Conditions are being created, don’t ask by whom, that results in passive herding of populations from what was open sky country, rural areas, to more densely populated urban areas and it seems by design.
Activist Articles & Videos
Wake Up Or Plan Your Funeral
The way I see it, there are four possible scenarios for this planet, coming up real soon:
1) Total Annihilation. We are closer than you think. Do you think at all? How did we get into this mess? Do you even begin to grasp the mess we are in? I have been closely following Dane Wigington on his website GeoEngineeringWatch. I totally agree with everything he says. This is stuff I have known and observed for years, but he offers the scientific data to back it up. Shit Creek has become Niagara Falls, and I doubt if a paddle will help.
Skyward Gazing, Seattle
Who Is Really Running The Government?
The global structure of “government” that rules the world is very foreign to what we have all been trained to believe. We are surrounded by the glaring red flags to confirm this fact, but even now many are only just beginning to wake up. This awakening process must be accelerated if we are to have any chance for a future. Its up to all of us join in the battle to raise awareness, we must make every day count as time is not on our side.
Dane Wigington
Press Release-Post Earth Day Event News-“Stop Spraying Arizona” Group
Slideshow of geoengineering / climate engineering in the sky worldwide
Time lapse video of total atmospheric assault
Children Present Atmospheric Crimes and Danger
A Message for Geoengineer David Keith
The truth,
………… and nothing but
……………………………… the truth –
The global geoengineering, weather control, and weather warfare industry is slowly being wrenched into the light from the dark cloak of secrecy. Certain advocates are attempting to deny the many geoengineering programs of the last 60 or 70 years, and to justify and expand these programs indefinitely.
Why I’m burning my last bridge with Obama
We warned you about this guy – when he was running for office and making all his beautiful promises.
The Collins Street ChemTrails Calendar 2014
Thy Wayseer Manifesto
Nothing Kills More Animals Than Geoengineering, HAARP, & Nuclear Contamination
Animal Rights and Abuse: No one kills or abuses more animals than the federally sanctioned and funded geoengineering campaigns, HAARP facilities and nuclear contamination.
Forget about the damages inflicted upon people from chemtrails/geoengineering campaigns and HAARP facilities for the moment. For now let us focus upon domestic animals and wildlife, critters who are affected far worse in many instances due to their size and total exposure to the out-of-doors’ elements. Beginning with insects, I cannot begin to tell you how many species no longer exist that existed in my childhood. The loss is, frankly, incomprehensible, and I know for a fact that we are rapidly approaching a total loss of insects. But before continuing, here is a refresher on the scientific divisions within the animal kingdom:
We Are The Future
“Greetings. We are from the future. Everything is going to be alright. The future is a beautiful place. But you will need some training in order to get there…” More:
Dangerous Conformity
Chasing Water
“The Colorado River no longer reaches the sea, though much of the water is simply stolen for human activities, the disruption to the hydrological cycle inflicted by climate engineering must also be considered. I spent much of my childhood in the lush and thriving Colorado River delta in Mexico, sadly, now it has turned to barren desert.”
How Covert Agents Infiltrate the Internet to Manipulate, Deceive, and Destroy Reputations
Climate Engineering Corruption, Satanic Vatican/Jesuit Agenda, Suicides, 1314
Opinion: Letter to the editor: X marks the spot
Some reading this may recognize the phrase, “The sky is falling” from a folktale with origins that can be traced across continents and cultures and with many versions but that is best remembered in the United States from the children’s book Chicken Little or Henny Penny as it was known in Britain dating back to the early 19th century.Essentially Chicken Little is the story of a chicken or little chick who when an acorn falls on his head, concludes that the sky is falling and decides to warn the King. You might, depending on which version you read think Chicken Little though maybe well intended was obviously a misled and delusional whistleblower who unnecessarily stirred up hysteria among his ranks and consequently caused those who joined him to meet a sad and sorry end for being convinced that Chicken Little was right and something should be done.
Why Is There A Drought In California?
Geoengineering – Ubiquity, Discontinuity, and Sphinx-like Riddles
After a full week of snow dust, we in Michigan were left with approximately 16 inches of snow or seemingly snow on the ground. Yesterday, January 9th, we awakened to very blue sky, a beautiful relief from the white sky/white air/white ground. By noon, however, the planes were back in the air, higher than usual, but with visible trails. By 3:00 p.m. the sky was once again white; not cloudy, just white.