Dane Wigington
All around the planet our skies are being saturated with toxic metal and chemical particulates. These particulates are being sprayed from jet aircraft as part of the global geoengineering/weather modification programs titled "SRM" and "SAG". Any that take the time to investigate the subjects of SRM (solar radiation management) and SAG (stratospheric aerosol geoengineering) will find that many of the “predicted” effects of these massive climate altering programs are not disputed. The climate science community is blatantly lying about the ongoing climate engineering programs, claiming they are only "proposals". One of the many well known effects related to geoengineering which is not debated is DROUGHT. How bad is the engineered drought in the US West, specifically California? The latest drought monitor map is below, the climate engineering assault has consistently robbed rain from the Western US.
Saturation of the atmosphere with nano sized toxic particles and chemicals provides too many "condensation nuclei". Moisture in the atmosphere then adheres to these particles and continues to migrate in the form of dirty looking haze and/or artificial clouds. The overabundance of particles prevents droplets from combining to form heavy enough drops to fall as precipitation. Geoengineering further reduces rainfall by simply blocking the sun and thus evaporation over oceans. Less direct sunlight, less light photons, less evaporation, period. This causes the moisture in storm systems to be greatly reduced in many cases. "GLOBAL DIMMING" is now considered by most scientific studies to average fully 22%. This means that 22% or more of direct sunlight that reached the planet's surface decades ago now no longer does. I highly recommend taking the time to click the "GLOBAL DIMMING" link and watching the 6 minute video it connects to. This short presentation will increase ones knowledge of the effect sprayed particulates have on the atmosphere, global temperatures, and precipitation. Though this mainstream documentary preview does not directly implicate global geoengineering as the main source of "global dimming", one can make up their own mind, it is important to "read between the lines" so to speak. There are certainly agendas within this film, connect the dots on your own.
Yet another consequence of geoengineering is DIMINISHED WIND (this does not mean in all scenarios, but rather it is an overall effect). This also contributes to reduced evaporation over oceans and thus increased drought on land masses. All of the geoengineering effects cited and discussed above are well documented and can be easily researched online. In spite of the fact that numerous scientific studies admit to the drought/deluge causing climate altering decimation that geoengineering “would” cause, none of these studies are willing to admit to the fact that the global spraying of our skies has been a horrific reality for a very long time already.
In addition to the drought causing effects, the precipitation that does fall is laden with toxic heavy metals like aluminum, barium strontium, manganese, and others. These are all metals named in NUMEROUS GEOENGINEERING PATENTS. The impact of TOXIC METALS LIKE ALUMINUM on soils, trees, and plant life is well documented. When organisms like trees detect bioavailable aluminum exposure to their root systems, many species shut down nutrient uptake to protect their DNA. This causes a slow protracted death of the organism. Beetles and other pests move in and thus the forest begins to die-off. The weakened forest is of course much more flammable. Adding to the fire danger are the metallic dust particles which are constantly settling out of the atmosphere, coating the forest foliage. These microscopic PARTICLES ARE INCENDIARIES, pushing the potential for catastrophic fires ever higher.
Still another factor is the SHREDDED OZONE LAYER and increased UV radiation which results. This is also a major factor in the decline and demise of forests around the globe, and greatly increased fire danger. The OZONE DAMAGING EFFECTS OF GEOENGINEERING PARTICULATES is also well documented and not disputed. It gets worse, jet stream movement is being radically manipulated with ionosphere heater installations, as many as 26 around the globe. The most well known is HAARP (High frequency active auroral research program). This JET STREAM MANIPULATION literally cuts off the flow of moisture to some regions while creating constant deluge in others. In the case of the continental US, the western half of the country bakes and burns, the eastern US is often freezing with engineered snow storms in winter and deluge in the summer months. Welcome to the world of completely engineered weather whiplash.
The "scientific community" is failing to inform the public of even a fraction of the larger picture. Some scientists are in denial, many others are simply afraid of the consequences of speaking out. Yet more scientists are simply paid to lie. The power structure controlled corporate media is also a primary tool that us used to cover the climate engineering crimes. The ongoing climate destruction resulting from countless human activities is pushing humanity and civilization over the edge. This is not about Al Gore, but rather it's about reality. The human race has done great damage to our planet which is now being pushed past the point of no return. Based on all available data, the ongoing global geoengineering programs appear to be the single greatest climate disrupting factor of all (though the human race has caused immense harm to the planet on countless fronts including dumping 100,000,000 tons of Co2 a day into the atmosphere). No matter how much damage humanity has done to the environment, geoengineering is only making it worse. The planet must be allowed to respond on its own, this is our best option at this point. Flying thousands of jets around the planet day in and day out, spraying tens of millions of tons of toxic metal particulates, is simply insanity. Climate engineering is destroying the planet's ability to support life. Help us expose the global geoengineering programs while there is yet time. Educate yourself on this issue, arm yourself with credible data, and spread the word. DW
SHREDDED OZONE LAYER https://geoengineeringwatch.org/geoengineering-is-destroying-the-ozone-layer/
GEOENGINEERED DROUGHT http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/science/nature/8188409.stm
GLOBAL DIMMING http://environmentaljusticetv.wordpress.com/2013/05/10/bbc-global-dimming-documentary-about-geoengineering-global-warming/
DIMINISHED WIND http://news.stanford.edu/news/2007/january24/slowwind-012407.html
NUMEROUS GEOENGINEERING PATENTS https://geoengineeringwatch.org/links-to-geoengineering-patents/
TOXIC METALS LIKE ALUMINUM http://xa.yimg.com/kq/groups/13354653/1993316876/name/iftikhar.pdf
PARTICLES ARE INCENDIARIES http://www.dtic.mil/cgi-bin/GetTRDoc?AD=ADA516737
OZONE DAMAGING EFFECTS OF GEOENGINEERING PARTICULATES http://thinkprogress.org/climate/2008/05/29/202679/science-geo-engineering-scheme-damages-the-ozone-layer/?mobile=nc
JET STREAM MANIPULATION http://inlightofrecentevents.wordpress.com/haarp-and-manmade-earthquake-manipulation/