Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, July 20, 2024, #467


Dane Wigington

"Apocalyptic 150F heat dome smashes temperature records as the world bakes" (from MSN). "Heat dome settles over West Coast with 112F temps creating deadly conditions for 10 million and sparking wildfire fears" (The Independent). "Extreme heat waves broiling the US in 2024 aren’t normal" (The Conversation U.S.). And from Scientific American: "Geoengineering the climate could pose a new risk to the planet". Question, how bad do conditions need to be before populations wake up and realize we face a fight for life on Earth? The latest installment of Global Alert News is below.

All are needed in the critical battle to wake populations to what is coming, we must make every day count. Share credible data from a credible source, make your voice heard.

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One Response to Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, July 20, 2024, #467

  1. Ben Billings says:

    New Graduates from Academia – Alan Savory

    Perhaps some of you agriculturists have read the book “Holistic Management” by Alan Savory and implemented on the ground many of the holistic land restoration practices described in the book. There are written articles, videos, work sheets, planning documents and the like to create and execute a holistic program for any ranch, farm, or even one's own private life.

    From their website  – This is their claim to fame
    35 years – 70,000 people trained  –  100 million acres influenced – 130 countries

    A subscription to their monthly publication “In Practice” is an interesting view to what people on the ground are accomplishing. – Until I realized that even these folks are totally incapable of just looking up and comprehending what is taking place in our skies every day – and its devastating consequences. These people are on the ground daily – restoring degraded land – and their labors and accomplishments ultimately depend on rainfall from the sky.

    I have read Alan Savory’s book and honor and admire the incredible accomplishments of all these people who are thinking and acting “outside of the box”. – And I have incorporated some of their methods and techniques in my small-scale land restoration efforts. But the ongoing weather warfare raging globally in many forms can destroy all of these restoration efforts.

    The Basic Question that nobody will touch – not even the people at “Holistic Management International” will even discuss. –  In a warming climate – according to the laws of physics (and science) – there must be more rain overall around the globe. Where is this “greatly increased rainfall? Why so much global “Drought”? Can we listen, research and act?

    But nonetheless the comments by Alan Savory about those processed by academia ring true.

    Alan Savory –  Zimbabwean ecologist, research biologist, livestock farmer, and president and co-founder of the Savory Institute. He originated the Holistic management of agriculture to fight desertification. Savory also authored numerous book on ecology, including Holistic Management, Third Edition  – and A Commonsense Revolution to Restore Our Environment
    Ecologist Allan Savory exposes consensus science

    Ecologist Allan Savory: "People talk glibly about science what is science. People coming out of a university with a master's degree or a Ph.D., you take them into the field and they literally don't believe anything unless it's a peer-reviewed paper. It's the only thing they accept and you say to them 'But let's observe. Let's think. Let's discuss.' They don't do it. It's just, 'Is it in a peer-reviewed paper or not?' That's their view of science. I think it's pathetic.

    Gone into universities as bright young people. They come out of them brain dead, not even knowing what science means. They think it means peer-reviewed papers etc. No that's academia. And if a paper is peer-reviewed it means everybody thought the same therefore they approved it.

    An unintended consequence is that when new knowledge emerges, new scientific insights, they can never ever be peer-reviewed. So we're blocking all new advances in science that are big advances. If you look at the breakthroughs in science almost always they don't come from the center of that profession – they come from the fringe. The finest candle makers in the world couldn't even think of electric lights. They don't come from within – they often come from outside the bricks.  We're going to kill ourselves because of stupidity."


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