Activist Articles & Videos

Catastrophic Ecosystem Manipulation – Where Are We?


Where are we?

Delta Copycat


I follow the “weather patterns” and study what they are doing before they get to you as they move east from the west coast. The Coachella Valley and Palm Springs airport is a large Geoengineering base, I know this for a fact. They built a new control tower with Obama stimulus money and moved in all new control tower people a few months ago.

2014: The Year of Commitment


Happy New Year to America and to people all over the world. However, happiness is hard to find in an economically devastated and war-entrenched planet, and one that is so profoundly damaged by non-stop radiation and geoengineering/aerial spraying.

Recent Vivid Sunsets/ Sunrises — What is Causing Them?


Over the last month we’ve seen amazing sunsets and sunrises all over the world, but especially in the US. Here in Oregon, we’ve had ‘popsicle’ orange sunsets that are spectacular. But the beauty underlies what I believe is something terrifying. The addition of new substances, more drastic chemicals, to the chem spray mixes.

Watch the Left Hand: Fukushima may be the Right


Something is far beyond contaminated and glow-fishy about the Fukushima meltdown. For two years it has been discussed and swarming with expertise, but with no limiting or actual efforts to stop the radiological contaminants from being released into the Pacific and all other connected oceans, the largest food and oxygen sources on the planet. Yet, surfers are surfing, swimmers are swimming, children are playing on beaches, and restaurants all over the earth are eating Pacific fish and also contaminated Atlantic fish according to multiple reports.

Chemtrails – How They Changed My World


Soon I will be turning 60, and I cannot help but recall my mother’s words when she told me she felt as if she had outlived her understanding of how the world worked.  She was in her eighties when she explained this sadness, and I felt this must surely be a common feeling in eldership, and I felt deeply sorry for her.  Little did I know that I would feel much the same at sixty.

Geoengineering Weather


This essay begins with a question:  is “global warming”, aka “climate change” a diversion from weather modification by geoengineering, including HAARP, chemtrails, and microwave pulses?

Arkansans Against Stratospheric Aerosol Geo Engineering to Host Dec. 7 March


Daily Gazette – LETTERS TO THE EDITOR: “Environmental Factors Alter Health Care Debate”


Here’s a great example of the many things that can be done to spread awareness.

Citizen Questions a Senator about Geoengineering, and His Response


Observations Along the Route to Oudtshoorn


Observations and musings on a trip from Potchefstroom in the NW of South Africa along the N12 Route to Oudtshoorn in the  Klein Karoo , Cape Province :

An Open Letter To Our “Elite” Rulers

 Brothers and Sisters of our ruling class, Royal Family members, Bloodline Family members, Heads of State, Heads and High Officers of Multinational Corporations, High Officers and Heads of Banking Organizations, to you all, Greetings!

In Reference to the Recent Article in the Guardian “BBC Coverage Climate Report IPCC Skeptics”


Volunteers for Planetary Climate Action (VPCA) Resolving the Atmospheric Emergency


Life of Sky


I recently visited the Kruger National Park. Our journey of 700 km started from the Highveld of South Africa to the Lowveld where the Kruger National Park  is situated, covering an area approximately the size of Holland.

Chem-Trail Versus Con-Trail


My neighbor looked up, noticing the lines of clouds in the sky. There were five and another being added as we watched. “Chem-trails.” I said with disgust, shaking my head.

The Day Before Tomorrow


WASHINGTON DC July 21, 2013… Stung by repeated Republican calls to “Bomb the weather back to the Stone Age,” a grim-faced President Obama stunned a nearly soporific nation by revealing ongoing US military interventions aimed at “saving the planet” from “the real terrorists” – runaway warming.