Dane Wigington
Dane Wigington of GeoengineeringWatch.org has just provided information on climate engineering to the Shasta County Board of Supervisors in order to assist them in moving forward with a legislative draft to ban such operations over Shasta County. Previously, in 2014, Geoengineering Watch organized a climate engineering educational presentation for the Shasta County Supervisors board. This is a follow up meeting. At the conclusion of the current meeting and Dane Wigington's brief climate engineering update, the board unanimously voted to place the climate engineering issue and a proposed ban of it on their 2025 agenda.
This is what “dimming the sun” looks like in Northern California. What do your skies look like? Let us know.
Shasta County, California. Photo credit: Jovyde Wigington. Click image to enlarge.
All are needed in the critical battle to wake populations to what is coming, we must make every day count. Share credible data from a credible source, make your voice heard.
Due to numerous requests to air The Dimming documentary on an independent platform from Youtube in the event that Youtube shuts us down, we have launched a slightly upgraded version of The Dimming on the Rumble platform (Dane Wiginton channel). Please subscribe and follow this channel as a backup to GeoengineeringWatch.org videos https://rumble.com/c/DaneWigington.
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