Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, June 29, 2024, #464


Dane Wigington

"World Is Headed For Conflict Over Food Shortages Warns Biggest Commodities Trader" (from MSN). "From Black Sea to US Midwest, extreme weather threatens crop output" (from Reuters). From PBS: "Depletion of major groundwater source threatens Great Plains farming." The warnings are coming in from every corner of the world, the planet's life support systems are imploding. Chaos and collapse will be the consequence, it is already unfolding and accelerating with climate engineering operations fueling the scenario. The latest installment of Global Alert News is below.

All are needed in the critical battle to wake populations to what is coming, we must make every day count. Share credible data from a credible source, make your voice heard.

What in the world are they spraying?
Tuolumne Meadows, Yosemite National Park, California (June 18th, 2024). Photo credit: Ron Kauk
Click image to enlarge

Must view, THE DIMMING, our most comprehensive climate engineering documentary:​

For Geoengineering Watch awareness materials shown below, click the image to order.

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17 Responses to Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, June 29, 2024, #464

  1. Gary Morrow says:

    Extremely dangerous Category 4 Hurricane Beryl is approaching the Windward Islands. Life threatening winds and storm surge expected there beginning early Monday morning. Another case of explosive intensification that has now become commonplace. Beryl was still a tropical storm at this time yesterday. 

  2. Jonathan says:

    I just sent this to my North Carolina district state senator and district representative. Feel free to copy and paste and do likewise either by sharing the weekly broadcasts or perhaps including a link to the documentary, which my folks here in Raleigh already have been given, many times over over the years. 




    Good afternoon,


    I'm still ready and willing and able to drive to meet you, Sen. Smith and Rep. Reeder, in Raleigh at your convenience and sit down and discuss getting together and enacting legislation to ban these programs over the North Carolina skies.


    Just look what Tennessee recently did. They have found their courage. We need this in North Carolina.



    Thank you,


    • Maestro 12 string says:

      They still spray, but do it a few States West,then the Jetstream carries the filth over Tennessee and North Carolina,……..

  3. Randyl J1 says:

    Blessings Dane and ALL~

    Sunday ~ End of June – Real Feel Like Late August!

    82F Yahoo

    90F Jeep in shade

    Feels 95 >

    Jets spotted. Can hear but not see them. Trails are narrow and quickly dissipate into ‘wanna-be’ thunderstorm clouds. Bone dry yet humid feeling, if that’s even possible! They’ll need more than insanity and luck to produce an extended rain event. I took a radar snap of the one ‘hurricane’ SE of Haiti near Georgetown. Hope They avoid Nicaragua where my favorite coffee is grown. They are 100% creating and manipulating the weather!

    Avocados ~ one of my dietary ‘mainstays’ come from Mexico. Beginning to get damaged ones! Also some bananas aren’t good. Hoping they both keep on going (KOKO) longer.

    Too hot for even a short walk from 10 AM onward. Wall AC unit in this older apartment living/sleeping area~ barely cools enough during the day but extra fan near back door helps. At night, the silly Thing almost freezes me if I forget to adjust it. I miss my RV ceiling AC and ‘being mobile’ pre-2020, but living ‘on wheels’ in a metal container? Would have to head for Alaska or Newfoundland ~ and still no guarantee! Stay Cool Dear AWARE ONES!


  4. Marilyn Pokorney says:

    I'm in Nebraska and I have seen the decline in trees every year, but this year is the worst.  Trees have thin canopies with small leaves, deformed leaves, and just look sickly.  People who ask experts what is wrong with their tree, in a yard for example, are just told it is dying and it's time to replace it with a new tree. 

  5. Stan Sylvester says:

    In California's Mojave desert, about 3500 Joshua trees are about to be shredded on site to make way for a solar panel project. The magnificent Joshua tree is actually a succulent. It stores water in its trunk and leaves. It is native to the Southwest U.S. and the Mojave and Colorado deserts. It is a food source for birds, insects and mammals. The lifespan average is 150 years. 

    The Aratina Solar Project has received permission from California and Kern County officials to start the shredding. 1000's of solar panels will provide "intermittent" energy to 2300 acres in the small towns of Boron and Desert Lake.

    In an effort to justify the wipe out of the Joshua trees for the solar panels, the company stated, "while trees will be impacted during project construction, vastly more Joshua trees are being threatened by climate change, caused by rising greenhouse gas emissions which the Aratina Solar Project directly addresses."

    Shame on me. All the time I thought this was just about profit. Aratina has assured us that the shredding is actually a long term benefit for the Joshua tree. You have to shred some today to save some tomorrow.  

  6. Eden Lost to Insanity says:

    Have you ever wondered why Raytheon and Lockheed haven't filed defamation lawsuits against the handful of people (including Dane) who point out how they are the driving forces behind current geoengineering operations, and the ongoing collapse of the world's entire web of life? 

    They will never do that because they know they will lose such court cases, and when the evidence of their master plan behind "Owning the Weather by 2025" comes to the light of day, they and the Air force will be held accountable for all the damage they have done to weather patterns, just to manipulate the climate to achieve their own military agendas.

    They understand that the science and facts detailed in such documentaries as "The Dimming' will be used in court to make the case for why they draft the weather scripts for all meteorologists in America.

    The evidence is far too overwhelming for them to even take a chance that a court case, viewed by the public and everyone who lost loved ones from their climate engineering insanity, would then lead to a federal case… and then a WORLD Court Case.

    Especially if Dane gets on the stand and provides the judge, jurors, and all of humanity, testimony from his fifteen plus years of trying to expose geoengineering… in his own words.

    They would rather explain away Dane and the others as nothing but conspiracy theorists who aren't playing with a full deck. But pray they never have to prove that on the stand. So, they simply ignore everyone who is able to connect the dots and follow the paper trails, and go about their business as usual… till the bitter end of all life's existence on a dying Earth.

    Because, even if they admit to having the ability to alter the climate by creating their own weather patterns around the world. They know it is too late to stop the 10C degree rise in temperatures that we are already locked into, and they have no viable solutions or technology whatsoever to change that. So, they just continue on with their "Wilderness of Mirrors" and wait for Nature to Take it's Course. No pun intended, seriously.

    • Jonathan says:

      In a civil case, I believe that process is called, Discovery.

      In a criminal case there may be a different name for it. But they don't want that happening, and becoming a matter of public record.

    • Eden Lost to Insanity says:

      Brother Jonathan, 

      In a criminal case it is called "Real and Demonstrative Evidence", of which everything in "The Dimming" would be admissible in that court of law. Remember, I was going to become a Lawyer after my discharge from the military, and I even passed the BAR Exam. But after a couple of years working as a council advisor and assistant, I discovered that lawyers (for the most part) are scum of the Earth, and I couldn't bare forcing myself to become a liar, just to keep someone from going to prison. And also remember that most elected officials were once lawyers themselves. So, many of them will lie to cover up the "Truth" in regard to ongoing geoengineering operations.

      But the the most damning of the real and demonstrative evidence "against Raytheon and Lockheed" would be the various legislation bills being passed (by elected official who have a conscience) to ban geoengineering in their state, and the "reasons WHY it is being banned". Falling into the category of proven factual science, with evidentiary findings in the soil, water and air samples. Not to mention the airplane aerosol trails themselves, and microwave transmission's altering of the clouds.

      Once the public and media were exposed to all of that evidence in real courts of law, the people would then finally see for themselves how they have been lied to for over seventy-five years. 

  7. Bobette Page says:

    Every time I clicked on the link from my email it sent me to some other site…a different site every time! You are being censored badly! I can't breathe any more. They are spraying us almost every day and everything is burning and dying including me. I think it's too late. 

    • Eden Lost to Insanity says:

      Hi Bobette, Same thing was happening with the link I used. It would send me to another web site, or most of the time this web page just simply wouldn't load and I would get a DNS Server Error instead. The censors love Dane and all of us here so much that some of us now place a link to Geoengineering Watch in our DuckDuckGo favorites bar.

      No tracking and no censors allowed. For me, that was problem solved. That is my go-to search engine for nearly all of my research now.

    • Jonathan says:

      Dear Bobette,

      Be encouraged. I understand how you feel. Remember that we are only responsible for the things within our control. We are not responsible for fixing every single thing. We are responsible for doing the best that we can, with what we have, where we are, and based upon the best knowledge that we have at the moment. 

      As the character Gandalf told Frodo, "All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us."

      I will use an example of caring for animals, whether domestic or wild. We can do our very best and should do our very best to help them, or to help other people, for example. You are only responsible for doing the best that you're able to do in any given situation. I would suggest striving to be at peace with that fact and allowing the Creator to be in control of the results of your good work. 

      As for your comment about everything burning and dying, including yourself and it being too late, remember that you always have a choice and how you think about things, and as far as you are concerned, your thoughts, that is, the way that You choose to see the world, will largely create the experience that you have in life. As a person thinks in their heart, so they often are. Many people do not realize that their subconscious mind never sleeps. It is always listening, and it pays particular attention to things that you say that indicates strong beliefs. If you say things repeatedly like what you said above, the subconscious mind, which has no sense of humor and takes things quite literally, will work to bring about the circumstances that you just laid out as a supposed fact. 

      I know it is very difficult, especially in this day and age, but do try to focus on the positive things that you are able to say and the abilities that you do have, and the health that you do have, and the abilities that you have to make a difference. 

      Perhaps you can redirect some of the energy that you expressed above into renewed efforts to inform other people. Perhaps order some of these scanable business cards and leave them with you at restaurants with the tip, or put one of those cards in the envelope when you mail out a bill. For example. Keep a few cards in your purse or your pockets, and if you come across people with whom you can make a friendly comment about The weather, which is easy to do nowadays, because it's so bad, you may be able to engage people in a polite conversation and offer one of the business cards and ask them to take a look at the documentary. Documentary. You may feel that you are more empowered this way, and it may help to give you a more balanced and positive outlook. Remember also that Dane has frequently said that the predator class are not gods, and we are not helpless. 

      In your particular arena, in your particular sphere of influence, however, large or however small that may be compared to those of other people, you do have the ability to make a difference. Even if it's putting out a little bowl of water for some of the wild animals, like the birds and other animals that made desperately need water wherever you live, or putting out some food for some of the animals to help supplement their diet, which is a greater need than ever before now, you may find yourself with a renewed purpose and life, knowing that the kind acts that you do here for others will reverberate and echo throughout eternity and multiple planes of existence. 

      Be encouraged my friend.


    • Jonathan says:

      Please understand that I'm not being critical in any way. I am merely offering words that I think may be helpful to you. An example of synchronicity just happened as I was reading, and it made me think of you. 

      I'm reading a book titled, Make Your Life Worth While by Emmet Fox. Mine is an older copy from the 40s. I just read, on page 24, a page titled, Great Mental Laws. 3. The Law of Subconscious Activity.

      In reference to your comments about everything burning and dying, including yourself, you may find what he says helpful. Blessings to you my friend.

  8. Ben Billings says:

    1957 & 1958 – Hearings before the Senate Armed Services Committee’s specially re-activated Preparedness Subcommittee – which Senator Lyndon Johnson (D-TX) – served as its chairman..
     85th Congress., 1st and 2nd Session., November 25, 26, 27, December 13, 14, 16, and 17, 1957, January 10, 13, 15, 16, 17, 20, 21, and 23, 1958

    From the Preparedness Subcommittee summary statement:

    “Our very future depended on being the ones who first seized ownership of space.

    “Control of space means control of the world,”

    “From space, the masters of infinity would have the power to control the earth’s weather, to cause drought and flood, to change the tides and raise the levels of the sea, to divert the gulf stream and change temperate climates to frigid.”

    “In essence, the Soviet Union has appraised control of space as a goal of such consequence that achievement of such control has been made a first aim of national policy.”

    “[In contrast], our decisions, more often than not, have been made within the framework of the Government’s annual budget. Against this view, we now have on record the appraisal of leaders in the field of science, respected men of unquestioned competence, whose valuation of what control of outer space means renders irrelevant the bookkeeping concerns of fiscal officers.”

    Those words and that sentiment – that control of space was worth busting the budget for – led to the tremendous increase in space spending in the years ahead.

    1961 – President Kennedy’s address before the General Assembly of the United Nations, September 25, 1961

    VI …..“We shall propose further cooperative efforts between all nations in weather prediction and eventually in weather control. We shall propose, finally, a global system of communications satellites linking the whole world in telegraph and telephone and radio and television. The day need not be far away when such a system will televise the proceedings of this body to every corner of the world for the benefit of peace.

    1962 – This is a portion of the speech that Vice President Lyndon Johnson gave as a graduation address at Southwest Texas State University in 1962. It is common practice among universities to award an important speaker at graduation exercises an honorable degree – thus the cap and gown worn by Lyndon Johnson.

    Vice President Lyndon Johnson is referring to a message sent by President Kennedy to Congress. – go to minute 24:50

    “…..And that message calls for new frontiers, new visions. It calls for us taking the steps that will no longer make us second in space and science. It lays the predicate and foundation for the development of a weather satellite that will permit man to determine the world's cloud layer – and ultimately to control the weather – and he who controls the weather will control the world”  

    This little snippet makes a great introduction to Dane’s weekly Global Alert News?

    1967 & 1971 – Operation Popeye first came to public light in March 1971, when reporter Jack Anderson published a story based on a secret 1967 memo from the Joint Chiefs of Staff to President Johnson. The memo read:

    ACTIONS: “LAOS OPERATIONS – Continue as at present plus Operation POP EYE to reduce the trafficability along infiltration routes” & AUTHORITIES/POLICY CHANGE: “Authorization required to implement operational phase of weather modification process previously successfully tested and evaluated in same area”. (US Senate, Subcommittee on Oceans and International Environment; 26 July 1972; p. 5).

    President Johnson would go on to authorize weather warfare over Vietnam.


    • Eden Lost to Insanity says:

      Brother ben,

      Only those of us who experienced Kennedy's assassination and the Vietnam War first hand know these truths of which you just conveyed in their entirety, to be what we base our steadfast commitment to exposing the very controllers of the world, to a society that has no idea that they are even being lied to, much less deprived of the quality of life that we once enjoyed in our youth.

      That has to be the longest sentence I have ever typed. But not as long as the many harsh words I have to describe my feelings towards those who knew this day would come, and gloat that their foul climate conquering deeds are simply the "Wrath of Nature". While they shine their thrones of idiocarcy with the sweat of a slumbering humanity, on a planet destined to resemble Venus when all is said and done.

  9. Jonathan says:

    I noticed this weekend driving through some of the rural areas of Eastern North Carolina that acres after acres after acres of corn- genetically modified corn… which should be able to do well in adverse conditions that were effected by the human race, were curled up and shriveled and brown. I doubt they will be any significant harvest. I talked with a farmer. I know this evening about this. He said he has 700 acres of corn that he planned to this year and it's all like that. 

    For those of you who may be new to this information about whether modification, understand that the particles that are being sprayed up above are desiccant particles, which prevent water molecules from being able to coalesce into large enough drops to fall as rain. They create extreme drying of the plants and the soil beneath the sky. 

    Think about this… Consider what will happen when the hundreds of acres where I live are not productive, and not only those, but the millions of acres elsewhere in the country and even around the world are not productive. Think about what Will happen with the supplies of animal feed used in agriculture in this country. Think about how this will impact agricultural products on the supermarket shelves. This is all coming to a head and rapidly. Another farmer I know in my county has a huge farm. She told me last year that this year going into next year there will be significant shortages developing in the supermarkets and they're not going to get better. She said they will get worse year by year, and that even if we can find some of the foods we like in the supermarkets, we won't be able to afford them soon. That's her saying this, not me. I'm passing this on. She and her family have been involved in farming for decades.

    And did you know that a significant portion of John Deere in the Midwest is relocating to Mexico? 

    Yes, it is true that this is but one plane of existence. And yet, consider that we are here, and we are here, now. The universe as it were has conspired so to speak to have you here and to have you here now. You matter. Your being here at this point in human history is significant. 

    Consider as you seek to find and develop your purpose in life how joining this movement can be a part of your life's purpose.

    • Laurie ~ Inspire says:

      Brother Jonathan,

          In reading all of your comments posted this weekend, as well as reading them every week, I want to tell you that you are a Blessing. Your comments each week are inspirational.  I also live in NC and agree with all that you post each week.  I have also posted comments here many times through the years.  Your kind words to others, your constant encouragement, and your wisdom are most needed at these times. 

         May you truly be blessed and protected always.


      (Inspire) Psalm 91


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