and profound chaos – the rapidity of which has apparently taken a few of us in the Climate Science community somewhat by surprise.
This chaos is the call – loud and clear – for massive increases in funding for “Climate Science” – more personnel, laboratories, training facilities, travel junkets, seminars, publications, and all the lavish trappings of the profession. We will define the root causes of this weather mayhem – and proceed with the “fixes” including our active favorites – Solar Radiation Management (SRM) — Stratospheric Aerosol Injection (SAI) – ionospheric heating (HAARP) – and of course our old standby – Chemical Ice Nucleation Cloud Seeding. The global populations will be so relieved that we are meticulously investigating the weather chaos situation – and that we dedicate our careers to protecting their lives and welfare.
Interesting, this is the first time FB will not allow me to repost anything from geoengineeringwatch.org!!
Now it says this is a duplicate comment and wont be reposted!!!