The battle to expose and halt the ongoing climate engineering insanity has been incredibly arduous for all that have truly committed themselves to this monumental and dire task. Some have made immense sacrifices in this fight, their testimonies should be an inspiration to us all. A former elementary school teacher, Laura Kozicki, is a stellar example of an individual's total dedication to the greater good. Laura's story, in her own words, is below. The recent newspaper ad she paid for with her own hard earned funds is posted after Laura's testimony.
When I first learned about geoengineering in 2011 after watching a program about geoengineering, I had already felt distrustful of our government. A close relative of mine had been diagnosed with autism and ADHD about 5 years earlier. I’d learned about the thimerosol in childrens' vaccinations and mercury in dental fillings. And sure enough, genetic testing showed that her body probably wouldn’t be making sufficient amounts of glutathione. Glutathione is abundant naturally in the body and is used by the body to eliminate toxins, including metals. Intravenous glutathione helped remove many of the toxins her body wasn’t able to get rid of on its own. The roughly $30,000 spent out of pocket on alternative methods for healing could have sent her to college this fall.
From learning about the health risks of vaccines, I concluded that the government had been reckless and irresponsible with people’s health and well-being. It hadn’t occurred to me at the time when I was learning all this information about vaccines, toxicity, damage to the digestive tract, and autism that some individuals or organizations might have been intentionally causing harm.
When I came to understand what geoengineering is and how it clearly will end life on this planet if it’s not stopped, then I realized that there actually may be an intent to cause harm. The quick read "Addicted to War: Why the U.S. Can’t Kick Militarism" by Joel Andreas was another dot connector for me.
After watching the episode about geoengineering, I asked aloud, Why would they do a thing like this? The words ‘Book of Revelation’ flashed into my mind. I went through a period of depression where I lost my appetite and felt hopeless and helpless. After about a month I realized that regardless of how I feel about the situation, I have a responsibility in trying to warn others about this. I began trying to talk with colleagues at the elementary school where I was teaching about geoengineering. Some colleagues were a little interested, but some were frightened, and others didn’t want to hear about it. I had felt a responsibility, and still feel a responsibility in at least trying to offer the information to people. How would I feel about myself years down the road if I hadn’t tried to warn them? When it comes right down to it, all of our lives depend on alerting each other so that together humanity can put an end to geoengineering. It’s like if we see someone crossing a street and they’re not aware that they’re about to be hit by a speeding semi, wouldn’t it be the right thing to do to warn them? If we don’t let each other know about geoengineering, it’s going to kill us all.
I was warned from the school district administration after I started trying to talk to co-workers about this topic. I don’t know if there is a way that an employer would see it as being appropriate for an employee to try to talk to co-workers on the job about geoengineering, the appearance of the sky, or any other politically sensitive topic. Maybe it comes down to “Don’t try to warn your co-workers if there’s something you see as a danger” and “Stay within the boundaries if you want to keep your job”.
Near the end of April this year, I was notified that my teaching contract wouldn’t be renewed. To be fair to the district in the decision they had made, I cannot state for certain what their reasons were.
I had stopped reciting the Pledge of Allegiance some years earlier, but my second grade students must have thought that they were required or at least expected to do so. It seems like if kids are asked to recite an oath that isn’t required of them by law, they should at least be told that it’s optional, but I don’t think anybody ever did tell them.
I’ll probably always wonder if my talking about geoengineering to colleagues was part of the decision not to renew my teaching contract. After the shock of losing my job and the immediate worries about maybe having to sell the house eventually to make ends meet (I had seen that this may be coming for a while and had been saving money), I began to realize that losing my teaching job has actually been a blessing and an opportunity.
For the past 5 years or so I had tried to let others know about the dangers of geoengineering, but whatever I did, like airing a geoengineering documentary film on the Milwaukee area public access TV station, I did so wondering whether someone from my school district would see it with my name as the volunteer who prepared the program to be aired, and if there would be repercussions if someone connected to my job would see that I was responsible for a film about geoengineering going on public access TV. There was always the tug of war between “do the right thing” and “paycheck and pension”. I finally told God a few years ago that if he wanted me to speak openly and boldly then he should remove me from my teaching job so that I could stop worrying about trying to keep it.
After my teaching contract ended permanently this June, I found a part time job working at a gas station. It’s helping me make ends meet and not have to dip into savings as much. The food pantry has been a great help, too. I know that by publically speaking out and attaching my name to it, I could possibly lose this job, too, because most employers don’t want employees that cause them problems or embarrassment. So there might always be some knots in my stomach about finances if I keep talking about this issue. But I couldn’t live with myself if I would just keep quiet about it. When my pension comes in about 3 years (if pensions aren’t a thing of the past by then) it may not be enough to make ends meet, because I left teaching early.
Everybody has their own best ways of communicating. For me, talking to people I don’t know about geoengineering is difficult because I’m a shy person and I do not yet feel confident about communicating the scientific details of the issue. For other people, that might be a good approach. I’ve realized that for me putting information out into the public to point people to a good informational resource is a better way of communicating on this topic, so that’s the direction I’ll take. I feel grateful for media sources that are willing to print information about this and other controversial topics of importance.
Corinthians 9:24 (CEV)
“You know that many runners enter a race, and only one of them wins the prize. So run to win!…”
What a tragedy for us all if geoengineering should win this race. If we win the race against geoengineering together, the prize will be the hope for a healthier Earth and a future for humanity along with the many living organisms that share this planet we all call home.
Laura Kozicki
I wish to convey my deepest respect and regard for Laura and for every courageous individual who is doing everything they can to sound the alarm given their individual circumstances. This is a battle we can only win by working together, we must all make our voices heard.