Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, November 4, 2023, #430
Dane Wigington
Waging world war while global ecological collapse goes exponential, what could go wrong? Stock markets are worried about their bottom line of profit, though sooner than almost any dare to imagine the next bite of food will be the biggest priority. From Fox News: "Deadly Bomb Cyclone Slams Europe". From Science Alert: "Extreme Storms Now Breach Worst Case Scenario". Droughts, deluges and dirty water, all are wreaking havoc on flora, fauna and people, climate intervention operations are further fueling the entire scenario. Is there still enough time to alter our current course before impact? The latest installment of Global Alert News is below.
Please check the 1 minute video below for a shocking capture of West Coast precipitation manipulation by frequency transmissions:
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Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, October 28, 2023, #429
Dane Wigington
From engineered weather to engineered insects, we are now paying the price for interfering with nature. "CDC Warns Tropical Flesh-Eating Parasite Is Now Endemic In Texas", are genetically modified sand flies the source? From CNN news, "Hurricane Otis Devastates Acapulco". From FOX news, this headline, "Acapulco has been destroyed". Scientific American is telling us that the catastrophic category 5 hurricane that inflicted mass destruction to Acapulco, "came out of nowhere", but is that the truth? The so called climate science community apparently doesn't have any clue about how this could happen. What was predicted to be only a tropical storm suddenly became a devastating category 5 hurricane that delivered a direct hit on Acapulco. This self declared ignorance from the so called experts also applies to their ongoing denial of the shockingly obvious climate engineering operations taking place in our skies. For the record, the US military has been developing technology to manipulate hurricanes for over 76 years starting with Project Cirrus in 1947 and later Project Stormfury in 1962. Welcome to the world of weather and biological warfare. The latest installment of Global Alert News is below.
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Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, October 21, 2023, #428
Dane Wigington
Control the weather, control the world. The existence of weather warfare isn't a conspiracy theory, it is a matter of historical record. Project Popeye in the Vietnam war is but one example. Yet, even now, the mere mention of the climate engineering subject triggers programmed knee jerk reactions of denial in far too many. For decades such operations have been used covertly to impact agricultural production and societies, available data indicates that these practices are now more widespread than ever before. How long do we have till the breaking point of total climate collapse? The latest installment of Global Alert News is below.
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Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, October 14, 2023, #427
Dane Wigington
Biosphere collapse and global conflict are inseparable. As Geoengineering Watch has stated on the record for many years, once the gravity and immediacy of unfolding global ecological implosion became all but impossible to hide the controllers would play ever larger cards and indeed they are. Bioaccumulative microplastics and heavy metals are now in our air, water, and food. Environmental studies on the ubiquitous contamination of the planet and the collapse of it's life support systems are pouring in from countless science sources, the current paradigm can no longer be maintained. All the while the spraying of our skies with climate engineering elements rages on and is accelerating, is there any place left to hide? The latest installment of Global Alert News is below.
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Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, October 7, 2023, #426
Dane Wigington
"US weather warning: America to plunge into two week arctic freeze", this new headline is exactly what the climate engineers want in order to distract populations from what is actually unfolding around the world. Chemical ice nucleation cloud seeding operations are a primary component of climate engineering operations, weather and temperature whiplash is the result. In the Western US the exact opposite scenario is unfolding, "snow to record heat, wild weather swings to jolt west". Rutgers University scientists have now acknowledged that "blocking the sun may kill our crops", though this scenario has long since been reality. Is the crushing of crops just a consequence of climate engineering? Or an objective? The consistency with which agricultural regions are being targeted leaves little doubt as to the answer. Water temperatures in the Amazon River have hit 102 degrees while September 2023 is officially declared "the most anomalously hot month ever" by Scientific American. Where do we go from here? The latest installment of Global Alert News is below.
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Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, September 30, 2023, #425
Dane Wigington
"Clouds now contain plastic, risking contamination of ‘everything we eat and drink’, airborne plastic particles found in cloud water"( Geoengineering Watch has been sounding the alarm about polymer fiber nanoparticles in our precipitation for years. What took the so called science community so long to catch up? New York's manipulated heavy dose of rain was the core component of the temporary east coast cool-down which is scheduled to be followed by a warm-up and then another cool-down. The West Coast has also been the recipient of a manipulated moisture cool-down, though temperatures are scheduled to rapidly rebound. The Gulf Stream current is slowing down and seaborne flesh eating bacteria are ramping up while the human race faces an "unprecedented global toxic emergency". Above it all and completely connected to it all are the ongoing and accelerating climate engineering operations. Where do we go from here? The latest installment of Global Alert News is below.
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Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, September 23, 2023, #424
Dane Wigington
"It's time to engineer the sky", so says a new report from Scientific American magazine. Other publications have just stated "solar geoengineering means game over for life on Earth", which doesn't bode well since all available data indicates that geoengineering operations have already been deployed for over 75 years. A new major science study states "the tree of life" (planetary biodiversity) is being decimated. Will populations finally look up from their electrical devices and grasp the fact that life on Earth is in the balance? US federal agencies are planning a "nationwide emergency alert test" for early October, are those in power about to carry out yet more of their agendas and objectives on unsuspecting populations? How close is impact? The new installment of Global Alert News is below.
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Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, September 16, 2023, #423
Dane Wigington
"Eight catastrophic floods in 11 days: What's behind intense rainfall around the world?" While so many regions are being hammered with devastating deluge, elsewhere record droughts and firestorms are raging. The incredibly long lasting Hurricane Lee managed to churn up the superheating Atlantic Ocean while facilitating a temporary cooldown for the Northeastern US. Through it all the core component of climate intervention operations continues to be systematically denied. A new extensive study has ominously stated that Earth is "well outside safe operating space for humanity". What exactly does that mean for all of us? Americans are already being officially warned of the coming scheduled "weird" weather for fall and winter, what might the weather makers be planning next? The latest installment of Global Alert News is below.
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Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, September 9, 2023, #422
Dane Wigington
"Apocalyptic food price rises", a statement from the governor of the Bank of England. All over the world crops and fisheries are spiraling toward collapse, what happens when the food shelves in the local market are empty? Over a thousand fires are still raging in Canada, Greece has gone from total firestorm incineration to a year's worth of rain in a day. Geoengineering is further fueling an ever more destructive cycle of droughts followed by firestorms followed by deluges. "Rainwater everywhere on earth is unsafe to drink due to PFAS forever chemicals". Are the toxic heavy metal and polymer particles in our air connected to the recent official warnings about "fire brain" and "smoke brain"? Where did the "flesh eating" bacteria in our seas suddenly come from? How much longer can we survive on a completely contaminated planet? "We won't be the first civilization to collapse, but we may well be the last". The latest installment of Global Alert News is below.
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Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, September 2, 2023, #421
Dane Wigington
Breaking The Climate: Fires, Floods, Heat And Hail.
While Florida is flooding, Canada is incinerating with over 62,000 square miles burned so far. Super typhoon "Saola" has made landfall in Hong Kong while firestorms rage in Greece. Labor Day record heat will extend the baking of the central and southern US, "aquifers are running dry, posing a major threat to drinking water supply". Weather and temperature whiplash hits the West as moisture is allowed into the region. Cloud seeding with endothermic reacting elements will enhance the temporary toxic surface cool-down. Norway is stock-piling grains to prepare for coming shortages, North Korea is attempting to keep their electric grids functioning with solar power even as climate engineering operations blot out the sun. Global chaos is accelerating in lockstep with unfolding biosphere collapse, how long till impact? The latest installment of Global Alert News is below.
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Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, August 26, 2023, #420
Dane Wigington
While the Maui firestorm details are still being unraveled, nearly 40 million acres of forest has incinerated in Canada since late spring. This staggering number equates to nearly 60 thousand square miles, an area nearly the size of the state of Georgia that has gone up in flames in only a few short months. Other countries that have been and are incinerating include Greece, Spain, Portugal, Turkey, Italy, France, the Canary Islands, Kazakhstan, the UK and more. Where is mainstream media coverage of these incinerations? Constant "high pressure heat domes" are baking numerous parts of the world including the US where Kansas just hit a record shattering heat index temperature of 134 degrees. Last week ABC news stated the firestorms are going to "get worse". Fisheries are collapsing along with crops as ocean temperatures continue to skyrocket. A major science source is now asking "can humans live underground" to survive what is coming. How long till impact? The latest installment of Global Alert News is below.
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Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, August 19, 2023, #419
Dane Wigington
Authorities are still sifting through the ashes of the completely incinerated tropical island town of Lahaina while Hurricane Hilary heads for Death Valley, what's wrong with this picture? Why are "weather forecaster script readers" predicting three times more rain in the deserts than in the coastal regions where Hurricane Hilary is scheduled to make landfall? Why is the US matrix media completely ignoring the over 1000 wildfires still burning in Canada? California is again on fire, matrix media is now warning Texas will be next. We are constantly warned of smoke inhalation dangers, but is it just smoke we are breathing? Is the extreme and worsening climate chaos just nature? Or is there much more to the story that we are not being told? What comes next? How bad will it get in the coming weeks and months? The latest installment of Global Alert News is below.
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Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, August 12, 2023, #418
Dane Wigington
Maui: flash drought and anomalous 85 MPH winds perfectly timed to create an unprecedented inferno. "Maui experienced a two-category increase in drought severity in just three weeks from May to June, with that rapid intensification fitting the definition of a flash drought" (ABC news). "Even in the past week there's been a quick acceleration of that drought", said University of Virginia hydrologist Venkat Lakshmi (ABC news). "Flash droughts occur when the rain stops and it gets so hot that the atmosphere literally sucks moisture out of the ground and plants, making them more likely to catch fire (ABC news). "Major differences in air pressure drove unusually strong trade winds that fanned the destructive flames, according to meteorologists" (ABC news). An anomalously powerful clockwise rotating high pressure zone north of Hawaii combined with the anomalously resilient counter clockwise rotating Hurricane Dora south of Hawaii to create a surface level wind tunnel effect over Maui. Was the convergence of all these conditions just coincidence? Just random acts of nature? Or is there much more to the story that we are not being told? What puzzle piece is being systematically omitted from climate collapse catastrophe reporting of events that are unfolding all over the world? The latest installment of Global Alert News is below.
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Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, August 5, 2023, #417
Dane Wigington
"From drought to flooding, Northeast region reeling from weather whiplash". "Beijing records heaviest rainfall in at least 140 years". "Drought conditions and high temperatures threaten corn harvest". Extreme drought / deluge scenarios are the hallmark of climate intervention operations. Government cartels around the world have actively or passively colluded and cooperated with covert climate engineering operations for decades. Have their motives been benevolent? Or something else altogether? Based on all available data, maintaining total control until total collapse is the bottom line in this equation. The latest installment of Global Alert News is below.
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Can storms be dissipated with frequency transmissions?
Does nature do corners and frequency waves?
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Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, July 29, 2023, #416
Dane Wigington
"Earth is at catastrophic risk of collapse by 2025", even mainstream sources are now admitting to what is becoming all but impossible to hide or deny. Over a dozen countries are enduring catastrophic wildfires, primary heat distributing ocean currents are shutting down and the ozone layer is collapsing. While matrix media attempts to pacify populations by convincing them that we can tech our way out of the converging catastrophes that are closing in from every direction (or "adapt), the reality on the ground continues to prove otherwise. The challenges we collectively face are not just coming, they are here. Is there still time to make a difference? The latest installment of Global Alert News is below.
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Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, July 22, 2023, #415
Dane Wigington
"Four Times More Toxic": How Wildfire Smoke Ages Over Time, that's the headline from a new European Commission report. So what changes occur with smoke over time? It becomes far more toxic due to oxidation and atmospheric chemical reactions. Will "official sources" ever address the ongoing geoengineering atmospheric particulate spraying that is taking place directly over the top of smoke canopies as a part of this equation? Not likely. Almost a thousand fires are now burning in Canada, climate engineering operations are inseparable from the incinerations that are occurring all over the world. "Climate collapse could happen fast" and the current "extinction event will be worse than first predicted", two not so pleasant admissions just issued by matrix media. Not because they care about the truth, but because they can no longer hide it. Is there still time to alter our current course before impact at full velocity? We will very soon know the answer to that question. The latest installment of Global Alert News is below.
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Mostly sunny or partly cloudy? How do you like mainstream media’s “new" type of clouds?
Phoenix, Arizona. Photo credit: Joe Cornwall
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Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, July 15, 2023, #414
Dane Wigington
Record deluge, record heat and record drought catastrophes are causing chaos and devastation from the US to China, Brazil, Australia and everywhere in between. We are still officially told that global climate engineering operations are only a dangerous proposal though those that take the time to look up are finally beginning to ask questions. From farms to fisheries global food production is plummeting and reserves are running dry. How much longer till store shelves empty out? What happens then? How many actually want to know? The latest installment of Global Alert News is below.
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Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, July 8, 2023, #413
Dane Wigington
"Biden opens doors to geoengineering atmospheric chemical altering plan to block sunlight". "The world needs to prepare for massive crop failure". The former all time overall global high temperature record was shattered on July 3rd, 2023. The next day, Tuesday, July 4th, 2023, Monday's record was broken. On Wednesday yet another new record that was followed by a 4th record in a row on Thursday. An abrupt climate collapse is unfolding at blinding speed, much worse is coming. The latest installment of Global Alert News is below.
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Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, July 1, 2023, #412
Dane Wigington
Why does wildfire smoke smell like burnt plastic? Why are atmospheric aerosol spraying operations routinely conducted directly over wildfire smoke canopies? "The European Union is getting nervous about atmosphere altering geoengineering". Texas is in meltdown mode, Florida is now superheating, California is being baked and more massive hail hammered Colorado. Warnings are being sent out about the Yellowstone supervolcano, have the controllers scheduled it to erupt? We are now being told that an unexpectedly soon solar maximum is going to take out satellites, power grids and internet, later this year. Is there more to the story? Oceans are superheating and dying, fisheries are collapsing along with flash drought killing crops. How soon till store shelves empty out and chaos erupts? The latest installment of Global Alert News is below.
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Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, June 24, 2023, #411
Dane Wigington
Extreme hail events have just hammered Colorado, Texas, Kansas and parts of the Northeastern US, climate engineering and chemical ice nucleation cloud seeding operations are core to the equation. Temporary toxic surface cooldowns are a constant objective of the geoengineers, the resulting consequences aren't a consideration for them. Snow fell this week in Utah while in the far North polar ice is melting and Arctic forests are incinerating, the planet's former energy balance has been completely capsized. Earth's oceans are superheating, thus further fueling the already ongoing and accelerating mass die-off of marine life. What will it take to wake the masses? The latest installment of Global Alert News is below.
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Mainstream sources say "dimming the sun” is only a proposal. What do you think?
Dunedin, Florida. Photo credit: the photographer wishes to remain anonymous
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Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, June 17, 2023, #410
Dane Wigington
Physicists have now officially "predicted" that Earth will become a "chaotic" world with "dire consequences". Have the so called experts acknowledged climate engineering operations yet? No. Fresh snow in Utah while the Texas coast hits heat index temperatures of over 120F. Summer snow is also in the forecast for portions of Western Canada where record high temperatures and wildfires have raged for weeks. What's wrong with this picture? Another group of "experts' has just authored a report stating "geoengineering is shockingly inexpensive". They further suggest that we should "embrace" geoengineering and put aside our "unfounded" fears. Welcome to the planetary asylum, how long till impact? The latest installment of Global Alert News is below.
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Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, June 10, 2023, #409
Dane Wigington
The completely unprecedented Canadian wildfire incinerations are creating and feeding a massive solar radiation management "smoke apocalypse" that has covered the majority of the North American continent. Does this scenario serve primary stated objectives of climate engineering operations? The short answer is yes. On the other side of the world record shattering heat is fueling fires in Siberia. Sea ice in both polar regions is at record low levels with ocean temperatures escalating at blinding speed. Above it all, climate intervention operations are raging. What happens now? The latest installment of Global Alert News is below.
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Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, June 3, 2023, #408
Dane Wigington
"Seven of the nine thresholds that allow for human life on Earth have already been crossed", a breaking headline this week. Global biodiversity loss has also been declared "significantly more alarming than previously suspected". A new headline addressing the state of the ozone layer admits that "surface UV radiation continues to rise". As dire as these headlines may sound, what's actually unfolding, is even worse. With total environmental collapse looming on the near term horizon, matrix media is still pushing climate engineering as a potential "silver bullet" that could save us from ourselves. After over 75 years of ongoing and expanding weather warfare it could not be more clear, climate engineering isn't saving us, it is ensuring our collective demise. The latest installment of Global Alert News is below.
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Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, May 27, 2023, #407
Dane Wigington
And now the weather: "cloudy with showers of plastic" and the "perfect pathogen storm". Weather whiplash chemical cloud seeding cool-downs are being carried out above the most populated portions of the US while much of the world bakes and burns. Though the northern latitude cyclone season has only just begun, the most powerful category 5 storm in years is already wreaking havoc over record warm seas. Polar meltdown is rapidly thawing as many as 10,000 toxic sites that power structures pretended would remain frozen forever. Vast portions of Earth are already becoming "uninhabitable", and above it all climate engineering operations are raging. Brace for impact, the sand in the hourglass is running down fast. The latest installment of Global Alert News is below.
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What could be more frustrating than trying to wake family and friends up who still believe skies like this are completely normal?
Grand Valley, Pennsylvania. Photo credit: Cindy Balsiger
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Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, May 20, 2023, #406
Dane Wigington
It's not just industrial pollution and auto exhaust contaminating our atmosphere, a new science study confirms the "widespread presence of pathogens" in our skies. Clean air is now no more. "Climate scientists" are now referring to weather as being "scary" while global climate engineering operations continue to be officially denied. Record heat and raging wildfires are torching millions of acres in Canada and Siberia while freeze warnings are issued in regions of the Northeastern US, what's wrong with this picture? Devastating drought and deluge scenarios, the hallmark of climate engineering operations, are accelerating all over the world. Conditions in many regions are becoming so dire that some farmers are abandoning their crops. Fisheries are also collapsing as Earth's oceans superheat. How many are sleepwalking into the age of extinction? The latest installment of Global Alert News is below.
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Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, May 13, 2023, #405
Dane Wigington
While large regions of Canada and Siberia bake and burn, flash flooding, extreme hail and tornadoes are hammering Texas, the southern border and much of the Central US. Along the US West Coast, weather and temperature whiplash has taken a toll with up to fifty degree temperature swings in a day. Colliding hot and cold air masses continue to fuel climate chaos, global geoengineering operations are inseparable from these scenarios. As many more awaken to the manipulated weather mayhem, matrix media is ramping up the official denial of the same. How will the story end? The latest installment of Global Alert News is below.
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Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, May 6, 2023, #404
Dane Wigington
Huge hail hammers Texas while regions of Canada incinerate in over 100 unprecedented early season wildfires. What's wrong with this picture? Extreme weather whiplash scenarios are devastating ecosystems, societies and food supplies. Making it all worse new studies have proven that clouds now contain "drug resistant bacteria" and "fungal pathogens". What's all of that doing to our food supplies and us? Ocean surface temperatures continue to skyrocket with Florida and the Gulf Coast now facing rapidly rising and simultaneously dying seas. Record springtime heat waves are devastating societies and crushing crops in Asia while the Southern California mountains get over a foot of snow, welcome to weather warfare. The latest installment of Global Alert News is below.
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Is there more in the rain than just rain? Check this 4 minute video.
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Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, April 29, 2023, #403
Dane Wigington
"Softball sized hail slams Texas", this NBC news headline from this week is a glaring red flag warning of climate engineering operations and chemical ice nucleation cloud seeding. The weather makers are increasingly desperate to create short term surface cool-downs no matter how much damage they inflict in the process. What is fueling so much climate engineering desperation? Consider the following USA Today breaking headline as a primary factor: "Spring ocean temperatures are shockingly hot around the globe, scientists aren't sure what comes next." Superheating seas will soon translate to superheating land masses. The paradox is that every single climate engineering chemical cloud seeding cool-down comes at the cost of an even worse overall warming of the planet. How much longer till total climate system collapse? How quickly after will global civilization succumb to the same fate? The latest installment of Global Alert News is below.
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Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, April 22, 2023, #402
Dane Wigington
Record warmth to snow, back to record warmth and then back to snow again, all in the course of a week. Such extreme temperature and weather whiplash events aren't random acts of nature, they are the direct results of completely out of control climate engineering operations. The meltwater from chemically nucleated "snow" is contaminating waterways and farm fields. Though the Western US has been the target of relentless engineered winter weather in recent months, much of the rest of the planet is baking and burning with climate engineering operations further fueling the fire. Where do we go from here? The latest installment of Global Alert News is below.
All are needed in the critical battle to wake populations to what is coming, we must make every day count. Share credible data from a credible source, make your voice heard. Awareness raising efforts can be carried out from your own home computer.
For a global perpective, below is a global "departure from normal high temperature" map for last month, March 2023. The only terrestrial region in the entire world that experienced below normal average temperatures for the entire month of March is a portion of North America (seen in blue shades). This is not an act of nature, it is a result of climate intervention operations by the world's largest military machine, the US military. Planet Earth is spiraling into a state of total meltdown, geoengineering operations are further fueling the overall fire.
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Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, April 15, 2023, #401
Dane Wigington
This week there were regions of the US that went from daily record high temperatures pushing 90 degrees or more to snow in the span of just over a day.The historically unprecedented Florida flooding is only a foreshadowing of what’s coming. On the other side of the spectrum are droughts that never end, drying up lakes, rivers and farm fields. Already beyond belief extreme temperature fluctuations are getting even worse. Military industrial complex climate manipulation operations have pushed the planet’s life support systems past the breaking point, an abrupt climate collapse scenario is unfolding and accelerating. The latest installment of Global Alert News is below.
All are needed in the critical battle to wake populations to what is coming, we must make every day count. Share credible data from a credible source, make your voice heard. Awareness raising efforts can be carried out from your own home computer.
Must view, THE DIMMING, our most comprehensive climate engineering documentary:
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