Search Results for: global warming

Acid Seas


So many are still claiming Co2 is great for the planet, the more the better they claim, but what planet are they talking about? Oceans are absorbing massive amounts of the excess Co2 that is now being pumped into the atmosphere at the rate of 100,000,000 tons a day. What is all this doing for the health of the seas? Nothing good. Earth’s oceans are acidifying at a rate that is exponentially faster than any other time in the planet’s history short of massive meteor impact. Acidification is not the only problem, the oceans are also warming at breakneck speed. Global climate engineering is contributing to the accelerated acidification and the overall warming in many ways. Warmer oceans mean less oxygen and less life. Changes are now occurring on our biosphere at blinding speed. These changes are complex and extremely ominous. It’s up to all of us to try and understand the bigger picture to some degree. Jumping at a well spun headline put out by corporate media or special interest groups does not help the fight for truth. It’s up to each of us to do honest investigation before we come to conclusions. The subject in the article below is in reality even more dire than the report would suggest, ocean acidification is an ever more critical reality.
Dane Wigington

10/4/2014 – Geoengineering Watch Radio


California is dying. Geoengineering is causing warming, warming used by geoengineers to justify geoengineering. ISIS created by U.S. The Ebola card being played to scare public. Activists afraid to be active. How to get involved.

Gravity Shift Reveals West Antarctic Ice Loss


Source: Climate Central

The West Antarctic Ice Sheet is headed toward “unstoppable” collapse according to recent studies. A new visual released by the European Space Agency show what the start of that collapse looks like both for the mass of the ice sheet and its signature on the planet’s gravitational field.

Dialog With A Geoengineering Insider


By Dane Wigington
The conversation below involves a veteran engineer and architect of the climate engineering programs. This person was a part of geoengineering effort on certain levels since 1980s. The contact came through former congressional candidate Greg Pallen who then connected me with this person. The insider reached out to Greg as he felt Greg was trustworthy, he was correct. I recognized the name of this individual from documents I had seen in the past. All this being said, the dialog below truly sheds light on the mentality we are dealing with on the inside of the circle of insanity. I had a lengthy phone conversation with this contact who then decided to limit his communication to only Mr. Pallen again. Below is the first of two such dialogs (the second dialog will be posted soon). The writing in black italics is the original communication made to Greg Pallen by the insider shortly after the insider’s conversation with me. The statements in red are my initial response to the insider’s communication. These statements were later read by him and are the basis for the second communication already mentioned above from this contact. The statements below in blue were added for additional information on this posting. I gave my word to keep the identity of this insider confidential in addition to the name of a specific government facility named in the letter (now redacted). I will not violate this commitment, but the publishing of this letter (and one more) is my responsibility.

Greenland And West Antarctic Ice Sheet Loss More Than Doubled In Last Five Years


Planetary Meltdown Continues


The oceans of the world are the bottom line factor in determining the overall global temperatures. As the oceans heat up, the land masses will follow. It is important to remember that a cubic meter of sea water can hold 4000 times the thermal energy of a cubic meter of air. As the climate engineers and their completely controlled weather agencies like NOAA and NWS try frantically to make it appear that the world is not as hot as it really is, nevertheless the planetary high temperature records continue to be broken. The geoengineers can temporarily and toxically cool down large areas in order to gain a few “cooling” headlines and statistics in order to help sell climate engineering behind closed doors. NOAA and NWS are falsifying statistics TO THE DOWN SIDE  to help hide the true magnitude of the warming. In spite of all these efforts, the warming is so rapid that it cannot be truly hidden from any who do honest and objective investigation.
Dane Wigington


Last month, Earth’s ocean surfaces tied the previous record for the hottest July during the 130 years the U.S. government has been compiling data.

Geoengineering And Ocean Die Off, It’s Not Just Fukushima


Stratospheric aerosol geoengineering is certainly having horrific effects on the entire world including the oceans. There are other forms of geoengineering focused specifically on the oceans. Those in power do not care what means they utilize to accomplish their goals, they never have. They are always blind to the overall long term decimation they cause in the pursuit of a short term goal. The oceans of the world are dying. There are a great many causes, including Fukushima, but is there a major factor that is being hidden from view? Again, the die off is global, not just in the Pacific. Fukushima is, of course, a cataclysm, but only one of many. There are big die offs occurring far from the reach of Fukushima's radiation.Though Fukushima radiation is contaminating the entire Pacific ocean and beyond, this contamination is not the primary causal factor behind the unfolding marine ecosystem collapse. Our seas are heating radically, becoming hypoxic and anoxic, and acidifying, there are countless anthropogenic factors / causes in this equation. The bottom is falling out from the ocean food chain, this will affect the entire web of life on Earth.  We know the power structure has long since unleashed the full destructive fury of climate engineering in the skies. We would be fools not to believe that they have been doing the same in the oceans for just as long. Dead zones are appearing everywhere in our seas, mass fish kills are now common. Just as the "official agencies" and "experts" have been completely silent about the cataclysmic climate manipulation, they have likely also turned two blind eyes to lethal ocean carbon sequestration experiments. The article below is new, it eludes to the possible if not probable likelihood of radical carbon sequestration engineering experiments. Carbon sequestration with iron fertilization experiments are already well documented. To keep the captured carbon from being quickly recycled back into the atmosphere by bacterial interaction an engineered virus could be used. Is this already happening? Why would we think this sort of experimentation is not being done? Why would anyone believe the geoengineers are not also experimenting in our oceans? Hypoxic zones (low oxygen) and anoxic zones (no oxygen) are increasing rapidly in our oceans. Algae blooms are associated with such zones. Are engineered viruses being used to sequester carbon from engineered algae blooms at the expense of killing our oceans? Perhaps a bit more time will unfold this mystery. Read the article below and decide for yourself if the dots seem to connect. The power structure is becoming more desperate and dangerous by the day. Their destructive actions will only get worse until all of us stand up in the fight to expose and stop them.
Dane Wigington

The Engineered Incineration Of California


Dane Wigington

The once “Golden State” is literally being fried by what can only be considered an all out weather warfare assault. Our own governments ongoing climate engineering programs are wreaking havoc on American populations. The constant aerosolizing of the atmosphere is radically reducing precipitation over California as well as totally disrupting the storm track upstream from the State. Rain that should have fallen in the West is increasingly coming down in deluges further east, welcome to geoengineering. The map below is stark confirmation of the factors already mentioned.

The Geoengineers Believe Its Their Right To Control Earth’s Life Support Systems


The picture above is of internationally recognized geoengineer Ken Caldeira from Stanford University. A sidekick of geoengineer David Keith, Caldeira has two very distinct faces. The public face disputes and completely denies any notion that global geoengineering is a reality. Caldeira actually mocks any that attempt to disclose the climate engineering nightmare, so clearly visible in our skies day in and day out. But what sort of conversation does Ken have privately? Take the time to read the email exchange below, which occurred between Caldeira and some of his colleagues. Like Caldeira, the individuals in this exchange apparently feel it is their right to make life and death decisions for populations of the planet. They discuss how to control media in order to limit public awareness and concern over the geoengineering insanity, which is their stock and trade. The men in this exchange thought their conversation was private, but this time, that is not the case. If you are not OK with people like Ken Caldeira deciding your future and that of your children, let him know yourself on the email contact for Ken, which is in the exchange below. If you don’t think people like Caldeira and his colleagues have the right to completely contaminate your air, soils, and waters with the climate engineering fallout, tell them in a personal message. Though Ken Caldeira is just a public disinformation pawn in the overall climate engineering juggernaut of insanity, he is the epitome of the psychotic mentality behind this insanity. Its up to the public to hold people like Caldeira responsible for the crimes of which they are a part. Lets all do our best to expose Ken Caldeira and those like him for what they are.
Dane Wigington

Sweden Burning Under Record Heat


Snow missing from New Zealand’s ski slopes at a time when scientists say glaciers are melting


Derailments May Increase as ‘Sun Kinks’ Buckle Tracks


Source: Climate Central

In a warming world, the U.S. could see its cities inundated with water, its power grids threatened by intense storms, its forests devastated by wildfire and insect infestations, and its coastlines washed away by storm surges.

Geoengineered Drought Crushes California, Who Profits?


Why in the world would those in power create a drought cataclysm in California? This question is thrown at me constantly. I give answers and reasons, many of them, but for a large number of people the truth is just too hard to accept. First, whatever one wants to consider as the motive behind the all out weather modification assault on California, one thing is certain, this drought is completely engineered from top to bottom. The “up stream ” rain blocking spraying in the Eastern Pacific is constant as shown in the satellite photo below.


If the rain is intentionally being blocked consistently and aggressively, there is clearly a motive. Its not just the aerosol spraying blocking the rain, precipitation is also being blocked by the use of rf ionosphere heaters (HAARP installations).  Why? For profit, power, and control over populations. No matter how much this fact is denied, and by whom, this is the bottom line. We are all in a literal fight for life as the climate engineers pull the noose ever tighter around our necks. They are not just blocking our rain, our air is also contaminated with the heavy metal fallout as are soils and waters. The article below is from a financial site. Though there is no admission in the article of the global climate modification insanity, it seems as if many are now starting to connect the dots.
Dane Wigington


California Drought: Hazardous Yet Profitable

Source: Wall Street Daily

Wall Street Daily

Mysterious EntityScientists can’t quite figure it out. It’s an unnatural event in every way imaginable.Off the coast of California, in the middle of the atmosphere, sits an extraordinary region of high pressure in the Pacific Ocean, and it won’t budge.

Experts have affectionately dubbed it, the “Ridiculously Resilient Ridge,” but it’s no laughing matter.

In fact, if the pressure system doesn’t lift soon, California runs the risk of forest fires, famine, riots, and even bankruptcy.

The downstream effect for investors is equally urgent. That is, if you’re interested in ingeniously leveraging the crisis for personal gain.

The pressure system has forced the mid-latitude storm track well north of its usual position, thus preventing winter storms from reaching the state.

The result is the worst drought in recorded history, with no end in sight.

California Governor, Jerry Brown, has even asked restaurants to stop serving water.

Just how dire is the situation?

Farmers are uprooting some of their most lucrative plants and trees because they require too much water. Nut trees, like almonds, are being especially targeted for termination.

In the hardest-hit region, Central Valley, farmers are expected to lose $810 million.

More than 80% of the state is in extreme or exceptional drought, which explains why California is presently in a state of emergency.

All 58 California counties have now been designated as natural disaster areas.

T-Minus One Year for Disaster Scenario…

California’s major reservoirs dangerously sit below 50% capacity.

Lake Mead, which is fed by the Colorado River, has dropped to record-low levels, too. The lake is a key source of water for Southern Californians.

What’s even scarier is the increased reliance on groundwater, which is unregulated. If California’s underground aquifers dry up, consequences over the next couple of years could be catastrophic.

Those fortunate enough to still have access to water are auctioning off the rights for over 10 times the long-term average rate, which is a signal that the end may be near.

By “the end,” I mean some small communities in California are at risk of running out of water within the next three months.

If the pressure system over the Pacific doesn’t lift – providing relief in the form of meaningful rainfall – the entire state could be tapped in as early as a year.

Even Fish are Being Evacuated…

The state Department of Fish and Wildlife has been using tanker trucks to evacuate trout from local hatcheries. In total, about two million fish, including 430,000 fingerling steelhead, will be released months ahead of schedule.

Under normal drought conditions, wildlife officials would tap pools of cool water from Folsom Lake to reduce water temperatures at the hatcheries.

But this is no ordinary drought.

Not much water remains in Folsom Lake, and it’s certainly not cool enough to provide relief, anyway.

Salmon are being trucked to the ocean, as well, to spare them the dangers of migrating through depleted rivers and streams.

Wildfires are another concern.

Through July 19, the California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection reported more than 3,400 vegetation fires that have burned more than 51,000 acres. By comparison, about 2,500 fires and 30,000 acres would burn on an average year.

El Niño to the Rescue? Not Likely…

El Niño occurs when rising temperatures in the Pacific Ocean warm the water enough to trigger storms, the offshoot of which is wet winters in California.

The El Niño phenomenon last occurred in the years 2009 and 2010. Periods of El Niño usually last about a year.

So how likely is it to hit this year? Well, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration put the odds at 80%.

Good news, right? Well, not exactly…

Even if the odds win out, experts say that El Niño will probably develop as a weak event in late summer or early fall. Some are even saying that it’ll be delayed for several months, as the warming of the Pacific Ocean slows.

“Certain areas are definitely seeing an influence from the El Niño-like pattern,” says expert meteorologist, Donald Keeney.

Keeney still expects it to hit in late summer or early fall, but warns that it “should only be a weak event.”

In Lieu of Rain, it’s Suddenly Pouring Money…

Governor Brown recently allocated $687 million toward relief efforts, and President Obama is pitching in an additional $183 million.

The funds include Emergency Community Water Assistance Grants for rural communities experiencing water shortages and targeted conservation assistance for the most extreme and exceptional drought areas.

The biggest beneficiaries of all that cash, however, are water utility and water conservation companies. In fact, stocks of those companies are enjoying boom times.

A quick look at a two-year chart shows an industry in an aggressive vertical ascent. (Notice how every minor price drop is met with more buying.)

Guggenheim S7P Global Water ETF (CGW)

The biggest players in the group are Pentair (PNR), Veolia Environnement (VE),   Aqua America (WTR), American Water Works (AWK), and Watts Water Technologies (WTS).

Based on the federal and state funds pouring into the crisis, it’s hard to argue against owning any of these stocks.

But what most investors don’t realize is this…

They can use the $870 million in government aid as collateral of sorts. That is, to finance a generous income stream.

All that government money puts a nice floor under the shares. Such a reality makes a put-selling strategy perhaps the smartest and safest moneymaking decision you’ll make all year.

The moment you sell a put option on, say… Watts Water, you’ll realize a cash deposit in your account within seconds. You never have to give that money back, either.

If the stock falls below the strike price by the expiration date, you’ll be required to buy shares.  It’s called “getting put,” which only happens in less than 10% of cases. If you end up getting put, you’ll be the proud owner of a great stock for far cheaper than it’s trading now.

Can you appreciate why I love put-selling so much? It’s really difficult to ever lose.

Onward and Upward,

Robert Williams

Source: Wall Street Daily

New Zealand’s ‘dramatic’ ice loss could lead to severe decline of glaciers


Source: The Guardian

New Zealand’s vast Southern Alps mountain range has lost a third of its permanent snow and ice over the past four decades, diminishing some of the country’s most spectacular glaciers, new research has found.

7/26/2014 – Geoengineering Watch Radio


What will it take to stop the spraying? World war III on the horizon. Tremendous tree decline. Massive methane releases warming the atmosphere. Making a different in your local area

Atmospheric Heating Continues As NOAA Shows June 2014 Was Hottest on Record


Source: Robert ScribblerJune 2014 Hottest on Record(Graphic of 135 year temperature record by NOAA. Image source: NCDC.)

Canada Struggles with Melting Permafrost as Climate Warms


In 2006, reduced thickness of ice roads forced the Diavik Diamond Mine in Northern Canada to fly in fuel rather than try to transport cargo across melted pathways, at an extra cost of $11.25 million.

The mountain pine beetle outbreak in British Columbia—fueled by higher winter temperatures that allow insects to survive—expanded in recent years to be 10 times greater than any previously recorded outbreak in the province. Mortality rates of sockeye salmon, meanwhile, have increased because of higher water temperatures in the Fraser River.

Greenland Meltdown Is Accelerating Rapidly


The power structure is still confusing much of the American population about the true state of the climate. A massively geoengineered Eastern US has convinced many the planet is cooling. The completely controlled corporate media machine has fortified this totally false conclusion with well orchestrated headlines, falsified data, and complete omissions of facts from the front lines. The epidemic of “normalcy bias” is still blinding the masses. This must change if we are to have any chance at all. We are all standing on the deck of the Titanic and the water is already up to our knees. There is no shortage of denial in many circles. Climate Scientists deny the all too obvious climate engineering and many anti-geoengineering activists deny that the planet is rapidly warming. All must learn to get past their mental filters and look through a clear lens. Yet again the article below incorrectly omits the issue of climate engineering, but the facts from the ground outlined in the article are never the less accurate and on target based on all recognized sources. We must all constantly examine the wider picture in order to correctly connect the dots.
Dane Wigington

Climate Scientists Continue To Deny Geoengineering Decimation As Planetary Meltdown Accelerates


Though the data from the ground outlined in the article below is valid, it is ever more incomprehensible that the entire climate science community continues to totally omit any mention of the geoengineering elephant in the room. This being said, the rest of the information contained in articles that are giving up to date reports from the front lines is still valid. We must all learn to sift the baby from the bathwater, to connect the appropriate dots. The climate unraveling and meltdown is accelerating by the day, there will be no hiding the gravity of what we face much longer. As the curtain is pulled back, geoengineering will become ever harder to keep from the public view. We must all look at the wider horizon, not just through the lens of already formed conclusions of reality based on headlines and the opinions of our peers.
Dane Wigington

Extreme Eastern Pacific Sea Surface Temperature Spike Looking A Lot Like El Nino


(Global Sea Surface Temperature Anomaly on June 19, 2014. Note the blossom of red and orange off the western coast of South and Central America. That’s very hot water in the Eastern Pacific. Image source: NOAA/ESRL)

Microwaving Planet Earth


At the bottom of this post, there are several good examples of tall microwave towers , and RADAR stations HEATING THE SKY above the transmitters…. melting snow high in the atmosphere… inducing storms….. even vaporizing  / mitigating storms.

Who cares about climate change consensus?


Bickering over precise figures is pointless until the climate issue resonates with the general public, not just an informed few.

The Coming Societal Collapse


While mainstream media and the disinformation propagandists have so far done their best to marginalize any who had the courage to state the facts about what is unfolding around us, such denial and spin are no longer able to hide reality. The new Pentagon study outlined in the article below should be extremely alarming to anyone that is even partially awake. Connotations are made in the report that indicate even “non violent activists” (peaceful citizens that don’t agree with their completely out of control government) are likely to be considered “terrorists”. Its time to wake up, now. Those that rule over the military industrial complex do not care about you. They are not here to protect you. They are spraying you with toxic metals and chemicals day in and day out with the ongoing climate engineering programs. All of us are not only “expendable” to the military rulers, we are a “liability”, that they are preparing to deal with. Let us hope that our brothers and sisters in the US military awaken to the fact that they are being used as pawns against their own countryman.
Dane Wigington

UPDATED: Engineered Drought Catastrophe Continues, Target California


Most of the “the golden state” is now parched, baked and dried far beyond any historical precedent. Reservoirs are nearly empty, streams are drying up, and forests are dying by the day. Catastrophic fires will also continue to decimate California due to the ongoing engineered drought.

Arctic Sea Ice Steep Decline Continues


Steep decline of the Arctic sea ice continues. The yellow line on the image below follows 2014 sea ice area up to June 5 and shows that sea ice area now is close to a record low for the time of the year.

Geoengineering and Negative-Pleasure


By Jon Aretakis

For the first time in modern history, our planet and most of the species on it are in grave danger of an earth-shattering decline. Most people are in complete denial of this catastrophic fact. Geoengineering is driving Mother Earth toward an extinction event. If the chemical spraying in our skies and deforestation goes on, glaciers and permafrost will continue to melt; greater amounts of methane and carbon dioxide will be released into the atmosphere; temperatures will continue to increase, and an extinction event will occur.

Dying Fish, Dying Oceans, Are We Next?


As the implosion of the biosphere picks up momentum by the day, the denial of “authorities” and “agencies” is beyond rational comprehension. Does the concern for ones government job supersede their will to protect the future of our children? Does the desire to protect ones employment exceed any and all sense of honor and the priority to protect life on Earth? The dying off of fish populations around the globe is not so mysterious as the so called “experts” would have us believe. Planetary meltdown is now unfolding at a blinding pace and climate engineering is forcing the issue to an even more dire state. There are countless human activities contributing to the unfolding environmental cataclysms which surround  us, those who deny this are not looking through a clear lense. Global geoengineering is also a reality that is likely the single greatest climate and environmental disrupting factor of all. Those who deny this have their heads buried in the sand as well.

“Engineered Earth” Is Collapsing, Reality Can No Longer Be Hidden


The total failure of the climate engineers is now impossible to hide as the cryosphere begins to implode with blinding speed. The global power elite’s all out geoengineering assault on planet Earth has made an already dire situation much much worse. Though the weather makers have engineered toxic cool downs in some regions, it has come at an unimaginable cost. By completely derailing the biosphere’s life support systems and compensating responses, the criminal cabal behind the climate engineering have painted us all into a very dark corner. The completely controlled main stream media has done everything imaginable to spin, hide, and otherwise lie about critical unfolding realities around the globe. Just last week mainstream media resurrected the “Monica Lewinsky” story to entertain the masses, how absurd can it get? The magnitude and immediacy of the challenges we face can not be overstated, it is imperative that all unite in a common cause. All available data indicates the single greatest and most immediate assault against all life is the cataclysmic global spraying/climate manipulation programs. Therefor, it stands to reason that stopping these programs should be our priority. Get educated, arm yourself with credible data, and get in the fight to expose and stop global climate engineering.

Dane Wigington

Climate Engineering Insanity Forcing Biosphere Meltdown


In spite of extensive “official daily high temperature” readings to the DOWN side, April 2014 still comes in as the second warmest on record for planet Earth.  The colored map in the article below is compiled from ground temperature readings around the globe. In the continental US, every location we have monitored routinely reports “official” readings that are 3, 4, and even 5 degrees or more LOWER than the ACTUAL high temperature for the day as recorded by others. What does this mean? It means that the biosphere is much hotter than even maps like this NASA GISS map indicates. In this map, as in earlier GISS maps I have posted during the last six months, it is very clear where the climate engineers are focusing their “cool down” efforts, the eastern side of the North American Continent. Why? Because this provides repeated “cold” headlines and other related weather disasters (also the unprecedented drought and heat in California), which keeps much of the American public mired in weather catastrophes. What is the point of this? It keeps the population occupied, confused, less capable of protesting the unbridled tyranny of their “government”. It controls food supplies, and of course the cold headlines help to sell climate engineering to corrupt leaders around the globe.

Constant Arctic Heatwave Sends World’s Largest Ice Cap Hurtling Seaward


Svalbard. Until lately, a little-known locale situated between the previously frigid extreme North Atlantic and the Arctic Ocean about 500 miles east of Greenland. Typically a frozen island Archipelago, this pristine and sparsely inhabited redoubt has, over the past few years been ground zero for the assaults of an ongoing and extreme polar heat amplification.