Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, December 21, 2024, #489
Dane Wigington
"Brown snow falls over Maine town; officials warn against touching, eating it" (ABC News). "Atmospheric river brings weather whiplash to East Coast as bomb cyclone develops (AP News). "Wild temperature swings are coming the rest of the year" (CNN). "Grocery Prices Set to Rise as Soil Becomes Unproductive" (Newsweek). How much longer do we have if we remain on the current trajectory? The latest installment of Global Alert News is below.
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Proposal” is to employ 500,000 underwater drones in the Arctic to allegedly cu
Highly unusual winter here in the white mtns, pinetop az. Temps 5 to 10 f above normal consistently with no moisture to speak of. Geoengineering spraying apparent daily now. Complete occlusion of the sky yesterday trapping in the heat has happened often this winter. Summer not so much
Locals can't remember anything like this before. Dryness in the air noted by others ( think barium a known dessicant and oxygen scavenger)
Rumor has it even aliens lock their doors flying past Earth… Can't blame them.
Now, Whales beaching in MA, I searched the internet, over 160 whales beached in Western Australia this April 2024
There is one ocean of water.
There is one ocean of air.
Whatever is added to either will spread out nearly infinitely, so that, even if you can't sense it, you are exposed, as is all life on Earth. Some people think that if they can't see the cobwebs in the sky, like someone I know, then their air is clean. I did not try to change the person's mind. I just shifted my focus to educating others.
I just stopped by the local nursery that has been carrying the scannable QR Dimming business cards for more than one year, to get some pots and soil. I brought more cards, which they always kept at the checkout counter, but today they refused them, saying they are not going to keep them there any more, because they are too "political."
Like the ethereal glory of a dream upon awakening.
A cloud slipping through the fingers like sand.
A butterfly skipping just out of reach.
Impressions of something beautiful, ineffable, haunting each step.
Distant echoes call out from across Time and space, yet near as one’s heartbeat.
Intimations of an earlier splendor; cool breezes forever blowing through green
Where time stands still, beyond the sunset’s glow, held in ceaseless peace.
Shining memories reach out to grasp the present.
All within the hand of a child, the silver thread unbroken.
Is it simply imagination?
Saluting friends unseen, joyous in laughter.
Bound in mirth untainted by imposed boundaries.
Bubbling springs of innocence, forever shielded.
Daily stepping away from the expected into the dream.
Is it simply a dream?
Our original state of Being.
Carefree in elevated thoughts.
Child-like yet ageless.
Venturing forth for lessons in growth.
Returning to God, who is our home, from eternal to eternal.
The balance, the goal.
To remain connected and not let go.
To remember whence we came.
Beyond the stars, beyond Time.
Our true nature, our true existence, of which even the brightest moments of this
Temporal experience are but a shadow.
Our true Being, ever safe in loving hands.
A haven at journey’s end.
To remember that source, always a choice.
Knowing and peace in back of all Life’s experiences.
Patches of sunlight in the shade.
Sparkles in the water.
A centered space carried daily.
Take care, lest the thread be broken amid the cares of Life.
Join not the ranks of those who, having forgotten their sublime origin,
Cloak the divine with the transient.
There’s a dream, maybe everyone has
That is a dream that can make you glad
It’s a dream that everything’s all right
a dream you don’t want to wake from in the night
OH ! wonderful dream come to me
Help me put my heart at ease
This dream I wish only to come true
Peace on this green earth, with its skies of blue
Loving friends are everywhere
All are at ease without a care
No war no hate, it’s not too late
to dream this dream and celebrate
It’s not just a dream but it is plea
that mankind will be, forever free
For it is foolish to dream in vain
without hope, what is to gain ?
Life is a battle, better fought
by resisting hate and all it’s rot
Don’t compromise yourself for any gain
that is achieved by, another’s pain
Life is a dream that’s better dreamt
while in Loving your time is spent
Beautiful, Dreamer.
I appreciate your sharing this. This dream of which you write is one of the reasons for us all to reach out with information about the weather warfare and other nefarious programs, waking up one mind at a time with synergy.
Thank you for your encouragement.
Never stop.
Look the storm in the eye.
Blessings, Jonathan
Accept the Christ to know such peace
Jonathan, Thank You. Not a dream the the REAL Real. With gratitude. Blessings for your awareness and presence and your love. Every living organism from microbe to man is Love Itself. We have just forgotten who WE are. We are loved. We are LOVE. The nightmare is that we can be anything else.
The Dawn comes. The Light returns. Breathe. Those who choose wisely will remember who we are, every living thing sentient, living expressions of one Great Love.
Regeneration is not a hope. It is a reality AND a choice.
"I have set before you this day Life or Death. Choose Life that you and your seed may live." It is time to choose. You remember. You chose wisely. Not a dream. My brother, my friend.
Thank you Krispin… All are sentient life. I agree my friend. If offspring are always of the nature of the parent, and if the Creator is divine spirit, the every living thing, from microbe to you and I, possess the same Divine Spark. This is, I suggest, why we care so very deeply about stopping geoengineering, as it negatively affects all Life, and we care about all living things, who have each of them the same heavenly parent.
Blessings upon you and yours my kindred spirit friend.
I know with all the negativity we are experiencing daily, there is one thing that we can do to counter the malfeasance from those that wish to do us harm, and that is to find as much joy and beauty in this world as we can, every second of the day till the lights go out. This is how we fight back, with truth, honor and love for creation. No matter how dire the circumstances they lose, they are soulless creatures lost by their own design.
Thanks for the bad news Dane, you are a beacon of hope to me as always.
Now the National Library of Medicine is reporting on "exceptionally dangerous Gain-of-Function" experiments. The big function they're gaining is animal to human transmission! It said an accidental release could cause the global spread of a virulent virus on a scale never before seen, a "highly virulent influenza strain."
They are thinning the herd and are desperate to NOT be held responsible. Thank goodness for Dane warning us so that we can try to protect ourselves with Ivermectin, Hydroxychloroquine, zinc, many vitamins and whatever the knowledgable doctors recommend.
Now that the tell-a-vision has been miniaturized into a hand held phone the movie "invasion of the body snatchers" seems apparent. Can't go anywhere now and not see people staring at their technotronic ambilical cord.
I Use to have a bumper sticker that said "kill your TV" I still concure.
Breaking your train of thought every 10-15 mins the "tell -a- vision has left most unable to follow anything through to it's logical conclusion, all by design. Most people I know have the attention span of a sparrow now…all by design, and quite sad
Great comparison to the movie "Invasion of the Body Snatchers". I still remember the scene at the end when the other still human star had been invaded and revealed his state to the female star. Scary.
Hopefully what's going on now is the opposite, with people waking up to what's happening, especially in our skies, and revealing the truth to others, in a good way. 🙂 People won't give up their cell phones but maybe use them instead to spread the word about climate engineering.
Here's one for the books- Just last week I've seen a half dozen yellow dandelion flowers in full bloom- In December in north Georgia. The green sprouts of daffodils are coming up too, something that would normally begin to take place in March in the days of my youth. Though they still do not show blooms until late spring the iris bulbs are now sprouting green shoots year round- a new occurrence. Also noticed 2 different varieties of mushrooms popping up (what?!- in winter?) in the chicken pen and 3 of the 4 horses are already beginning to shed some of their winter hair- in December! Also an occurrence that would normally begin to take place in March. Not sure if this is somehow related to the toxic rainwater from hurricane Helene which fell on them 3 mos. ago and left all of them with various skin scalds resembling a condition called rainrot- which this was not. The gelding still has remnants of small scabs on his right hindquarter and side which I continue to remove with brushing and my fingernails. The other 3 have mostly healed thanks to constant care. All this happening while bouncing back and forth between the manufactured cold spells of temps. in the 20's & 30's that then change to highs between 40 & 60's from week to week, proving to me that NATURE believes it should be WARM at this time not cold. This meddling with our Earth's life support systems MUST be exposed and halted NOW. Anyone who cannot see something is VERY wrong isn't paying attention.
I have eye witnessed the ghastly wreckage of cars, trucks and big rigs along I35 while heading toward Des Moines, Iowa from Minnesota (referred to in this broadcast). One of them was a torn refrigerated (reefer) trailer. Its fruit contents spilled all over the ditch. Lucky for me, I also drive a reefer rig- hauling fruits/vegs. I come through at sunrise. The soap slicked ice was mostly sublimated and salted drier by then.
My only peace is to pass out geoengineering web cards- while engaging is a brief dialogue. I attach a post-it strip to the cards, encouraging "pls search or tab- engineering wild fires/engineering winter- with arrow indicating 'go to' I try to avoid just dropping them off, unless pressed for time.
One bright note. On a return trip pickup from a dairy farm near Decorah, Iowa, it was a welcome change to view steep bluffs & river valleys in contrast to the flat desolate view of endless agricultural flat-land, with its towers, tanks, silos, wind turbines etc. I even saw an Amish man with his horse drawn carriage hauling a heavy load of lumber, traveling on the shoulder of highway. Makes me feel a hypocrite burning all that fuel. Yet, great opportunities are always available on this job to spread awareness. Encourage local to stop global- climate engineering!!
Diamond dust, of course! In an article in Live Science, diamond dust is being explored as a way to combat climate change. The article stated that diamond dust is extremely reflective and doesn't clump together. This is the reason why some some other stratospheric aerosol injection materials trap heat rather than reflect it back to space.
It was estimated that by spraying 5.5 million tons of diamond dust a year, it could cool the planet by 1 degree Celsius. A report from Envirornental Research:Climate said that it took just one third of the amount of diamond dust to have the same effect of other stratospheric aerosol injection particles. Score one point for diamond dust!
Oh yes, the cost. The cost would be about $175 trillion over the next 65 years. Score one bad point for diamond dust. Also, let's hope that the estimated current rate of inflation was figured into the projected cost. After all guys, that's already a big number!
In summary, the conversation among the scientific community isn't about whether stratospheric aerosol injection should continue or not. It is simply which materials should be used to spray with.
What about about Nature with the Toxic snow !!!
Do you remember the “Rules for Climate Scientists” posted a few weeks ago in the comments? Judging from our observations of the relentlessly absurd behavior by the members of the “Climate Science Community” – we speculate that the following are their insider rules. We believe that these rules are instilled into all Climate Science graduates from Academia – and are rigidly adhered to for a “splendid” lifetime “career” in the field of Climate Science.
Here is one more rule.
Rules for all Climate Scientists – This is part of our mandatory “Climate Science Official Narrative” – to be relentlessly supported. Violate these rules at your own peril !
Rule # 12 – Weather Control – It is too big to be possible! – It is too big to be credible! Listed below are the common perceptions among the general population regarding weather control – perceptions that mesh very nicely with our ultimate agenda to combat the “Climate Change Crisis”.
Common perceptions: There is “no way” that tiny 175 pound humanoid earthlings can influence or control the cosmically semi-infinite atmospheric forces of the Earth – other than minor localized “cloud seeding” efforts using single engine aircraft. Claiming that humans can now control the weather is like saying that humans can control the phases of the Moon, or control the trajectory of the Milky Way Galaxy through the universe. Weather control is just TOO BIG to be possible! This Climate Engineering/Weather Warfare stuff is utter nonsense.
President Biden – crisply and scientifically stated the final word on the absurdity of controlling the weather – like augmenting and steering hurricane Helene. The idea that “we’re controlling the weather is beyond ridiculous. It’s got to stop.”
As professional and obedient Climate Scientists – we must promote and augment these perceptions – emphasizing the need for something BIG – VERY BIG – to effectively deal with the enormity of Earth’s climatic forces and to combat the “Climate Change Crisis” – now on our doorstep.
Do you remember the “Rules for Climate Scientists” posted a few weeks ago in the comments? Judging from our observations of the relentlessly absurd behavior by the members of the “Climate Science Community” – we speculate that the following are their insider rules. We believe that these rules are instilled into all Climate Science graduates from Academia – and are rigidly adhered to for a “splendid” lifetime “career” in the field of Climate Science.
Here is one more rule.
Rules for all Climate Scientists – This is part of our mandatory “Climate Science Official Narrative” – to be relentlessly supported. Violate these rules at your own peril !
Rule # 13 – Innovative Solutions – As Climate Scientists – we realize that the perception held by the general population – that weather control is impossible because us tiny humans can’t influence or control the cosmically semi-infinite atmospheric forces of the Earth. In this situation – popular perceptions are the only things that count – facts, data, resources, complexity – even reality – are all irrelevant.
So as obedient professionals and highly educated Climate Scientists – we must propose BIG – very BIG – “Immense Projects” – to upscale the current perceptions of the general population to “solve” the “Climate Change Crisis”. Brilliant “Proposals” include placing giant mirrors into space to reflect incoming solar radiation – or covering the Arctic with reflective tarps to prevent ice melt – or constructing giant undersea walls to prop up Antarctic ice masses. Space balloons the size of Texas could be placed in low Earth orbit to shade large portions of the land masses. The latest profound “Proposal” is to employ 500,000 underwater drones in the Arctic to allegedly curb the loss of ice pack.
Make it BIG – very BIG. Keep in mind that the “unwashed masses” love anything BIG – BIG government, BIG industry, BIG wars, BIG infrastructure projects – BIG domination and control – all to elevate their insignificant and boring lives.