Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, July 13, 2024, #466


Dane Wigington

"Wildfire Smoke Far More Dangerous Than Previously Thought: Potentially 10x More Toxic Than Traffic Smoke" (from ABC News). "Frustrations mount in the Houston heat after Beryl moves on and leaves millions without power (from AP News). This is just a snapshot of what is coming for us all when grid power falters, fades and sooner than almost any dare to imagine, fails forever. Scorching heat, drought, firestorms, smoke, deluge, extreme hail and wind, all is accelerating around the world. In our no longer blue skies, geoengineering operations rage on while the majority of populations keep their eyes wide shut. The latest installment of Global Alert News is below.

All are needed in the critical battle to wake populations to what is coming, we must make every day count. Share credible data from a credible source, make your voice heard.

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13 Responses to Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, July 13, 2024, #466

  1. Eden Lost to Insanity says:

    The weather forecasts coming out of Texas are a roller coaster of predictions that would even boggle the mind of those who take an interest in the subject of meteorology.

    One minute they say a cold front will drop temperatures dramatically and produce badly needed rain, then just hours later they say the exact opposite with extreme high temperatures and zero rain chances.

    They have flip-flopped eight different times now over the last four days, as I checked them this morning and they said highs in the upper nineties to a sweltering one hundred and four, with no rain possible at all. Now, twelve hours later, they say highs in the upper seventies to low eighties, with several inches of rain.

    I know it will never cool off as much as they are saying because all the years that I lived in Texas, they made similar forecast predictions and they never, ever came to fruition. But the difference was, the forecasts didn't go back and forth every twelve hours or so, as they are doing now.

    Why are they doing this? Because it's not just weather apps like AccuWeather, The Weather Channel, KXAN, KLTV, and KTXS that are posting these extremely contrasting forecasts. Meteorologists at various news channels are also broadcasting these same ridiculous forecasts. Claiming that some new weather influence like upper winds aloft, high pressure instability, and even jet stream fluctuations are impacting and or altering the movement of the "cold front" in question.

    Yet, no matter what they say or how many times the forecasts show a dramatic cool down, and soaking rains coming within the next few days. I know for a fact, and am willing to bet the farm that it will NEVER happen.

    So, why keep throwing the same oxymoron at the people who rely on the weather forecast to plan their daily activities? When they could just tell the truth and say that Raytheon simply hasn't decided yet if they will allow a cold front to move any further south than where it sits right now, right smack in the middle of Kansas.

    Through all the years that I lived in Texas I saw similar scenarios play out hundreds of times. Especially in the Fall when we constantly hoped and prayed that it would cool down from the 90s and low 100s which seemed to drag on for months. And I can tell you from experience that it never cools down until about the first week in December now. When in the past, that was usually when we saw our first blanket of frost on the ground. You need air conditioning ten months of the year, but prior to about 2010 it was only six months.

    Living here in South Dakota I am literally in heaven, because it rarely gets to 100 degrees, and even then the nights are so cool that you almost need a sweater. My heart goes out to all of my friends in Texas, and if they would just stop playing the "Weather Weirdness" card in their ridiculous forecast follies. Everyone could just get on with their lives and deal with the heat as best they can, without experiencing a roller coaster ride of one day having hope for a cool down. Only to be let down and disappointed the next day, with the rinse and repeat cycle of forecast facades.

    If all these people claim to be professional meteorologists. Why are they always so wrong with their weather forecasts? And why do they say it is only 100 degrees, with 38% humidity? When your outside weather station (sitting in the shade) says it is 108 at 52% humidity!

    When they say it is 108 degrees in Texas, you can bet your Rodeo Belt Buckle that it's really much closer to 118 degrees. With so much humidity that your sun glasses fog up the minute you step out from the front door of your house. And when you look across the blacktop driveway, the rising heat illusion becomes so blurry that you feel like you are sloppy drunk and ready to pass out at the drop of a solar scorched cowboy hat. The Lone Star state will soon become the No Star state, when everyone is forced out in the great exodus, shortly after it burns to ashes and becomes too hot for humans to survive there. No joke or puns intended. Simply being honest and objective about the "Heat Dome Hell" capital of the United States.

    I know it is unbearably hot in California, Oregon, Washington, Nevada, Utah, Arizona, New Mexico and Colorado. But just imagine those same temperatures with three to five times the humidity, and you end up with exactly how it feels in Texas. They don't post the number of heat related deaths in Texas on the CBS nightly news. Because it would shock most Americans into wondering if they are next in line to experience those very same deadly conditions in the very near future.

    From what I am being told, the only saving grace is that the overnight lows are still dropping into the seventies, and that's only because they aren't currently spraying aerosols that turn into cirrus clouds at night, trapping in most of the daytime heat. Matter of fact, they haven't been doing that in over two months now. Except for when Beryl was coming ashore. You have to take the small miracles, whenever and however they come, and that truly is a miracle.


  2. Christopher Wilde says:

    Well, that was cheerful.

    Wyoming here. Yes on heat done with the extra treat of evening stillness where all the bird sounds stop and human activity strangely stops for a bit and the fake low ceiling microwave bs clouds hang around. 

    Then fake rain and wind attacks today with a nice morning fake cloud cover microwave attack to motivate me for a day of being pissed off.

    I say don't think weather think microwave attack but only a few listen, of course. 


  3. RandylJ1 says:

    Hello All Awesome Aware People Here~ 

    I’m Following Dane’s “Beyond Relevant Information,”- Myself now weathering a miserable Bronchitis Attack “without an explainable ‘source”, as locals refer to ‘a Bug’ or worse, the ‘C-word’ again (regardless of how many ‘jabs’ a person has received). Nor can anyone explain how someone can acquire a strong pathogenic condition when that person hasn’t recently been near anyone ill with these symptoms? It’s completely baffling ~ unless one considers Climate Engineering and Pathogens added to the Spraying!

    This presents a perfect opportunity to open the Climate Engineering Discussion! 

    I’m feeling so miserable as this ‘Bronchitis’ isn’t responding well to my usual holistic healing procedures. I Know it’s manufactured! I opened the ‘Geoengineering Watch’ website Banner Heading “HEALTH”. I had not perused this information and it more than answered my questions! I highly recommend doing your own research here! This is Definitely a Major Resource to understanding our dire health situation! Dane’s ‘staying healthy’ section at the top is wonderful!

    Hope everyone is staying well! I’ve been a ‘health food nut’ as they called us in the California 1960’s, and raised to appreciate this information. This is a most important source to confirm that this ‘Respiratory Attack’ is Not despite or from my ‘lifestyle’! Go to GEW Website Label “HEALTH ”!


  4. Steve says:

    I live in NE Wyoming and have noticed the past two weeks jets flying over but no visible Geoengineering spray trails.  Could it be possible they have come up with a clear/invisible mixture?  Also, just a few days ago we experienced a horrific lightning and thunderstorm.  There was no rain with it.  I run outside and ride my bike around town almost daily and noticed an increase in dead birds in the streets.  Also, there has been a significant decrease in insects and birds.  I would always awake to the sounds of robins and mourning doves, but very few are around these days. Could the intense percussion from these storms be killing everything off?  Plus I have flowers to promote food for bees.  Bees around my house have been very few these days.  In comparing these things to last year they are much worse.  I think we are on an exponential rate of destruction.

  5. Eden Lost to Insanity says:

    I know that I have done experiments like this before in Texas and posted them here, but I think that this one will seriously drive the point home… once and for all.

    We noticed a particular industrial grade five-gallon plastic bucket in some photographs taken back in 1989, and it was still in excellent condition other than being just a little bit faded in color. Back then a farm hand admitted to leaving it out in the weather for about ten years on his property, prior to the pictures being taken, and everyone simply blew it off as a normal mistake that anyone could have made.

    That bucket was put back in service and is still being used today, and we know it is the exact same bucket because it has a very particular set of notches and markings grooved into the metal handle with a hand file. Which also clearly shows up in the zoomed-in pictures.

    So, it basically sat in direct sunlight from about 1979 to 1989 and it's still in great shape today. But of course, we've keep it in the shaded and much cooler feed room of the barn since 1989.

    Well, we all decided to try an experiment using that same bucket, and we also purchased a brand new one exactly like that one, from the same supplier this farm has used for going on sixty-five years. Plus, we were assured that the same material and process is being used today to make the new buckets. Which of course, they do look exactly alike when placed next to each other, and we were all in agreement that they were the same bucket.

    On May 15th of this year we placed both buckets where they would get the most amount of sun and exposure to the UV radiation. No one checked on them or did anything to them in all this time. Until we went to see how the experiment was coming along early this morning.

    Needless to say we were completely in awe. After two months of being in the sun, the plastic portion of both buckets had become so thin and brittle that they were nothing more than small pieces scattered about with the metal handles sitting in the middle of each strewn out pile of paper-thin plastic.

    The old bucket from the 1989 photos was so bad that many of the pieces had turned to clumps of powder or dust. While the new one was also completely destroyed, and the pieces crumbled easily in our hands. However the older bucket pieces turned to dust when we tried to pick them up.

    The new bucket was originally dark gray and the pieces that were left, were a very light gray. Which is what the old bucket was at the beginning of our experiment but all the pieces had turned white.

    Industrial grade plastic buckets that would last at least ten years in the sun back in 1979, and continue to be be in great working shape for another 35 years, after being removed from the sun. probably only lasted a few weeks before breaking down completely in the sun today.

    While the new bucket of the same quality and build only lasted eight weeks in the sun before completely falling to pieces. Even though they come with a fifty-year guarantee.

    So, if we still had the same sun of old and no UV-C radiation or heat dome cooking temperatures. They probably would last more than fifty years.

    And what does all of this say about how long humans will last?

    We still can't believe what happened and we have been talking about this constantly during the preparations for our Sunday gathering and feast. We plan to show the Elders tonight and get their reactions.

    BTW- One NASA engineered UV metering station registered a whopping 48 on the UV scale at the top of a volcano peak in the Andes mountains recently. And supposedly the UV meters used to alert the public to serious levels of radiation only go up to ten. Plus they are saying that they have never maxed out anywhere in the U.S. But they have reached level nine on rare occasions "they say". Right. I'm sorry but I don't believe them, and the scientists that took the Andes measurement said they got third degree burns after about 90 seconds, if they exposed bare skin to the sun's rays. They also found nothing alive for about fifty miles around the peak, other than bleached bones that were so brittle, they turned to dust like our old bucket did when they tried to pick them up. Readings of 28 to 32 are now showing up at both polar regions, where ozone doesn't seem to exist anymore. Maybe it's not just the lack of food killing the Polar Bears, and maybe that's why there is no food available to them now in the first place.

    Makes you think twice about getting a window seat on an airline jet flying at 30,000 feet now… doesn't it?

  6. Lori Bridgeford says:

    So sorry  Dane,   about the news of Ray's  death.  Very sad as he was a  front line   warrior on exposing    the criminal  chem  sky  spray  monsters and the UV damage  on EVERYTHING.    He was  a master expert  on the UV  damage.    Bless him  and you  Dane,  A team effort as you say. .

  7. Dave Wallace says:

    I don't understand how we here in NW Colorado have been seeing temperatures in the mid 90's during the day, but there has been no heat retention at night, for the temperatures at night are hitting the mid to low 40's, a week ago they dipped down into the 30's at night. How is it that a head dome', as it has been referred to as, only happens during the day. Elevation here is 6500, and when I get out in the sun, you can feel your skin burning. It never used to be this way. I have to wonder why we no longer have the filtering affect from the atmosphere. I have had trees just die from one day to the next, leaves dry up and wilt, then it is over. 

  8. Lance says:

    Big fire, Falls Incident, out of control NW of Burns, OR in mountainous area with huge pyro-cumulus clouds and even lightning being detected! Very windy and very low humidity! Lightning strikes detected up and down the Sierra's in eastern CA and in NV since this afternoon. Big thunderstorm cells went over the Lake Tahoe region. Look for other fires to start showing up later tonight and tomorrow. This looks bad! 

    • Lance says:

      Fall Incident is a large wildfire out of control that has burned over 60,000 acres now and the SE part of this fire is about 12 miles away from Burns, OR. Wind is out of the NW 15 to 20mph with higher gusts. Burns is a farming community located to the NE of the fire. Huge pyro-cumulus clouds still showing on satellite images. HWY 395 is about 15 miles from the eastern side of the fire. It is spreading rapidly. 4 new wildfires detected W of Lake Tahoe. 15 wildfires detected on Sierra National Forest land, most east of Modesto, CA. Like I said, this looks bad.

  9. Lance says:

    The actors on the political stage, from the bit players to those in leading roles, are all puppets. They are performers in the human "passion play", the one that has been going on for thousands of years, ever since the FALL OF MAN! 

  10. Jonathan says:

    I came across this today. Was sent to me this morning. Emailed the author and sent him a link to the documentary. He possibly does not know what is really happening, in which case the documentary will help. He may know but maybe part of the machine, the matrix. In either event, I did what I thought was the right thing to do. I'm hopeful that perhaps he will reach out for more information.

    This may seem unrelated to geoengineering, but if you look up what is called the Lament of Hermes, It describes some of the things that we're seeing currently. Graham Hancock has a video of him reading this. Most interesting to listen to.

    May the Creator work through every means possible for a restoration of balance and harmony, so sorely lacking in this world right now.  Blessings to those who are also in such need right now in light of the events of this afternoon.

  11. Virginia says:

    I know this comment will be redundant as so many others who comment here have emphasized the importance of taking extra care of our pets and other animals during these times of excessive and continuing heat waves.  So, please have fresh water available for pets inside and outside and be sure to put the containers in shaded areas.  Also, if possible, water down areas around the house, in patios and gardens and wherever pets tend to gather for comfort.  I go out and water at least twice per day in the hottest hours in those shaded areas and be sure they are, at least, kept damp enough to cool the little critters off.

    We all know the importance of storing water for emergency use.  And during these heat waves (and more to come this summer) it is imperative to have stored water (even in used gallon jugs and stored for animal usage) in whatever containers available to you.  The small creek we have on our property has dried up and I have seen deer coming to drink out of even one of the smaller containers I put out, although I have larger containers for them.  I mean they are that desperate.  So, thank all of you who have been providing for our little friends in so many ways.  I write this solely as a reminder to all of us who have so many other distractions in these difficult times.

    Hopefully, this year will end in a positive note for all of humanity.  It must.  There can be no alternative. Thank you.


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